Should a 6-month-old stand?

Ok so my daughter is 6 months will be 7 the 30th she will not stand! She jumps in her jumper but will not stand up. I have asked my doctor again and she isn’t concerned she in in the 99% percentile in everything else.


She will do things at her own pace. Love her for who she is.


My grandson is almost 9 mos. He still won’t stand. They go at their own pace. No need to be worried. :wink:

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My daughter was just learning to sit up good at that age. Standing and crawling is usually a little later around 9-10 months.

Every baby goes at their own pace hun!! It’s no biggie :blush:

My middle son was 15 most old before he stood.

Don’t worry so much. They sometimes don’t even walk until 15 months

6 month? Thats super young


Woah quit rushing your baby. Trust me take it slow. My baby just got signed up for kindergarten. Seems like she just started walking.
She needs tummy time, learn to crawl, and then walk. It’s so important for their correct spine growth.


Kids do things at their own pace…my son was walking by 11 months, my first daughter was walking at 15 months and my second daughter was walking at 12 months…

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Kids do things at their own pace…my son was walking by 11 months, my first daughter was walking at 15 months and my second daughter was walking at 12 months…

She’s only 6 mnths old. Quit rushing her. She’s stand when she’s ready.


She’s still baby she doesnt hav to stand right now. All kids move at their own pace. Dont worry you still have some time for him to stand and walk

Mine didn’t stand until she was ready to walk at 10 months. She pulled herself up and took 4 steps all by herself.
Also, enjoy your non-walking baby while you can. Mine has only been walking for 3 months and I’m pretty sure I’ve lost at least 10lb from chasing her. Fast little turd…


That’s pretty young to expect her to stand.


Neither of my kids stood until they were 10-11 months old. Mine were just learning to sit up at 6 months. Let them be babies & quit trying to push what they aren’t ready to do


My daughter didn’t start standing until closer to 10 months. Then didn’t walk until 13 months. No problems over here. You’re concerned over nothing. She’s still only tiny and needs to build up her leg muscles. Don’t wish for her to grow up too soon, because once she is standing you will be wishing she would sit down for 5 seconds :joy:

Yeah that’s way too early to stand for most babies. Just chill and let her be a baby.


Usually 9 to 16 months before they stand alone

I didn’t want to stand or try to walk until I was 16 months old. Don’t panic!

Does she even sit up unassisted? Either way, don’t rush it. Goes too quickly anyway

why does she need to stand???. shes a 6 month old baby…
Worry about whether shes rolling


:woman_facepalming:t2: stop trying to rush her. She will do things in HER own time

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She’s only 6 months…most 6 month olds are just starting to sit up not stand.


Quit rushing her. She’s only 6 months old


STOP TRYING TO FORCE THINGS!! Enjoy the milestones as they come. You’re gonna look back a few years from now and WISH you had enjoyed it more

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If her doctor isn’t concerned then why are you? At 6 months you need to be more concerned about rolling over and sitting up. Don’t rush things, this time goes way too fast as it is. Let her play on the floor doing tummy time. She’ll stand when she’s ready.


Mine started sitting at 6 , crawling at 9 and walking at 13 months each baby goes it’s way

Do you mean she doesn’t want to stiffen her legs when your holding her? Like letting her stand on your belly?

A lot of babies can’t at that age.

I also have a 6 month old turning 7 on the 20th… He does not stand for long either. I think you should be more focused on getting her to sit unassisted (if she isn’t already) and crawl, or at least those are the motor skills I’m working on with my son.

My first was like 6-7 months when he would stand. My second just turned 5 months and his ALOT chubbier and in the 80-90th percentile in everything so I don’t see him standing as early!

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please please please stop forcing your child to grow up faster than she needs to! every child hits milestones at different ages! if her pediatrician isn’t concerned, you have nothing to worry about. they’re only little once, enjoy it while you can!


My youngest daughter is 10 months (almost 11 months) and only just started standing holding onto things. It’s completely normal for them to not be standing at that point. I have six children and not a single one started standing holding on to things until around 10 months. I have seen babies not standing at a year old. It’s normal and completely okay. Every kid is different. Some kids don’t even walk until 18 months. Don’t stress it mama! I was worried because my youngest son didn’t get teeth until he was 14 months old. Turns out it’s actually a good thing because their teeth come out stronger and healthier when they come out later. Mind you he was my 5th child. I was worried. But the doctor said not to worry. Sure enough the doctor was right. There was no need to worry. Just have faith in your babies doctor.

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She is fine, quit worrying.

My son didn’t stand till he was 11 months. Didn’t walk till he was over 1 year old. Doctor said he was just being lazy and to enjoy it while I can.

My daughter is almost 9 months and wont stand. Doctors arent concerned. EVERY baby does things at their own pace. The average for walking is now 18 months. Its not even a year. She has plenty of time to worry about standing. Before standing comes sitting and rolling which at 6 months my daughters didnt even do those till almost 8 months. Every baby does things differently

My daughter will be 7 months old on the 20th. She will stand in my arms. I got her a jumper and exersaucer activity center. I think your baby is fine. Give her time.

6 months is a little soon to be standing it will happen when she’s ready


My daughter didn’t walk till she was 1. Let her be a baby

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When she’s ready for the next stage shell done it on her time table not yours Learn to enjoy these moments@they go fast then there gone.

Lol, it’s fine. They stand/walk when they are ready.

My daughter is 8.5 months and is just now liking standing on her feet (with me holding her of course) when she was 6months I was paranoid because she wasn’t sitting up yet on her own. Now I can’t keep her out of anything. She is into anything and everything. Every baby is different. I was scared she was behind physically but she just started on her own one day.

She’s fine. My son was still crawling that age and literally started standing around 8 months and was taking steps the same week :blush:

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My son refuse to walk until he was 15 months. Give it time

I sure hope you grasp that not one single child learns the same as another. You’ll do good to understand and accept this now. Poor child You have gotta be kidding me Not sure where your expectations are coming from but let that baby be a BABY!!!


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I meant she doesn’t want to stiffen her legs when I try to get her to put pressure on her legs

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This one didn’t walk until she was 15 months.


What does her weight have to do with it

Most don’t start standing until they’re about 9 to 12 months old

Um they don’t even start crawling until 6months usually standing is like 9-12month milestone. Chill.


My daughter didn’t even do that until 14 months.


My grandson still doesn’t at 8 months and my kids didn’t till 8-10 months. Why are people expecting so much out of babies anymore?


My daughter didn’t walk until she was 10-11 months

My daughters 8 months old and can stand with help and cruise around on her own and she was like 36% percentile last we checked but perfectly healthy just small and
My son didn’t even crawl until 8 or 9 months, walk until 14 and didn’t talk until he was over 3 years old and he’s always been in the 90+ percentiles for everything else.
She’s fine.
All babies are different.

Some kids just are slower than others i think shes ok.

Too young to stand yes; 9-12 months depending on the child

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If your doctor isn’t worried, you need to calm down.

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She’s to young to try and stand. She’ll jump all day long but you can’t expect her to stand already she just got head control at 4/5 months

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She’s 6 months old. Calm down.

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They begin to walk at 9 months?!

Mine walked at 18 months for my oldest and 15 months for my youngest. They didn’t stand tell shortly before they walked. She will stand when she is ready don’t rush her

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Stand alone or stand in your hands? Standing alone is usually 9-13 months area


Every baby is different. My oldest practically skipped crawling, and she didnt build enough strength in her shoulders causing a fine motor skill delay. Dont rush things.
Im unsure what you mean by her being in the 99 percentile? Are you sure you understand what that means? I was never ttaught ut has anything to do with their milestones- its only a measure to make sure your Los growth is on the right track from birth. If babies weight and height doesnt stay consistent from birth that can mean problems… Unsure how that applied here.
But really, 6 months is early let baby gain strength.

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She’s fine, my youngest didn’t start pulling up till he was 9 months old and his favorite thing to do since 4 months was jump in his jumper and he didn’t walk until about 14 months old and now we can’t slow him down at 3. Let her be a baby while she can and don’t try to rush her.

My daughter didn’t walk until she was 15 months! She was perfectly fine. She just didn’t want to walk. :joy:

My kid crawled for the first time at 6 months… Why do you want your baby to grow faster then she already is? Slow down and enjoy the baby stage. Once she starts walking it gets hard. The moment my son learned to walk I cried and begged him to stop. I couldn’t keep up with his fast little feet, I was exhausted, and he was into every single thing he wasn’t suppose to be. The toddler stage is kicking my butt. He turns 3 in July and already has the attitude of a 16 year old. Now that he has learned how to climb, it’s war.

That’s really early. Please don’t try to force your baby to stand before they’re ready, it can actually mess with their muscle growth and cause issues in their spine and legs.

If your doctor isn’t concerned then there is a good chance it’s not an issue.

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She will develop at her own pace. Don’t force it.

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Honestly though i wish my baby was still in that baby stage where she would just chill with me. Now shes into everything and shes a handful to keep up with. Plus she didnt start walking till almost 19 months. Also sje didnt stand on her own until like 10 months almost 11. Chill out and enjoy this stage and stope forcing it.

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Shit my daughter was standing at 2 months had infantile spasms start at 3-4 months regressed and she was back up walking at 7 months just keep working with them…longest any of my kids took to walk was 14 months tried everything I could ended up being a bag of the 2$ cheese puffs that did the trick he got up and ran across the room for that.

Take her out that jumper!!! She will be walking on her tip. E. Toes


I wouldn’t worry mama. My daughter is already 7 months & JUST started standing & actually just started sitting up & holding herself up. Babies all do things differently & when they’re ready. If it became an issue, your doctor would voice their concern. :blush:

Mine was 6months when she started but there are some that don’t until a year old. Everyone is different.

Um 6 months they start sitting up…


It isnt a milestone at that age


If I’m not mistaken it’s a little early for her to be standing let her take things at her own pace if you rush it then it will lead to problems with her legs in the future and when she does start walking you’re going to be begging her to stop just relax let her be a baby


My son started standing at 9 months

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What she only 7 months dont rush her my daughter was like 10 months old

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Dam I guess you’ll expect her to be potty trained by her 1st birthday


6months is way too young…dont wish their lives away, one minute you’re super excited that they’re walking and the next they’re using those legs to walk to walk out the door to work … believe me it will go that fast!!!:sleepy::sleepy::sleepy: The jumper thing will make it harder for her to stand, it messes with their hips… Just enjoy the moment and don’t focus on percentiles…they will do things when they’re ready too :heart:


Chill, shes only 7 mos…just learning how to sit up…my 14 month old still not walking independently yet (lack of confidence)…just chill

My daughter started walking shortly after turning 1. Standing maybe a month or so before

Why the hell are you forcing her to walk ??? THEY will walk when THEY are ready on their own time :woman_facepalming: let her be a baby


I see a lot of hate on here and it’s so not necessary. My daughter is also 7 months and I had been worried about it too. I have a lot of mommy friends who’s babies are around the same age and are standing all on their own, so I thought that my daughter was delayed. I’m assuming you’re a first time mom (as am I) and so you don’t know exactly when mile stones will happen, I didn’t either until I talked to my aunt and she told me not to worry. The people in the comments are acting like you should know everything like they APPARENTLY do. Don’t worry mama, you’re doing a great job


My son will be 8 months on the 29 and this weekend started pull himself up while holding my hands. Hes was a premee but I know its because he wants to play with his big brother. My first did not pull up like he is. All babies are different.

All babies are different.
Don’t rush and don’t worry.

My daughter just started crawling at 10 months. And she just started pulling herself up. At 6 months, she was still perfecting rolling.

She’s fine. My daughter is 11mos and just started standing last week.

My kid didn’t stand until like 10 months, you’re fine.

Give her a couple more months at least.

My kids both walked at 9 months but they didn’t learn to stand until like a week before they walked🤷🏻‍♀️ why don’t rush it. Enjoy this phase now until the walking chaos starts😂

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Same here! My daughter is almost 7 months. She won’t stand up either. Beside jumping in her jumper. She is also in the 96-98% for everything. Don’t worry. My Dr. Also said that it’s okay. As long as she shows the ability to use her legs (like I’m a jumper) then everything is okay and they’ll just do it on their own time…

7 mths is too early. You need to lower your expectations.

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Be patient she will in her own time :sparkling_heart:

My baby is 7 months and not standing. She is just now learning how to crawl. She will stand in her walker and walk around but not on her own. She also loves her jumperoo. She will stand when she is ready. Can’t make a baby do something they don’t know how to do.

My son didnt start standing until around 7 to 8 months, then around 11 to 12 months he started trying to walk and now is wlaking great. Your baby will do it in thier own time. Dont try to force them to much but keep encourging it :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t worry about it just yet. Children develop differently than others. I think you are okay for now.

I went to the bank with my son when he was about 9 1/2 months old. I stood up to speak with a teller while my son sat next to a table ripping at a magazine, and the next thing I know he’s wobbling his way on both legs across the bank. Prior to that, he didn’t have much interest in trying to stand. Just here or there. he loved to crawl fast… So, they all sort of do things at their own pace. Doctor will tell you if there is a concern…