I did . I had an ultrasound there still was a chance. I didn’t do anything else because I just knew I had unconditional love… Bub didn’t have it
These are FALSE positives dear and I will bet you money that absolutely Nothing is wrong with your child.
Take comfort in that.
I really don’t know why they do this to mothers/families🙄 it’s like a certain number they have to hit annually to cause absolute panic attacks among the pregnant.
However… if it is, this plan, your plan & life is meant for you and I guarantee you everything will be just fine
If your baby has down syndrome God has blessed you even further more. They are truly amazing in every way
No matter what u will love your baby
When I had my 2nd baby I was told my blood result was less than 1 in 150 chance & that 2 years earlier when having my first they recommended an amnio at that result but now (at that point) they only recommended at less than 1 in 100.
I said I wanted baby either way so wasn’t interested in taking a test that increased the risk of mis-carriage & I didn’t think anything more about it.
At 20 week scan they never mentioned any markers but he was measuring bigger than normal.
Due to first baby being prem I had further scans through my pregnancy but there was nothing other than his big size being mentioned then by the consultant either.
He was born at 40 weeks & was perfectly healthy, just the size of a 3-4 month old which is probably the reason the result was so out of expected result as the blood test is only an estimated result based on a lot of info including mothers age/baby size etc to give a likelihood result.
I hadn’t even thought of the DS result after the conversation with the midwife at 20 weeks but I remember my mother saying when he was 2 weeks old ‘well he never had Down’s syndrome after, was no need to worry’… I hadn’t, but she clearly would have had an issue with it if he had, my point being, trust your own feelings on it because lots of people have an opinion but it’s not their choice.
If the chance is high then there are other test they can perform to see if your child has it. Just remember it’s a high chance which doesn’t always mean your baby has it.
I did my baby had 4 of 5 markers, opted not to do the testing. Figured either way i will love him with all my heart. He came out a perfect healthy baby besides his heart murmur.
My daughter’s doctor told her the same thing when she was preg. But when she went to the specialist they told her that her baby did not have down syndrome.
My sweet little grandson will be 1 at the end of the month!
Good luck mama. And plz know that no matter what…your baby is a blessing!
I have not dealt with it personally but I have read about false positives.
But even if it’s correct, it doesn’t necessarily need to be a worry. Babies with down syndrome are still babies, still people, still need love, and still lead fulfilling lives. My nephew has down syndrome. He had some health issues at birth but those were resolved, and he’s a very happy, healthy little boy. He’s a treasure and a blessing to the whole family and I couldn’t imagine this planet without him.
I came back high risk for my last pregnancy, and I opted for the ultrasound to check. You have choices, please don’t let anyone guilt you into doing anything that will only be a fleeting moment in their lives, but an entire lifetime for you.
I cried when I got the results of my test… Risk of DS and a hole in his heart… I was devastated… He was born at 32 weeks, no DS and the hole closed on its own…
It’s a hard thing to hear… But you got this. Every mom just wants her child to be healthy, and the unknown is scary as hell.
I feel there’s info you aren’t sharing what do you mean your child checked for DS? Which test? When I was pregnant the docs told me I tested positive for chromosome 19,which after research of my own is worse than DS,which is chromosome 13. And offered me to get the needle in my stomach(forget the name now)which allowed 50 percent miscarriage rate( and only 80 percent accuracy) or wait till birth and know for sure. I opted out and said it’s in god’s hands. My daughter is now 4 years old and completely fine. Smart as hell and thinks she runs the house, no problems what so ever. And the thought today is I could of missed out on all of this cause I was scared of some test result that was not true but caused a lot of stress and strain on my pregnancy and relationship. This one’s on you momma; which way do you choose? Meet and love your child no matter what, or take the chance and have none of it.
I was encouraged to abort my youngest as my life was at risk . She was preemie spent some time in hospital but is the mother o 4 of my beautiful grandchildren. I lost a lot of blood but was ok too
I had a blood test with my son 17 years ago, they called and told me that my baby could have TA-18 (trisomy 18) and told me if he would have this that he would either be born still born, die in the womb or if he survived then the longest they had ever seen a baby to live with this was 2 years old. Drs gave me 2 alternatives to either have a abortion which was not happening or amniocentesis test, the amniocentesis test proved wrong. Praise God my child was born healthy and today he’s a thriving young man who has a heart of gold loves everyone and more so loves God!
Im not sure where you’re from, so could maybe not be available to you, but just incase it is ill share my story. My second pregnancy resulted in a false positive. It was scary news for me because my partners child from a past relationship was showing signs and had just been diagnosed with autism. They recommended that I had an amnino. I was not comfortable with risking baby’s life with a test that I felt was unnecessary. I did some research (I live in Onario, Canada) and turns out there was another test available to me that did not risk baby at all! Dad and I went to the lab together. They took my blood, and swabbed his cheeks and sent them to California for testing. They were able to pull apart DNA and test babies chromosomes. Test results came back completely fine! Only down side to this option was the test results took longer to come back, so the option for terminating pregnancy wasn’t available, but that didn’t matter to me because I wanted my baby regardless. Hes 6 years old now and thriving! A brilliant, happy boy. Hope this helps🥰 hang in there mama!
I personally opted not to have the blood test for it because if anything had or hadn’t of shown up it wouldn’t have mattered either way I have 3 healthy kids but it wouldn’t matter if there had of had something I never had the test with any of my 3 pregnancies
I had the test because I was a bit older when I had my youngest, it came back not good odds but my son is fine 100%,in saying that tho there may be different reasons or circumstances with you. Talk to your midwife or gp if you are worried tho.
Yes I did and my daughter is 18 this month didn’t have it
My first was a 1 in 130 risk… I was 16, I refused the needle through your belly and into the sack to know for sure as there was a risk of miscarriage! I was soo worried though and read that they usually come early and low birth weight but she come out ordinary and 11days late and 10lb 8 xx
With my second and third I just refused to get those tests done xx
My second trimester one came back really high for spina bifida and there is no signs of it on the us and in 31 weeks now
Same thing happened to me and my child came out fine
I did and he’s not and if your is, love him anyways
My 2nd daughter came back with a 40% chance and then they ran the amnio… that was neg… My ex husband had a first cousin with Down syndrome. BUT her son was born with FHS and plagiocephaly last year and he’s had to wear a helmet the last 5 months…
Did you have an ultrasound, symphony (bloods) or an amniocentesis? Each have their risk factors and accuracy factors. Amniocentesis is the most accurate of them and comes with the highest risk.
Same thing happened to me . Doctors were very concerned and sent me to a specialist to have this huge needle stuck into my belly to the baby but I refused! They even tried to scare me with what if’s and how my baby would be disabled possibly and wouldn’t I want to be prepared?. I thought shame on you! I would love my baby no matter how they were. I ran outta that crazy clinic. 7 months later a healthy baby boy! Now 7 years later he definitely keeps me on my toes
Don’t stress over it. Even if it’s so. There’s not much you can control so just let it go.
There are choices and chances that baby will not be born with down syndrome. However it would be best to get prepared and know your options. There is abortion, adoption (closed and open) along with keeping baby and getting help. I wish you the best of luck on your journey
My daughter is 7 yrs old and has Down Syndrome.
Yes she has health problems but I wouldn’t trade our life for anything!
She’s the sweetest, funniest, sassy kid!
Down Syndrome kids and adults are just like us, they just learn a bit differently…
Amelia will be starting 2nd grade in a few weeks
Don’t worry if they do have it. I was high risk purely for being diabetic and a certain age. If you have two of the markers it puts you as high risk without any other basis. Mine came out without Downs.
This is why I don’t do that testing… unnecessary stress because it isn’t completely accurate… so sorry you’re stressing. Alot of the time it is wrong
Big hugs mama
Blood tests and amniotic fluid test depend on your dates being correct.
Dont stress. Enjoy your pregnancy and love your baby whatever the outcome.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I be worried about my pregnancy blood test for down syndrome?
I had the same problem and my daughter came out just fine. Don’t stress until you have it completely confirmed.
Do not stress ! I know a few friends who’s came out positive and their babies did not have any issues when they were born .
I had this done when I was pregnant with my son. It’s scary for sure to not know but most of the time they are wrong. They said my son had down syndrome also and he didn’t. My mom told me when I was pregnant the same thing happened to her years ago when she was pregnant with my brother and he didn’t have it either.
Was it taken between 10-13 weeks? It tends to be less accurate if you take it later past 13 weeks
They have testing they can do to make sure. I had it done at 19 weeks and found out then my son didn’t have it
It’s a risk factor/percentage. It is not a positive diagnosis at all. So can’t be a false positive because it’s not positive. So ease yourself a bit with that. Anecdotally, my daughter was high risk and we got a more accurate blood test and also an amniocentesis to rule it out and it was in fact ruled out.
I chose not to take the down syndrome test because the Dr I was seeing said 95 percent of the time it comes back with false positive, so I just didn’t do it, I’m sure the news u got is scary to hear but don’t stress, I hope your baby is healthy and happy when the Time comes
It also will tell Rh blood type and gender
I have three kidos and they always had to do more testing after the first one came back as high risk. High risk means anything more than a 1 in 500 chance if I’m remembering correctly. None of my children had Down syndrome I chose not to do invasive testing and just the extra blood work it’s the one that also tells you the sex and an extra ultrasound.
I can understand how worrying this could be. Stay calm Momma it’s not a diagnostic test. Usually baby is fine.
Usually they are wrong when they have taken the test too early or late. That test is based on the timing you gave your dr the last menestrual cycle. They mentioned that about my own daughter and she is totally the opposite of what they said. She is extremely intelligent. They may ask you to take a sample of fluid from your belly and I refused. I wouldn’t do that. I believe that would cause harm to the baby in my opinion.
Don’t worry!!! At this point you can’t change anything. All you have to do is love this tiny human with everything you have
Hi! I had an elevated risk based on the blood test with my daughter. It was 1 in 10, which was extremely high. I chose not to do the amniocentesis because there is a risk of rupturing the bag of water. So we waited. She was perfectly healthy. I understand being nervous…I was throughout my entire pregnancy. Just thought it would help to share my story.
I came out very high risk. I spent 2000$ out of pocket on a special ultrasound just to find she was fine. Don’t stress.
Don’t stress I went through the same thing! I was super worried, They said my girl would be born with Down syndrome, I did the extended non invasive testing and it all came back normal. I go for growth ultrasounds every 4 weeks because of the risk they said I had, and she’s a healthy growing baby! She’s due anytime now. I also did the 3D/4D ultrasound and she looks perfectly normal. My family doctor doesn’t know why they even said that there was a chance of having a baby with Down syndrome or any chromosome defects in the baby. If we ever have another baby I will definitely not be taking the test again because it put way too much stress on me to even have that as a possibility on my mind!
Dont stress. It doesnt mean your baby has it just means the marker is high.
Ask for a 2nd opinion! A girl I know was told exactly the same but went for another opinion and results came back perfectly fine. She now has a healthy 2yo beautiful daughter
Ask for a harmony blood test - it’s like $500 - the amniocentesis test was free but the blood test comes with far less risk
Oh man, That happened to me when I was 28. Turns out my daughter DID have Down syndrome and she’s the best thing ever! She’s 5 now and is a rock star! A piece of the family we never knew we needed.
The same thing happen to me when I had my second child she is about to turn 22 and is perfectly fine nothing what so ever is wrong with her
I had this as well and then had additional testing that came back the same positive for Down Syndrome. We were advised to have an abortion due to that and other complications. I chose to continue the pregnancy and my Son he was born healthy
I was told I was high risk and my chance was 1 in 400.
I was even offered a termination because it was high.
Which I think was stupid
I figured I had 399 chances that my baby didnt have DS, but even if she did it would make no difference.
She doesnt have DS and is now 3.5yo
Ask more questions and dont stress.
I had an abnormal test and was high risk for one of my children. They did another test(sonogram) and said everything looked fine.
I had an elevated risk when I was pregnant with my daughter. I did do the test and carried full term, actually she was over due lol she waited two days before they induced labor to be born but she was and is perfectly healthy ten years old. It’s really scary I understand completely but even if my daughter had Down syndrome I’d still love her just as much as I do. Prayers for you and your unborn baby.
The doctors say that test gives so many false positives “per say” I didn’t even do it with any of my pregnancies.
I had a high risk for trisomy 18 on my second pregnancy and it was true
Honestly down is notting to worry about and not even a big deal
Get the harmony test or amino but at the same time…. Try to come to terms with the possibility and how amazing your baby will be if he/she has it or if /she doesn’t.
I will say I worked l and d for 10 years and I saw someone that passed all the tests and the baby was born with downs and I’ve had people that they felt baby was likely downs and was born without. Either way, You will have a baby to love
I refused that test, I felt either way I was keeping the baby so why go through the test.
False positive here too. Baby is in her 4th year at university.
I had this. I did the harmony blood test after which came back at a lower risk. My daughter is almost 7 and amazing xx
I know it’s easier said than done but Don’t let that scare you. After I had all my blood work done the Dr himself called me and talked to me and then had me in his office that day telling me that my son had triscomy 13 and to prepare myself bc children born with that didn’t usually make it past the 1st year of life. I was a wreck for 4 days that seemed like forever until I had a long 3/4d ultrasound at Duke only to find out my child was fine. He’s 11 now.
I was nervous after my two pregnancies tested positive for down syndrome. I prepared mentally for the “what ifs.” They are now 14 and 20 years old and do not have down syndrome.
Idk how true this is but my midwife said she didn’t recommend the genetic blood test for younger women because of false positives. She told me that if they noticed anything in my anatomy scan then they would suggest the genetic blood tests.
Do an amino if you want to know for sure
Pregnant with number 5 and she is high risk. 1 in 57 chance.
Just based on her high NT measurements of 3.2.
We went back at 16 weeks and the obstetrician did another scan which looked perfect, my 20 week scan showed no structural abnormalities (heart or brain issues etc which is common with DS). I am now 33 weeks along and have another growth scan on Wednesday… if she is born with DS then so be it.
We will all love her no matter what.
Down syndrome has such a stigma attached to it, and i know someone who had the same results but in her case it was accurate. However, She now has the cutest little boy, and she documents her honest journey to give others hope. My Boy Brody
Those tests give so many false positives I didn’t even have them done. I was going to love my baby regardless so I didnt even want to know
i never even had the test done because i knew no matter what i would love my child the same!
I was pregnant at 18 and they said my bloods indicated a huge risk of DS but I had an amniocentesis and he was absolutely fine, he’s 18 himself in a few months time
A friend of mine had bloodwork done early in pregnancy and her dr said she should abort because of her results and she didn’t and he baby is perfect and is alive and well don’t listen to drs listen to your heart !!
One of the ladies I used to work with got it done, I guess they did the test too early, got a positive result her baby son was born perfectly normal. The doctors/nurses advised her to abort but she said she was going to keep the baby. He’s alive and well today
False high risk here. I didn’t do the needle test because no matter what I was going to love her the same.
With my last baby, my fifth, I had two tests come back with high risk numbers. 1/52. My third test the risk decreased some, and I was asked if I wanted to move forward with an amino. I declined. I elected to just monitor through additional scans to prepare for any medical issues we might face quickly following the birth. My son was born without DS. When I was pregnant with my fourth, I switched doctors during the time frame for testing. I learned at about 30 weeks she showed markers on a scan. I was told it was likely either DS or a form of Dwarfism. My doctor asked if I wanted an amniocentesis at that time to be certain and I declined. I already deliver babies prematurely and didn’t want to risk it. My doctor prepared me for both diagnoses. When my daughter was born, she was very tiny (IUGR) but had neither DS nor Dwarfism. Both of them are healthy, beautiful souled little humans. Mama, the best advice I can give you is to get an amniocentesis if you want to be certain. And if you choose not to, prepare as needed but please do not let this take away from your pregnancy experience. Enjoy this time that you share with only your baby
Who cares if the baby has Down syndrome u will love it anyway I hope
I did the maternal serum test with my first and they said he had a 1 in 8 chance of having Down syndrome and I had to see a genetics counselor, then get an amniocentesis. He turned out fine and healthy. He is now 15 and a super easy child. Does very well in school and idk what I did to deserve him.
So try not to worry and just wait out the tests. They’re just being cautious and you’ll be okay.
When I was tested with my daughter,I got a call saying she was high probability for Downs Syndrome. She didn’t have it. All it takes is a faulty test,or for them to be a little bit off in the window of time that the test is to be done.
They told my in laws my husband was going to be born with down syndrome. Said beyond a doubt and he was born without it
Please join the Facebook group DSUK PADS great expectations for pregnant mums. It’s a very supportive group that supports women with a high chance result for Down syndrome. The admins are all mums to little ones who have Down syndrome and have all been in this situation. They support you whether your results come back positive or negative and it’s very Non judgemental.
Also…my baby has Down syndrome and is the absolute light of my life My Boy Brody xx
Mine came back high risk when I was pregnant with my son at 22 we did the amniocentesis and found out he had Smith-Magenis Syndrome hes the most amazing little man ever
If you don’t get your tests done the day the orders were put in you can get a false positive or high risk from what my doctor told me. I didn’t get mine done because no matter what I’d love my baby the same
I was 36 and had a high result. They kept pushing an amniocentesis on me. I kept refusing till one day I told them to stop asking me. That they where trying to medically bully me into something I did not want.
My daughter was born in February normal. I turned 37 a month later.
Don’t worry about it.
She is almost 18 months and a spunky little chicka
Those tests are never accurate. A lot of people have tested high risk and their babies have turned out 100% fine. Down syndrome isn’t the worse disability a child can have. My best advise would be to do some research on Down syndrome. I honestly think people with Down syndrome are adorable.
My daughter doesn’t have Down syndrome, but she has a chromosome disorder similar to it called Chromosome 21 Ring. There was no testing for it (I wouldn’t have gotten the test anyway but that my personal opinion) and completely caught us off guard but we got her all her therapies that she needed and she’s thriving!! We’re still learning about her disability as she grows and changes in her young life and as challenging as having a special needs child is, it’s also very rewarding. I love my girl just the way she is and wouldn’t want her any other way.
Mine had a 1 in 220 chance from the quad test. I freaked out for two weeks! We had the NIPT done and it came back 1 in 10,000 chance. The blood tests are often wrong. My daughter was born healthy and without Down syndrome
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I be worried about my pregnancy blood test for down syndrome?
My daughter turns 14 this month, i was told my test came back positive for her to have Down syndrome & she’s completely fine! I heard that if they test u to soon like if they think your further along then u really are it could be a false positive. Don’t know how true that is tho.
It shouldn’t really matter. I’ve always dreamed of being blessed with a downs baby. They are amazing!! As long as the baby’s happy and healthy everything else shouldn’t matter. Just gotta be alittle more prepared incase.
I will say this. As much as we want our babies to be “perfect” and healthy. I have never seen a child with down syndrome who isn’t constantly smiling and loving. They are literal angels on earth. Regardless of the outcome you got this momma. Love and light
My daughter was told the same with her 1st pregnancy and my grandson was fine. No health issues at all.
With my first pregnancy I was told the same but my daughter was born fine and does not have down syndrome.
I did not find out I was pregnant until after 20 weeks
When they did my blood work, they said my daughter has a high chance of having Mongolism and a heart defect because of her asian and African American mix in her. She was born perfectly healthy with a small hole in her heart that closed after a few weeks.
I was 27 when I had my daughter we had no idea whatsoever that anything should be different, yet, she was born with DS. I would never in 100 years try and change that or her, she was the most smiliest and happy baby even when she was poorly. When I had my son I declined the blood test because to me it would make no difference whatsoever to me whether he has DS or not!
A good friend got the test and it came back positive. Her princess was born perfectly fine. I would take it with a grain of salt. This doesn’t mean every positive test turns out false. I have a child with cerebral palsy, and all I can say is: take a deep breath prepare any info just in case the baby does have down. We are only given what we can handle. Get some counseling and talk to a profesional about how you feel, what are your fears, etc.
The unknown can look scarier than it is. Children with special needs are an opportunity to become better people. They are a gift of strength, love, compassion, resilience, strength, strong will, and so much more. They come to rewrite our plans and make it better. My monkey is 11 years old and has beaten all the odds. He walks, talks, and eats on his own (something that I was told he would never do).
You got this momma! My thoughts are with you .
Hopefully you will love your baby either way but if you are really worried about having a DS baby and what kind of life they can have watch the show Born This Way. Its weird l just binge watched it last week and it is great. Its about this group of kids with DS and their families and how they help each and it shows how amazing these kids are and how they can have a good life and they actually teach you and everyone l else whose life that they touch. And there is all kinds of help for you. Prayers for you.
Does it matter? Will it make you love that baby any less? I opted to not have the test on both of my girls all because it did not matter how they came out. I was going to love them no matter what and if something was wrong we would go from there.
Yes and yes. Same with my grandson and he’s fine. He was preemie at 24 weeks but no Down syndrome. My test was high with one of my girls too. No Down syndrome
My youngest son has Down’s. Biggest blessing God has ever gave me. He has taught me more in his thirty years than anyone else I know. When he was little he wouldn’t call me Moma he would call me My Moma. If you decide not to keep the baby if it has Down’s please place it up for adoption. The day I learned Danny had Down’s (he was four months) I was devastated but God put some really awesome people in my life (older people have more perspective) and everything worked out. He will be thirty-one in October.
I was 23 when I got pregnant with my first child. My blood work came back abnormal. I had an amniocentesis done and it said my son had Downs. I had so many different emotions. I was devastated because all of the people I had seen who had Downs had other health issues as well. I was sad because I thought he wouldn’t have a life like I did. Experience school like a “normal” child, prom, etc. I prayed and left it in GOD’s hands. He would not give me more than I could handle. My son was born with Downs. He does not have any other health issues. He has opened my eyes in such a way I never thought. He goes to school, has friends, and will graduate this school year.
A lot of times, we tend to think of all the worst scenarios first. There are a lot of good as well. I could not imagine my life without my son. He had taught me a lot over the years. Downs is not a death sentence. There are some children born with mild cases. I pray you have a healthy child. If your baby happens to have that little something extra, I pray he/she is healthy. That just makes them extra special.
I had this when I was 26 and the hospital carried out an in-depth scan which looked at thickness of neck and other signs
It’s not 100% but it advised that it was unlikely he would have DS and he didn’t have it when he was born x