Should I be concerned that my baby fell off the bed?

My 9 month old was sound asleeop on my bed when I was reading a book…i really had to go to the bathroom so i hurried in there and made sure he was still fast asleep…i was gone maybe one minute and he rolled off the bed…i feel like the worlds worst mom right now and am scared to reach out to his doctor in fear they will think i purposelly did something…he is acting fine though…should i be concerned? he didnt even cry when it happened


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I be concerned that my baby fell off the bed? - Mamas Uncut

As long as hes not throwing up. Hard to wake up. Excessivly crying. Things like that thay indicate a concussion hes fine.


As long as he isn’t vomiting and pale with pupils not responded to light then I’m sure he’s fine. Both of my boys have crawled off the bed or couch. Keep an eye on him and if you notice anything worrisome then take him into the walk in to be seen. Also check the soft spot on the top of his head, if there is any swelling then call or go. If not just keep an eye on him. Those were all the things my son’s pediatrician had me check and watch.


Pretty sure this happens to every baby…
My dad left me alone on the couch when I was younger & yep I fell off it.


Mama, stuff happens! My daughter did the exact same thing when she was about 10 months, she was 100% fine! As long as there are no lumps or signs of a concussion I wouldn’t stress!


Oh you are a good momma!! Accidents happen! If you feel he should see a doctor than by all means take him. A lot of insurance companies have on call nurses and hospitals do too. In the end they will tell you it’s your choice.


It happens. Don’t be too hard on yourself. If he seems fine, he probably is. Either way though, I doubt the doctor would think it was on purpose, unless he’s had multiple injuries or something like that.


Yup I think this happens to a lot of parents , as above if all normal bubs will be fine


Just get him checked out. If he got hurt you could be charged with medical neglect.

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If you haven’t fallen off the bed at some point, are you even a baby? :slight_smile:

I’m sure he’s fine.


Are they even a baby yet if they haven’t fallen off the bed?


My oldest rolled off my bed and was totally fine. My bed wasn’t high off the floor at all, though. I joke that babies bounce. They’re resilient. If there’s no signs of a concussion, I wouldn’t be too worried.

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It’s happened to most parents. Doesnt make you a bad mom. If he just rolled he likely landed fairly evenly whereas if he’d crawled he would have risked a head first fall. If he’s acting fine, I wouldn’t worry. Parenting is full of lessons.


Keep him awake for awhile make sure he doesn’t go to sleep watch for vomiting. If any of these signs go to the hospital. Most babies do this


I think it’s sort of like a rite of passage a baby must complete in order to enter toddlerhood.

Seriously though, as long as they seem fine and no visible marks or pain, I wouldn’t worry about it.
P. S. You’re a good mama :heart:


I don’t think your a mum until this happens. If your worried go to the doctor. They wont judge.


My son just turned 10 months and YEP. Did a rapid double roll off my bed last month while I turned around to grab his pants out of a dresser drawer. It happens!! As long as nothing is out of the ordinary he will be just fine mama. Mine laughed at me crying over it a few minutes later. I Felt really bad for a few days but he really was fine.

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Mine was asleep on grandma’s bed about 3 and a half to 4 feet off the floor and I ran to the other bathroom to not wake her up and put pillows next to her incase she did wake up. Wasn’t gone long just a pee break from cuddling her while she slept and she rolled off grandma’s bed. And she looked perfectly fine and barely cried from it. 3 years later and she’s still perfectly fine. But do keep an eye on your little one to make sure that they don’t have a concussion. It’s probably what the doctor will tell you to do anyways. And if you notice your child being more tired then usual then definitely seek help immediately. Also don’t let them sleep right now incase they have a concussion. Keep them awake for at least am hour even if it throws off your schedule. Best to make sure baby is ok

Your not a bad mom for starters this happens. Keep a close eye on him for any signs but as long as he didn’t hit his head I wouldn’t over worry. If you have any concerns seek medical attention, better safe than sorry. You will not be judged

Mine rolled off 4 times and she’s 5 months​:joy::woman_facepalming:t2: and then almost another 2

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I’d say hes fine. Keep him awake for an hour, just incase of concussion. But if there is no bleeding cuts or signs of pain. He will be OK. This is one the first of many accidents to happen. Kids get scuffed all the time from just playing around. Don’t feel bad. Things happen, and as he gets older you will see that he will have other accidents

Don’t beat yourself up. Both my babies did and if he seems fine don’t worry, but for peace in mind get him checked. They will understand x

Keep your eye out for a concussion. Most likely your baby is just fine. My first was 6m the first time she fell off a bed, my second was 3months (my mattress was on the floor at the time luckily) my second is now 1.5 and has fallen off of things more than I’d like to admit. She’s not scared of anything I’m convinced. No signs of concussion, then I wouldn’t be worried.

Happened to me as well and I was standing right next to him. He was 6 months, I was changing him on my bed and I turned to grab a diaper since I couldn’t find the one I had just grabbed (he was laying on it) and as I turned, he rolled over and down he went. I called his ped and he told me what to watch for (sleepiness. Fussiness, change in his pupils, any swelling, signs of pain, etc and if I saw any to take him in but he was post likely find. I sat up all night watching him and he was fine. You are not a bad mom. Sending hugs


My son has rolled off a few times in his short life and now falls/jumps off (currently 2½) he is totally fine. Children are resilient. Id check the neck to make sure its not tender but other than that baby should be fine

I always put a bunch of pillows along the side of the bed after my son rolled off. It happens, he’s likely fine. Just watch him for a day or two.


My daughter rolled off our bed at around 8 months, she cried but was fine. Keep baby awake for a bit =) not a bad mom. It happens. Everybody makes this mistake clearly…

It’s happened to 95% of us :joy:


Mines fallen off the bed like 5 times :joy::sweat_smile: he’s fine he’s 19months

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He’s fine ! If he didn’t even cry then it didn’t even hurt him !!

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We have all done it dont beat yourself up hun


I was the same way when mine first rolled off the bed! It happens to almost every mom and trust me this won’t be the last time your baby roll off the bed! Your not a bad mom!

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I’m confused
Your worried because he fell but not getting him checked because you’re more worried about how you’ll look?

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Idky people are laugh reacting. That’s terrifying for a new mom!

You have good advice here. Please don’t beat yourself up.


If the child is not “lively” enough to roll off of something by 5-6 months, it was said that it wasn’t lively enough to survive. Your baby falling is a good omen.


I’ve done this and felt the same. He’s fine :smiling_face:

As a mom with 8 kiddos it happens its ok deary my kids did it all the time as long as u keep an eye on him for about an hour ish or 2 if he seems fine he probably is just breathe

Thats how i knew my son could roll :flushed: felt awful. Just keep an eye on him. Im sure it has happened to a lot of us.

He will be fine unless he’s showing symptoms baby’s are pretty tough

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Been there done that… don’t beat yourself up momma. It happens. He’s alright. My daughter rolled off my bed at 6 months, didn’t even know she could roll that far as I had her by the wall and my bed is HIGHHH off the floor, she was fine once the scare wore off.


Dear lord,… My first did the same thing. I REALLY had to pee. A clunk and a cry later I was holding her on my bed crying my eyes out. She was fine. Are you I really a mom if you have never felt like the worst mom ever?


Lol my son fell off the couch a couple of times onto wooden floors, he was fine I was worse than he was, when he started walking he fell down concrete stairs while I had my back turned for a split second, graze’s to his face, a trip to the a&e and still he was fine. Mum guilt and fear takes over


It happens to us all but let’s not be flippant about it and say “ha! Mine has fallen off the bed loads of times in his or her’s small life, so it’s fine.”
Learn from it (as I am sure you already have a good mama! This is more directed at the mums who have let it happen LOADS of times) and try your best to not let it happen again. We all need to dash quickly from the bed sometimes, so be sure to put pillows down around your bed or even their cot mattress so if they fall they wont have to hit a hard floor. Even if you’re lucky enough that a fall doesn’t inflict an injury, falling will still be a shocking and unpleasant experience for baby. I used to also put pillows either side of my baby (from the hip down to avoid a roll ending up in possible suffocation). You deffo can’t wrap them in cotton wool but prevention is better than a cure. As with anyone, a fall can be serious if you knock your head in the right place and babies as we know, have very vulnerable heads. Don’t beat yourself up if it happens, it happens to us all! You’re only human and 95% of the time, everything is fine of course, but there is a small chance it might not be one day, so if your baby is now able to move around, take the nessesery precautions next time and you need not ever feel the way you do today. I can tell you’re a good mum just by the fact you feel the way you do! So,don’t beat yourself up! Xxx

Falling off the bed/couch is a right of passage as a human🤷🏻‍♀️ I think almost EVERY child has fallen outta bed or off the couch by 3.


Mines fell off the bed too, on to hard wood floors. They’re fine no permanent damage.

Every baby falls off a bed. If he seems okay, he should be fine

Kids fall of the bed all the time. They won’t think anything is off, it happens.

Every child im sure has falling off a bed/couch just make sure they have no knots and if they do remember no sleeping for an 1hr

Hell be alright. We’ve all done it. Lol it happens. Don’t be so hard on yourself


I would take him straight to the hospital and have it on record !!! Plz, there’s no way I could let my baby goto sleep said they may not wake up. Prayers and Blessings

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It happened to me too with my baby thankfully we had a carpet so it was a soft landing, but hey I cried with my baby when it happened

It’s happened to every kid I’ve ever birthed! As long as the bed isn’t super high, it also depends on if you have carpet or hardwood.


My oldest daughter when she was an infant rolled off our couch and on to the carpet floor. I was so scared she was hurt. I called ER nurse and she told me babies bounce and she be fine. I of course was pissed off by this but she was truly fine. She was scared as heck but fine once consoled. It happens. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Hugs. By the way she is almost 17 now and just fine attitude and all. So relax and breathe. It be ok.


As long as his head gets a fine your good to go. If he didn’t cry then you should be good, just for the next 24 hrs pay attention to his behaviour in case of concussion

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Look for signs of a concussion. Call a nurse hotline if you’re concerned. My sons have fallen off surfaces and they’re all faring well, but each time it is scary.

Wait till you knock his head on the car door frame trying to put him into his car seat :person_facepalming: that was the one for me :rofl::rofl::rofl: but seriously this happens to everyone Don’t beat yourself up! As long as he’s acting normal and if he develops a bruise or bump and it’s out, not inward, he’s fine. Also just to prepare you for the future, boys a rough and tumble! I can’t tell you how many times my son’s scared the crap out of me doing dare devil shit​:rofl::rofl: they always want to learn the hard way.

a doctor said to me “you’ll have no questions if there’s something wrong you’ll know for a fact”


Been there! My son rolled OVER the pillows we set around him and right onto the tile floor. If he were a few inches over he would have landed in a hamper full of clean towels… Because my son had a previous brain bleed, we did call 911 and took him to the children’s hospital where his doctors were. We weren’t even there an hour. The doctor came in, assured me he was fine, even had one of then doctors from his neuro team come down and sign off before sending us home with the instructions to watch him for signs of increased brain swelling and sent us home. Thankfully he was fine and the doctors assured us we did the right thing considering the circumstances.

My advice, keep an eye on him. You’re his you know him best. You know what is normal for him and what isn’t. If you feel like something is off, don’t hesitate and take him to the hospital or doctors. It never hurts to check and believe me when I say the doctors and nurses totally understand lol. You are not the worst mom in the world, not by a long shot!!

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Sweetie You’re fine. The baby is fine. My daughter was the worst about falling off the couch, and bed. My doc told me, their heads are made for a few falls. CPS want be called. It’s not like you was shaking your baby. It does feel like a total mom fail but trust me eventually you will use it as humor. I tell my daughter “you hit your head way too many times as a baby” when she does something weird :blush:

He’ll be fine won’t be the last time lol

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It’s happened to all of us! If he seems ok, just keep an eye on him. I’m sure he’s gonna be ok mama. Don’t be too hard on urself :black_heart:


Yes you should be concerned. Take your baby to the doctors. A fractured scull is not always obvious. Why take the chance you missed and tried to cover up signs of a serious injury xx

It usually happens around that time. That’s about when they learn to roll around and it’s scary and all but completely normal. It’s actually considered a milestone in my Mexican family. :sweat_smile: I hope that makes you feel better. Plus, your baby is WAY tougher than you think!! And this also will not the the first time he falls. It happens. Just comfort baby the best you can and it’ll pass.


It’s like an initiation. You’re not a true parent until it happens :sweat_smile:


Babies are tough his fine

Um being scared to go to doctor is way horrible take him and explain it’s happened to a lot of people

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I think that we all have gone through the same stuff, babies fall from the bed or couches all the time , if he did not cried , have a sign of a concussion ( bruise/ hematoma etc , and it’s not acting different he is fine .

But , you should NEVER EVER take the desicion of not taking your kid to his doctor / ER out off fear than you will be accuse of abusing/ neglecting your son , they can tell if the baby has a accident or not , and if he gets worse because you took to long to take him you will be in serious problems


We all do it. Happens to every kid. Hubby left mine on the bench & she fell off. Kids fine… I think :thinking: so far.

My daughter done this on everything Inc bed and sofa she loves climbing 21M
If baby gets unwell straight to a n e mayb capol jst incase slight pain (u don’t know so mayb jst a one off one) and if baby goes sleep make sure baby is easily woke i.e tryin wakin bubs up (don’t Jump down my throat bow naps it changes all time sorry if it’s don’t let child sleep ATM) c

It’s happened to most of us! You’re a great mom!


Chances are good that he’s fine. Kids are weirdly resilient. Lol


Baby will be fine. My you gesy gell off the couch around 6 months old. I cried more than she did. I cried at the ER as she sat in her car seat unbothered. The nurse even told me babies are made of rubber lol. Get bebe checked out, just in case.


I’am making over $125 an hour working online with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $ 17461 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless

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My sister in law(whose a practitioner) said the to me when it happened with my oldest….”at that age they bounce “ lol.

Its happened to the best of us. You are a great mom! Reach out to the doctor and I can pretty much guarantee that it has happened to them if they have kids. They will be able to tell you what to look out for and if its necessary to bring the baby in. Im sure your baby is fine but just for piece of mind❤️

Lol kids fall out the bed all the time your good

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It might be the first of many. It happened to me a few times and I felt horrible every single time but my child was okay. If you’re really concerned about it you can check for serious head injuries or you should call your child’s pediatrician to ask for advice/ help.

I’am making over $125 an hour working online with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $ 17461 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless

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My son co sleep …fell off bed 2 time bk to bk… had big knot on his head w fluid in it. .he acting fine but it bad looking and handful time my daughter fell she never still at 10.5 have something look like that so I scare he really hurt or internal bleeding …went to Dr appointment he had normal check up ,I had ask 2 time bc Dr didn’t seem think it was big deal , 2nd time he actually check it said he fine don’t let him hit that spot until it go way , didn’t once ask if it was abused doctors know the difference, just like my stepson did when he little he always bruises on his legs just like my son does , not so much as my daughter at this age of 2 yrs old maybe it boy thing lol but Dr knew it wasn’t from abuse

He is most likely fine but I would take them to the dr just to get checked out. They know exactly what to look for. They have experience in telling what is abuse and what is not.

My 2 month old rolled off the couch 35 years ago and she is fine

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Dont ever be afraid to take your baby to see a Dr after an accident if you’re worried. Drs are well aware that accidents happen and know the signs of abuse to look for.
Youre not a bad mom…youre just the same as every other mom lol. We’ve all been there .


I’am making over $125 an hour working online with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $ 17461 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless

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Momma, you are fine. Both of my kids fell out of the bed, we’re only human. If he seems to be doing okay most likely he is. If you are still worried just make an appointment with his pediatrician.

I will say being from the South my granny always said it’s bad luck if they don’t roll out of the bed before they are 1. Just an old wives tale.

I’ve got two kids…I’m 90% all babies have fallen off of something at some point.

My youngest fell off a bad three times? Once when we were at my mil’s. He would only sleep in bed with us. He pushed himself out of bed from the top. Completely just pushed himself over our arms :person_facepalming: Once when he was with my mom. Again completely rolled over the pillows placed on the bed (she didn’t have a crib or playpen). And once at home.

Generally speaking baby is probably fine. Mine was. No need for a doctor.
I looked him over really good and kept a close eye on him. There were no signs of any issues: he was alert and awake. His eyes dilated normally. He didn’t get sick or act like he was in any kind of pain at all. I was able to touch him without any type of recoil.

That said, if there is ever any question in your mind about whether or not your child is ok…take them to the doctor.
Most doctors do understand that accidents happen. They know…they’re kids. They don’t have instruction manuals and as good as parents can be no one is perfect.


My 3rd daughter rolled off the bed the other day while I was also using the bathroom. I jumped up, picked her up and checked her. She was fine smiling away as soon as I picked her up. Soon as I knew she was okay, the first thing out my mouth was… “well all three of you have rolled off the bed at least once now”

Im sure baby is just fine but don’t beat yourself up. I would take the baby to be checked out though to be sure. Like someone else said doctors know what looks like abuse and what is an accident. But truthfully all of us as moms have a story where we turned for a second and baby or toddler or big kid got hurt. They’re kids and while we love them most of them try to defy the laws of physics and death daily :joy: for example I was bouncing my son on my knee when he was about a year old. He bit his lip and bled and i was hysterical because I thought I did it somehow. Took him to the Dr and he needed the inside of his lip glued shut but the doctor reassured me calm down they can see I love my child from previous interactions and they know how to look for abuse. Kids play and kids get hurt. He’s almost 11 now and we’ve had many many many other scares along the way. Including school scares where he’s broken an arm etc.

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It happens…I called the dr when it has happened to us, they say if they are acting fine and normal no need to bring them in. Just keep and eye. I didn’t ever feel any judgement when I called.

Calm down. It happens. My momma believed it was bad luck if a baby didn’t fall out of bed by a year old. :rofl::rofl: things are gonna happen, it’s life!

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I’m sure he’s fine…. I’ve always heard (I’m from the south!) that if a baby falls off the bed, couch or whatnot before the age of one they’ll live a long life…. My youngest waited til she was 11 months to fall off the bed…. Lol I told my mom (joking) that if she didn’t I was gonna slightly push her off the bed…. No I don’t abuse my kids I just wanted her to live a long life because I believed that to be true being preached that my whole life… when she fell I was like “welp there it is”! I didn’t have to do it…. Don’t be hard on yourself mama…… he’s gonna fall more then once in his life time…

You have completed “one” of many mishaps of being a momma!


If acting fine, he probably is.

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I agree to him in just to be safe. It really does happen, most likely to every single parent ever. We aren’t super human, and accidents happen. The doctor will know that. Our daughter was the same age and her toe got twisted in her footed pajamas, she was screaming so bad, we brought her in. It wasn’t broken, just slightly sprained. Doctors see this all the time and know the difference between abuse and an accident. It shows you are a good and concerned momma to bring your little one in.

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Yesterday me and my 5 mo tripped over big brothers toy. He did bump his head from a short distance. My husband made me call the dr and let them know. They are completely understanding, they know things happen. Said to keep monitoring and make sure he doesn’t start vomiting or acting weird.

If your kid doesn’t fall off of something, are you even a parent? Lol
If baby is seeming and acting fine, then baby is probably fine. I’ve taken my oldest in after rolling off a high bed onto hardwood floors and she hit her head pretty good around 7 months old but she was completely fine . It happens


It happens to the best of us. Take him to the doctors to make sure he’s okay. Could’ve landed funny on a limb or on his head. Take him to the ER and they’ll make sure he’s okay xo
Its okay, mama.

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Don’t beat yourself up. It was an accident and it happens. My daughter has fallen off the bed before and just yesterday rolled herself off the couch (she’s 20 months). If your worried, take him in. Your a good mom and your son is lucky to have you!

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I’m sure it’s happened to most of us. As long as he’s acting normal he should be fine. It happened to me too when my son was around the same age… he is now 4 and is perfectly fine

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It happens :woman_shrugging: next time place a pillow next to him so he can’t roll off. But my biggest concern is that you were afraid to get a hold of his doctor in fear you would look like a bad mom. Never be afraid to contact his doctor when you are in fear for your child’s life. I promise you they know accidents happen. Now if it becomes a normal thing for your child then yes they might get a little worried.