Should I be offended work dressed up without telling me?

I work part time. I did not work yesterday because my office manager “told me I was not needed” although I had no problem working . I see on instagram that the ENTIRE staff dressed up the same way and I knew nothing about it and have a feeling this is why she told me not to


I don’t have dress up days at work because I work from home. I don’t miss the drama of in person work at all. I love all my teammates that I have right now. We’re all one big insanely dysfunctional family and we will protect each other like none other. I don’t know any of them in real life but I feel like emotional relationships are stronger than physical ones.


Just rock up to your next shift dressed like they did in your ‘new uniform’

I’d be upset and feel left out too. But that’s probably why she told you to stay home. They probably forgot due to you being part time and remembered when it was too late for you to join in.

You have to be honest with your friend just tell her I love you being part of my family and that you love the holidays with her but this family trip is only for you guys. Maybe you can sit something up to do with her before or after you all go

I wouldn’t let this thought process take up one inch of my brain.
There are actually things that are important that I use that space for.


I’m sorry this happened to you and that you feel left out. I would probably be sad too, because I consider my coworkers friends. We spend so much time at work, it seems weird to me when people don’t form any kinds of bonds or care about coworkers. Idk that being offended helps you any, and without more details it’s hard to say why they left you out. Are they all really close? Are you new? Is part time so little time that they don’t know you all that well? Are you a friendly person, and are they? In any case, what’s done is done and all you could really do is ignore it or speak up and mentioned you saw the pics and that it looked like fun— and you’re hoping to join next year!

It sounds like they didn’t tell you about it because you would not be there. Why would this upset you? Was there something special going on (other than people dressing similarly) that you missed? Like a party or celebration of some sort?

If it was intentional then yes, its discrimination. If it wasnt, then not much you can do.
Proving it was intentional would be hard. Id probably speak to the manager in private about my concerns

I understand why you would be annoyed or sad. But chances are if it wasnt your scheduled day to work that could be why they didnt tell you about it

I would not be offended!! I am slightly different in that I would be so thankful that I got to be home, not spending the money , or the time to dress up!:wink:


It’s business not personal. Let it go

It’s prob bc you are part time. If you were full time you would have been included.


I would literally dress up like they did and go to work like that :woman_shrugging::nail_care:



I literally would not care. I feel like they would do that to me where I work because if they would tell me they were dressing up for a picture I would be like yeah I’m not doing that :woman_shrugging:t2: I’m there to work.


i would be hurt !! personally i would find a new job.
firstly it’s rude and insensitive.
secondly u spend so much time at work why would u bother with a place that leaves u out…
i’m sure u would be an asset to another team.
i would start applying for new jobs and in the mean time dress the way they did every day up untill u can hand in your resignation xx

Watch out for the line, we gotta cut back on employees. Idk

If you think it was intentional do NOT let them know it bothered you. They don’t deserve that satisfaction


You’re a part time employee. Full time employees probably just did their thing🤷‍♀️

1 year I was told that we were all gonna dress up with “matching” costumes. I wore the said costume and they wore something else. F them. I’m there 2 make money nothing else

Why would they tell you if you weren’t on the schedule ? Is it the same schedule every week or does it vary ?


I’d feel a type of way to. But keep in mind these people don’t matter. And are obviously not vary nice either. I’m sorry that happened.


You weren’t scheduled to be there so why would they involve you in the plans for that day?


Girl work is work. Get your money and go home.

Why would they tell you when they know you aren’t working? That doesn’t make any sense. Don’t try and make something outta nothing .


You know your work environment more than anyone else would. I don’t think it sounds like they were trying to be rude. If you weren’t needed that day then it wouldn’t be nice to rub it in your face everyone was dressing up the day you aren’t there.

Don’t give them any power, just go in, look happy, be positive and get your job done… Its not a social club its work.

You might be correct but always remember that the people at work are not your friends. Maybe 1 in a million but ya! It’s just a paycheck and if they are nice while you’re there it’s part of the job performance. Be happy you got to stay home and didn’t get involved in the fake n phony.

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Every business has a budget, if you were not needed, your manager can not tell you to come in and work to have fun with your coworkers.

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I guess…. I just look at work like it’s a job. I’m not there to socialize or have fun necessarily. I’m there to work, earn a paycheck, and go home. I dunno that I’d be offended since I’m just there to work, not have parties….


Why do you have that feeling? Context is missing.


You are part time so they may have forgot

Im not understanding what the big deal is. So what if they dressed up without you.


So you missed out on playing dress ups…

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Who asked this question? Highschooler? OMG, you weren’t included in the plans for the day who cares. Grow up and move o n


I think you’re being paranoid.


All u have 2 do is talk to ur manager…2 me that’a an obvious answer sorry

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I think your over thinking this

Why would they tell you if you weren’t even going to be working that day? It’s really not something to have " feelings " about. Grow up!!! It’s not like you’re 7 and wasn’t invited to a birthday party.


Was there other part time workers there ? Or was it just the full time workers ? Don’t sweat the small stuff you wernt there to dress up who cares

Honestly I wouldn’t give a damn

Do they people at work not like you?

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Why would you think they’d purposely leave you out? Sounds like a pointless thing to fixate on. Is there more to this?

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Omg so many rude comments I’m sorry. Your feelings are valid but don’t let it bother you.

Get your money and go home and if you can’t get another job

Who cares, it’s work not a friends outing

Lol you are acting like a little child. Grow up and act your age. It’s just a picture for God sake it’s not that big of a deal. and you were off doesn’t mean shit :woman_facepalming: get dressed up and take a picture and stop acting like a little girl

If you wasn’t their, I don’t see why someone would be held accountable for telling you about it. It’s normal to feel left out in that type of situation but I wouldn’t take it personal. 🩷💜

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Being offended over something that doesn’t even matter due to you being off. That seems like such a waste of energy. I promise there are more important things in life to focus on.

I’m so glad I work solo most of the time or with my partner only. I do not miss this work place drama BS😂

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I don’t let work drama bother me… I hope in to do a job and make a paycheck. Work pays my bills, it’s not about having friends or any of that other b.s for me. I would let it go and not worry one bit

Id be more upset if I came to work and they were all dressed up and I was the only one not told. You weren’t on duty no biggie to me

Doubt you were purposely excluded. You weren’t working that day. You work part time. Does it suck to feel excluded? Sure, but yeah, this isn’t something to really question this much.

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I sure don’t have dress up days I’m a janitor.

Your the work problem. - thats the truth.

Not liked? Dont suck up? - you get excluded.

Well, that’s called discrimination -
It is a grievance you can file against your employer.

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Maybe you weren’t told since you were not needed that day?

I wouldn’t worry about it

Ypu weren’t scheduled to be there, why would they tell you? It’s work not your friend group at high school, if you’re not working it doesn’t matter. You’re making something from nothing. You’re taking it way to personally, don’t let them know it bothered you mostly because it shouldn’t have.

Nope. Do your job, get paid and go home. I don’t even pay attention to people no more unless they’re the one’s approving my paycheck :heavy_dollar_sign::heavy_dollar_sign::heavy_dollar_sign:

This happened to me when I worked at stewarts (a gas station) during ice cream sale once. Except I actually had to work when everyone dressed in theor special tie dye shirts and I didn’t get one and was never told. But I actually worked that day. I was the only one wearing my regular uniform and i know my boss did that on purpose cuz she hated me. I was so hurt and embarrassed. I felt left out and picked on. But you know what i did? I killed them with kindness. I amped up everyone elses shirts tonthe customers and guess who sold the most half gallons that day? Me!! Actually that whole week i sold more than anyone else. So that was my F U to them. Dont ever let anyone dull your shine. You weren’t on the schedule so I dont think it’s a big deal. But if you think it is just power through it with kindness.

It’s a job. Ur there to get a paycheck. Not a fashion show. It’s not a bid deal. :neutral_face: it’s literally just clothes.