My teenage son has started demanding things from us: Advice?

If he’s not mature enough to respect you, after it’s YOU’RE CAR then he’s Moy matured enough to drive.
Until he can use respect, and common sense, PLEASE KEEP HIM OFF OUR ROADS. Those of us who has this love’s to live our trips on the road

Nip that crap in the bud…real quick…learning independence is hard on teens though…they want it and they want it NOW LOL


Take the phone away when he calls obsessively. Don’t feel bad when you say no, he needs to get use to hearing it

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Driving is a privilege period. If he doesn’t due chores keep room clean, help around house…, then there is no privileges. You are the parent. What you say goes or he can suffer the consequences.


Hugs to you mama… I am sailing in the same boat! My teenaged daughter feels very entitled and screams her lungs off if she doesn’t get what she wants… is ALWAYS on the phone with friends and doesn’t help around the house. I work full time too and have a younger child who is learning from her behaviour and they both give me a hard time but behave like angels around my husband who SPOILS them with no rules and giving in to whatever they demand… so, I truly understand where you are coming from and empathise with you as, in my case, I am considered a TERRIBLE mum by both the girls and my husband for saying no :confused:


Honestly I tried something like this when I was a teenager and my mom laughed in my face. Obviously when you’re a teenager getting to drive is cool but honestly it’s more of a privilege when you’re a teenager.

He does it to only you because it sounds like it works. Make him earn it.


Nip that shit in the bud. My 2 older brothers constantly did that to my mom. They were doing it until they were close to 30 and it just got worse with time.

You’ve got to not give a shit about how he is trying to make you feel, once you do that, you won’t even question the rest.
Picture him like a toddler, he is testing boundaries all over again, you have to be firm, hes manipulating you, he has no respect for you and knows you will give in.
No chores = no driving privileges…
The more he expects, the less he gets…
You need to nip this in the bud or he will be an absolute arsehole to every girl he meets or anyone he doesn’t respect (which i actually don’t think he knows what that actually means)
I can pick up on narcissistic behaviour massively!
You need to be backed up solidly by your husband right away!
You are feeding a monster and if, with qll due respect… you dont stop being a wet flannel and start being a responsible parent, he will just be making your life hell!
Change now!

Stand firm he will hate you but will get over it

Take all his shit. Everything he had is a privilege, remind him of that.

By calling you at work 16 times a day puts you in jeopardy of losing your job. Tell him if he calls for any reason other than a life or death emergency, he will be deprived the use of the car for one week. Now that puts you in the driver’s seat so to speak and back in control of the situation. Tie his privilege of driving to chores he can help you with while you are at work. He must earn that right!

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Simple. Your the parent it’s your car you set the rules. He called me or bugged me like that he wouldn’t drive for awhile. It’s not a right it’s a privilege to use my car, my gas, my insurance. You earn that privilege by helping around the house. This is a parenting issue. You created this.


So tell him No! Jesus!

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Don’t give him ANYTHING until he learns some manners PERIOD


He’s being a teen and pushing the limits with his mom. But he’s also being a little bit of a bully it seems. Just keep firm with YOUR DECISIONS AS THE PARENT but also with lots of love. Maybe schedule a day off for it. But because you want to help him NOT because he is demanding it. Good luck. Just get him through the teenage years and that “meanness” goes away I promise. As long as you show your love and guidance and there’s nothing wrong with telling him to respect you as the parent when he crosses the line.


Lol MAKE him run you to the store or to some place at least 5 times a day. MAKE him pay for the gas, and while he’s driving, talk to him about things that makes him cringe. Then MAKE him get a job (or make him work mowing lawns for neighbors) and make him give you half so he can pay for his part of insurance. Itll make him not want to drive after doing this for 2 weeks straight.

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I cant believe a parent is acting like this for goodness you are his boss show him. He knows he can get you to do what he wants so he plays you


He would drive when he… freezes over!!!


Oh, the perks of owning a teen! They will try and try and try you. Stand your ground. They just dont know know they are being asshats somtimes.

Hide the keys while your gone. Tell him to do stuff around the house then he can earn it. Your husband also needs to stick up for you and lay his foot down and you need to stand up for yourself. Things aren’t just given you have to earn them. Tell him to get a damn job! Dont help out, you dont get rewarded. U give him what he wants now, life is gonna be so much harder for him when he’s on his own. He will get a Texas size smack right in the face. Good luck. Tough love doesn’t hurt🙂

Once you lose control over him at this stage that’s all his future life doomed, stay firm and give him some tough love.He will hate you but later he will realise why you were doing it.

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Every time he does a chore or helps around the house that is a minute of drive time. If he does it without being asked, it’s a bonus minute. Take away the phone. If he needs it for safety reasons during the day, every time he calls you to nag about something that isn’t important, drive time starts back at zero. Stand your ground. If he wants to act like a child treat him like one. Same goes for hanging out with friends. Privileges are earned, not given. Every time he whines about something or complains, one less evening with a friend and he gets to do a chore of your choice, without complaining. If he complains, another evening/day gone. Consistency and follow through is key. You have to make sure you stand your ground and follow through or nothing will work. :heart: hugs mama​:heart:


My kid wouldn’t be driving my car anymore until he acted right. I also wouldn’t allow my kids to speak to me like that. Blow me up at work to be a pain in the ass. I would be taking the phone away too smh does he have a job? He can drive? Should have been had a job… I did not have free range of a car until I got a job and bought my own…. Sounds like spoiled brat syndrome to me.

Maybe some of this is required.


I’d take that temp and cut that bitch up right in front of him. He’s gotta have parent permission and money to go get a new one. 🤷🤷 I’d also beat some damn sense into him.

Ummmm. You. Are. Parent. He. Is. Kid. Problem. Solved. :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:

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This thing parents are supposed to do is called d-i-s-c-i-p-l-i-n-e. Try it, you won’t have an ungrateful child than :smiley:


Soon he won’t ask you to do anything and you’ll miss it. Take him driving! Enjoy him now. Soon he’ll be gone and no one will ask you for anything! I regret not saying yes more. Be more patient. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Trust me. You won’t remember any of this stuff. Only that he’s grown uo and gone. ENJOY HIM

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Time to whoop some ass.

Children will do only what you let them get away with. You are not supposed to be their friend, you are their parent, you can be friends later, but to give them the coping skills they will need in the real world, no means no, work for what you want, appreciate what you get, and stop being a pest is the lessons your child seems to need now.


Maybe get him into counselling as this behaviour isn’t normal


When he rings you do let him drive when you get home… give him a list of chores to do and if there not done when you get hone then he can’t go for a drive … stick to your guns don’t let him disrespect you like that because that is how he will treat other women in his life … stamp that shit out now while you can!

Make him do extra chores .maybe sign him up for some sports. You’re the parent he’s the kid

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Best parenting advice

It’s OK to be the bad guy

Boundaries suck for adults of course they’ll suck for kids but what happens when in 2-4 years he goes off into the world never knowing how to
Deal with being told no?

Play this to your advantage. What parents are supposed to do is teach their children to drive responsibly, teach the value of driving privileges, and also teach the financial responsibilities that come along with driving privileges. He calls you a bunch over the course of the day? That stresses you out. We don’t drive stressed out, that leads to road rage and is unsafe. Worked a long day? Hmm… seems like you’d need to rest so you’re not drowsy or distracted while driving because that’s unsafe. To be able to afford to drive your vehicle, you sacrifice your time and put effort into a job to earn wages, yes? He needs to do the same. Every chore is an odd job tiny paycheck. There’s his gas money and insurnace payment. He thinks he’s too grown for chores, most places have their job apps online. He wants to drive like an adult, he better learn to act like one. And when he pulls that guilt tripping shit, look him square in his face and tell him “I’m sorry you feel this way.” And just leave it at that. If he continues, repeat that sentence. Be consistent, and he will learn. You’ve got this!

What you allow will continue. What continues will escalate. Time to bring your son down to earth so he realizes that he is not in control of you or your car, including the radio, nor in charge of anything! He doesn’t get to demand anything! The more he demands, the less he gets!


I am sorry I am confused. He is demanding? My son is 17 and has never demanded anything. He works full-time and paid for his own vehicle. He helps out with chores before he goes anywhere. You are his parent not his friend and driving is a privilege.


stop it now say no!! n let it be if he gets mad so what? tell him to ask Dad to take him cause your done!!


I don’t think he’s entitled per se… it sounds more like he’s acting out and maybe doesn’t quite understand how to express himself calmly. It sounds like he wants more time with his parents, like he feels he’s missing out on normal things in these years.

Which I know is hard on y’all as parents. It’s tough times right now.


I’d take that permit from him and tell him he can earn it back when he learns what respect is and learns who runs that house.


You should tell him get a job! Then you can drive your own car like the big kids meaning you and daddy do!:grin: Then tell walked to work after school and your mom would let you drive after you cleaned the house and made dinner! I bet he wouldnt bother y’all anymore! Lol

Your husband needs to show him that he needs to respect you as much as him. He will grow up to not respect his spouse.


Then he isn’t ready to drive. Driving is a privilege not a right, so tell him he changes his way; or he can wait until he is 18.


That boy needs a paid job and deserves to be kicked TF out.


This is the generation now … They think u owe them everything … Women can do everything that a man can right… Well put on the pants and u start putting ur foot down … Dont sit there and watch him stomp on it and then cry about what u have let him get away with… Be a parent!!! Not there friend cuz in the grand scheme of life they dont respect their friends …


I agree with the counseling. But also you need to be firm with him. I know that’s hard to do but have dad have your back with this and make sure you are on the same page. If you constantly give in to his demanding behavior he will push and push till you give in. It will be tough at first for sure but we all want to have decent human beings and he won’t get away with this in the adult world or even high-school.

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TEENAGER!! Do not let him manipulate you!! (Gosh I’m so glad I’m done with all that!!! If I knew those sweet little things that smell so good grew up to be a" teenager" I don’t think I would have had kids!)


Do a job list that equals time amounts for him to drive so that he understands a fair way of learning. Eg. Vacuum = 20mins driving, empty the dishwasher = 10mins driving etc.


Looks like your son is seeking attention. I know your busy and all, but you should make time for him. And don’t give in to his demands, it will only escalate. Discipline him ASAP. Kids like that will more likely to grow up selfish and would only think about themselves. Good luck!


So say no and let em be mad.


You waited a little late to get started. Be firm, do not give him everything! Choose your own radio stations. Let him understand you are the parent! You decide when he drives and do not let him smart talk you. If he does, take away his driving time.


Your not there to be his friend…He has to learn he is not entitled to anything…you have work for things…be helpful…to be a nice person…by you giving in because of quilt just gives him a reason to be a brat .no difference in giving in to a 2 year old because they want cookies for dinner…and throw a tantrum because they don’t get their way…learn the word NO…you will get to drive car when you earn it…say by doing his chores…he is old enough for a job on weekends to earn gas money


Put ur foot down now or it will get way worse. Don’t let ur children run shit.

stay strong, when jou say noo. jou can do it…

Please stand your ground with him, he is your son so make it crystal clear that he cannot call you at work 16 times a day to just ask if he can drive because he feels like it and he cannot demand anything from you, you are the parent and what he is doing is wrong on so many levels. Your son is trying to control you and walk all over you, also tell him that if he tries any of this again that he won’t have the car as it’s not his car and if he wants to drive tell him to go buy his own car.


Tell him when he gets his full license and own car he can drive as much as he likes.

Make him earn credits for his demands and non demands. Subtract the credits if he doesn’t do what he is required to do.

Now how do you give him credits.(How old is he? 16?)Make him a 100 points max before he can drive (safety and law considered).
For others maybe 50 points max.
Give credits for…washing up after dinner drying and storing away utensils after dinner, making his bed, cleaning his room, taking out the trash, simple obedience to mum and dad.
You decide how many points you’ll give him.for the responsibilities and chores he carries out and how many you can deduct for not doing or being disobedient.
He has to earn the point before he can have want he wants.
The catch is that both mum and dad must agree and work this point system out together.
Both must be firm on this. No ifs and no buts. No entitlements.
No going to one for favors to undermine the other.
This system can also be used on the younger siblings to show that mum and dad are fair to all. If the system is used only on him, he will be more troublesome. So it’s fair that the others are also in the system, but their gain points be lower not because they deserve more buy because they are more tolerant and less troublesome to mim and dad.
You can start reducing the gain points over time if you see that he is less demanding and feels less entitled.

I’m sorry but he would get nothing with that attitude , tell him unless his attitude changes he gets nothing and unless he helps out around the house he gets nothing also and as for driving the car tell him he will not be driving again and if. He doesn’t like it he can walk end off story

Tell him when he buy his own car and pays his own insurance and has his own place then he can drive all day as much as he want but until then it’s yours and your husband’s rules not his

With that behavior I’d take away my son’s permit and remind him that it’s a privilege not a right. Let. him. walk!


I hope this helps.

I myself am 28 years old and I foster teenage boys. I have a 16 yr old a 17yr old and 15yr m in my house right now. I use to struggle getting them to do anything.

Until I came up with an idea one day while they were tv. I came up with a points to reward system.

For example like below:

Keys to the car cost 1000 pts.

Then have him do daily chores to earn the points.

100 pts dishes
50 pts per trash bag
50 pts to walk the dog.
200 pts to clean their room.

This was something that I found to be really effective with my teenagers. And I hope it helps here.

I’ve done this system for around half a year now. Letting them earn points towards the things they want such as :

Stay up late passes.
24 HR video game passes. Etc.
2 hr. Extra internet allotment.
Chore free days etc.
Homework free weekend (provided all good behaviors and caught up for the week)

Sometimes we do scavenger hunts and stuff like that for them to find "pieces of a treasure map (wifi password letters) until the locate all the password.

I know driving the car is a big thing especially for teens. I would also include something like a ‘special reward’ at the end of the week for completing all his chores on time!

If he completes his chores all week without complaints; the reward could be on your day off the two of you go out driving together.

You’re NOT THERE to make him happy… You’re there as a parent! Stand firm, ignore his bully mentality, take away the car keys for such disrespect, and show him who is in charge!


When my 16 yr old tries to pull his BS on me, I, calmly but very firmly tell him I don’t know who he thinks he is but if he thinks he’s going to disrespect me & be ugly to me, I’m gonna jerk a knot in his skinny little ass. I used to try to avoid confrontation with him and pretty much gave in on everything to keep the peace but when he started thinking & acting like he was in charge and what he says goes, I got over my fear of confrontation real fast and now he knows that Mama is the one in charge. He also knows I’ll be fair, will be honest with him, won’t judge him for having his own ideas & opinions and even tho he is just 16, he deserves to be treated like a person and what he says & thinks matters. I treat him like the young man he is and as long as he treats me like his Mama, we good. Oh, he for sure still has his moments when his attitude gets the best of him and he starts getting mouthy but I pull the Mama card and knock him off his high horse but it’s not an everyday battle anymore. He tells me everyday, several times a day, he loves me and doesn’t give a rip who hears him. Get tough with your boy. He needs to know you are in charge. Set boundaries and let him know when he crosses those boundaries, you gonna rain down holy hell on him. And then, do it.

Looks to me that you have spoiled him. And he knows you will just give into his demands maybe its time you start saying no to him and keeping to it. X


Just say no…he will get over it

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Send him back to the village

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You give in and he knows it. Stop


He demands because it is allowed! Boundaries must be set and adhered to. Consequences if broken.


The more you nag the less you get. Set the rules and don’t give in. He will be another entitled kid if he gets everything he tells you he wants and you let him have it.


He has to earn it. Maybe make a chores chart? If he does X amount of chores during the day/week (however u and hubby choose) then he gets X amount of driving as a reward. Remind him it is a privelage not a right. Remind him that respect is earned not given. You do not need to bend to his every whim/demand. Encourage him to get a job and save up for his own vehicle so he can earn the right to drive freely and have the responsibility of taking care of a vehicle and paying his own gas.


Take his permit. Driving is a privilege not a right , until he learns how to act & helps out more, he doesn’t need it.


Who is the parent? No means no.


Oh hell naw. You’re the parent. He needs a reminder of that. You’ve let him become what he is by spoiling him. He lacks respect and fear of God. That’s on you.

Think back to how your parents might have handled it if it were you or one of your brothers.
Teach him now how to treat women, you are his mother not a door mat.
The only thing hurt if he calls you mean ect is your pride. Teach him how to treat you and make him a better person.
It took me a long time to learn that lesson but once I did it was awesome.


Have drive time scheduled and if he continuously nags about it then he loses it. Driving is a responsibility and a privilege and he needs to learn that.


ASK HIM , " WHAT part of " NO “don’t you understand ??? IS it the “N” OR the “O”??? or is it because “NO!” came out of MY MOUTH ???” “SON ??? when YOU FIGURE THAT OUT ----then we can disgust it !!”


Tell him that he can start demanding stuff when he will pay his portion of bills. Until it’s you who is paying you are deciding what he is allowed and what not. Parents don’t have to give in into any demands. Your responsibility is feeding him and keeping him warm and clothed, and making sure he has education and good start in life. He can have whatever he wants when he is financially independent.


Tell him to get a job and buy his own car. He can also put headphones in and listen to his music that way.


4 God’s sake ur the parent! Say no n let it go at that. Is everyone in life gonna cater 2 his wishes? Doubtful. Teach him now what no means n boundaries.


I have raised 7. You have to be the bad guy and say no! Teenagers will disrespect you and put you through hell. You are not his friend, your his parent. You have to say no and not give in.


Ur not his friend. Let him be mad. He will get over it.


Tell him if he wants to drive he has to go get his own car he not using yours anymore or say tulle insurance all
Of a sudden does not cover him or will not cover him

Momma you need to learn the word no. Set boundaries and stick to them. Dont give in!!! The more he complains, the less he gets. The less he helps around the house, the less he gets. Driving is a privilege, not a right.

Take everything off him and make him earn them back and I would be point blank refusing to drive him anywhere for the forseiable

:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: whose teaching who here? I can’t comment " if this was me " because my kids wouldn’t dare. BUT, take away all his ’ privileges. Mimic his behaviour and go overboard with it. Show him exactly what he looks and sounds like when he’s demanding. Absolutely take his permit away and Absolutely DON’T allow him near ur car. No means no.


:face_with_raised_eyebrow: stop letting him run over you. Your the parent, you make the rules and you HAVE to be the bad guy that he hates sometimes. Kids and teenagers are like sharks in the water when it comes to weakness! Go find some balls and use them!

Have a old fashion talk with him.It worked back then and it will work now some might not agree but that’s their choice

Apparently you always give in. Way to go raising an adult…


You’re not his friend you are his mom and he’s gunna think you’re the worst sometimes! He will live! Put your foot down! He should get a job and pay for his own stuff if he wants to start demanding everything , until then I would take away everything honestly!

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You are the parent, stop thinking you have to be his friend. Who cares if he gets mad? He will get over it. When he disrespects you set a punishment and stick to it. Stop letting your child run your life for goodness sake

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My teenage son has started demanding things from us: Advice? - Mamas Uncut

You need to get that under control now, before it gets worse. He’s the kid. You make the rules.


Seems like he feels like he can walk all over you.

No driving AT ALL until he learns how to act. That seems to be what he wants the most so take his temp license until he learns how to treat his mom.


Stop letting him drive until he earns it. Stop allowing him to demand ANYTHING. You are the parent, don’t allow him to treat you that way. Take any and all privileges away until he learns how to respect you.


Dont answer your phone when he is calling at work…Tell him No and mean it… Let him know you’re the boss not him. Ignore him and stay calm. Speak calmly. Take control back. One day at a time. Been there.


The answer is no. Thats it.


He needs chores. If he’s old enough tell him get a job and on your day off if his attitude changes he can earn driving time.

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He needs a little Madea in his life for about a week.