Should I be concerned with my daugthers beahvior?

Big open mouth kisses are 100% normal and common at that age


I’ve had a couple of my own, and I’ve nannied many babies/young children, and they all try to kiss with their mouth open at some point. I wouldn’t worry.

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before writing it off, have a casual conversation about where she got the idea.

My son licks my face like a dog. He pretends he wants a kiss. lol. He’s 3. I think it’s normal but if she starts doing inappropriate things I would check that out


My daughter used to do this a lot. I used to think it was because she would watch some more adult shows on tv with me where people kiss, so I stopped watching anything slightly romantic around her. She doesn’t do it as often anymore, but sometimes she will still do it - the whole face grab and everything. Its either just a phase, something she saw, or her way of kissing right now. My daughter does it because she finds it funny kuzz I hate it. Its not unusual for kids to mimic things they see on tv even if it’s just once, but it’s their way of learning as well. I’d only be concerned if she was kissing her friends or strangers like that.

Don’t make a huge deal of it. She’ll stop. It’s probably something she saw on tv or in your home. No big deal. IMO

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It’s normal lol. She’ll grow out of it.


My daughter does that, I think it’s pretty normal at some point, I would worry if she starts to say strange things honestly


Normal. I told mt daughter only married people kiss like that and she stopped.


My 18mo puts our whole face in her mouth. No worries


Kids can see something on tv literally once for just seconds and if that’s what they’re paying attention to right then and there, they’ll try it out for themselves. They’re just curious as to what’s going on/why people do certain things/if they can do it too. If you dont make a big deal about it, she’ll stop, and if she tries just say “no thanks” and she’ll get that that’s not what you want. But if she sees a rise out of you she’ll keep it up.

I did the same when i was younger, I would say “beso de novela” which means soap opera kiss because we didnt have cable when I was younger and my mom would watch nothing but the mexican soap operas

Omg seriously every kid does this


Mine does it cuz she thinks it’s funny :face_vomiting: she runs up and will act cute then give u a huge slobbery kiss laugh and run away

My kids went through that too, I just had to explain that’s how we kiss lol

My son tried this at about the same age… I think it’s normal for them to try to experiment if they’ve seen it… Distraction works great at this age… A simple "no kisses here(points to lips) and yes kisses here(points to cheek) does work for some…

It’s normal she will grow out of it.

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I mean you could ask her where shes seen that kind of kiss and tell her you like a different kind.

My youngest son used to do this! He’d grab my head and try to give me a right smacker! Lol I think it’s just a phase!? He grew out of it and is a normal happy lad xx

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I think because she was kidding normally before you should casually ask why she has started kissing you like that and see what she says. You also explain to her that it isn’t the way grown ups and children should kiss each other and tell how she can kiss you.

My sons did this too for a little while and he was only around me and my young daughter. I think it’s just a thing but also could mean something else so don’t feelnsilly for be concerned. Luckily I kept correcting him and he ended up stopping.

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My almost 3 year old insists that everyone should only kiss her on the lips. :woman_shrugging: I’m definitely not worried about it.

Nope. She probably sees your husband kiss you and thinks she should do the same thing. Totally normal behavior


No it’s normal, my 16 month old will come up to me with her lips pursed wanting a kiss, I think it’s the cutest🥰

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My daughter does that too, I just ignore her and she goes away. She eventually stopped. Idk where she seen it but she’s super protective of me. Won’t even let her dad hug me with without saying no. I just assume she seen it on TV or seen other people kissing in public. She doesn’t do it anymore though.

Children of her age imitate…it’s how they learn. They watch, listen and learn fast!
Just think of the things young children will see and take in on EastEnders, hollyoaks etc when their parents are watching it!
She will have seen people doing it on tv, in an advert, magazine or when out and about. It’s nothing to worry about.

My daughter did this at that age too we called it married kisses and she understood it was not appropriate for little girls … basically it’s a phase if it gets more involved or you see other red flags then you could act further but if a phase gets a lot of attention it’s harder to break …


If it’s on tv she could have seen it and thinks it’s cute or if she goes to daycare she could have seen it somewhere. But honestly I think it’s pretty normal to give open mouth kisses sometimes. Tell her no that’s not how we give kisses and ask her why she’s doing it.

All kids do something like this. Just say no and only on cheeks

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My kid did this too. Like, full on tongue action. Scared me. And he had NEVER watched anyone French kiss. I think it’s just a phase. Now, mine kisses on the cheek. If I get kisses at all :weary:

My niece is 10 months old now and she kisses me and holds my face and keeps her mouth open. It’s all good. Don’t freak out


I think it’s sounds normal.


Seems pretty normal. My son grabs my face all the time to give me kisses


My 2.5 year old does this all the time. Gets so excited. Gives us a BIG KISS.

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It’s just a phase they all by o through


My neice did this since she was about that age and she is 6 now and still trys once in a blue moon and just thinks it’s funny now but we tell her it’s not nice its only for big people

No I think it’s normal my son goes through different stages on how he kisses… one day it will be a small peck, next day he licks like a dog, next day he has his mouth open trying to kiss me that way … I honestly just think it’s a stage and they out grow it

Kids are freaking weird. I wouldn’t overthink it. My kid licks windows. I’m not even joking


Normal behavior for a toddler.


Ask her where she saw that type of kissing


This is a normal thing.
Do not make it perverted.
Just turn your head and say no thanks we don’t kiss that way


She’s imitating something she saw but to be sure nobody is doing it to her you need to somehow find out .

Oh my gosh… she’s 3… you are over reacting…it is totally normal for a baby/ toddler to do that!! My grandson grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in for one and slobbered all down my face… I told him good sugars and wiped my face off… (but of course we say if he poops pees slobbers or spits up on you it’s cause he truly loves ya):hugs:


My niece did this when she was 2 but had never seen it on tv or seen anyone around her do it. Sometimes its just how they do it. My brother used to just lick people on the lips. My daughter opens her entire mouth to kiss me

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My son did this too. Weirdos


I think it’s a stage. Say no, give her a regular kiss and move on. Ask her where she got it from, but I wouldn’t pester her too much. Plus with there being no other red flags it most likely means nothing serious.


My 2 year old does this with me and her mother aswell, she laughs at the fact we tell her “no, don’t do that!” She is only in her mother’s and my care

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Lol its normal. But its usually ypunger kids that do it. My 5 year old still grabs mu face to kiss me

Princess movies! My daughter did it too!

Kids are weird but fyi yes they can pick up things on tv… my 2 yr old knew when he saw my father in laws nerf gun to drop dead (my guess from seeing it on tv cuz I certainly haven’t shot anyone :joy::joy::joy:)

Tottaly normal! I remember watching a documentary (can’t remember the name of it, sorry) and the studies show that at arround the age of 3 we start having all this instincts that us adults see as “sexual”… Is a normal stage .

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In my opinion, if she’s only around you guys and haven’t really had much exposure seeing how other humans kiss it would probably just be a stage. Keep reminding her how you guys peck eachother rather than mouths wide open :joy: or she could have picked it up from TV… If there’s no other red flags popping up and giving you suspicions I wouldn’t worry too much. My niece when she was two would come in for a peck but last second her mouth was open and tongue hanging out and just slobbered all over my face :joy::joy:, we called them “licky kisses” she’s now 3 and has grown out of it

Kids are just gross :woman_shrugging:

If you’re letting her see this in tv, Yes she’s going to copy it, It doesn’t mean anything bad, She’s seeing it therefore thinking it’s normal, monitor what you watch around her if you don’t want her emulating it.

They copy whatever they see on TV. If someone was abusing her I very much doubt French kissing would be involved with a drooly 3yo. Some brainpower could have helped you hear.

omg some yall new moms need to chill out and stop reading the baby books that go by time lines. Poor babies cant even be babies anymore. Rush rush rush. Make everything all ADULT related. kids cant be innocent in the eyes of an adult who lost their innocents. Hell my kids have been this way and its frign funny at times.

Hunny, if that is the only weird thing your child does then my hats off to you.


it’s okay for a mom to worry about there daughter especially a 1st time mom . THATS WHAT THIS PAGE IS FOR hop off If you dont like it lol

Its normal at that age

All babies do This. You think thats crazy. Try putting your face near a breastfed infant. Its the funniest fucking thing. They will try to eat your face off