My toddler doesn't talk much: Advice?

My youngest didn’t talk until she was three. Mainly because her older brother and sister did it for her. I put her in speech therapy and within weeks she was talking a lot. Now she is six and never stops talking.

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My 4 yr olddaughter was the same. She was diagnosed with autism about a year ago. She does speech therapy once a week and is in an EC pre-school class which have helped her so much!!! She loves music and picked up her ABCs, numbers and sight words from educational videos on YouTube ( ABCKids TV, Bounce Patrol, pinkfong, etc.) She is starting to read now and loves it. Maybe your son would like these too. I always watched with her and tried to interact with her or do a song along with the show. Sometimes it works! I would definitely talk to his Dr. about your concerns.

My grandson had about a 5 word vocabulary at that age. We had all types of testing done and they found nothing wrong. We started teaching him to sign as a way to communicate and the few words he could say i would talk to him to where he was able to use those words to respond. He literally said APPLE at least a hundred times a day because that was the only word he would say repeatedly. His other few words he would say then wouldnt say again for weeks. Started going over his alphabet with him and he finally started repeating them back. Then around 3 he started speaking more. He is now 4 and talks nonstop! He was in speech therapy at his head start before corona hit but he now has an extremely large vocabulary and majority of it is pretty clear

My daughter was “all over the place” “climbing the walls” not listening to anyone, she grunted and snorted - wild. Day care was worried because she didn’t talk. So off i went to the Gp who sent us to a speech pathologist and audiologist. Guess what. Her ear infections were so bad she couldn’t hear. Gromit operation solved that. Then speech pathologist got me to count her words. In a year, by the time she was 3.5 years old she was very verbal (hasn’t shut up since - she’s 14 now). And guess what else - she chilled out to the max. By 4.5 years she was a well behaved average kid. She is the most level headed easy going young woman now. I bet you thought autism at the start of this story(I did). My advice: ask a professional

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I’m not a big tv advocate, but between Sesame street and Mickey mouse Clubhouse, my 2 yr old started picking up words very fast. But, reach out to your local Parents as Teachers, Infant Toddler services, or other places that help with development. They can give you great advice and help.

He’s only 2. Some little are just quicker to pick up on those things. Just keep teaching and he will catch on.


My son is nearly 4 and he’s just now really started to talk. I highly recommend speech therapy it has helped A LOT! Every kid is different there is nothing “wrong” with your sweet boy! :heart:It’s hard not to do, but don’t compare him to other kids!


Make a game out of it. And when he gets it right give small prize… something from dollar store…

Your school community center should be able to give you a referral to early intervention.

This was exactly how my now 7 year old was when he was 2. He has autism. You should definitely get him tested


Show him videos of other kids around his age singing abcs and counting or get him around some kids that already do.

I have 8 kids. 5 girls and 3 boys. My girls started talking earlier than the boys…strange but true…

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My son didn’t talk much at that age. He has a speech problem now and talks out of his nose. Had tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy and it didn’t correct his speech.

Mine is 3 1/2 and doesn’t talk. He’s said words but nothing clear.

He may also be autistic.


Sounds like autism. Asperger’s

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Ive tested him for autism and his drs have said he wasnt he was just very ADHD he is picking up on stuff a little more now and he babbles a lot im sorry i should’ve clarified that the only time he screams is when you take stuff away from him or get on to him or he doesnt get his way. Ive switched from tv shows and have started letting him play outside more (we live in a very wooded area theres a lot of ticks and we havent found a good repellent for our yard thats not toxic to kids) and ive also started telling him the name of things when i hand them too him. Hes picking up on names as well hes very active and loves to play (which i love about him and i dont want to restrict him i just want to make learning more fun for him) when he is around other kids he calms down a lot more and loves to play and interact with them. He is my first and only child, he also has a big imagination and hes stuck on doing sound effects as well (yes this was my post and i do appreciate everyones ideas im just trying to find ways to help him i get that he is 2 and every kid is different but practice does make perfect and its never really to early to start with things, he is a very smart kid and i dont want to change anything about him i just want to help him learn more he isnt in preschool and i dont want to put him in preschool quite yet either due to how bad his health got while in daycare)

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Enjoy it while it lasts

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I know alot of people would say tv is not the answer, but my 2 and 4 yr old absolutely love blippi on youtube and they have learned so much from watching him. Obviously it’s not a complete solution but maybe it could help.

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get him in speech itll help alot

My son’s ears were compacted and once we started to get them cleaned out he has been doing so much better comprehending and repeating words. But he also will not sit still long so I use the YouTube and replay different versions of abcs and 123s it takes time but he’s starting to catch on

First please don’t label him with the ADHD. He’s just being a 2 yr old boy… And the talking some children develop this at different stages… talk to his doctor and just keep talking with him one day he will shock you and never stop talking… I work in childcare and I see this alot…


He will make up for it later. Promise.

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He does not need to learn those things yet and boys often do not talk so much. Let him just grow up. If he is having. Trouble with speech try some simple sign language. Sometimes not being understood can cause temper 2 yr old often thr ow tantrums too. Relax with him.and see what happens

My sons didn’t speak until they were almost 3 and they both are very successful in their lives. You can have him tested but I would wait until he’s 2 1/2.

Maybe he’s stressed out because you are demanding too much of him before he is ready. Google Albert Einstein’s childhood. I don’t think he talked till he was 4. Let the kid be a kid.


Does he have a lot of ear infections? Maybe he is in pain and needs tubes in his ears. What you are describing sounds like possible autism but I would check for pain first… just a thought…

My daughter took a bit to start talking too she’s still working on making full sentences and she’s 4. Idk If this will help but we went in to make sure she was hitting all the developmental milestones around age 2. They said she was doing well but she stilll wouldn’t say too much she really wasn’t getting the colors or letters , she did know how to count up to 5 (in Spanish n English) but that was pretty much it. I’m bilingual and we would speak Spanglish to her so they told us that might be confusing her. The suggested for us to only speak on language at home and when we are out and about to speak the other. We try! However she would still just use yes, no and scream. It didn’t really make much of a difference lol. Every mom I spoke to told me to give her some time she will get there on her own. NOW she never stops talking! Lol she’s knows the abc she’s counting and we know colors! All kids are different her little cousin talk more then she dose, but she has an older brother that’s took a bit to start talking as well. This was my experience w my fatty :purple_heart: I hope it helps :purple_heart:

Too soon to think he cant talk. My two were slow in that department. He could be screaming with fustration. Try not to force the lssue. Read to him his favourite stories and nursery rhymes. Have fun together l presume his hearing and eyes have been testing.

You described my son to a t! He’s 2 1/2 and barely talks but we started letting him play learning games on his tablet and he added five words (he says woah, yum, yay, mom, daddy, yes, Uh oh, no, cheese, trees, rock, road). We tried speech classes and they didn’t work out because he is all over the place. It seems the less pressure we put on him the more he talks. Hang in there he’ll eventually start using his words!

My now 4 year old was speech delayed. We tried a speech program called Early Steps or something like that, but he needed to be delayed in 2 areas to qualify, so we were denied. I always spoke to him correctly, no baby talk. And I would repeat things to him when he would point instead of talking. He still has some pronunciation issues, but he talks constantly now. Definitely speak to the doctor to see what your options are, but always keep in mind kids are truly on their own time limits and they only do things when they are ready.


One more story to relate - my sister was in the hospital having her 3 child and my mom was taking care of the 2 at home. One was 2 and one was 4. The 2 yr old didn’t talk - she just grunted and screamed and pointed. Her older sister knew what she wanted and would interpret for her. My mom would have non of that and by the time the mom came home - the 2yr old was talking lol.

I know alot of people dont like “screen time” but my son is 9 almost 10, with adhd! Has the same issues…and even his school physcologist and special ed emersion teacher said its the best thing for him bc kids learn in different ways! I also have a 3 yr old whom i didnt let use the tablet or phone! Wasnt speaking! Let him use them and now he wont shut up!! You might think its wrong but it has helped me so much!!!

Get him a speech therapist. I did that for my oldest when she was little like that and they helped her out tremendously

He is only 2🙈
They are crazzy… From 2 to 4 depending on a child- as a parent you need to be on calmettes…
You are dealing with a human being that is trying to find himself…They are confused- they know what they want- but they are given what is assumed that they want…
he will be ok… He is just being a boy… play outside with him- let him explore…
Watch him and see what he is at peace with… All the best- they don’t come with a manual- we learn along the way…

Very typical. Working in child care, that’s right where he should be.

Delayed speech is probably ok back maybe check diet for behavior issues

Give him structure and consistent routine
And work on extending his focus

ABC MOUSE, I think that’s the name of it computer or tablet

He’s two and a toddler. He’ll talk when he wants. Children will learn at their own pace. Don’t assume issues at such a young age. Einstein did speak until he was 3.

:pray:t4::heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:a delay with a Mom’s child is definitely a different feeling, I’m there,all your love and support is great, don’t be afraid to have your baby tested,a agency called Alta California Regional Center 916-978-6400 they will test your baby, regarding what you said,where he should be regarding his age, don’t be afraid, pick up your phone,call them, I have had there help a long time now,my son is 26 years old now,they offer a lot of help from birth, leave a message,they will get you back, bless your baby, your family and you,

My son could say exactly 4 words yhe month before his 2nd birthday when we enrolled him in daycare for the first time. Before daycare the only people who looked after him were me and his dad and dad’s grandparents. We all knew what he wanted by his little grunts and gestures. At daycare, the teachers made him attempt to verbalize things before giving him what he wanted so i think that help his words come much quicker. He also saw people his age talking and how they behaved in different social situations. I think other kids modeling begavior was the biggest thing for him. I tried to potty train at home with zero success. His teacher started working on potty training with him and the little boy he played with the most and he was fully potty trained in just 3 days. If he doesn’t have interaction with kids close to his age maybe try a mommy’s group or a mommy’s day out daycare type of situation just for a couple hours once a week

Early intervention is key :heart: my little guy is diagnosed with ASD, brain damage in 3 lobes of his brain, and epilepsy. He started speech therapy at 18months and he’s now almost 4 and has come so far! I found a lot of it is repeating. As mothers we usually know what they want without them asking, so if they reach for a cup for milk or something if the sort, model what they should be saying. “Mommy, milk in my cup please” etc. Eventually they’ll start parroting and that’s how they learn (or at least, that’s how my little guy picked up phrases)

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Whisper to him… He will come closer to hear what your saying. When you get his attention continue to whisper his abcs ect… Worked for my grandson. Low tone voice helps him to listen. When he’s screaming whisper his name and get him to come to you… When he does put him on your knee and ask him why he’s doing that… Let him know it’s OK to be mad but please use his inside voice. :joy: hope this helps… Raised 4 children and help with a 4yr old grandson.

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The TV show Cocomelon has a lot of learning songs. My 1 year old learned her ABCs watching it, she now knows her colors and numbers up to 10. She watches it no more than 2 hours throughout the day on a daily basis.

My son was the same. Then once the sentences started he has never shut up. He bounced from toy to toy, room to room. He had emotional overload when things didn’t go his way and I worried. For nothing. He was 2. And the emotional outbursts became less as I gave words for the emotions I saw him exhibiting. He earned those words and eventually used them. Take a deep breath, hug your boy and just know that there are many of us moms out here with teen and grown boys who behaved just like yours and it was just their normal. Once I quit comparing I stopped worrying and it all worked itself out. Now that is not to say to not be aware of concerning issues, but that from what you have shared, in my personal experience, was completely normal.

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Show unconditional love. Soft spoken, closeness, hugs, being very helpful. Calmness.

My son was the exact same way at that age. Look into speech therapy. We had wonderful results.

Have you had him tested for autism?


Do learning activities with him i started my son when he was one it works hand on activities and every time you hand him something cup or spoon say cup or spoon while handing it to him.

Check with primary physician if your in USA they have first step for chikdren who provide speech help they stop seeing kids at 3 and then Early Childhood programs start at 3 just your local school district to get a screening for speech

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They tuning daily activities into learning activities like grocery shopping point out things and say the colors or signs and say the letters and have them repeat them it will get them thinking

My son will be 3 in July and has just started talking

Try SINGING :microphone::notes::musical_note:, with a :studio_microphone: to amplify his voice… maybe even in front of a mirror​:+1::hugs: