Should I give my daughter medicine to stop her from starting puberty so young?

Its all the processed foods our gets eat. Hell let her be.

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Nah. Let her body do what it’s going to do. Cuz the medication is likely a hormone blocker and I would opt out of that for such a young age.

Honestly no. That isn’t natural. Her period is. And so is puberty.

Don’t do it!! It will completely destroy her bone structure!

So it’s called precocious puberty and I guess you may be thinking of the below factors

My daughter had to have bone scans(yearly) and blood draws(every 6 months) done because she started developing at 6 or 7(I don’t remember for sure). Everything always came back good and we never had to start the hormones. She is 10 now and still hasn’t started her period. Lupron is 1 of the medicines they use to stop puberty, they told me no major side effects. I can tell you from personal experience(they also use it for endometriosis) it is he!l and I wouldn’t recommend putting a child on it, it messed with my mental health so bad. Look into a lupron group on Facebook prior to making your decision. There are other medication options but we never got that far so I didn’t delve into the side effects with those ones.

No way would I ever do this

Did the doctor tell you anything about side effects from this medicine? If toure seriously contemplating thus, you should know all the risks associated with whatever it is this doctor intends to put her on. Personally, I wouldn’t put her on anything.

No. Let her body do whats natural. Literally millions of women hit puberty at a young age. “The dr swears the medicine is safe” that Dr does not know. All he knows is his paycheck.

Docs told us the same thing about our son. He was showing signs of advanced puberty at 8 ( pubic hair growth). After they tried to push the idea of puberty blockers, we gave them our family backgrounds. They then proceeded to say it’s just genetics and nothing to worry about!

I can’t speak from a daughters side because I have all sons but I wouldn’t mess with the natural process. Myself was 14 but my eldest son started at 10.5 and now at 11.5 he doesn’t look like a year 6 he looks acts and has the maturity of a 14/15 year old and people think he is in year 9 :flushed: it’s crazy his voice has changed and everything with his body has changed I just supported him and he has been very open with me about questions and stuff. I wouldn’t dream of stopping his body doing what it’s supposed to do.

Why would you stop something that a girl’s body is supposed to do? That just sounds a little ridiculous.

These are my thoughts on the topic. Girls are starting to get their periods and breast development a lot earlier because that’s just evolution for you. Women are starting to have babies earlier and earlier, so if we look at science and biology, our bodies will naturally adapt to the environment around us. So since we’re kicking out babies earlier and earlier, an evolutionary change will start so women will start now having their periods earlier and earlier. Since a period is usually a sign that a woman is now fertile.

Don’t stop it. All you’re going to do is mess up your child and that’s not fair to her.


These drs are all nuts leave the girl alone and why would the mother even consider it

What reason is the Dr giving for delaying puberty? Why does he / she believe it will help your daughter?

Doing some quick research and having a daughter of my own. It’s pretty common anywhere from 7-12 to develop. It’s much more common than you think for 8 and 9 years Olds to get their period. Just because she’s budding doesn’t mean she’s going to be in 4th grade with DD breasts, they slowly develop. It doesn’t mean she’s getting her period right away. She could also start to get armpit hair and some public hair but very little.
Honestly I would tell your doctor no unless their is something else within her blood work, hormones etc that would later effect her in a bad way. Her body is doing normal body things that are not uncommon at her age.

Obviously I’m not a doctor, nor am I your child’s doctor and this is just opinions but I wouldn’t block her body from doing what it’s suppose to do.


You are behaving as tho puberty is life threatening, you are a vile cruel woman should you choose to violate this child’s body

I’ve never hit another human being but I want to seriously hurt all these people saying to let her develop naturally. NO! NO! NO!
I had my first period at 8. No 8 year old is ready for that, taking pads to school, finding privacy to change them, dealing with floods when she bleeds all over her chair and then has to change classes to go to advanced math and a boy has to use her chair and makes a huge scene. Walking around all day with her culottes soaked with blood.
Girls who start early stop growing early too. I am 4 foot 9 and one half inches tall and it is a pain in the ass. I can’t even reach a glass in my own home. For years I climbed on a chair for everything but can’t do that anymore as I am disabled.
Whether she gives in or not, she will be sexualized at an early age. She’s going to hear so many more nasty sexual comments. Sick people want to abuse her and she may become pregnant at 9-10 years old. Whether she gets pregnant or not she is not ready to deal with sexual matters with adults or other children.
I cherish my privacy yet I am putting this out there and am writing this in my own name, giving up my privacy to help this one little girl.
From where I sit, it’s a horribly cruel and abusive thing to not stop it when you can. How can you plunge your child into this cruel adult world. It was hell. PLEASE let her be a child and take the meds. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE. On behalf of the little girl I was, don’t make her live my life.

Why would you want your child to take in chemicals to stop the natural cycle of puberty ? That’s just retarded With all chemical people take in that is hurting the body more than early puberty

Let nature do its thing. I was 10 when I started mine.

I’ve never heard of these medications so I can’t give an opinion. Whatever you decide, I’m sure it will be what’s best for your daughter. I wish you both all the luck and understanding as you go into this.

Use you’re own experience you and you mom both were early to puberty. How did it affect your childhood? I started to develop breasts about 11 and my period at 12. That was back in the 70’s. I think it would be very hard to be a 7/8 year old and have to deal with a period. It took me a few years as a tween/teen to finally be able to handle it without accidents. You’re a good mom or you wouldn’t be asking these questions. Do your research and I’m sure you’ll make the right decision for your daughter.

I would assume one of the side effects is infertility…I wouldn’t be able to have that on my conscience.

Instead of medically delaying I would personally look into the foods and skin care you are giving.
Girls are starting puberty earlier and earlier due to all the growth hormones and hormones that are being added to our foods.

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I had to slow my daughters puberty and at 9 start monthly injections. My daughter is autistic and certainly mentally wasn’t ready for periods and still in pull ups at night time so just wasn’t a good mix. My daughters bone development was also too advanced and trying to slow puberty also meant her bones slowed in growing. She’s 11 this year and still on the injections but it took two years for her bones to finally stop growing and the curve in her chart to appear. At 9 her bone density was of a 14 year old. I was told she would likely develop osteoarthritis or I have to do injections which could affect fertility! It was not a nice choice to make. At 10 she’s 5 ft 5inches. Do what’s best for your daughter. I am hoping to stop the injections as soon as I can get her dry at night but she’s got a really tiny bladder and cannot hold much urine. So bit of a nightmare. Good luck x

I would never give my children a hormonal effecting medication. I don’t even take birth control because of the lasting hormonal effects it can have. And honestly if my mom chose to do something like this and I found out as an adult I’d probably be really upset and honestly idk how I’d process my mom altering how my body naturally works

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No, I would not. Everyone’s body is different. Starting puberty is a natural part of life, whether is starts early, on time, or late. If you feel she is not ready, then you can support her through it until she is able to handle it by herself ( changing her pad, etc). Unfortunately, these medicines effect everyone differently and may have effects later on in her life.

I would not. Never heard of this.

Let nature take it’s course. I wouldn’t trust a medication I’ve never heard of let alone something for that reason! You could do so much damage!!!

No. What if it then doesn’t start till she’s 16 or 17. Like that’s cruel.

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My granddaughter started at 9 where both her mom and I were 12. She started developing before that. She doesn’t eat meat but I know they put hormones in lots of stuff. But I’d let her go naturally they way she was intended. But I will say for starting at 9 put her on emotional hormonal imbalance life. She has a hard time with her emotions. I hurt for her because it puts her all over the place.

Let her body do what it is supposed to do. Just support her and make sure she understands the changes her body is going through and talk to her about predictors and safe/unsafe people and actions.

U need medication to think straight wtf

My sister being a nurse said the medication they give to stop it is horrendous.

People need to stop putting issues on these children with things they don’t understand. Don’t mess with Mother Nature.

I’m absolutely speechless, and absolutely NO WAY in hE-L-l would I be giving my child anything to delay that from happening, let her body do what it’s supposed to just my opinion but I’m just a regular person :woman_shrugging:

Just let nature take it’s course. Don’t do it. Don’t take a chance of it causing damage down the road

i would let her body develop the way it’s meant to.

Run from this “doctor”!!!

I wouldn’t stop anything that is happening naturally.

I’d be careful with those things. There’s too many lies and deceitful issues surrounding gender transformation to trust any of that. If she takes the shots and they do their gender attack in meddle school (yeah I left that typo lol) she may be a Coached just because she’s already had these shots and she may not understand. You know they don’t have to tell you anything and if all she understands is it stops my period and you have a gender pusher around your then raising a boy. Mentally puberty happens when the body is mentally prepared for it. Other than 20$. Month on supplies you shouldn’t mess with nature

And no I’m not trying to attack anyone facts however are facts. And kids are easy targets.

I don’t understand why this would be a thing? Is it hurting her body to go through puberty? It’s my opinion that our bodies need to go through this naturally and uninterrupted.

Also I don’t know what the diet is like but if you eat a lot of processed food and meat with hormones in it, it can cause early development. So maybe cut back on processed foods a bit if there are any.

The human body is designed to regulate itself (generally speaking). I would say don’t introduce any more to her system. Think about all the side effects from birth control (yes I know it’s different).

Why? I personally would say no! I mean why not let her body do what it’s supposed to do? Like u n ur mom did. I myself matured at 9 n I’m fine. My daughter did at 10 n she’s 12 now. No issues just growing up

It could mess her up in the long run to the point she could maybe not have children I would not risk it!

Personally, I’d never do it. Sounds like something that messes with hormones and could cause issues down the road. I say let her be. However, if you’re still considering it, do your due diligence and research the daylights out of it. Check the inserts, ALL potential side effects (some of which would likely be wise than just leaving things alone) and reports of adverse side effects. So many parents don’t do the research for their children or themselves on medical things and then unnecessary suffering or damage is done.

She’s 7. Personally, I would talk and explain everything you can to her. If you think she can handle it, no meds. If you think she can’t, talk to the doctor and a 2nd opinion. Do your own research as well. This is how I would go about it. I got my period at 11, breast development probably around 9. So what’s best for your daughter

I would let nature do its thing. Don’t care at all for so called medicines to stop or start the natural timing of life. You and your mom were early. Good luck with what you choose.

Why would manipulate what’s natural??? Let her body do what it’s supposed to.

Shit you may as well get her a hysterectomy, a mastectomy, and whatever else with that train of thought smdh

Why stop something that is natural, educate her and be there for her. I wouldn’t medicate my daughter.

Puberty reduces growth - are you and your mother extremely short? There are many things to consider. I would check it out but if a good doctor is recommending it I would give it consideration. Kids on the playground can be cruel to anyone who is "jdifferent. I.can remember years ago a couple of girls in grades 5 and 6 being developed and the objects of remarks.

My daughter started developing at 7. We were referred to an endocrinologist where they did the bone testing and blood work. The endocrinologist explained the injections to us to hold off puberty for a couple of years. Also said she was so tall and getting her growing in early which meant she would stop growing early and be the shortest in her class in high school. We didn’t put her on the medicine because I didn’t want any effects from it later down the road. She started when she was almost 11. I took her to a girlology class (look it up, they may have one near you). She was ready when her period came. She is now going in 9th grade and is 5 ft 10 inches tall. No medicine for us if it affects the natural process of life.

Lots of trans kids use puberty blockers and are fine as adults. If you feel like her starting puberty so young is a concern then do what you feel is right. But don’t forget to ask her for how she feels about it and have her talk to the doctors and specialists. This is HER body and therefore HER choice.

Read about phytoestrogen foods and the effects on little girls.

What the hell is wrong with society?!?!?!?!

This is ridiculous! Why would any parent want to stop the process of Mother Nature and the human body with man made medicines. Smh don’t be dumb, don’t give this crap to your child, use your brain