Should family be paid to babysit?

I babysit my niece’s baby while she is in school and I don’t request to be paid
I see it as an honor to babysit
Plus 3 days a week I take/pick up her preschooler to/from school with no request for gas compensation

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Knowing your child is in best care is priceless, not having to worry they are being abused or mistreated by strangers, you are getting off cheap! Cannot believe you are complaining.


Getting paid never hurts and I bet part of that is spent on your son :sunglasses:


I think it depends on the family. If she thinks she should be paid then pay her, she is technically babysitting. My husbands grandma watches mine 3 days a week for 1 hour each day, but she loves keeping her, and doesn’t ask for payment!

Yes, they should be paid. And that price is a steal so wtf are you complaining about? :roll_eyes:


Do you know how old you at 62? Of course not! We have raised our children and we look to some rest. You pay that lady for helping you out!


I have babysat for all my grandchildren and still watching them for free and it’s a forever commitment until they don’t need you anymore but you do what you have to do to make things easier for the ones who can’t afford day care prices. The only thing is you become very attached to those children and become over protective of them. You know they are In good hands and not being abused.


I worked as a sitter to supplement my disability checks and charged 50 bucks a day . When my daughter went to work she paid me 10 a day and she knew that was a bargain . When your on Social Securiry it is very hard to make ends meet so definitely pay her .


Dude I paid my mother to come over and help me clean my house. She has bills too. Why would you not pay your family for doing a job you’d pay literally ANYBODY else to do? I’m sure she’d do it for free if she could afford it but obviously she needs compensation. Help your grandma!


Grandma might need money for snacks, and carpool. She may not want to do it either.

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Fine, put the kid in day care and then try to complain about what she’s asking for.


I’m a grandmother who babysits my grandchildren. Yes it’s harder as you get older to watch the kids. I get payed by my daughter cause she gets payed for doing a job I should too. I spend almost everyday with her kids and love it and helping to raise her kids. I only get paid when she works but watch the kids for her to do shopping or errands. I love the kids but they are work. When I finally went back to work when my kids were young. I paid daycare. I would have loved to pay my mother to watch my kids instead of a stranger. Oh ya and I give my daughter receipts so we both claim it on income tax

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My family helps me out I don’t mind at all giving them money here and there. Why not? She’s safer with family and is happier I’d rather pay them then someone else lee


I offer to pay but they say no.

That $65 could help her out a lot. Remember she is on a limited income. Bless her and pay. She blesses you by watching him. He won’t be abused!!!


I babysit all my nephew’s and neices that live by me, each one I get paid for!! It’s my job

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Seriously :neutral_face: seems selfish on your part you couldn’t get that rate anywhere :flushed:


Yes you should pay her. You don’t get daycare for free. Start checking out prices & you will be happy to pay her.


My daughter pays $125.00 a week for day care,you should be more than happy to pay your grandmother what she asks!

unless you are supplying his food , i dont see her request being unreasonable

you pay for then $65 for a daycare your choices are. Daycare, Grandma or do it yourself.

Key word is grandmother and she has already raised her children so if she is charging you. You are lucky that you have some one you can trust your child with and there is no amount of money that I would not be willing to pay for that peace of mind. You should thankful for that.


You don’t like to pay for childcare then don’t have kids?


My great aunt watches my 4 month old for me while I work 12 hour shifts and I definitely pay her for it, there’s no set amount and I just give her what I’m able to at that time but I definitely give her more than $50 or $60. I’m so grateful for her I could never pay her enough for doing what she does for me.


Sounds like you’re a little self entitled. Reel it in lady.


she might need the money!

While 65 dollars a week might sound like a lot, some facilities will charge you 70 dollars per DAY per child. I’d say you count your blessings and consider yourself lucky that you’ve got the extra help.


Shame on you! Her time is precious too! You know he will get the best care. ! Shame on you for devaluing your own mothet!


I paid my niece $25 for 4 hours… she’s also 15 year old

I’d charge you that per day.
Pay your gramma. Probably deserves far more than 65 a week too.


I’d pay a hell of a lot more than that to not have to worry that my child is in the hands of a possible monster :woman_shrugging:t2: She doesn’t owe you childcare. I’d count my blessings and pay the $65!


If she is on a fixed income that little extra could be a big help to her…maybe she could buy something that she ordinarily couldn’t do.


At $65 …your pretty lucky… just pay it…


Depends on the circumstances…does she provide everything or do you? Is she on a fixed income?
65 is nothing…here day care is 350-500 a WEEK no matter if they go hours or full days all week!


You should be paying for childcare no matter if its family friends or daycare


Go pay a daycare then and I bet you’ll think $65 is cheap then.


Are you not grateful for the fact you have family willing and able to watch your child so you can work? Pay her. If you had to use daycare instead, you’d be paying a whole lot more than $65 a week. If you can’t afford the amount she wants, negotiate what you could afford to pay her.


Yes. Watching kids sucks.

She is only getting paid $5.40 per hour for 12 hours per week. Where else could she find a sitter for that.?


Wtf… You really are upset you have to pay your elderly grandma to watch your son?

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Sorry hun she deserves payment. Even a well behaved child is someone who takes up her time. She could be doing other things.

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It is a blessing in each situation.

What the hell, pay the woman!

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Does it keep g ma from making her own way in order to have a college fund for her kids

It’s very nice when grandparents offer to babysit but that is not their obligation. Childcare is very expensive so this is really not a lot of money for your child to be cared for by someone who loves him and whom you can trust


Good mother and grandmother

Lol wow the disrespect! Either pay the $65 or put him in daycare and pay $350+


Yes, she has raised her children. I am sure you can compromise on a fee that would be acceptable OR find someone else to do child care for you.


Hell yes. It is the toughest job on the planet. Pay her. She might want to put it into a bond for the child.


Uh, yes. Childcare is childcare. Who does the work does not matter.


You sound like an entitled brat!!!
You should gladly be willing to pay 65$ a week to have your child be watched by someone you trust and loves your son
#YourEntitled #EasyBabyMyAss #NoBabyIsEasy #GrowUp


That is fucked my family doesn’t charge me anything . They’re/We’re FAMILY :heart:

For the love of god, I DEMAND you pay the sweet grandma or go find a daycare that charges 300+

God some of these are stupid entertaining. Even behaved kids are little shits sometimes, mine included.:joy::sob: this woman is a Karen

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Pay your grandma. She is helping you so you need to help her.

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Because of your Grandmother you are able to work and receive care for your child. If you work and get paid,so should your Grandmother! If you were just going out with your husband for dinner,in my opinion, than no. But, you make money, you pay your Grandmother to watch your kid!


Yeah she should be paid. 65 a week is good my sister pays 20 a day.


Pay the $65 per week. My Mother-n-law who is unemployed requested that we pay her $128 per week. That is $8 an hour and is more than what daycare charges in my area for 12 hours a day 5 days per week. It was for 2 days of her time, 12 hours total. Our son is one and a half and an angel as well. I would have gladly paid $65 per week for her time and the inconvenience.


Hell of a lot cheaper than daycare. Its not her job to take care of your kids. If she wants to charge then you’ll have to pay.


I watch my grand babies sometimes. I am currently unable to work and waiting on disability. I do have a teenager at home yet and he helps out so much with them. I charge $10/day for two of them and split it with my teenager. I try to get all my appointments, bills paid and errands done in one day but currently have to rely on others or take the city transit system. To rearrange my schedule and change appointments, I don’t feel that it is too much to ask for payment. I do have them without pay sometimes but I enjoy having them.

LOL my grandma if she asked to be paid would be sly and end up putting it away for me then probably around Xmas or kids bday or an emergency give it to me like here I was saving that money for you this whole time :heart_eyes:

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Omg you are giving out about paying someone who loves your child and will look after him 100% and she does it for 65 a week .seriously I don’t understand it. If you had to pay a stranger or creche it would be alot lot more .be thankful for what you’ve got .It’s one of the hardest jobs to do .irrespective of if it’s a family member or not .please don’t ruin your relationship over money .think of the peace of mind you have knowing your child is well taken care of by someone who loves your child.


Don’t be a dickhead
She’s 62… you can’t pay an old lady I minimal amount of cash for watching your crotch goblin?

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every little bit helps when on a small fix income . my granddaughter offers me to look after my great granddaughter. .here and there it helps me out as well lam 65 .

You dont charge family to babysit.


Pretty well $6/hour … food n snacks n juice n whatever else for your kids costs more I’m sure!

PAY HER. You’d have to pay strangers who do not care about your child.


$65 is soooooo cheap compared to professional childcare. You are being ungrateful and taking advantage of your grandmother. $65 is NOTHING compared to actual certified childcare. You have no idea how lucky you are.


I know a woman who babysat her grandchildren for years. Yes she got paid. Now she finds herself without that income and needs to find a job to make up for the loss of income. She did it to help her daughter and to help raise those babies with the kind of love a Gramma has. You can always take your child to a daycare if you find it to be unfair. I watch my grandchildren without pay, but it’s only because I do it on my free time.

Pay ur grandma. She probably gives him food, snacks, drinks etc. Ur just contributing to that. Damn. Dont be stingy

You would be paying another sitter or daycare at least that much. And her time is worth the same as any other. So, I feel shee is in the right and you need to get over it.

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Girl pay that lady and thank her for allowing you to be able to provide for your kid😘

Honestly I dont think it’s right to demand to be paid… unless it was established in the beginning before she took on watching him. I’m currently watching my sister on laws baby who is 7 months on mondays and tuesday for 12 hour days. I do not demand money. I do t bring it up. Nore did I ask to get paid when I volunteered to watch him. Would it be nice to be paid? Sure… but because shes family I dont feel it’s necessary to demand it.

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Well yes. Some.of is do it for nothing. And some of us want you to become healthy responsible adults. Have you priced daycare.

Well, I mean every once and while, then no. But if she’s watching him that often, then yes, you should offer and if asked just pay. Child care is expensive and I’d rather pay family than a stranger

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The elderly usually live on a very limited income, 65 dollars a week is not much. She’s getting half of minimum. Why do you think she should do this for free, is her time not valuable. It likely plays her out & affects her day routine. Be grateful she’s willing to help :pray:


Because she is watching him 3 days a week, every week, every month-then yes pay her. Regardless of his temperament. She is now providing you with childcare while you work on a regular basis…not for a night out with whomever you choose on a very seldom occasion.

How much would an actual daycare cost? If you are so “livid”- take your child somewhere else! She’s doing you a favor, don’t be ungrateful


Grandma doesn’t have to babysit your child and daycare is way more than $65 a week. He probably eats way more there then he would at daycare too. Plus, retired people don’t make a whole lot. And grandma im sure, is tired. But she watches your child anyway. Don’t be ungrateful and pay her. Or send him to daycare :woman_shrugging:t2:


Yes you should out of respect you would pay way more

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Your grams needs some extra cash too. She is not obligated to watch your child. At least you know he is safe. She could be totally retired and not watching kids. Bless her soul and be grateful for her.


It is a job do you work or free.

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I mean she could say no I’m not watching him

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I would charge more!


Price different daycares in your area. Then kneel down before your grandma and shower her with the 65$ PLUS a huge tip!


This different for everyone, theres right or wrong answer.

My mother watched my son for the first year of his life, and we paid her $450 a month. We also supplied diapers, wipes, breast milk, bottles, snacks, and laundry detergent for the times that she might need to wash his bedding.
Over the summer, my sister in-law watched my 5 year old daughter and 1 year old son two days a week, and we paid her $100 a week for her time and energy. Why wouldn’t you pay someone who is devoting all that they are to the love and care of your child?


Yes, she should be paid. If you do not like that, have someone else watch your child. Why is she required to help you with childcare for free?

That’s like half of what daycare would charge soooo

It’s awesome when family can watch your kids and even better when they do it for free but you can’t just expect that. Again she wants half what you would pay for daycare at least around me. Count your blessings.

I pay $1200 a month for childcare as a single mom with no help. I wish I had a grandma to pay $65 a week!


Be grateful she watches him at all and doesnt charge you more.


My MIL watches my kids for free while my husband and I work. Every family is different and this is something you should negotiate with your grandma.

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$65.00 is not a lot of money compared to having him in a day care…


Maybe Grandma is on a pension and could use the money. Have you seen what some seniors get a month to “live” on?


I babysit my grandson once every second weekend from 7.30-- 4.30 pm. And my x son in law pays me 50.00 each day out of respect for me. It’s a long day with a 3 year old. And I appreciate it so much. So yes you should be paying her. She works hard to look after your kids. You shouldn’t be complaining about it.


If you don’t want to pay her stay at home yourself and mind your cutie


Do you work for free if you dont why should granny she could be out doing what she wants to do or even get a wee part time job herself if she wanted


You sound pathetic. You should be ashamed.


do you get paid when you work


I get to enjoy my granddaughter quite regularly. I’m pick her up from school and depending on the day we’re looking at, either homework, reading, math or fun. I try to fill the day with as much positive pleasurable, yet educational as possible