No way, he has to pay until she is 18 years old, but if she didn’t Graduate from high school by then, he pays until she does. Let him go to jail.
NOOOOOOOOO I’m sorry but this is a very stupid question yes the grandparents help but that not their job it his and they are getting older as well please keep the case against him don’t be foolish
Heaven forbid anything ever happens to his parents, but IF it did, you’d have zero help AT ALL.
BLOCK HIM. He is trying to get your pity. He needs to be held responsible. His parents aren’t capable of holding him accountable. You don’t owe him anything.
Nope. Too damn bad. He needs to get his act together
Too bad the parents are enabling the hell out of him too. Been there done that with my addict son. And then I got smart and said “no more, let me know when you’re done” as I dropped him off at the homeless shelter. He is now 31, married, a father if 2, and a restaurant manager. Nope, don’t do this guy any favors. Its ok to feel bad. But those that continue to enable will eventually kill him. If he can afford drugs he can afford child support.
Hell to the naw!! Men wanna make babies but can’t help with they own kids dreams and upbringing then he can suffer all by himself. Your baby deserves and needs your strength to show her that no man defines you as a woman or mother.
Nope don’t drop it! Let him learn the hard way
Absolutely not!!! If he got a stimulus check I’m pretty sure it would go straight to drugs & your child would not see a penny of it!!! Time for him to grow up!!! Never feel sorry for him or do anything that benefits him, did that with my ex quite a bit & it got me nowhere
Don’t put him in front of your daughters needs. She deserves all that can be given to her now and in the future. Sidenote, his parents could stop helping at anytime and where would that leave her?
Not a chance in hell!!!
DO NOT DROP IT! He needs to GROW UP!
I was paying back child support and my kids are 30 and 31 just this past February my 1st husband the kids dad said he would drop my child support and did… mine was 89,000 and every time I sent 100 it only went to interest was never going down thank goodness he finally stopped it my kids had something to do with it too
Look at your daughter…you are all she has. Put it in the bank so when she needs it she will have it. No contest. …
Tell him no. If he were actually trying I could see dropping it or helping him out. But it doesn’t seem like he is. He doesn’t deserve your pity girl!
No! Why would you? You are not the only one who made that child. He has to learn to grow up one way or the other. Do not drop it. He will still have to pay it all back even after she is 18.
Do NOT drop that case! You didn’t put his ass in the predicament he did. Jail might help him clean up his act. Like my mom says “the stupid shall be punished!”
Omg do we have the same baby daddy?! Because same to all of this! Don’t drop it. He’ll never learn.
Nope, no, and hell no! If he has money for himself then he has the means to support his child.
Hell no. Why would you eveb want and your daughter around a drug addict? She can still see his parents but you have an obligation to protect her and there’s no way in hell I would let my kids father be in their life if they were a known drug addict
No. I’m sorry he didn’t get any free money and that he has to be a responsible adult and at least financially take care of his child but no.
No… Naw… Hell naw you don’t drop it… Let his ass sit in jail. He helped make that child he should help raise it and take care of it.
Absolutely not! If he had been supporting her all along then he would have received his stimulus check. It’s HIS fault, NOT yours!
Just drop it seems like you have a good support system. Give him the change to better himself.
Nope. Don’t drop it. With him not stepping up and helping, anything the government gives him, should go to your daughter. Your daughters needs are more important than his drug habit
Tell him, too bad so sad! Should of been a better human being.
Dont drop it, even if he doesn’t pay now. If he gets disability at any time, your daughter will get a check. You said he does drugs, enough said. My friend got child support when he turned 65, crazy hu.
If you still need the help don’t drop it. Fuck him. If he wanted to lay around and do drugs all day he shouldn’t be out having sex🤷🏾♀️
You would be crazy to do that
Don’t drop it. Your daughter deserves what little she gets from him. He won’t get a job because then the state will make him stand up to his responsibilities. If you had everything you and your daughter needed it would be a different story. Think of what that $1200 will do to help your daughter.
Girl! I went through this SAME struggle with the father of my first born and ex husband! Even though we’ve already had his rights terminated and my current husband has adopted my son. I still felt horrible keeping his stimulus because he lost his job during all this mess too and has a car payment as well as rent to pay. My situation is no different than yours because he literally just started paying last year. Has been strung out of drugs for a long time and blames everyone but himself for the situation HE is in. My son is 13 so you can imagine how much he is behind. I just sat down and had a heart to heart conversation with my current husband who totally supported my feelings on the issue. I thought long and hard about it for about a week. Then I remembered when it was just my son and I and how much I needed his help then. With clothes, school, food, extra curricular activities and so on. He had absolutely NO problem denying his son and not paying a dime. Leaving me to work two jobs and pay for EVERYTHING! I would do it all over again today to prove to him I can/did do it but you deserve that money! You’ve busted your ass to ensure that your child has what they need! Don’t let him try to guilt trip you into dropping any case! If you even thought you might want to give the money to anyone it sounds like it needs to be his parents!
Don’t drop it if he was willing to help that would be different but he not
Do not drop the child support charges
Do not drop the case! If he should (god forbid) win the lottery or some kind of settlement you wouldn’t get a penny. He would probably take that check and buy more drugs. He’s a deadbeat dad he needs to get a job!! God Bless his parents for loving their grand daughter
No way. It’s still his responsiblity.
Not sure how it works where you live. But where I live even if you drop the case he still has to pay the back child support
No way, he needs to man up and take responsibility of his child.
I don’t see the point to keep going with it. He’s never gonna pay anything to her and he’s not going to be responsible for her. Get him off your back. He’s gonna go to jail and then come out the same way. Do what your gut tells you!
Not a chance. It will always be another excuse for his inability to grow tf up. I listened to similar scenarios from my ex husband and he gets off scott free, while I’m taking care of all 4 girls from him(I have a 5th girl with my current fiancé); and it’s due time he should contribute too. You didn’t create a child by yourself and I’m not sure about you, but I’ve spent the last 3 years being a single mom(up until now); who did it all without a single cent or support from his abusive self.
I would never drop child support on my kids. Their fathers helped make them so it’s only right they help support them. I’ve heard sob story after sob story from my oldests dad about how he can’t afford child support and to be able to support himself. The thought of dropping child support has never crossed my mind. My youngests father decided it was better for him to take off with a 17 yr old when I was 7 months pregnant. No way no how will I ever stop child support coming from him. He hasn’t seen his son but once since he was born. He’s now 4. If the dad doesn’t wanna pay child support then maybe he should have been more careful as to not have a child.
If I were in your shoes. I would not drop it. Hell to the no. I’d tell the childs father to fuck off and get sober for his kid. You dont own him shit, he owes you to support your guys child dont feel bad for him. Block his number if it comes down to it. Yes keep his parents up to date about it you guys are on good terms, just tell them you shouldn’t have to apologize for his dumb ass decisions. If he’s got money for drugs he has money for support.
Don’t drop it. His issues are his own fault for not being responsible. If he wants his stimulus check, an active license, and no warrant, then he should step up and do what’s right. If he was taking care of his child, paying his support, and being a responsible adult then he wouldn’t be in the situation he’s in. Don’t reward him for being a scum bag
Don’t drop it. My daughter’s dad didn’t pay a dime while he was alive but we kept the case open. He died last summer and she receives survivors benefits until she is 18, which we are putting away to use for college.
Absolutely do NOT drop the case!!
Hell no, he helped make that child hes 50% responsible for her. fuck his stimulus check that goes to your child not for him to go get high on!!!
Nope. I would say you will drop it if he signs rights over
Either way it seems you aren’t going to get money for him at all. You get all you need for her from his parents, which is nice. He doesn’t get to see her and you have full and sole custody, so I feel that’s enough. I feel if they don’t get to see their child then you shouldn’t ask money from them.
I’ve been dealing with something similar for years & all I can say is this… his excuses will continue. Blaming others for his poor choices & depending on his parents will never change. I had to take my daughter’s father to court to get his attention as well as regular child support payments. His choices are just that… his! Hold him accountable for his responsibilities. What he doesn’t realize is that more important than the money, this will shape & define his relationship with his child. She’ll start to see what kind of a person he is. She’ll also see that her mother fights for her. Good luck & know you’re doing the right thing! Especially for your baby!!
It’s his responsibility!!! If this makes him hit rock bottom…maybe itll change him. But nonetheless he needs to know his responsibility!
And don’t enable him.
No. Your daughter deserves that support. It’s not your job to save him. He’s not going to miraculously turn a leaf and fix his life if you drop it.
He has never done you or your daughter any favors. Why should you? Jailtime will straighten him out.
He doesnt deserve the stimulus anyhow. He’s on drugs, not supporting his child AND living off mom and dad. Shame on them for enabling him too
No he made a life and decided to live his. Now he can learn to live his without like he left his kid . Do not drop it , it’s like giving him to go ahead to continue to be a pos
I’m going through something like this but I decided on not pushing for child support cause I knew I wouldnt get a cent from him. He hasnt helped or seen our daughter in almost a year. Dont give in. Any money the government gives should go to your daughter. She’s more important then his drugs or needs. He sounds like he is not a responsible parent. Dont give up. Always always put your child first.
Do not drop your case. Enabling him is not the answer. Your child deserves to be supported. Glad his parents help you for the sake of the child.
You may want to check with your state. In some states you are not permitted to drop the case until the child reaches an age of majority. The reason is that it could have a negative impact on the child. What if you unexpectedly were unable to provide? This may be out of your hands.
You would be doing a disservice to your daughter by letting him off the hook and also enabling him. He caused his problems now let him own up to it. 10 years old and still can’t get it together? Not your fault. Let him figure it out the same way you’ve been doing as a full time mom
Dont drop it! The child is his responsibility, whether he bothers to see them or not! He needs to grow up.
No don’t drop it he has to take responsibility for his daughter. He will have to pay his back child support even after she’s 18. I had a similar experience with my daughter who’s 23 her dad hasn’t ever taken responsibility for her he was demanding that she close the child support case news Flash she can’t close the case I have to be the one to agree to close the case. I won’t agree to close the cases so he can get a stimulus check…
Nope. That’s flat out selfish of him.
The child support case is not the reason he doesn’t have a job, he is the reason. If that support will help or benefit your child in any way than absolutely. From the sounds of it, it would help in so many ways. He won’t use the stimulus check to take care of his daughter most likely use for drugs. He needs to accept responsibility. Him not getting stimulus check is his fault his problem not yours.
Tell him to sign his parental rights away. And then drop the case. He is not doing anything to help you anyway so what is the point having him around bugging you. You dropping the case is not enabling him but freeing you and your daughter. If he sobers up enough to realize that he can push for visitation as is his right if paying child support. Protect your self and have him sign his rights away.
DO NOT DROP IT! He laid down and helped make her so he needs responsibility as well.
Hell no girl!!! He needs to learn the hard way. Go to rehab, get help, become a grown ass man and start showing that his daughter matters to HIM, not just his parents. Trust me, I went through something similar. He only has 2 ways out of this- get help and be a decent human being or …the other . Sorry to say but with addiction that’s just the way it goes.
No don’t drop it wth. He needs to be fully responsible and obviously isn’t or ever has been, as a father.
I would 100% not drop it. He needs to get his crap together and provide for his kid.
No way! He needs to grow up and be a father! He only wants the money for drugs. You would be enabling him. I hope you got your money plus the money for your daughter. Do not feel bad. His problems are his problems. His parents should also stop supporting him. As they are also being enablers.
Now see it would be very different if he was helping you but he is not so i say leave his ass on my kids father help me
You’re going to receive the stimulus check, don’t drop it.
If he wants you to drop the child support tell him to give up his rights!! Only sounds fair since he’s already not doing shit for her!!
Tell him to sign over his rights then you’ll drop it.
I dont get help from my kid’s sperm donor.
He wouldn’t pay if i did, waste of time.
Nope. Don’t drop it. He is manipulating you
I wouldn’t drop it. I would possibly consider it if his parents that help you would ask you too and they had a good reason. Other than that. Nope.
Girl you already know…how can you feel bad?NO DO NOT DROP THE CASE EVER!!
Same boat, mine was on child support for 11 years. His arrears are at about 30,000 currently, the state took his stimulus check and it was sent to me. He also, doesn’t have a license and any money in his bank account is seized and sent to me. I would take him off bc it’s seems as though he is just looking for a way out. Doesn’t seem to me like he is trying to better himself or get a job.
Nope don’t ever feel sorry for him!! My ex does the same thing. Last November he started paying 600 a month for both girls and now it’s all my fault. Remind you I didn’t do it for 4 years and all I asked was half of school expenses etc he couldn’t even do that!
Not a smart thing to do he owes you that money! Time he pulls his big boy pants up!
Drop it. Grandparents are helping and he won’t change. Why keep him on if you know it’s not going to change. In my opinion, the grandparents have stepped in for the dad
Do not drop your case… even if you drop your case they will not give him his stimulus check back that has already been taken… keep your case open not your fault he cant get his life together and you didnt sleep with his parents… let the arrears add up he will still owe all that back child support even after she turns 18… my son is gonna be 16 hasnt seen a penny in years ex owes over 80k in back child support… maybe one day before i die my son will see some of it
Hell no, do not drop it.
No. I’m going through this also. I won’t drop it. He had his license taken and moved out of state. He is so far behind he will be paying me long after the kids are grown. I felt bad for him and eliminated it once before already. I wont make that mistake again.
Don’t let him make u feel guilty about his own life choices get that child support
Nope nope nope, my ex asked me to do the same and I refuse. I didn’t create our son alone, he has never given us a penny until his stimulus check was intercepted. My son will be 10 in September. Child support will stop when my husband’s adoption is final of my son.
Ask god for direction.
Fuck him he needs to man up. File that support sis!
Not even going to bother reading this, the answer is
My gf managed to raise two girls by herself with out ANY help from her baby daddy. Idk why all you push these guys to this point that they have nothing. I’m not sticking up for them cause I know they are dead beat dads but the way I see it is the children will understand sooner or later that dad is a deadbeat and doesnt help. I’m the one who stepped up to the plate and these kids respect me more than they do their dad despite knowing that there is a bond between them that I will never get between but why do yall spite them so much to take everything from them.
Don’t drop the case but tell him if he doesn’t stop harassing you about dropping it that you will take him to court and have a restraining order put against him and if it continues follow through
NO WAY…make him man up…its not your fault he isnt getting a stimulus check…if he had been supporting his daughter all along it would have went to him in the first place. Your daughter deserves his support and for 10 years she hasn’t gotten ANY…not financially, physically or emotionally …screw that…tell him to get a life and grow the hell up and support HIS daughter…its NOT solely your responsibility. And it certainly isn’t his PARENTS responsibility. Thank God for them and their help.
Noooo baby! You stepped up and if he can’t then that’s on him. Keep doing what you’re doing and don’t let anyone make you feel bad for making the right choices for you and your daughter!
Do not drop it. He needs to get his shit together. If he doesn’t, and ends up in jail for any amount of time maybe it will be a kick in the ass and/or allow him the time to get clean.
I would discuss it with his parents as they are doong his support roll if they ask you to drop and contonie to help i would as i am getting suport. I cannot make him what he is not…
Yeah I don’t think that you dropping the case would be enough with all of the back pay involved…
Still, I would reach out to whoever is in charge of that and clarify just to be sure.
Don’t drop the case, but don’t hold your breath either. There are several jobs out there that do not care about the CS above and beyond if they need to be sure the correct papers are in for wage garnishments if necessary, so he needs to stop using you and your daughter as a cop out, get his ass clean and then man the fuck up. Either that or his parental rights need to be completely nullified so that if anyone else wants to step up and step in, he can.
Do not stop it!!! Stick to your guns! Your daughter is entitled to that money, he helped maker her, so he can help pay for her. if his parents want to help that’s fine that’s on them that is their choice. That has absolutely nothing to do with him. That is exactly what a judge told me ex!
Don’t drop it girl. You will regret it. He can’t get the stimulas check back.
He helped make her and he blames you for taking him for child support. It takes 2 to make a baby and it takes 2 to raise. He needs to grow up and pay for his own kid. And he is one of those guys that will blame the other person no no no momma you do what you need to. With the help out there.
Do we really have to answer this ? It’s quite obvious what u need to do…
No way would I drop that case. He won’t get his check because you should have received his check.