Pros and cons of an epidural?

Mine didn’t work so went natural with both my children. My daughter had one it worked for her but has had back problems ever since.

First kid, I had one and it was a horrible experience. Second kid I had a drug free home birth and I enjoyed every minute of it

If undecided when you go in, ask if they can put it in place but not inject the meds, they gave me a button to push, I was undecided and they said if you wait too long they can not give it to you anyway. I’ve given birth with and without, It’s completely up to you; for me natural wasn’t as bad as what people tell you, it’s worth it the second you see your baby!

I had a epidural with my oldest. My water didn’t break so at a centameater dilated they broke my water and that really hurt but what was real bad was my contractions one right on top of the other… I didn’t have any trouble with it. For my youngest I had a c-section so had to have an epidural…

I had one with my most recent and did not with my first. My second was emergency c-section. My first was the easiest, I healed fast after a quick labor. My most recent I was at 1 centimeter for three days even after they gave me meds to speed things up. Once I got the epidural I went from 1-10 in a couple hours. Healing sucked because i tore, which did not happen with my first. I didn’t want the epidural, but I’m glad I got it because idk how long it would have taken for me to dilate, and i had bad back labor.

I had an epidural and I had no negative experiences. It worked amazing, except when my daughter was about to make her appearance, I literally felt contractions in my asshole😂. After I had her I felt like 100 bucks. I had no pain at all after and I healed amazing. I think I bled for 2 days after having her and it was very light bleeding.

No pain meds for both girls. Had made that choice long before birth so really didn’t come across my mind to need them

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With my first baby it definitely slowed my labor down and became some what ineffective.
With second baby (no pain management what so ever ) I realized how much it REALLY hurts but was a quick labor.
I cannot really say that with a first child going without anything is the right move.
You will forget any of this matters as soon as they are in your arms.

I have 5 I didn’t have an Epidural with any of them. The first 3 were only 4 hour labors the last to were 19 hours each and I had to be induced with both. If you go without I suggest taking a class. I thought it was dumb with the breathing and something to focus on. Not dumb at all it definitely helps. Focus and do your breathing try not to panic. If you feel you are take a deep breath and try to relax. A shower helps. Your SO massaging your lower back definitely helps. I would be bruised after because I would tell my ex husband to rub me harder. I was in the delivery room when my niece and Granddaughter were born. My sister wanted to go without the Epidural she ended up getting it an unfortunately was allergic to it. She was vomiting so much after getting it. She was miserable. After seeing how easy my daughter had it I wished I would have gotten one. However without you go through the pain but you can get something to take the edge off. You forget the pain as soon as you see your baby!!

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I didn’t have epidural with either of mine, with both I had super fast labors

I got IV drugs for both of my births. It took the edge off so that by the time I was asking for an epidural it was too late. I was aloud to go to the bathroom, I wasn’t numb or paralyzed. I’ll never get an epidural.

I have had 5 children 2 c-section and 2 epidural and 1 epidural that didn’t work, that was 2nd child. I say epidural, but I encourage you to do anything you feel you might want to do. Less pain with epidural. But it is scary.

i had 3 with and 1 without…without hands down…the pain is only temporary

My first was all natural…it is painful no doubt, but I would not change it. Currently pregnant with twins and gonna try for natural again as long as they hold their position.

I had both mine with out an epidural but towards the end of both labors I wished I had one

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I used the gas to help with contractions. With my first I got an epidural but I had to push before they put any of the actual meds in so I still felt everything. Both of my babies were over 9 lbs and I didn’t tear, I had a hard time pushing my second out cause he was BIG lol but in the end I healed quickly after both

An epidural will not hinder you from nursing afterwards.


I was against having an epidural. Didn’t want to not know (feel) when to push and was afraid of it hitting my spine! I had both of my children naturally, one with nothing and one with pain medicine; which was safe and I don’t think took long to wear off. I breastfed both of my children also. No effects.

I had an epidural and after the hour of skin to skin that is initiated as soon as baby is born it had worn off. I can’t imagine the 24 hours of labor without it, then having the energy for pushing. But a lot of women are stronger than myself! I went into it with an open mind knowing if it became too much that I would have no shame in getting an epidural. To each their own! Like many said, you don’t get an award for doing it without any medication!

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If I can do it without an epidural anyone can! Of course it hurts bad! But I honestly didn’t think it hurt as bad as people told me it would. I was moving around within an hour of having him when other moms who had theirs one or two days before were still in bed recovering. Epidurals can wear off, slow down labor. Sometimes they don’t even work. Try it! You can always get it of you can’t handle it!! Good luck mom to be! :sparkling_heart:

My mom said afterwards was the most miserable experience but that was 27 years ago.

I didn’t want one but the contractions got to be too much so I said get that anesthesiologist in here! I’m SOOO happy I got it. I was already 8cm by the time I got it but they didn’t check me till after because they said you can get it at any point during labor now. I had zero issues with recovery, no injection site pain, and I have successfully breastfed going on 11 months now. My advice is to be open to anything!

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I personally felt fine after my epidural. Everyone is different.
If you go in thinking you don’t need or want an epidural than there is a good chance you will be able to do it naturally.
You got this!

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I enjoyed my epidural to the fullest. :grin: I was able to relax and rest before giving birth. Labor was relatively quick and easy, no complications, no tears and I was up and about shortly after.

Just keep an open mind. You can always put off making the final decision until you’re in labor. You might decide after a couple of contractions that you’d rather not be in earth shattering pain the whole time and decide you want one. Either choice is valid and totally up to you.

Birth plan epidural and episiotomy in that order…

I felt like I was being beaten with a sledgehammer, got an epi ripped bad hurt a bit for 2 days breastfed all was fine

I did a non-medicated home birth and I’m not going to lie, the pain is intense. You enjoy the moments of relief between the contractions though. Deep breathing exercises and the bathtub are what really helped me get through it. I ended up only needing one stitch because I let my body relax and open as opposed to pushing my baby out too quickly. If you want a quick recovery then don’t do the epidural. It forces you to go on your back, the worst way to give birth, and you have no way of listening to your body during the process so you’re going to tear more.

So I had two epidurals and with my last, she came so fast that the epidural didn’t have time to kick in.
100% you can do it without an epidural. But let me tell you-it freaking sucks. And epidurals are God’s gift to women. I was able to sleep and laugh through my first two labors. I was legit screaming in the third.
So it’s like-yes you can go without it. But why in the hell would you lol

**note that if you have back labor (which you won’t know until your laboring) the epidural won’t really help with that. But it does help with the actual birth. So if you’re in back labor-Buckle up buttercup bc it’s way better to be able to move your lower body when you have that kid of pain. And just have ur nurse or ur hubby or midwife to push on ur lower back.

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Go in with the option. They will let you go as long as you want with out it. If you can’t take it then ask for it.

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If I didn’t have an epidural I would have had an emergency c-section because the pitocin they tried to induce me with stopped my progression and
Y son pooped in my stomach so i had to have him in a certain amiunt if time. I didn’t want one, but I didn’t want a c-section more so I got one and I don’t regret it but I definitely don’t want another one this time around.

I could feel the spot for a year after I had my son, my back hurt for months, and the idea of them mess up still really freaks me out.

However recovery wise it was super fast. Yeah I was sore down there but that’s about it. I was up and showering less than 9 hours later, and I walked out of the hospital holding my son technically a day before they normally release people.

Dont go into it saying im not doing this or i am doing that. Dont put pressure on youself. Or stress yourself out thinking about it. Let it come natural. If you cant take the pain, which is totally normal, ask for one.
If you dont need one, high fucking five, cause youre a bad bitch. Lol
Ive gotten one epidural out of 4 times. Really no difference of a healing process in my case with or without. But i will say the epidural birth was the best experience. I got to actually enjoy what was happening, and be more aware. Its a great memory. Where as my 3 without were so horrible, a blur of intense agony and pain. Womem are beasts!

Don’t get caught up on it though girl. Things can change, you CANNOT plan it it’s gonna happen how it’s gonna happen

Do whatever you want, I say. I’ve had an epidural for every delivery except my emergency csection and I’m not ashamed. It didn’t slow my labor or anything. I just couldn’t get up right after birth. I never felt high or anything crazy. I could move my legs and felt everything, they just felt like jelly for a few hours after birth. I almost went without with my second because they didn’t believe I was in labor and for me it was shear torture. With my third it didn’t take on half of my body and even though I could stand on that leg asap the jolt of pain that stung through my leg was awful. With mine I was able to control whether or not I wanted it with a button. It wouldn’t let me overdose. So you could always have it inserted but not release the med. But it’s totally up to you. No one else can make this decision.

I had the epidural, I was induced, tried without and the pitocin was too much. I couldnt catch a break from the contractions. I was not hindered from the epidural with nursing. Go with the flow, try to go without and if you want it later on then that’s okay.

Be open to anything. I’ve had it with all three of my kiddos, but only the last one I planned on. Or doing an epi. But ended up getting it an hour before little princess got here :joy:

I wouldn’t get epidural if I could go back and redo it

If I can do it without an epidural anyone can! Of course it hurts bad! But I honestly didn’t think it hurt as bad as people told me it would. I was moving around within an hour of having him when other moms who had theirs one or two days before were still in bed recovering. Epidurals can wear off, slow down labor. Sometimes they don’t even work. Try it! You can always get it of you can’t handle it!! Good luck mom to be! :sparkling_heart:

I was in labor for about 41 hours. 18 hours with my water broken. I would not have made it without an epidural. More power to the mommas that do it!!

Best advise I ever got was when it is happening then u make the decision of the pain meds. And you alone should decide what is best for you.

I got an epidural and i disnt feel anything while pushing amd i was up and walking within hours after birth and was fine the next day just a little sore on my back but was able to do everything i normally would have

If you want to try without one go for it. More power to you. But they are not the enemy. There is nothing wrong with deciding to want the epidural either if you do decide to get it. There’s no “right” way to do labor and birth. See what works for you.

I loved my epidurals. I got one with each baby and it was the best decision I made. I wanted to see if I could do it without and by the time they admitted me to my room with my first, and asked if I wanted it, I agreed. I was in labor for about 4 hours at that point and was in labor for 8 more after that and it was a breeze. No negative experience with it at all. No residual pain. Was able to push just fine. I tore pretty badly and didn’t feel the stitches.

My second was riding LOW and the contractions we’re way worse with her. Without the epidural I would have been too focused on the pain to push or basically function at all so it was truly a life saver for me there. Again no residual pain at all.

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My did not work until after the birth!!!

Go in with an open mind. You are the only person that knows what your body can handle!

Also Whatever you do don’t get the demeral or what ever else they may offer …it is sometimes presented as " something to take the edge off " instead of an epidural, but can make you out of it and in my opinion does nothing for pain.

I ended up having 2 epidurals after saying the whole pregnancy I wasn’t going to have one, the first only lasted 20mins so they redid it and the second had practically worn off by the time it came to pushing. It hasn’t stopped me from breastfeeding either and if you do have trouble get some nipple covers they’re amazing and bub has no trouble latching

I had severe back pain due to scoliosis in my lower back, it was so bad it brought me to tears & I have a very high pain tolerance. I did choose to do an epidural …however they had to repeat it 3x’s I was in labor for 28hours. Come to find out I was that rare mama in which it didn’t work it did take away some of my back labor but not alot. So I still felt EVERYTHING :rofl::blue_heart: but there was no rest for me…now with this little gummy bear I’m gonna try more walking & hopefully that will help. Good luck :heart:

I have 3 kids all of them NO epidural im currently n also wnt be getting an epidural. i wanted to experience pain n all lol idk im weird honestly it does hurt but its a pain you cn survive lol its all in your mind i had my husband help me by talkng to me makng me laugh basically kept me entertained n i forgot all about the pain. With all 3 i was in labor for more than 12hrs, it doesnt really hurt that much until you hit 8cm in my opinion. But wen your time comes your gonna know if you cn go with out it or get it
Good luck momma :heart:

I had 3 kids with an epidural and 1 without. Although one with the epidural was born almost immediately after, so I did all but a couple mins without. And another one with the epidural I had horrible back labor, which the epidural did absolutely nothing for. I didn’t have any problems with the epidural. I would say to have a plan, but also be open to changes. And don’t be disappointed at yourself or hard on yourself if you do choose an epidural.

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1st baby: didnt handle the pain so i asked for epidural.
2ns baby: was gonna take the pain but it got too extreme after my water broke @5cm so i asked for epidural
3rd baby: i know exactly i needed epidural lol
4th baby: epidural is my bff :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

i breastfed my 3rd up till he turned two and now i am exclusively breadtfeeding my 4th. goodluck and congratulations momma❤️

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I had a epidural with both my girls. I breastfed my first child till 4 months shy of 2 and my youngest is 8 months and I still breastfeed her. Epidural can also cause long term back issues. Just an fyi. But I felt contractions with my second. I was close to crying and my body was shaking and I just wanted them to hurry with the epidural. Natural is tough,but if you feel it’s best that’s fine. I’m a bit of wuss so,I find it better.

I didnt get one with first 2 all natural. Planned same with 3rd but he was emergency csection so only had anesthesia. Last was scheduled csection and had to have spinal tap. You can do natural if that’s what you decide! Best wishes!

Epidural. You dont feel like you’re coming off of anything n it just wears off fairly quickly. I would have never gotten through any of my kids labor’s without it

The epidural made me a lot more comfortable, I had back labor too. I was up and walking within 45 or so mins of delivery. There isn’t anything to “come down off of”.

I was induced which is harder on your body, after 20 hours of contractions I accepted an epidural at 5cms. I was so relieved, and the “come down” isnt anything to worry about. I barely noticed honestly.

Team epidural. I was hardcore against it until the contractions got really bad. Then I was begging for it.

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You don’t “come down off the drugs” and anyone who says you come down off an epidural is mistaking your body reacting to the crazy intense trauma your body just endured, I was shaking and incredibly nauseous immediately after having my daughter, but it was just from giving birth. Personally I’m a huge fan of the epidural, my anesthesiologist freaking nailed mine, I barely felt him put it in, absolutely no pain giving birth, I actually slept until I was 10cm dilated!! It was a beautiful gift, I have absolutely no issues with my back or anything and I bounced right back from giving birth.


I had an epidural with my first. It was 16 hrs and hard back labor. I didn’t have anything at all with my 2nd. Honestly I would choose unmedicated again, recovery was quick and it was an amazing experience. I’ve never felt more empowered! It really is mind over matter.

I didn’t want pain meds at first I went to 5 cms ( I was being induced) and I started throwing up. Took me 12 hrs to get to 5 cms and I’m glad I got the epidural I couldnt feel anything and was able to get sleep

I tried to get one but it didn’t work so to me I’m not evening going to bother this time.

With my first I wanted to go without but I go stuck at a 4, my water had already broke so we went with pitocin which does not give much of a break between contractions so I got the epidural, in some cases it slows labor but I was dilated fully within 2 hours, although the epidural wore off right about go time it was good though because I was able yo to know when to push…

I have experienced no epidural and epidural. Everyone is different, but the labour was so intense I couldn’t breath because of the pain. I prefer the epidural. I don’t think the epidural effects the recovery. Every birth is different. Good luck!

Epidural! You don’t feel like shit when you come off if it. But if you get that all you feel is the contractions before they give you it after you don’t feel anything at all just pressure when your pushing

Epidural. Just get the Epidural. Trust me on this.


I had both my boys naturally… so I guess I dont really have labor with meds to compare … but my first was 36 hrs labor , hour of pushing no real tearing … my second was only 8 hours of labor… got to the hospital at 130 had him at 416 after one push but had a little tearing and a few stitches. Id do it again with no meds

Do you realize the size of what’s coming out of what!!! My hat is off to you if you (& any mama) can do it natural!!!


Felt the same way but it’s not even like that. You don’t feel like your on drugs from the epidural. I was conscious and aware of everything, my mind wasn’t foggy. It just helps ALOT with contractions. I dont think I would’ve been able to do it without the epidural honestly.


No epidural——2 c-sections
Nursed #1 for seven months before my milk went down from being pregnant with #2
Nursed #2 for 9 months

I got an epidural for both deliveries. My first went swimmingly. Didn’t feel anything except a bit of pressure, no issues pushing, healthy baby.

My second epidural failed. It numbed my arms and legs but I felt everything in my nethers including the catheter tube which is how I know it didn’t affect the labor pain at all. I felt every contraction. Had problems pushing because you curl up and grab your legs to push but I couldn’t feel my arms to do it and they ended up having to vacuum assist which left a giant round sore on my son’s head. I wish I had just done it naturally. The contractions were pretty intense but the actual delivery is just uncomfortable in comparison.

I had 3 kids, epidurals with each of them and never felt like shit after?

Get one! You don’t get a badge for suffering.


No epidural. I didn’t have it with either of my kids. I know a few people who have had it and still have pain in the injection site

You don’t “come down” and it doesn’t effect your healing either O.0

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I went into the labor plan thinking I would go into labor and birth naturally… NOPE! I was told I had to come in to be induced at almost 42 weeks, was in labor for 18 hours and had so much pain that my body went into shock from getting the epidural and I almost died🤷🏻‍♀️
Depending on your situation at the time, one option could be better than the other. However my advice is to keep and open mind, and that both options are equally ok🙌🏻

I had an epidural with all mine. 1st almost asked too late, 2nd I got it almost right away because my first was in the room most of the time until it was time for delivery and he was only 14 months old, 3rd I was 7 cm when I got to the hospital but he wouldn’t turn his head so I got stuck there, they gave potocin to try to speed things up and it made the contractions horrible so I got an epidural, that was a 13 hr labor, my longest. 4th I ended up needing an urgent csection so didn’t have a choice. And my 4th was BF 18 1/2 months. Make a plan but go at it with an open mind because things do change.

I didn’t get an epidural and I was induced. The pain was bearable but I also ended up getting an emergency csection. I had the same goals for the same reasons.

Your birth story is yours. Its your choice. It’s worth the try in my opinion though. I really disliked the idea of the epidural as well.

I told myself I wasn’t getting the epidural with my first. But ai ended up getting it. I didn’t feel it and delivery was good. My second child I couldn’t get no pain meds and I wanted them lol. But it was too late.

I’ve had 6 NO EPIDURAL.
I’ve know many many friends with permanent back problems who did. Your choicez

I think every pregnancy, woman and labor are completely different. Pain is different for everyone. My advice is just try not to get one if you want it to be natural. If you can go all the way with no meds, great!! If you cant and you need to get the epidural, thats your decision. Do whatever you think is best for you


I got the epidural, it worked great and it wore off a few hours after birth. Worked out great cause I did skin to skin with baby for 2 hours right away and I would say that a headache is worse than the soreness I felt in that area. But that’s just my experience

My first three I went with none and my last born I wanted to try the epidural,I had back labour with my second to last and my baby I just had recently. It was really good! Until it ripped out and I ended up feeling the whole birth in the end LOL don’t let that discourage you. The epidural is algood :ok_hand:t2:

Had 5 with epidurals. No regrets, healed great, breastfed all 5 for a year each. Always up and showering within an hour or so. No complaints here!! :tada:

I’m 27 yrs old and have my son Oct 2017 no epidural and daughter Oct 2018 also no epidural and I felt amazing instantly with both. I was able to walk right away help with the babies and had the option to go home the very next day!. I’ve heard both good and bad stories of epidural but it all comes down to your comfort. Just know you are so much stronger than you think!:sparkling_heart:

Miserable during labor for my first baby, just one long, relentless cramp, got epidural & had a pleasant buzz. Just be really still while you’re getting it & make sure you have an experienced anesthesiologist. Harder to push but not impossible, baby cried right away & breast fed immediately. Any ill effects after we’re from having a ginormous baby for my size. 2nd baby had normal, mostly bearable contractions except for last hour, got to hospital too late & had natural. Painful but just a little while, nurses walked me through breathing which helped, one push & she was out. Good recovery.

Just go by how you feel during labor and they’ll let you know before it’s too late to get it if you decide you want to. I honestly needed it with my 2nd kid because my last few months pregnant with her were hell on my body and my legs were so restless that it made me absolutely miserable to the point where i would be crying and screaming wanting to punch anyone around me. I did have an epidural with both kids too & i think the recovery just is different regardless. Both kids were at the same weight did the same amount of damage… my first kid i hurt so bad after and my 2nd kid, i was up and walking as soon as it wore off and healed up quick, bled for like a week and pretty light compared to my first one.

My first two I used no pain relief, healed well, third I had an eipdural, healed exactly the same.

Both my pregnancies were induced so I’m not sure what a natural birth feels like. You can give it a go & if it works out that’s wonderful. Keep in mind ( if you plan on breastfeedi ng) you will be exhausted after giving birth w/o meds but ultimately the choice is up to you. Good luck!!!

either way you are an amazing mom but i say no epidural itll be hard enough to remember how the birth went already

I had 3, one per child, last one was the best.

It’s up to you! Do whatever will be best for YOU. There are a lot of risks associated with epidurals so please just be sure you make an informed decision. I had an epidural with my first and hated that experience. With my last two babies, I went without any medications/epidurals. For me personally, those were the best experiences! You don’t have to suffer (society instills so much fear into women) there are ways to cope with the pain. I did hypnobirthing with my last and it was amazing. Your body was MADE to give birth, you just have to trust the process. You are capable of anything you put your mind to. You’ll know what the best decision for you is, regardless of what that is. Congratulations and good luck!!:heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:

I had 5 babies with no meds, no epidural. I only had an epidural when I had my tubes burned. Only thing I didnt like about it was my legs felt like boards…so heavy and useless, but it wasnt bad at all.

I personally didnt have one so I dont really know the difference, but I have a sister in law who did it both ways and preferred without.

There’s no withdrawal or “come down”, at least not when I had mine. The only time it hurt was when they were putting it in; however, it hurt in my hip, not my back. Personally, I think it’s completely up to you. I’ve had absolutely no issues from my epidural, and healing wasn’t any slower because of it. My advice would be to take things as they come. With it being your first, you never know what you will want until you’re there. Make a plan, but keep an open mind. There’s no right or wrong decision. It all depends on you.

Depends on what you need at the time of delivery.

I work in anesthesia, I can tell you 100% without a doubt there is no change in recovery. You do not feel like you’re on pain meds, no “high” like feeling, you can typically still feel the contractions but they aren’t painful, feels more like a muscle moving (best way I can think to describe it while running on 2 hrs of sleep with sick kiddos). There is no risk of passing anything to your newborn via breast milk. I will say there are cases where it does not work and the mom has adverse reactions, but they are a small percentage and typically due to an unknown drug allergy. I had my son 2 years ago and I got a “walking epidural” due to known side effects I have with fentanyl. I was making small talk with the nurses, after 18hrs of labor 12 of which was with pitocin, when they said my son was visible. I continued my convo about a vacation in the Bahamas with the nurse until my 3rd push when I realized it was really time. Medically there is no reason to do or not to do other than mothers comfort and the fact your body is more relaxed, causing the baby to be more relaxed.coming off the epidural you slowly feel the pain but by that point they have given you oral pain meds (epi or not) and it’s a rather mild discomfort, it’s not like they just pull the plug and holy cannoli you just pushed out a watermelon. But my biggest piece of advice, call the hospital where you are delivering and asked to talk to anesthesia. They’ll get you in touch with a dr who will be very familiar with the process and can explain step by step what you will experience.

You will ponder the situation now, but you will get the epidural eventually​:joy: you won’t feel bad from it. Unless you have something to prove that you’re some Superwoman, trust me get the epidural and actually enjoy your birth​:+1::relaxed:

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Had 1 baby at home hurt bad so so bad
had 1 baby with the eppadorel at hospital hurt bad going in but wonderful for birth didn’t feel a thing lol

2 that needed Pitocin bc I wasn’t progressing. No epidural. I did however opt for iv meds until I was 8cm dilated. You aren’t wrong no matter what you choose. But I fell my body took over during delivery making it easier and enjoyed being able to be up and about almost right after delivering. (Literally half an hour) both of my boys were beastfed for a year each too, which is the REAL struggle over medicated delivery or not! Good luck, mama! Enjoy that Baby if yours!

I wanted all natural with my first. Then my body wasn’t doing its job. So dr told me to give it a try to relax it so maybe I would dilate further than a 6… so I finally agreed to it. It worked and relaxed me for 30 mins to an hour. Then I started hurting super bad in my left leg because of a nerve pain I’ve had for a long time. They then maxed the epidural meds to see if that would help. It still didn’t. Then it all ended in emergency c section with a spinal. So good luck. Everyone is different. The next day after my c section I was up walking around and taking a shower. Everything effects everyone differently. It’s really going to be your choice on the matter. You can try all natural and if it gets to be to much get the epidural.

I had 4 all natural, so I don’t know about epidural. Preferred natural experience.

Epidural is not meant to get you high or anything it’s a muscle relaxer based of gravitation hence why they flip you side to side ! Giving birth regardless mama will make you exhausted ! I have had a epidural and one with one that did not work at all ! I liked both experiences ! Even through the pain and the burning ! Tell them you don’t want one but have it lined up my hospital had to order them ! Good luck ma :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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