"My 3.5 year old has been talking about monsters in her room, under her pillow, etc. Shes refusing to sleep in her room, and having trouble staying asleep because she’s concerned about monsters. What do I do? I need her to sleep in her room again.
My little one loves Freddy he never was afraid of the dark till he watches these shows - any way so I got him a flash light, we have bedtime routine we we close the doors together look under the bed together turn his night light on it’s the neon and galaxy astronomer one, I’ll give him his teddy bears favorite blanket and pillow tuck him in and say prayers and a little story time for good thoughts and dreams
A night light that lights up the room maybe or even curtains that have lights
We got a teddy bear that could not close its eyes that guarded the room…told our boy that samual the bear was on watch and would protect him and call us if needed…simple…Samuel still sits in a little chair in my office still keeping us safe!!
My son was saying the same thing with night mares, so what we would do when saying out prayers " We pray for angels to come into our dreams an keep us safe" it really made a difference an made him feel safe!
My oldest went through this. We had to check her room every night for a little bit until she grew out of it.
I made monster spray. Water lavender oil in a spray bottle. Make a routine of spraying through the room w your little one
I made my daughter “monster spray”. I used essential oil, calming and sleep and mixed it with water. It made her feel powerful against the monsters in her room and the essential oil made her (and the adults because she sprayed so much of it) sleepy. She is 8 now and still has it near her bed for safety sake.
Get her a Nerf gun with bullets.
We just don’t entertain the idea that monsters even exist.
Yes we good around and dad pretends to fight them but we tell her that monsters do not exist.
At home depot there is a touch night light that has different characters it illuminates the whole room have her choose whatever color she likes and make some monster repellent make sure she knows monsters are afraid of her. Also sage her room and ask whatever in in there to leave they are not welcome there. Goodluck Mama
stand ur ground. nightlight n don’t give in
giving in was your first mistake
Get some “Monster Spray” and spray it everywhere in her room before she goes to sleep.
I saw something online where a parent made a “stay away monster spray” which consisted of water and essential oils. The bottle was decorated happy, which made it less scary.
On a side note… I would ask her questions about the monsters. Sometimes when we let things out, they don’t take up so much space in our head. I would also sage her room. Good luck, mom!
Monster spray. It’s febreeze and you doctor it up saying it’s order by Dr. Ted E. Bear and to spray her room for them to be gone. I had to do it with my kiddo
My little boy is 3 and was basically doing the same thing.
We “sprayed” for monsters to make them go away (we just sprayed febreeze) and told him the spray made so that were gone. He went with it but we had to do it nightly for about a month.
I had some old unlabeled perfume that we used as “monster repellant” when my son was little. We would spray it around the room and the monsters “didn’t like it” and would leave. Sometimes it’s the silly things
I made “monster be gone” all I did was put food coloring and water in a spray bottle and sprayed it in the room. My kids thought that the monsters were afraid of my “special stuff”. It worked and they slept in their rooms
We convinced our daughter that kitties ate monsters and covered her room with hello kitty, bed spread wall decals etc…
I told my four year old there was an imaginary dragon there to protect her from any monsters. she’s very imaginative and it worked for her. I’ve also seen people do “monster repellent” where they just put water or whatever in a bottle and spray it
Make a magic spray she can spray every night to get rid of the monsters
Give her flashlight to scare the monsters away
I made monster spray. Lavender oil with water, put in spray bottle and spray everywhere there might be monsters.
I got my daughter a dream catcher when she was younger and also I made a "monster spray "…id spritz it around her room in typical monster spots, under the bed, in the closet etc …it helped big time! They have such an active imagination at thay age.
My son stated this a few yrs ago I told him if I ever see a monster I’ll can it & drink it for breakfast (I drank monster a lot at that point) but then got apple cinnamon spray & would spray his room before bed & we called it monster spray & it worked wonders
monster spray with water just mist her bed and she’s good to go.
My son was that way too and my sister got a spray bottle and put “monster spray” and sprayed the closet and under the bed. Works on all monsters.
Put a camera in there. She may actually see something. There are unexplainable things in this world. I had visitors in my room. My mom didn’t believe me till she saw it herself cleaning my room one day. We moved after that to the house next door.
Tell her they are not monsters, but angels sent by God to watch over her while she sleeps, and to keep her warm.
make some homemade monster spray… water and some glitter or whatever you want. make it a big deal. get a new cool nightlight that’s really bright!
Set up monster trap with her
Get yourself a white spray bottle add water to it and write monster spray on it. Every night go in her room with her and spray under the bed in the closet and everywhere else she thinks there’s monsters. You can even add a lil scent to the water with some perfume or essence oil. Hope it helps!
Monster spray worked with my kids aka fabreeze lol just would tell them monsters hate the smell there to old for that now but it worked
Give her some defense.
Go on a hunt and find the monsters and DISPENSE OF THEM with evil go away weapons
Get a squirt bottle. And do some thing like this. You can fill it with a little water and maybe some essential oils. And just lightly spray around the room and tell her you’re spraying the monster spray to make the monsters go away. If that doesn’t work, pray over your house in Jesus name and bless your house.
When I was little had monster spray. You can make some in a spray bottle. Just add glitter and or scent.
Ask about the monster, she may really be seeing something. Put a camera in her room. Ya never know.
Following got same wit my 3 yo LG x
Water bottle, mix lavender oil and some water. “monster be gone spray”
Print a fake “anti- monster spray “label and stick it in a bottle of feebreze for fabric. And every night before bed you and her spray everywhere or where she is more concerned about .
Don’t use monster spray as it implies there ARE monsters and that you need to use something to keep them away! Say you don’t need to check because monsters aren’t real so there can’t be any in her room. Find out what she’s watching and playing with others. Monsters don’t appear from nowhere - usually someone has made them scared.
Tell her you can’t risk the monster coming into your room and eating you both.
I told my son our pest control guy was actual a monster control guy. And then I showed him how it’s sold on amazon for people who don’t want to pay a guy to come do it. Now he’s not afraid! Lol
1-(this is the one we do) we live in a Christian home and anytime our children get scared we pray with them and tell them Jesus will protect them through the night. We check under the beds, in closets and all. We also tell the boys if they wake up scared try to talk to God about what you’re feeling and ask him to take it away so you may sleep. Our boys no longer wake up screaming or coming in our bed.
2-Take a spray bottle and fill it with water. Label it monster spray. Spray the areas every night before bed?
Monster spray all the way! I’m a netball coach and I have magic (antibacterial) spray for the youngest kids and their pain disappears
Show her there aren’t any monsters in her room. Open her closet together and get on your knees and show her then close the door and put something in front of her closet door. Look under her bed with her and show her there aren’t any monsters in her room. No more scary
Cartoons or stories about monsters.
Buy or go to the library and get the book,“There’s a Monster in my closet” It worked for me.
I’m shocked at how many people are willing to let their child believe monsters are real and that they can make a magic spray to keep them away. What is the benefit of that and when do you tell them the truth???
Take her to a costume store and explain how it’s all fake. Monsters on tv are people dressed up like Halloween. Monsters on cartoons are just pictures someone draws or makes with a computer. At 3/4 they can most definitely understand and should understand the deference between real and make believe.
It helps my 6 yr old when I remind him that monsters r not real they’re in our imagination n I may or may not tell him that they won’t come around here anyway cuz they know ur mom would kick their asses and I do a crazy ninja move:rofl: lmao