Should I be concerned?

My baby went from 41 percentile to 15th in 4 weeks. They didnt really give me an explanation as to why and i was so freaked out I couldnt ask many questions. Has this happened to anyone else? What could be the cause and how can i help her? Ftm and trying not to stress on it but id love some feedback from you lovely mommys out there. Thank you!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I be concerned? - Mamas Uncut

If you couldn’t ask questions I would find another doctor, YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO ASK QUESTIONS.AND STAY THERE AS LONG AS YOU NEED TO!!!

Are you breast feeding or formula feeding?

You need to talk to their doc. Either something is recorded wrong or something is going on.

There’s not enough information.
There can be lots of reasons a baby will drop percentiles so dramatically. Many are pretty easy to sort out.

*Did the doctor order a weight check in another week or so? My oldest son’s Ped wouldn’t even try to speculate until he had more information…which he got through subsequent weight checks.
*What about baby’s diet? How much is baby eating in a 24 hour period? Is baby breastfed or formula fed?