Opinions on breastfeeding a baby that you adopt?

They have a thing that you can attach to your boob, the baby latches and there is a tube attached to your nipple and they nurse, which helps you start producing but in the meantime, the tube is attached to a bottle with formula so they are still getting food. I can not think of the name of it right now.

That’s not weird at all! That’s going to be your child.

If you can do it why not.

I don’t think it’s weird I just didn’t know it was possible to produce milk like that

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I adopted a baby from foster care. The foster mom had a baby of her own and nursed my daughter along with her child. So many thought it was inappropriate for a foster mom to do, but I honestly was so grateful to her for giving my daughter that level of love and care. Whatever you decide, it’s obvious you’re doing it from a place of love already.


How old you do that? Just curious I really don’t know but if you adopt then it’s your child there is no reason you can’t breastfeed. How would that work lol

Do it… definitely reach out to a lactation specialist tho. There are things you should do before hand to start prepping your body for breastfeeding. But definitely give it a shot. And good luck, I pray it works for you.

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I think you should absolutely try!!! If that’s what you feel is best. Consult the proper medical providers to get tips/coaching/support.

I personally helped feed another baby while BF my youngest. I donated my excess breast milk. It was such an amazing feeling to know that not only was I successful with BF my child but by helping feed someone else’s baby as well. I mention this in case.you aren’t successful but still want baby to have breast milk you can always get donor milk :slight_smile:

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Yes it’s completely and totally possible, definitely reach out to your doctor because they will be able to help you. There are pills you can take that help prepare your body and definitely meet with a Lactation Consultant, I personally know 2 moms that have done this. It’s a really great way to help with the bonding

If you can do it, DO IT!! :raised_hands:t3::muscle:t3:

If you can do it go for it. That would be amazing

If for some reason you cant… Is the mother willing to pump? Thats an option also.


I say absolutely go for it!!

I absolutely don’t think it’s weird. If you can do it go for it!

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I’ve never heard of such…


Yes, u can produce. Just continue latching the baby and it will stimulate and you can produce Milk! Just be patient. While waiting for the milk to produce, use formula.

This is amazing, if you can do it, definitely worth it! I had a hard time with my first 3 kids, all daughters, then had preemie twin boys and just couldn’t produce enough for them. It’s certainly an amazing bonding moment between mother and child!

Breastfeeding is such a special and bonding moment, do it!

It’s completely possible! I don’t think it would be a bad thing if you chose to try. Just know that it will be a lot of work to get your milk coming in, and it isn’t possible for every woman to produce enough to feed a non-biological child without giving birth. So please don’t feel bad if you aren’t able to. Many moms are willing to donate milk in cases like that if you really want to feed baby breast milk. And formula is good too. Whatever you choose to do, I do hope the adoption goes thru for you!


If it’s something you want to do go for it. Surround yourself with the support you need, supportive spouse, friends, lactation consultant, maybe even a postpartum doula. Best of luck

For sure if you want to do it!!!

Not weird. Please try it

You could try, however many women are not able to produce if they haven’t had a child. Talk to your doctor or a lactation consultant, they would be able to guide you in the right direction.

Also check out breast milk and feeding groups. I know one is human milk for human babies, and many areas have groups of women who give away breast milk.

Grab you one of these from Walmart as it can help stimulate you while your trying to get a supply in.

All this being said just remember that a fed baby is the best!

It doesn’t matter how you feed your baby as long as they are getting fed! Good luck to you!

I had low milk with one of my children, I was prescribed meds that make you lactic. Talk to a obgyn

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Not weird at all! Talk to a lactation specialist. They can guide you on what to do. Good luck I hope everything works out for you. :heart:

How can you breastfeed if u don’t produce milk :rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy:

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I know someone who has done this. I think it is beautiful! For the most part, a birth mother has an instant connection. But that may not be the case for adopting moms. So I say go
For it. Get your bond on🥰

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It will take time but as long as you put in the effort of having baby latch on, it is possible for it to stimulate lactation. Definitely speak to a lactation consultant that can help you along in your journey.

I have never heard of this until now, and I 100% would do it!! I think that is amazing!! How wonderful that women have this option and are able to experience such a special bond!! Of this makes my heart happy to have read this!!


Not weird at all! Its going to be your baby.if you can get your milk to come in it will be a wonderful bonding time for you and baby.

Honestly, I know you want to bond with your new baby that is not biologically yours however, breastfeeding can be stressful if you’re not producing milk. That’s the last thing you need. But try and if it doesn’t work, just let it go. There are many more ways to bond with your child and to feed like she is yours. Also just a thought, I am not sure how it works in your country, but please be clear in your paperwork about the conditions of adopting a child of someone you know personally


They make special apparatus for that too

Talk to your Dr it’s possible but don’t loose hope it take time to get it right don’t be discouraged also helpful tip if you have inverted nipples I was able to find nipple shields at target feeding my second daughter was harder they help latch better and them you remove for baby to latch

Not weird at all, it’s beautiful x

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Just so it’s quite clear, I bottle fed my children formula- I don’t think it’s weird at all to want to do this. It may be difficult, but I understand it’s possible and I understand why someone would want to breastfeed an adopted child. If breastmilk is the main goal, and lactation isn’t achieved, there are reputable milk banks that can provide breastmilk, although I’m not sure of costs for this, but I’m certain someone else can help with that. Best of luck to you and your family.

If you are able, absolutely breastfeed the baby.

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It’s so possible!! Talk to your Dr. They should give you something to kick start hormones and lactation!

My parents fostered a newborn baby girl once and my mom started lactating without even trying! It had been at least 15 years since she breastfed. You can do it!


If you are willing to put in the work to get you to produce milk I totally would! It’s such an amazing bond Between mommy and the baby !

If you are able to lactate your own i would definitely do it!!! Breast is best!!! And the bond is amazing!!! Good luck!!!

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I breast fed all 5 of my kids- both bio and adopted. I definitely recommend it for lots of reasons if you can do it!!! :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


If it’s something u want to do, go for it. Visit a lactation consultant who can guide u through the process. They will tell u the right meds and vitamins to take for the months leading up to the adoption. It will be a hard road getting there but if it’s something you e wanted to do, it will be worth every minute!

You are a wonderful person to decide to breast feed this baby! Definitely start pumping as soon as you find out if you’re getting the baby, good luck to you and congratulations

It is possible to induce lactation. One of the midwives at the birthing center we go to did just that.

I think it’s incredible that you’re willing to even consider it. It will be an amazing bonding experience for you and baby. It will be a lot of work, but you certainly won’t regret it. It doesn’t hurt to try! And if you decide not to, or you are unable, don’t beat yourself up about it!


How is that possible? Heck if you can breastfeed do it! Why would you care what others think?

It is very possible!!! A friend of mine adopted a baby and breastfed him. I will tag her so she can tell you her story. It is so wonderful! Myranda Akin

Do it Mama! There is NOTHING wrong with it at all and I think you should have that opportunity. It’ll be tough at first to get the milk flowing but it’s possible and it will be so worth it. Hope to know how your future goes. :blush: You do what is best for you and your family. :blush::blush:


I hope it works out for you

If you adopt her, she’s your baby and I see nothing wrong with it. I think you can get something from the doctor to help start it, but some women can lactate naturally

Yes! If you wish to you totally should. It will help create a deep and special bond with your baby. Breastfeeding is so beautiful! Good luck with everything :heartbeat:

Breastfeed the baby if it’s possible. This will be your child. Don’t get anyone’s permission; you don’t need it.

If you can produce, I think that’s absolutely beautiful and selfless of you :heart: it would definitely give you and baby an amazing bond

Yes you can do this and it will greatly benefit the baby.

You’ll need to start pumping throughout the pregnancy to train your body that you want milk from it as you’re not creating the hormones you normally would through being pregnant.

I hope the adoption goes smoothly and congratulations


Go for it! Speak to your Dr and a lactation consultant and get right on it. Dont forget that breast milk can be frozen for 6 months, and nothing needs to be wasted as you can use older milk for milk baths

Fantastic way to bond with your baby :heart:

If you can do it, then it would be the very best start to your babies life and if you are adopting then the baby is yours and we all want the best for our babies.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hope everything’s works out very well for you Great news

Any woman, at anytime, that has a child as her own, can and should bond with that infant in all the ways possible, including breast feeding. I’m confused as to why you would think this is odd. The child will be yours and not sure adoption is a good option for you if you will continue to view them as someone elses. If you do that, you will cause a lot of emotional trauma to the child. This question alone makes me think you shouldn’t adopt this child, as you are not even remotely thinking of it as your own, even at this point in time. You are talking about the future and still calling it someone elses child? When will you think of it as your own? A child doesn’t have time for you to “warm” up to it. You should already be thinking of it as your own… please think about this deeply.

Join this group. They could probably help you with any questions that arise.

As soon as you adopt the baby that baby is as much yours as one you give birth to would be, so why shouldn’t you breast feed? It gives the baby a great start and also helps mother and baby bond. It will be so good for both you and your baby, so if its possible why not :heart::heart:

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Absolutely do it if you can!!

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Go for it!!! Not weird at all, you are adopting that baby and breastfeeding will help you bond with baby. Definitely see a lactation specialist about it as soon as you can so you can start vitamins and eating a good diet to promote good milk supply.

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Yes do it if you can

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Nothing at all weird about it. Wet nurses used to be a much bigger thing than they are today when women couldn’t breastfeed, especially before formula was around, and they’re still a thing today just… Not as prevalent haha. Plus you can donate milk to mothers in need. So there’s no issue of someone other than the birth mother feeding a child! (As long as parents agree - someone breastfeeding a child without permission is an issue… But that’s a different discussion XD). If you’re able to get yourself to produce and all works out for you, by all means, breastfeed! <3


I dont think it’s weird at all! If the adoption does fall into place, talk to your gyn. There are things they can do for you ahead of time to help you produce.


Not weird at all!! Go for it :heart:


It can never be weird. You are babas mother. Soeak to your gynae and get on the meds so long and get all the info so your glands can start milk production. I know there are ways for non pregnant women to start lactating. Strongs on your journey❤

Yeah that’s a bit weird. Formula works just as well.


Breastfeed if you can. How do suppose you will get breast milk though?


I’m adopted and was breastfed. It will take a lot of work and commitment on your end to have milk come in, but if you can make it happen go for it!!!

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Doesn’t matter what we think, what you think matters. You will be mama and that is your baby if it works out. As long as baby is fed either way they can be healthy

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You do you to bound with your baby. I know it takes alot of time and energy to get milk in. But there are medications that’s help.

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Opinions on breastfeeding a baby that you adopt? - Mamas Uncut

If you go for it all the power to you! Just know the first 6 weeks are the hardest part of breastfeeding establishing a supply by constantly feeding as it’s more effective then even the best pumps on the market. Also stock up on a good lanolin based nipple cream. Best wishes!


Yes I think it is wonderful to breastfeed and kudos to you for adopting​:heart::blue_heart:


When you adopt a child it’s the same commitment as to give birth. You want what is best for the child. Don’t was is best for the neighbor. Mothers milk and bonding is best for the child. You go, Mom!!!

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If you can go for it!!! If you can’t consider donor milk! I adopted my daughter and had to use a milk bank to get her through a horrible tummy virus!


I think it would be great! I have a family member in the process of adopting a baby of another relative. Having had a son of her own close to getting custody of the girl she will adopt, she breastfed the girl as well. It sounds like a wonderful way to provide all the benefits of breastfeeding and bond with your baby :heart:

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I don’t think it would be weird. I remember reading the journeys of some adoptive parents going this route. Some who were unable to or chose not to but still wanted their baby to have breast milk sought out donations. Best wishes!


That would be a great way to bond with your new child, it’s instinctual and natural to want to give your child the best start if possible with breast milk! I hope it works for you and you get to experience the bond of breastfeeding!


It is possible, although I believe that it may be challenging to exclusively breastfeed in this situation. (I’m not certain though!) You will have to pump and possibly take medication to stimulate milk production prior to the baby’s birth. A lot of adoptive moms used a supplemental nursing system while the baby is latched on.

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I think that sounds like a beautiful way to bond. I’ll pray it works out for you :white_heart::white_heart::white_heart:

Not at all weird, it just may come with more challenges than it normally would of course. Remember to not be too hard on yourself, but by all means if you are willing then try try try :heart:
Breastfeeding is an amazing journey and creates an incredible bond :two_hearts:

Not at all. I’ve seen multiple people do this

Definitely ask your doctor if it’s possible to start to lactate, if it requires medication, you’ll need to be on it prior.
Sorry to hear you can’t have children of your own, but you’ll need to ask the doctor if that same reason could affect your lactation. Good luck on your journey, and please update us

Go for it! Breastfeeding is amazing, though like anything there can be challenges! It is such a special bond to share as well.

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My two kids are adopted and are 100% truly mine!! So no it’s not weird. You just got your baby in a different way.


This is not weird at all. Breastfeeding promotes bonding.

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No judgement at all! But I find that confusing? How could you breastfeed if you can’t have kids of your own ? Like is that possible? If so I didn’t know lol I tried to breast feed my babies but I couldn’t and I was so heart broken I tried everything :sob: but their fine and healthy now ! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: But I wouldn’t find it weird it’s a great way to bond with the baby ! If you could do it

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Go for it if you are able . Breastfeeding is a wonderful experience

I believe only pregnant mamas can produce milk. But I may be wrong

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If you’ve had children or you can get the medicine needed to help produce milk: I say it wouldn’t be weird at all.

You would be the mother and the baby needs to be fed. Fed is best but if you can try to breastfeed: I say Go For It.


Breastfeeding is absolutely the best choice. Best way to bond with YOUR baby!.. & don’t listen to anyone that says its weird or you shouldn’t. Best of luck!.

Not sure how easy it will be but absolutely nothing weird about that in any way!

In all honesty I see nothing wrong with it. When I was with my partner his ex dropped off his daughter and her sister who was 10 days older than my daughter ( not my partner’s child) and I’d just had my first daughter 9 days prior and I breast fed both girls.
As long as they are lov d and fed it doesn’t matter

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I fully support this because

  1. It helps form a bond between the both of you
  2. It helps baby with immunities

I have known several women who have done this and breastfed their adopted babies with success! If you are able to produce milk, I say absolutely go for it!! But if you aren’t able, don’t stress mama, you’re going to do great!


Absolutely not weird at all!

I don’t find it weird, I just suggest starting to pump and try and get milk production started now!!