As long as they are responsible and mature enouugh to handle an emergency situation if any thing find a place for them to take a saftey CPR classsome community centers offer coarses for babysitting classes and ythey can get certified.
Fro age of 12 if mature there’s no reason why not
If you feel they can handle it I wouldn’t venture far or for long for the date, just in case they need help.
Sometimes if there’s 2 friends together there tends to be the possibility of more mischievous behavior…. Especially today w cell phones. Depends upon the teenagers!
I baby sat at 13 but today a lot of teens r not responsible, u know the kids, use your judgement I would
Age doesn’t always matter.its about the maturity of the individual are the responsible do they have common sense do they understand they cannot be sitting on phones etc
It really depends on the teens…are they responsible kids and take initiative to learn new things? Or do they have their faces in their screens and can’t focus on anything other than that. If they are observant, and know how to do it, I don’t see why not…
Sorry in my opinion
No matter how old they are
It wouldn’t be a good idea to have them baby sit for 11 hours
I don’t understand why the mother would be arrested if the child was left with a 14yr old. There had to be another reason. 14 is plenty old enough to baby sit.
Depends on the personalities of all the children involved. Some teens are mature enough to do a good job. Some little ones are too much for even the maturest of teens.
I would base my decision on the teens/tots. Start with short sessions and see how they do… start with a few hours at a time and build up
I’d look up state laws & if you trust them & know they’re mature enough to handle whatever situation arises then I don’t see a problem… I remember being 10 watching my newborn baby cousin bc the older ones that were supposed to be watching him dipped… no I wasn’t happy about it in that situation but afterwards they knew I could handle it & that’s how it all started lol
I was babysitting at 12 and til all hours of the morning sometimes for people. If theyre responsible and have taken the babysitting course sure why not
Depends on the maturity of the individuals. I was babysitting at 12, but I know some 20 yr olds that aren’t mature enough
2 or 3 hours is fine. 11 hours is ridiculous…
My two older kids were babysitting at 12, also took babysitting course, but only for a couple hrs after school till we got home from work.
Fourteen year olds should be able to babysit well behaved school age kids if they’re mature/responsible. A baby and toddler of those ages can and would run a seasoned parent ragged over an 11 hour period. I think that would be quite a long time to leave them in charge of children that young.
My mom was a single parent. She had no other choice but to have me babysit my handicapped brother, he’s incontinent, eats through a g tube every 4 hours, was on meds. I was 11 and perfectly capable. I think it just depends on the maturity level honestly. Now having my own kids I personally wouldn’t let a 14 year old watch my daughter but I also don’t trust literally anyone to watch her…
I see on the news so many times parents get in trouble for teens watching kids younger then them and a 10 year old no and a two year old no! To much responsibility especially to little ones!
I feel it depends on maturity/responsibility level. I was 10 when I started babysitting with adult guidance such as my sister in law would want to deep clean and basically need me to occupy kids and feed them so she didn’t have to take breaks from deep cleaning. By 12 I was babysitting my nephews/nieces regularly anywhere from every weekend to days after school or overnight (at my parents home in case of emergency of course), by the time I was 14/15 I had branched out and was babysitting for family members of friends, 2-3 kids at a time, sometimes only 2-3 hours sometimes 6+ hours, keeping my niece very regularly overnight few nights in a row etc. However I’ve been around some 20+ year olds that I don’t even trust to leave my own children ages 4 and 3 months with for more than an hour or two at most but would trust having my 10 year old niece keep an eye on them for me to at least shower and just relax for a bit. I say if they are mature enough that you trust they’d put kiddos over being on their phones and actually pay attention to children, and are responsible enough to know what to do in case of emergencies, or know children’s allergies stuff like that they are absolutely ready to babysit for a few hours at a time!
Many states its frowned upon. Some states allow it for 4-5 hours. But I doubt 11 hours would appropriate.
I was babysitting when I was 13 years old. Was watching my niece and nephew they were 3 and 5 years old.
You cannot expect two 14 year olds to babysit for 11 hours when that is time out of their life that they will want with their friends. You also have to ask yourself do you really think two 14 year olds will have a clue what to do when the baby is crying or how to stop the crying? How annoyed will they get because of the crying… 11hours is far to long maybe 2-3 hours.
I was taking care of a baby alone at 10 for days on end I think of you trust them with your kids it should be fine, I would call and check in on them every chance you get or I would stop by in between or have an adult at least in the beginning and have them get cpr certified they can do it at school.
Not for 11 hours. That’s to long for adolescents to focus on babies.
What do you mean “as a last resort?” Like if nobody else can do it today or if you can’t find anybody else to watch them for the whole summer? What are the hours?
I honestly wouldn’t do it on a regular basis. I was 13 and I spent the entire summer babysitting for a family friend. 4 kids the youngest was maybe…5? I loved the kids, and we had fun. But I didn’t do anything else that entire summer. It’s a lot to put on someone so young.
If they’re mature enough, and take the babysitting course where they learn life saving skills, I see nothing wrong with once or twice a week.
If they’re already experienced babysitters I would consider it. Just make a list of dos and fonts and leave it on the wall so they can see what what is allowed and what isn’t while they’re babysitting.
I have 5 kids (18-10) and have left mine in charge of each other often throughout their lifetime beginning at the age of 11 to run to doctors appointments, grocery shopping, etc. Quick errands. I know it’s very different with siblings. But to be honest, I wouldn’t leave them that long with toddlers maybe 4-5 hours MAX and not everyday. Ten months and 2 years are very difficult and busy ages and need constant supervision. It may lead to a disaster. I would also check with the babysitting laws your in locality, every state is different. That will help you tremendously on knowing what you should do and avoid.
No the babies are too young, maybe if the teenagers were older, 11 hours is too long too
I think 11 hours is too long at that age. Especially because the children needing babysat are still so young.
I was baby sitting at 9-10. My son was babysitting at 12-13. Look into your state laws to be sure. Also ‘train’ her I’m CPR, first aide (you can find YouTube videos or classes) & how to handle emergencies. Have procedures in place in case of fire, child gets sick etc. A family member or neighbor should be available to call if they need help.
A 10 month old for 11 hours?!?!!! Absolutely out of your damn mind!!!
If you trust them and they are responsible then there’s no issue. Most of these comments though
Honestly a lot of it depends on their maturity. I was staying home watching my niece and nephew at age 10 , that was how I got my school clothes. That was 12 hours a day.
I know a lot of people are saying they are too young but at 14, they are freshmen in high school. However it would really depend on the maturity of the 14 year olds. As long as you leave them an information chart with your number (which I’m assuming your niece has your number), your childrens fathers number, the pediatrician, the dentist, your preferred hospital for paramedics to take your kiddo to if god forbid something happened), poison control hotline, and then your kids birthdays as safety measures in case something happens If you can trust them, they are mature and responsible enough - I say go for it.
Well my opinion on that is that it is according o. How mature these 14 year olds was . .
I babysat my 4-5 month old cousin when I was 13-14 … my daughter babysat 8 & 4 yo at 13 … I would say it depends on the maturity of the child. Also, my cousin babysat my 1yo when she was 12 …
2 14 yr olds? So each could be in charge of one. Are they mature? Will they be playing on their phones. 11 hrs is a long day. But I’ve also let my older ones babysit. Is it 5 days a wk. More than 3 in a row is probably to much. But Honestly we don’t know the kids. Some teenagers are responsible but some of those kids they babysitting don’t listen (my kids😀) Good luck… do what you think is safe for your kiddos.
Waaaay too many hours. Doesn’t matter how mature, they are still 14.
A 10mo away from an adult for 11 hours seems to much! I think short periods it fine, but 10months for 11 hours is a lot!
That being said, my 12yo son watches his brothers 7+8 for an hour 2 times a week, because I work an hour later those days.
Well, people do it but it doesn’t mean it’s right. An adult needs to be babysitting. At 14 you still a kid
Is it at night? 11 hours during the day seems a bit much, because at night the kids have to at least sleep. My 11 year old and almost 13 year old watch their younger siblings sometimes when I need to run to the store real quick. But the most they were left to babysit was 2-3 hours. My kids know all the rules, and the younger kids listen to the older kids and do as told. I also tell my neighbour and ask to just keep her ears open. Plus my kids know if anything goes wrong, to call one of their aunts who live in the same flats as us. Almost the whole family lives very close together. At the end of the day you need to ask, how mature and responsible are these kids?
I started babysitting at 13 never had a problem. Some kids were brats but I changed there minds real fast. I would tell them being nice to your sister or bro. Will get you more treats.
I was watching my newborn brother at 13 while my mom worked and my dad gambled, I also had a 9 year old sister I watched over. I think it depends on the child.
I was babysitting. Since I can remember. At a point I had learned to cook.
A 10 month old and 2 year old, no. They may be mature enough to be home alone themselves but not watching other siblings that young.
14 is legal babysitting age where I am. Doesn’t make it right though! There’s no way I’d leave my 14 yr old with 2 baby’s for that long! That’s hard enough for just a mother alone let alone a child!!
Laws on ages children can babysit and be left alone very from state to state so I would look into that first. I think the 10 month old is wayyy too young to be left alone with a 14 year old for that many hours.
Most states it’s perfectly legal for teens to babysit at age 13. Some states offer a babysitting course, which would be nice just cause it teaches basics and CPR, first aid.
It really depends on the 14 year old and their maturity level. I have a 11 year old son and a 14 year old daughter and I would feel more comfortable with my 11 year old being home alone than I would my daughter lol
I’d be fine with it if I were just running somewhere quickly. Wouldn’t leave 14 year olds with any child under 4 for more than an hour MAYBE two.
If the children are 5 plus and can verbalize clearly what they need, and can tell you anything that happened when you’re gone, then I’d be totally okay with a 14 year old baby sitting
I used to babysit at that age just not for 11 hr stints
Depends on how responsible the child is. My daughter was babysitting at 12 years old but no way for my son.
No effin way, not a baby
It just depends of the maturity level of the people babysitting. When I was 12 I lived with my older sister and her two little ones & sometimes she’d have night shift so me and my other sister, 11, would babysit for her. Everything was fine, everyone was fed, clothed, bathed and sleeping at correct times
No 14 is way too young
Thats a lot to ask of a 14 yr old even if shes mature enough. 11 hrs alone with a baby may be too much. And a 2 yr old is pretty curious. They get into everything. Talk to her and her parents first. Let her know to call anytime. Give her several numbers to fall back on.
Depends on the child. I started babysitting at 12. I love kids because of it. I have 2 of my own.
Some teen girls are very responsible at the age. Honestly I would do short test runs to see how they go and have a home camera. Probably have a trusted adult that lives close by that the girls can call if they run into trouble. Make sure they know emergency numbers etc.
I wouldn’t leave my teens alone for that long as they would burn the house to the ground or have a massive rager. I am aware of teens though who are quite capable of being awesome babysitters. It all depends on whether you trust them or not.
No way in the world too young and no working with children’s check or police check
God no
I used to watch my siblings (age 8 and 4) at age 12, but only for 2-3 hours at a time. I might do a snack and had an activity planned for each day, and that’s how I made money until I was old enough to get a “real” job. With that said, I think 11 hours is a LONG time to leave your kids in the care of a minor. Will they be cooking? Do they have a plan for disciplining a 2 year old who acts up because he/she is tired and grumpy? Does your 14 year old niece know child CPR and Heimlich?
Just some food for thought
The age of 14 is not a concern, the 11 month old is. I don’t think a baby with a 14 year old is a smart idea. Babies need a lot more then a young child does. I know a 15 year old that babysits her 4 & 6 year old nieces, but first; not for 11 hours and second; all she has to do is make sure they don’t kill themselves or each other and maybe make them lunch. She doesn’t have to pick them up unless she wants to, she doesn’t have to make them bottles or change nappies, she doesn’t have to prepare them food, she doesn’t have to try figure out why they’re crying… multiple things. But you know your children best and if you believe she’s capable I’d start with a couple hours here and there to see how she goes, not a complete 11 hours straight off the bat.
Children should not be left in charge, responsible, for children. It’s not fair. They don’t have the same risk elements that adults do. They’re not switched on to concentrate fully on others like adults are. They’re easily distracted and easily bored. To put this responsibility for such a long time isn’t fair.
I never had babysitters, I was lucky enough to have parents who would look after my daughter. 14??? Kind of young, would definitely depend on maturity level. I have a 15 year old daughter and my sis said she wouldn’t feel comfortable with her watching her kids (8 and 6) until she at least has a drivers license.
Not a baby deffo not and baby sit older children maybe for a couple of hours n give them some pocket money but no way for 11 hours n such young children
No way not a 10 month year old and a 2 year old
I think a few hours it’s ok but 11 hours is too much for a teenager , 11 would be a lot for anyone . I’ve been a sitter since I was 16 I was very responsible and still don’t know I’d let my 14 year old self babysit for that long I’m 26 and still a sitter so I have a ton of experience being a nanny .
Accident happen can to anyone, but it depends on their maturity level.
I babysat at 10.
Any more I think they need to take a babysitting course ,I was babysitting at 10 ,younger siblings ,but times were different then
To young an to much resposiblity for a chid to mind a 10 mths old … no way
Pretty sure there’s laws for certain ages and how long the can babysit.
I babysat when I was 10
I was baby sitting when I was 12. I use to look after kids at their own house when the parents went out. I knew the phone number to ring and they would ring me. I am very trustworthy.
I was baby sitting at 10 for 3and4 kids under 3 but I wouldn’t trust anyone but family with my kids and definitely wouldn’t let a under age kid baby sit
Big No, two 14yr old would not know what to do in an emergency sorry hun 11hrs is way too long x
Depends how mature they are. I was a mother at 15 and took great care of my baby girl but I never trusted teens to watch my kids only close adult relatives.
I babysat on my own and with my friend from around 12-13years old but 11 hours is a bit much for even experienced babysitters.
11 hours babysitting a ten month and 2 year old is too much responsibility for 14 year olds. Don’t matter how responsible they are they will get sidetracked.
10 year Olds used to have full time jobs
I babysat as a business from ages 14 to 17.
I babysat at 14. However two 14 year old friends alone is a huge distraction factor id worry about, especially with an infant as young as 10 months- as well as a toddler, for 11 hours. I think there’s a lot of factors. Will you be close? Do they understand needs of those ages? How do the girls react/respond to an emergency? I’d be pretty nervous about it.
No. Too much risk and too much, for too long, for minors to need to be in charge.
11 hours? That’s way too long imo.
It depends how mature they are I was capable of babysitting at 14 but I Lways had my mum there but if an emergency happened would they panic?
I started babysitting when I was 10. It was for 2 kids a 2&3 year old. I was a very responsible kid raised by my grandparents. However I’m over 30 now and I will not let anyone under the age of 18 watch my daughter who is almost 6. And I have to know the kid. I have read about too many accidents happening.
You cant leave a minor unattended.
Leaving an underage child with another, is the equivalent.
I was a live in nanny at 13. For three children, a baby, 7 & 8
9 hours per day && we had a BLAST!
It’s like this it goes on the maturity level of kids I think I know a young lady very well that had a baby at 14 she now has 4 and is the most amazing mother from day 1 at 14 she still went to school with help and she graduated and took care of her baby in-between and she even worked a full time j9b and went to school at 16 and graduated 3 years early so to say a 14 year old is to young to babysit but not to young to decide that they want to be a man or a woman instead of what they were born as I mean that’s a double sided lane there 14 not old enough or mature enough to babysit but they are mature enough to decide to take life and body altering drugs at that age now either the damn world wants these kids to make adult decisions nd such then why can’t they baby sit if little Tommy can say at 10 I want to be a girl and then you allow it and you allow the medications and so on but a 14 year old can’t babysit the world can’t have it both ways either let the kids be damn kids and the adults step up and make these decisions or you treat it all the same damn way but this double standard crap they can’t drink or smoke legally until 21 then we shouldn’t have 18 and 19 year Olds going off to war either they can’t choose to drink or smoke legally but we can throw an assault rifle in their hands and tell them to shoot anything that moves this world is so crooked ass backwards
I think 2 14-year-olds would do fine. Before helicopter parenting and the internet, teens babysat and helped with younger siblings everywhere.
Have all emergency contacts listed in order hanging up on the fridge, have simple meals, and snacks ready. Do a trial run on a Saturday or sunday. Leave the girls to babysit and pop in randomly and see what is going on. Talk about scenarios and see what the girls say about how they would handle the situation.
I think 11 hours is too much and the ha ING 2 of them could lead to them actually not being great babysitters.
Depends on the older kids, I would also maybe have an adult check on them . That is a long stretch. Are the hours at night. Kids at 14 may not wake up to take care of smaller children when they wake up. Ask yourself what could go wrong and could they handle it.
Everyone on here giving you crap saying “no! That’s irresponsible” etc etc were clearly very sheltered as children … I agree it depends on the maturity of the 14 year olds, but most 14 year olds make money at their age by babysitting… Im only 30 years old and babysat my sister starting at age 12-13… before the internet where everyone has an opinion on everyone else’s parenting, kids were babysitting siblings, cousins, etc all the time as I already said that’s how most young teenagers made/make money… only you know your niece and if you believe she’s mature enough.
It’s completely depends on the 14 year Olds.
Yes! But I would only want one babysitting at a time. I would have the teenager come over a lot before to learn the routine. I would also take them for a babysitting license so they learn first aid and cpr.
I started babysitting when I was 12. I now have a 12&13 year old and I would allow them to babysit.
I can’t believe how many No is on this thread.
11 hrs? No way. There’s so much that can happen in that time. That’s too long for a child to be watching a child.
I did that as a teenager for extra cash. You should get them to do a babysitting safety course beforehand. Then I’d say go for it!
Me and my best friend used to babysit 4 kids (3 -9) when we were 12 and 13. We cooked then dinner, played with them and put them to bed usually 8 to 10 hours.
I think it depends on the 14 years old are the mature and have basic life skills? Then I’m sure they will be fine
I was babysitting newborns by 11. Go by how responsible you feel your child is. There are babysitting and CPR classes you can have her take if you want her to have more knowledge.
I was babysitting since I was 12! Lol I think 2 14 year olds will be fine. My niece watches my 1 year old (at the time when she was 14!
I would give it a couple trial runs before leaving them for 11 hours. Here in Canada kids can take babysitting courses at 13. I personally have 5 kids under 8yrs so I definatly wouldn’t be comfortable leaving for that long lol