Should an 8-year-old play outside on their own?

The first sentence. I didn’t even read further. It’s no. Stick to it and watch him like a hawk.

I let my kids play outside alone but I’m in the boondocks and we have no neighbors so I’m good. Everyone is different.

I have a 13, 12 ,10 8, 7 and 3 year old…I’d never let them go out alone!!! Our parks are in our back yard and I still don’t let them go alone!!! I know my eldest are mature enough but what if something happens, then what are you going to do???

8 is too young, theres predators everywhere but especially in parks as they know thats where children are.

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No…not in today’s world…i used to ride my bike or walk to the park allll the time when I was 8…but I wouldn’t let my 8 year old do it nowadays…too many sickos out there…sex traffickers…pedophiles etc…

No itsyour child do what your heart and head tell u

Today’s world is not the same world I grew up in…it was bad at times with weirdos and drug addicts …but there are more weirdos and drug addicts now…if you can’t see or hear your child…don’t go there…

He’s too young. Cell phone??? Is the park within view of your home??? I don’t even want to let my son go to school. I’m terrified.

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I let my 8 year old play in our yard alone, but would not let her leave the property. She knew her boundaries and stuck to them.

I live on a dead end street behind a hospital that has a park at the dead end. The road in front of the hospital/park is relatively busy. My son has been riding his bike and playing at that park his whole life and around 8 was when I started letting him go without me. That’s also when he got a phone due to the sports he is in so he was able to call if he needed me and I could call and check in. In the beginning I also frequently would walk down to the park unannounced just to check up on what he was doing. When I started letting him he had to check in AT HOME every 30 minutes. So it was like 20 minutes to play between each check in.

Outside your house maybe but still supervise. The park down the road? No.

My 8 and 10 year old play outside by themselves

Let him play outside in sight I would not let him go to far where you can’t see him. It really depends where you live. I don’t trust anyone with my kids.

My kids and all my neighbours kids play out the front in the cul de sac theres a minimum of 2 kids and can be up to 9 kids out there x i personally think its dependant on the childs maturity tbh my 9 year old goes off the the park to play with her friends but i would not let my 7 uear old in 2 years as i already know shes not maturing as quick

Definitely old enough to play in the yard alone, not the park.


You cannot trust anyone! Don’t let him go by himself. Go with him and let him play

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No, in the yard with supervistion, not alone with friends, sadly it just isn’t safe out there…


I wouldn’t let him go unsupervised down the road where you can’t see him. Trust your instincts. If he isn’t mature enough and at 8, I wouldn’t do it. I wouldn’t do it with my 8 year old.


No way my boy is 7 and I’m sorry to say it but some of the kids that play in the park best our home are just vile, nasty and dam right mean, my boy is very sicisl within our family and his school friends, he has dlerps over goes for tea and we have days out with his friends, why on earth woukd anyone want to have their younger children hanging out with teenager thst swear, smoke, drink, take drugs no thank you very much I doubt think so, keeo those littles legs little in mind for as long as u can, before u no it they will have left home and started a family of their own, don’t be in a hurry for them to grow up life is promised enjoy there growth xx

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My son is 12, he still doesn’t go anywhere without me until it’s the backyard


In todays world…no. my kids are adults and got much more freedom than my grandchildren do now . Not because they’re not trusted but because other adults cant be. It takes seconds to snatch a child . Not so long ago there was an attempted snatch of a 2yo walking down the street with their mother…side by side …the family dog saved the child thankfully .

In a subdivision in the front yard where someone can take them, No! Now a days kids can’t hardly do anything outside without us worrying or something happening.

l get paid over $167 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18899 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

M0re Info.

It honestly depends on the maturity level. My youngest is 7 and he plays in our yard alone. He knows the rules and I have enough windows I can always see him. If your son is not following rules then no he needs supervision until he learns what you expect from him to play outside alone. As for going to the park down the street. Only if he has a mature friend or adult you feel is responsible. I don’t let my son go alone to the park down the street . He has to have his older brother who is almost 14 with him. This is a crazy world and you never know what can happen. Hope this helps

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No he’s to young he need’s to stay home let him play outside in your yard

Predators have long existed. In the 70’s one or more such predator took at least 4 children in the Detroit region, and after several days, their bodies would be found clean, well dressed and well fed, before they were murdered. What drove those children who had been taught stranger danger, to get into the car with a stranger? No matter how many times you tell a child what dangers to watch for, an experienced predator can often get around those barriers. My own 8-year-old daughter was driven home for school one day and got out of a car driven by man whom I did not know. She said some dogs were barking at her as she walked home, and he stopped and told her to get in and he would take her safely home. She did! I am grateful that he was a good man with good intentions, but it showed me how easily all those lessons can be forgotten. If your son is with a group of friends, chances are much better that they all will be safe if they stay together. But that same young child alone? Why take the chance?


I read the first line “should an 8 year old play outside on their own?” The short answer is no. Nothing else needs to be read too know the answer is no.

You never be too careful. Do not leave your child unsupervised outside

My 8 yr old rides his bike to his friends houses , goes to the park behind our house. It really was something I contemplated with alot and slowly allowed him to have his independence. He’s shown me I can trust him and he doesn’t leave our neighborhood. Yes times are different but my neighborhood has never shown reason for concern, my kid is still a human with needs to grow, explore , make mistakes and not be coddled. We’re in Canada though… the u.s … I might have different feelings depending on what your neighborhood is like. Self confidence is a big thing for kids , find ways you’re comfortable in giving him room to grow.

Nope. At least not my 8 yr old. When my oldest was 8 yes… depends on the child not the age more to me.

If you don’t think he is mature enough the answer is NO! You are the mom and know your child best :heart:

Absolutely not!!! Go on any missing sight and you’ll see all the kids who disappear playing outside with no supervision. Obviously your “partner” is NOT his father!!! :roll_eyes: Tell him to f**k off

You know your little man better than anyone. Choice is yours

No it is sad but to dangerous in this world now.

in the yard within eyeshot of a parent or older sibling- absolutely. walking down the street to a public park by himself-absolutely not. even with a gps tracker on a cellphone i wouldn’t feel that and 8 yr old would be able to manage this. the only exception would be if the park was literally next door and within view of the parent at all times

My children are 11 10 and 8 and they play outside all the time. However they know they have to stay in our yard and my windows open I watch them while I’m doing chores

Unfortunately, times have changed so much. It’s sad how much. I had a very, very bad experience letting my daughter go to a friends house that I knew. And just not one friend there were several others and I also knew the parents. She was 14 years old and one of time she was 12. I live in the country I would never let my daughter or son walk anymore unless I was with them. It only takes one time to be at the right place at the wrong time.

My older two are 9 and 6 and they play outside alone all the time. Mainly in the back yard I don’t like them in the front alone. They’ve been doing it for a few years now. They also know to not leave the yard. Never had an issue and I check on them frequently. My almost 2 year old obviously does not go outside without an adult.

Edit to add - I would never let my kids leave the house alone, and walk anywhere.

always trust your gut instinct mom…no one knows your kid better than you!

Definitely not. Too many kids has gone missing. Boys or girls, doesn’t matter. The fact that you’re even questioning is your instinct telling you that it’s not a good idea.

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That’s a no for me. Times have changed since my oldest was little (He’s almost 21 now). He was allowed to go off to play with the neighborhood crew of kids when he was like 11 and they all cruised the neighborhood together. But my little ones (12, 10, 8) are allowed to play in our backyard alone, but not our front yard. And my 12yr old can walk to a friends house 3 houses down but herom texts me the minute she walks in their door. While I do agree with giving children freedom to explore and be kids, I also feel that too many things can happen in the blink of an eye and that we must be vigilent as parents

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I would let him play in the yard with supervision.

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Nope. Kids are getting taken right off their front lawns nowadays. My kids can find themselves while I supervise if it’s anywhere but our fenced backyard.

And I’ve personally seen kids that age at a park alone and they do some dangerous crap that has me worried for the medical bills their parents are going to have to pay one day :sweat_smile:


Hell I was playing outside on my own at 5-6 years of age, riding my bike all over the neighborhood and getting into all kinds of shit.
What has happened to this country, let kids be kids, let them outside to explore.

No, not in this day of age, It not safe,

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NO he is your child and the partner should respect that. Never let your child out of sight !!! There are freaks out there :disappointed:

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If you feel he’s not mature enough yet I wouldn’t. All kids are different. It’s more of a safety thing. Will they do what they need to to stay safe? Only you can decide momma.

I have a fenced in yard and my 6 yr old is just starting to go out by himself for about 1 min… but I live in the country and family lives next door and down the road… but he knows to stay in the yard… so I guess it’s how mature you think he is if he lies alot maybe allow him to go down the block but not to the park until you cab trust him he has to earn the trust


No spare yourself the torture of your kid coming home with a new problem every time they go to play.

Outside, yes !!! Down the road at the park - not alone, could go with a friend or two though & check in in an hour - get him a watch …

My 8 year old is very mature for her age but there is no way I’d let her go anywhere without adult supervision unless it was our own backyard :woman_shrugging: and probably won’t until she starts highschool :confused: I know what I got upto when I was younger and I was mature for my age but sometimes that can be a problem also.

No, i totally agree with you

I believe it depends on the neighborhoods. For instance my 7 and 9 yr old can play outside on the front lawn by themselves but we don’t live close enough to a park for them to walk to. If we lived in my hometown then yes I would let them walk to the park because it is a much safer town with parks throughout. If anything get him a walkie talkie to communicate with.

Nope. My 8 year old asked me to meet her friend at our local park a while back. Nope. She’s mature and overly honest. Still the quickest hell no I’ve said, she doesn’t leave the front door unless I’m there. Anyone can come here to play She has a massive back garden thousands of toys,scooters, bikes, hoverboard etc That’ll do.

Follow your instincts! I woould not allow him to go to a playground by himself! There are so many dangers out there these days and an 8 yr old does not have the matchurity to to cope with it

I took my 2 year old to a park for her birthday. There was a group of boys ranging from age 9-12. While I was trying to make my way around the jungle gym that she had slid under and out the other side, they came up to her and started screaming in her face. Screaming. She didn’t understand and walked away, I told them off but tried to make it not a big deal as she was perturbed but not yet upset. A little while later they were on a toy that spins that can take several people. She ran over to jump on and they started screaming and cussing at her. I’m pregnant and was well on my way to lay into them when a wonderful and scary looking man approached and handled them.

Moral? If you can’t trust your ding dongs alone then please don’t do it. They ruin it for everyone else.

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He’s young someone could take him. You people do realize that predators will snatch a 15 year old just as soon as they will an 8 year old?

If he lies, you need to get to the root of that problem. No he should not be rewarded with responsibility when he lies and does not follow the rules of the house. However having a conversation with him and figuring out what the issue is is the first step

No. He is to young. There are to many things out there that can harm a young child.

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I would not let my 8 year old go by himself

All depends on the kid. I have one child I absolutely would allow at 8, one child I probably won’t allow to be alone till he is in college :sweat_smile::sob::joy:

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No, he’s too young! Go w/ your instincts.

I was roaming around the neighborhood at 6 and came home when the street lights turned on. Or else I missed supper. Good incentive

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No hes not old enough yet to be out playing on his own away from the house

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He certainly can play outside in the yard unattended but not at a park

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Funk that, drive his ass three miles away somewhere he knows like Chick-fil-A and drop him off and tell he’s got two hours to get home. I bet he matures right up as you pull away

My son is 6 and he plays outside in the yard by himself he knows to stay in the yard. We also live in the middle of nowhere but we also keep an eye on him and go outside to check on him every couple of minutes… I wouldn’t let him leave yard by himself that he is to young for

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Think it’s an at that age boy thing. My son says it’s a joke even tho it was a blunt face lie. I hope he will stop. But that vs his maturity level is way dif. I let him ride his bike round town and go to the park but he has a phone n I live in a very tiny town. His dad lives in a bigger town and let’s him do the bike trails with his friends cuz they go by the parks

A 12 year old girl just went missing in my town on the walk home from school that wasn’t even a full block

I wouldn’t let my 8 year old go down to the park by themselves


I let 3 of mine play outside alone but were in a complex so their always with friends outside

I wouldn’t let my 8 year old go to the park alone. He is still to young.

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To go outside and play where you can see him, yes. But to go alone to the park out of sight, absolutely not.
There are way to many sick people out there and that’s a vulnerable age.

I don’t even let my 11 yr old there is crazy people in this world

If he goes with a group of friends I don’t see anything wrong with going down to the park I personally would go down every hour to check on him and if for one second I found out he was lying he would never be allowed to go back down there again give him some trust until he does something for you to take it away

play outside in the backyard. No way would I let my 8 year old play at the park with no supervision … :skull:

Omg too young. There are too many child abductions! I wouldn’t let my 8 year old go to the park alone no!

No. Maybe back in the day, yes but nowadays people are crazy and weird.

When i was in 4th grade a kid in the same grade as me went skating around his neighborhood he went missing he was found 2 weeks later raped and killed buried under some logs in the creek. So my answer would be install a fence build a parl in your back yard.