My toddler has been throwing up: What can we do to help him?

My one-year-old son has been throwing up for the last three days, and its a couple of times a day; he has no fever what so ever. What can we do to help him? Any time we take him in, they give us no help. TIA!


Give him gingerale helps sooth the stomach .

Keep him well hydrated. There’s nothing you can do with no fever or any other symptoms.

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Blue Gatorade always works on my littles

You need to take him to de ER and demand some test

pedialyte for now at least. If he gets worse, call the doctor again and if they can’t help you, find another doctor.

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They can prescribe him medication that can stop the vomiting. Give him the unflavored pedialyte or pedialyte popsicles.


You definitely need to find out the cause of the vomiting. It could be any number of things. Maybe try a different ER or urgent care. Dehydration is a real issue with little ones. Don’t take no for an answer either.

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Keep him hydrated is the most important thing. Has he had a recent diet change? Is he keeping food down at all?

If he’s drinking liquids, and able to keep some food down… just monitor him for a fever. If he gets a high fever or is unable to keep water/pedialyte down then go into the ER.

Try the Brat diet. This is what i used with mine when they were little.

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Keep a diary of foods he eats. Something isn’t agreeing with him.

Constipation can do this. If he hasn’t been in a while, use a liquid glycerin suppository. I would make an appointment with the pediatrician regardless.


Pedialyte and crackers

Pedialyte and get baby to a new dr. Or children’s Hospital as soon as u can I’ve been in same boat b4 of a DR. Not doing anything and my son almost died he had a stomach problem never showed signs ntn unusual but he had stopped gaining weight and he had started getting worse and his dr. Said it was just him and maybe he was slower at growing,so we took him to hospital to discover he had a very rare stomach issue and was allergic to protein in milk… it was diff then what ur going through,but im begging u take ur baby to hospital 3 days is enough throwing up to loose so much weight and dehydration

Pedialyte or Gatorade. Keep him hydrated. He will get severe cramps if dehydrated and take him to hospital. They will give him a couple bags of ivy saline. Dehydration is very dangerous

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Camomile tea w Ginger.
If they don’t like the tea you can mix it with fruit juice, smoothies, yougart and freeze into pops.
Tart cherry juice also helps with rest as does the chamomile and help with stomach. Smoothie and smoothie pops are great for hydration and vitmans. If you can get a little bit of oregen in the smoothies it’s a natural Antibiotic.
Eating a couple of mint or speriment leaves also helps stop vomiting.

Plenty of fluids and Pepto or other liquid nausea relief. I had my daughter get a stomach virus at 10 months old. Took her to ER…they gave Motrin and sent her home. Said give Pedialyte. I have her some Pepto as well and by morning she had stopped vomiting. Get stomach checked to make sure no underlying issue

BRAT diet and lots of liquids. Pedialyte.

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Pediolyte to keep him hydrated…[not sure of spelling]

Keep him hydrated!!! Gatorade (but watered down) or pedalyte, watch how much he’s peeing to make sure he doesn’t get dehydrated (if you feel he isn’t peeing enough get him to the ER) if he isn’t drinking you can get popsicles or make your own with the pedalyte or the Gatorade. No dairy and nothing too acidic. Ginger also helps (check the motion sickness aisle for little suckers and other kid friendly items)

Pedialyte to help with dehydration. Have him eat light food that will help with his stomach.

Pedialite to keep him hydrated and crackers to soak up any stomach acid. Chicken and stars soup (the broth will help and the stars are just cool, I’m 26 and it’s still my go to when I’m sick lol)
Maybe a tiny bit of ginger ale if you think he can handle it.

My kid developed a gnarly allergy to regular milk at about that age. Had to switch to soy/almond. No more puking after that

Emitrol is going to be your life saver… and powerade zero… mixed with water

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Dont give any dairy products till it passes as it can make the sickness worse as it makes bacteria . plenty of liquids and dioralite

If he’s throwing up for more than 24 hours you need to take him to the ER. That was my number 1 symptom when my appendix burst.

Has he been anywhere else recently before. Kids sometimes physically get sick if something happened to them. Also see what he’s doing right before he throws up. It could just be food poisoning and some of digested slowly can last for a few days or even take a day to show up. Hugs. Orange popsicles are the best. For everything

Go to urgent care and get abdominal xrays to be sure there is no blockage. In the mean time , give sips of water every 10 minutes.

This shouldn’t even be a question, DOCTOR!
one year olds dont typically throw up for no reason, get them seen to.

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Pedialyte take awaydairy for a couple hours see if that helps

Have you had him in the heat a lot? Kids will sometimes throw up if they’re overheated.

My son was allergic to dairy milk & would throw up on it. His stomach had to be uncomfortable. I would definitely take him to be seen ASAP.

Pedalight or Gatorade helps a ton

Pedialyte drinks and freeze pops

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Keep pushing fluids . Pedialyte is a life savor .

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Take him to hospital three days of throwing up can be deadly


Pedialyte I give my nephew and niece 7 up and gatorade mixed together that’s how they ask for it

Have him seen by a doctor…asap

Go To The Doctor. So many things that should be ruled out

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She said she had brought him to the dr but they didnt help

Is he on milk? Could be an allergy my daughter was the same but push fluids

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Get him to urgent care. Just throwing up with no other symptoms of sickness doesnt sound good.

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Take him for another opinion. Push fluids. Could be food allergies, just stick with fluids, broths, jello if he has eaten those things before. Don’t introduce anything new right now.

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Get him to the dr he is probably dehydrated and at his age it is very dangerous go now

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Pedialyte and fluids!! Make sure plenty of pee comes out!

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That sounds like an allergic reaction, take him to the ER asap!

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Make sure he drinks plenty of Pedialyte

Jesus Christ! Take your kid to a doctor and DEMAND answers!

Monitor his food it maybe something that could upset his stomach

Find a new doctor and monitor whats consumed.


Get him into his primary care doctor asap. But in the mean time keep child well hydrated and offer healthy options.


Pedialyte and crackers until it stops. It could be a reaction to food dye or certain ingredients.

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Might have a stomach bug. Plenty of pedialite and or gatorade. Can even make them into popsicles so he will eat them if wont drink.


try some pepto bismol, it coats your stomach and also kills bacteria, also make sure he’s not constipated


I would demand a consult with a G.I. specialist

I would take him to nearest children’s hospital no his pediatrician tell them you are not leaving until they address the issue

1 find new pediatrician
2 monitor food
3 possible acid reflux

Cut dairy & see what happens

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Depends on the situation how old? is there nose stuffy or any signs of asthma. New drinks like v8 my kids cant have v8 it makes them do that. They should put on the bottle not recommended for small children.

Pedialyte. My kiddo isn’t a fan but they make popsicles! Just keep him hydrated and let him eat crackers or something when he feels up to it. Mostly just let him rest.


This is how I found out my son had a milk allergy. Try cutting out milk and dairy and switch to almond milk and see if that helps! Good luck and hope he gets better soon!

My son had random throwing up from 1yr to 6 yrs before they finally figured out he has allergies and he always has too much fluid. Claritin helped alot he had zyrtec first and made it worst. But u should probably take him to allergy dr. Hope he gets better good luck

My gawd SMH. First, take him to a different doctor to get a differing opinion. Second, STOP asking for medical advice on social media! Take your child to be seen by an actual Dr.!


Stop giving him dairy & heavy foods. Sounds like a stomach bug, which can last 5-7 days. Just keep him hydrated with clear liquids. Let him eat if he wants to but don’t force him. Babies know what they can handle.
You can usually introduce dairy back about 24 hours after the LAST vomit.

My son did this when he was 18 months old. No fever doesn’t mean not sick. Watch his diaper if normal wetting give him the brat diet. If not normal he needs iv fluids asap. They said my son was ok until i told them about dry diapers. Then they ran blood tests they told me if I hadn’t mentioned the diapers he would have been dead in a couple of hours. He was in the hospital for 2 days. He had a virus.

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A real doctor recommended flat (not diet) Coca Cola once - just a cap full and it worked. I was dubious as I would never have even considered giving fizzy drinks to a one year old. But seriously - see a doctor

Umm hello take him to the pediatrician wtf smh

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No dairy, spoonfuls of clear liquids or popsicles as well as BRAT diet: banana rice apple toast!

Maybe usay balgham ho… Tw baby olti krdaita h

Small portions of fluids at a time. Can use syringe of Pedialyte to keep him hydrated.

My doctor told be to give flat coke said it does the same as dyralite but tastes better so more likely to drink it

My daughter had this a couple time before the doctor’s figures out she had a spastic colon… and was severely backed up…!! Once we knew and could treat it we have never had the problem again

This happened to My daughter and it wasn’t any allergies or any bug. I was told she was fine by the gp then when it continued for weeks she was diagnosed with a UTI, given antibiotics and was fine within a few days. Good luck whatever it is