My toddler is very overweight, what could be the cause?

Help! My toddler is severely over weight. She is 2 years old and about 65lbs. Doctors cannot find anything “wrong with her” so they are assuming I am over feeding her but that is not the case. I don’t keep any bad snacks in the house and have always offered her healthy foods. We are also a very active family…what could be going on?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My toddler is very overweight, what could be the cause?

Have them check her thyroid


Has her thyroid been checked?


Is she drinking juice and other sugary beverages? Sugary drinks can bring a person’s weight up quickly.


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Who are you seeing as providers? Have you checked thyroid?

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I went through this when my daughter was 4 Blamed food too. Pushed and pushed and it was her thyroid. Finally diagnosed close to 6. Her one thyroid levels were “in range” when finally did antibody it was so high!! Good luck. Now 17 and will continue to be in medicine


Have them check thyroid and maybe if you have to, get a second opinion

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Definitely get a second opinion. .
If she’s active and not eating junk or over eating there might just be something else going on.

Could be genetics. My 11 year old daughter is way taller and bigger than me. She could easily pass for a 20 something year old, she got it from her dad’s side. He’s a giant


Definitely sounds like thyroid, I would consult a second opinion

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Definitely see if her primary doctor will refer to an endocrinologist


Second opinion maybe?

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Does she pee alot an get tired easy? Maybe diabetes


whole milk, cut back more water

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Check into sleep apnea


Thyroid get it checked


Go get a second opinion

My toddler is also over weight. My pediatrician told me to let him tell me when he’s hungry and not to force meals. It seems to be working. He’s happier and definitely less chubby that’s he was in January.


Thyroid?!. I had it as a child but they tested it and went off adult scales, not children’s. Didn’t get treated until I was an adult.


Some people are just big boned . Did they check for diabetes??? My daughter was a thick child growing up after she got in middle school and really got active she’s 21 now and her weight still goes up and down

Check her sugar and for hashimotis.


They checked her thyroid levels?


Have her tested for prader-Willie syndrome.


I would see an endocrinologist


Need to have thyroid check. Had to get my son on thyroid meds for his condition and this was the first sign.


Yes have her thyroid and other hormone levels checked. She could also be diabetic. Does anything swell on her like feet or hands?


Genes Mutation perhaps…

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What do you consider “not bad snacks “ and healthy food ?


Get her metabolism and thyroid checked.


thyroid to get checked out this happend to my bother when he was younger we didn’t know what was going on tell he was 22 then the dr check his thyroid and that what it was he is now 27

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Just because she isn’t snacking on bad snacks doesn’t mean she isn’t overeating. You need to see a nutritionist.


Take her to an endocrinologist.


You need to see an endocrinologist as they test for thyroid issues much more thoroughly. Many times thyroid issues are undiagnosed because looking at the basics doesn’t do it.


My son was about that at that age too. I just stopped listening to the people that told me to literally starve my son for him to lose weight and I got him a trampoline and made him go outside every single day. He’s 6 now and 90lbs but almost 4ft tall! I’ll do a years worth of before and after when he started school last year.


Body build and metabolism is a huge factor… Dont buy into the “your child is overweight” stuff… If theyre eating balanced, and lots of activity at least half of their waking day, your fine momma… You need fat to convert into muscle… Scientifically proven… So dont let anyone shame your child or make you feel guilty about a “growing” child’s weight… They need that weight to grow muscle and bones for height

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I would request the doctors run full blood panels on her. A1c, glucose levels, hormonal levels, vitamin/ minerals etc. Also measuring portion sizes and encourage drinking water because oftentimes both adult people and children snack when they actually just need water.


Thyroid maybe? My son eats a lot throughout the day but can’t gain weight as quickly as his sister does, so I think he must have a higher metabolism like his Dad. I on the other hand, am opposite. I would definitely look further into it to find the root cause.

Go to a Functional medicine doctor

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Her genes have a lot to do with it but besides that portion control. Make sure she doesn’t eat adult portions. Their stomachs are smaller.

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You might be in denial about the “healthy diet” and portion sizes you’re feeding your child. Thyroid issues are entirely possible but I assume that’s something a Dr would check for in this situation


I was told two of my boys were obese. I knew they were fine because my brothers and my husband’s family, except him, are all 6 plus tall. They did blood work and all was fine. I asked them to look at their growth plates and they didn’t want to. Years pass…. The oldest of the two is 6 plus feet and the younger one is even taller than number two at his age. The doctors now tell me to just keep an eye and make sure they get the right nutrients they need for their growth spurts.

Go on mom intuition. Do blood work.


Every time the baby cry you probably are feeding em. The weight don’t come from nowhere. Stop the milk as well.


Keep a food journal for your child. Record everything along with amounts of portions. After you have a few weeks go back to the pediatrician. Poor eating gets the blame a lot but there are other issues that can cause it. Prove to the doctor it’s not over eating/ poor eating and they will have to consider other options.


What is her diet? And do you allow soda? I’ve seen many parents allow their very young children to drink soda. So just curious because it’s so bad for you. Also, do you get a lot of fast food or take out? Not judging at all. Just curious because that lifestyle is unhealthy. I know people who live that way and it’s not good.

What exactly are you feeding her? Your idea of healthy might be different from actually healthy


Ask to see a diagnostic doctor

My son was always a big baby, toddler, child. Off the growth charts on both. As a teenager he thinned right out and is a 6’2" 240 lb man at 27. I did healthy food and worried about it until my pediatrician said he’s just a big kid. Period.


Take her to another doctor!

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Did they check thyroid ?

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Get her thyroid checked


Possibly thyroid…the doctor’s should be taking that seriously :unamused: hope they figure it out :raised_hands:


Have your doctor Check liver enzymes with blood work


Talk to a Dietician to see if what you consider healthy is actually healthy…a second opinion from a different pediatrician too…thats very concerning if you are in fact feeding her healthy foods

My granddaughter is going thru the same. My daughter was told she was lying when she told him she doesn’t allow her to have sugar.
All I can say is take a spiral notebook and start writing everything she eats and portion out how much the product says is 1 serving. Don’t give more than that and write down all calories as well. Date the page and time when she eats plus all snacks. They need to see how her appetite is going. Even if she eats or snacks 6 times or more. It’s ok because some oragan malfunctioning can cause hunger. Like her thyroid.
It’s very time consuming to do it but in the long run it’s a big help. Take it along when you go to the Dr and show them what is going on. Hope this helps. God bless.

She’s probably just big for her age honestly if there’s nothing medical or diet wise causing it I wouldn’t worry yet, she’ll probably even out just fine as she gets older.

What exactly are you feeding her? Your term of healthy & someone else’s aren’t the same.


Portion control. Stricter eating schedule. Don’t let her eat snacks rather than meals. If she doesn’t eat the healthy meal you prepare then offer a healthy smoothie for the meal instead. No sugary drinks. No kid should even be allowed sugary drinks. Also wouldn’t be feeding her fast food of any kind. Try making homemade snacks too rather than buying any processed stuff.

Have the pediatrician do blood work.


My daughter is now 5 and has thyroid issues as well we’ve maintained her pretty good honestly I stopped giving her her medicine a little over a year ago and she’s been good she’s about 45 lbs and her doctors all say the same thing her weight is normal and they believe she won’t need the medicine anymore anyhow. She was diagnosed with this when she was about 6 months or so.

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Is she tall? I have a 5 year old that weighs 70 pounds however is beyond tall for his age

You are your child’s best medical advocate. Advocate! Push to see an endocrine specialist.


Get her thyroid checked :sparkling_heart:


Definitely get a second opinion does sound like something is causing it if you are correct in what your saying and you’re not over feeding sounds like something is causing it hope you get sorted

My youngest is 26 months ans is 42lb however is rather tall at 35" tall. We’ve been told that is she didn’t have the height then she’d be obese however she’s on 99th percentile for both height and weight

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Ditto Peds endocrinologist


Genetics? Is she tall? Are you or husband on the bigger side? Were you 2 as toddlers?

Find a different dr that will actually try to figure out what could be the cause. Souds like your dr is not the right one for your toddler


cut out all processed foods, stop feeding snacks and prepackaged food, remove ipads and tv, sign her up for group activities in parks, outdoors, go on walks, trampoline park, remove crackers that are filled with seed oils. just a start.


I would advocate, advocate, advocate. I’d get more opinions. I’d go see an endocrinologist. I’d have her thyroid checked - along with all of the other hormones. I’d also check her for diabetes


2yrs old and 65lbs ?
What have the doctors checked for? Most of the time if we don’t push to find something doctors just assume that we as parents are fucking up.
Have they done blood work? What about ultrasound exams?

Is she drinking whole milk? Drinking a lot of milk can make her gain weight. I had to limit my 4 year old on her nightly milk and drinking my son’s pediasures.


  1. The whole good food vs bad food makes for bad food relationships. Sorry but not sorry
  2. how often is she getting healthy foods and at what portion sizes
  3. track her intake & outtake and activities and bring it in when you get a 2nd opinion

If there is nothing medical and if shes otherwise unimpeded let her be, shes 2 and needs a good foundation for self love

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Have they checked her thyroid?

It could just be genetics. My son is 3 and like 35 pounds, he’s tall and thin. There’s nothing wrong with him, just everyone in my family was always extremely gangly and skinny as kids.

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See endocrinologist… And have her hormone levels checked!!!


Does your child drink juices?

Keep a complete journal of what she is eating for two or three weeks. Leave absolutely nothing out, not even the tiniest snack or drink. Then schedule an appointment with a nutritionist and take this record with you, so that he can help you to analyse the situation.


Find a naturopath and provide them with her lab results. It took me 10 years to figure this out and she’s been the only one to listen to me and get down to the bottom of my thyroid issue. It’s worth the money.

My 3 year old son is 48 pounds and very tall . And he’s very active. Some toddlers are just bigger, doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong. It could be genetics, my family is very tall and big so is my husband’s dad’s side of the family. My 5 month old is wearing 9 month old clothing and still only eating 4-5 ounces every 3-4 hrs

It depends…what is she drinking and what do you consider not bad foods?

Keep a food journal of what you give her and when you go back to doctors you can show them what all you feed her in a day as well as drinks. I’m on the other side when my kids have a weight gaining issues. Have them check thyroid levels


Thyroid issues maybe?

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Has her thyroid been checked?


Find a new pediatrician


Where is she on the centile for her height? My son was on the 91st fur his weight, but he was Also there for his height.

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Maybe request a referral to an endocrinologist and find a new pediatrician


If u active & she eats healthy & could be hereditary

my 4yr old is 55lbs…maybe shes just a big kid :woman_shrugging:t2: 6yr old is 62lb and my almsot 2yr old is almost 35lbs. i got big kids. idk get a different dr.

My oldest has always been on the chubby size. He’s now 14. Eats very healthy, good portion sizes and doesn’t take in junk like pop and candy (he drinks mostly water). My 12 year old eats three times as much as my 14 year old and is half his size and an inch taller. It could just be genetics. I’m the type that looks at a cookie and I gain 30 lbs.


Juice is basically sugar. Also, have they checked her thyroid levels?


I was like that as a child also. Very overweight and very active. It turned out I had a thyroid issue. I have been on meds and still!m, I am now 45 and it has helped me. Plz dont wait and plz get it checked out soon. A bad thyroid can cause her other health issues as well. I had a horrid doctor and he went as far as to turn my mother in for neglect. She was a single mom and going to nursing school at the time to give us a better life. My aunt watched me and there were NO junk foods or snacks aloud.


I feel like some toddlers are just chunky and they thin out the older they get, maybe see a nutritionist and they can give you a better insight to the healthy foods


You can eat excessive calories by eating healthy foods. Healthy food still contains calories and you gain excess wait by consuming too many of them. It doesn’t matter if it’s 4 apples or a slice of pizza… it’s calories in vscalories out. Simple as that.
It’s easier to consume too many with high calorie foods in smaller portions is all.

My boys were chubby till they pretty much started school and were more active I wouldn’t worry to much

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Check for OSA possibly

Request lab work if you haven’t already. That will tell the Ped if there is something else internal to look into further.
Keep a good journal of everything single thing he puts in his mouth including liquids AND when and if he is with others (grandparents etc) have them keep track too. That will tell you a lot.
I see you mentioned healthy foods but I have found adults feed children wayyyy too much. So I’d say watch portion sizes. Did not see you mention portion sizes and I have found parents just don’t even realize they are feeding children too much food in one sitting. Hopefully between all of these things you can figure it out.

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I’d have them run a thyroid panel your child.

Try to get a referral to a endocrinologist for a thyroid issue my daughter had the same issue she is being seen by a endocrinologist and gentic spelicist. she has a gene defect that makes her gain weight

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