I live in a small town. Some of our local publications have highlighted a business that is owned and operated by a person who is a level 3 registered sex offender. I don’t believe the publications have done background checks. My question is am I obligated to inform the publications or local community.
Would you want to know???
Theres your answer right there
No. Local law enforcement should be doing that. You can actually get into trouble in some states for doing “outing them”
Ask your local police.
Absolutly…if your able to prove your accusations.
That’s not even a question. Yes.
If you want to protect children yes.
If u have proof and it wasn’t him have sex with his girlfriend when he was 17 and she was 15 or streaking on a dare through town and he is an actual threat to children
You’re not obligated, but wouldn’t you want to know?
Well print out his sex offender registry flyer and drop them around town🤷🏻♀️
I get where you are coming from. I really do. I would want to know as well but this is NOT your place to out someone. That is a law enforcement issue. They should be telling people. You could probably ask law enforcement if they are going to tell the community but it is not your obligation.
This is not your obligation. It is the offender and police’s obligation. You could possibly get in trouble outing them. It’s good you know so you don’t have to partake in their business but its not your job to out them.
No …let local law enforcement know instead.
Id contact your local police force and ask them if they are aware of this person and ask that they put fliers up to inforn the general public.
Anything that’s public record you will not get into trouble for letting the community know. Not all law enforcement agencies have the time to notify the community, ours doesn’t.
Honestly, no. Not your place. People have a right to know if they want to know, that’s why the registry is there, but it’s on them to look just as you did. Hate it all you want, but that person did their time and registered like they are suppose to. Put up fliers with the website and remind the public to check the registry regularly.
Plot twist: he owns a daycare
Everyone that’s a sex offender isn’t a predator. Stay in your lane. Not your business
What type of business is it?
Mine your business let law
Enforcement do there job so many ppl worried about everyone else! Worry about yourself!!!
nope not your place…all people can look up sex offenders lists on their own if they choose too. if the case file isn’t completely of public knowledge to see you can be picking on someone who turned of age and his girlfriend didn’t and parents sued etc…
Only after you meet the individual and discuss it with him/her. Some people on the sex offender registry don’t belong there and are harmless. Once had a 19 yo developmentally delayed patient who was on it for having consensual sex with his 16 yo girlfriend, also delayed. How sad is that???
I think it completely depends what they are on the registry for.
Sorry but experience says that law enforcement isn’t always current on this! Unless you’ve lived it, you don’t know!
Knew someone once that was put on the registry for urinating in public while intoxicated. The different levels vary very much in terms of what a sex offender is perceived to be.
I would NOT get involved in that, people can do their own research, don’t get your tires slashed over something that’s not your business. One of my good friends is a registered sex offender over lies and slander from a jealous girl, he’s an amazing man with a wife and two kids and would not deserve somebody outing him like that nor does he deserve to be on the registry at all.
No. Let law enforcement handle it. They could retaliate.
If he hasn’t acknowledged it and made it known himself the police need to by law.
If he hurts a child and you know, and never said is it on you too ??? I say yes if you know let them know if its factual
No. It’s not your place or business. Not everyone registered is a horrible person. Many people are forced to bc they were 18 dating a 16yr old or got drunk one night and pissed outside and got caught. This person isn’t your business to be honest. I check my local registry and look at actual crimes committed. Others should do the same.
I have seen too many young men just turning of age that had a girlfriend and had sex both before turning of age and the girls parents don’t like him and then turn him in after he turns of age. I think this is completely unfair but those young men have to bear that title for the rest of their lives. Please keep that in mind when you start to meddle in other people’s business… you do not know the story.
Nope just shoot the bastard
depends: sexual predator, maybe
solicitation, public urination, etc? no
Quietly, yes. You have no idea where he is in his journey. You do not know the circumstances of the crime or any facts. It is not your job to inflict any punishment on him without personally witnessing dangerous behavior. Do not forgot that innocent people have been punished for something they didn’t do. Notify any parents near by, stay observant & move on.
It’s public knowledge, those who are interested can access that information themselves. I’d be very careful what you announce or you cld find yourself in trouble or in danger. You wld have to be clear on the situation also. All that stuff is not black n white.
Yes I am sure people would want to be informed. I would.
Yes inform it fast Thank you
My opinion really…how did he get on that list u can get on that list for many reasons not all are worth having someone’s business spread around town
Yes you can inform people. But theres nothing that can really be done but avoid that person and their surroundings… I live literally in the center of many. One on my corner. One down the block and etc… On halloween everybody lets new comers know their address so they can avoid… One reason why i dont even let my kids play outside unless is my fenced, locked yard… Its sad.
I would definitely inform the publication.
It’s a matter of public records, if you want to know look it up! You’d be surprised at how many live in your area! It’s crazy,I’ve looked it up an there are hundreds just in my area alone! Even recognized a few I see hanging out in shopping plazas and near 3 schools! So do your research if you want to know!
Your not obligated but you should if you care about your community
Do your research immediately. Google. And tell your police of your intention to let everyone know.
I say absolutely there could be kids or women going in his place of business.
If this alleged perp is anywhere near my children or others it’s dam right my business to notify everyone In the US if that protects are most vulnerable victims. What I’m going to say isn’t popular, but the system fails the victims. It’s proven over and over.
There could be many reasons why that person ended up on the list. It is very easy to end up there, even someone who has been accused and convicted but didn’t do anything. My advice, be careful and maybe you need to f in nd out exactly what happened before you go out and speak or report it.
I don’t think you are “obligated” but I’m sure people you know would appreciate you telling them.
To tell you the truth if I walked into a store and found out it was a sex offender and somebody knew I would be really upset at that person for not telling me
I would reach out to the companies that wrote the article and bring it to their attention.
Perhaps ask if they’ve performed background checks…you say hes registered so they should know…you should be asking yourself is this individual a threat tho? People gotta work too…sex offender or not.
yes freaking inform them. EVERY parent has the right to know if those kinda people near their kids!!
I would definitely reach out to the companies that wrote the articles…but what’s done is done as far as those publications are concerned. Id make sure those around me knew about it. Whatever his offenses were…is it safe for a woman or children to be in his business? I personally would want to know if a local store had a sex offender who was dangerous to myself or my children.
Pick and choose your battles please
If you know 100% and can prove the person is a sex offender, I would send a message the publication. Level 3 means likely to re-offend. As for informing the local community, the sex offender registry is online. Anyone can look at it, so you don’t need to inform the public. But the publication should be more aware of the businesses that they’re highlighting.
Everyone has the same access to the registry.
yes, someone has t protect the innocents
I personally would want to know! I wouldn’t want my kids around them… I feel like they should know.
I’d definitely post it everywhere I could. I have no respect for a person who is a sex offender. They dont deserve to profit.
I would do it any way. Make it so he has no place to hide. Pretending it’s not there is how these assholes ruin lives.
Not sure if this is true in every state, but in my state you can’t lure children to you (no trick or treating at halloween, there are even rules on owning dogs, and animals, etc), so if it is a business selling something that is for kids, then I might, but I also know that everyone has skeletons in their closets. Just like someone said, everyone has to work.
They are obligated to inform of it. If you go about it the wrong way they could sue u for defamation or w.e its called. Our old landlord went to cort for 24 charges on molesting children and got only 24 months and life time registered offender…my husband was gonna go tell everyone no to rent from him caus eof this and we were told nit to cause he could sue us
I’m all for people knowing if a pedophile has moved to an area… especially if they open a business… but there are a lot of registered sex offenders who don’t deserve the charge… true eg: a young man was 17… with her parents permission he dated a 14 yr old… they dated for several years… he broke up with her when she was 17… her parents got angry and pressed charges… he now is in his 40s and is a registered sex offender…
I would want to know. Especially a level 3
You could tell people what’s public knowledge (that he’s on the registry) but outside of that I wouldn’t say anything because if you cost him business he could possibly sue you if you say something false or that’s not public knowledge.
I would contact the publication and let them know but first I would contact the local authorities to make sure he’s in compliance. If not they will handle him.
Actually I believe by Megan’s Law the offender has to and if he/she doesn’t they will go back to jail. Check your local laws but I’m 100% sure it’s Megan’s Law.
So when someone is a registered offender you can protect your family from them but you know what’s worse is the ones that aren’t registered in that haven’t been caught yet those are the ones you need to look out for, including family.
Sex offender doesn’t automatically mean pedophile, but yes I would deffinetly inform others!
Dam Right you should!!..
Yes!!! I would tell literally everyone!!! I would want to know if a sex offender is living in my area!!!
Being a small town, they already know!! Having a csc charge in a small town and people/businesses NOT knowing is almost impossible, imo if they don’t know and cared enough to know they would be taking the time to check for those thing’s themselves! If they are following the law and rules they must follow after release i personally am not trying to make their life a living hell to the point they would lose their business, especially when there are so many on because taking a plea and getting a few years because their court appointed attorney completely sucks, sounds much better than 30 plus for something they can’t prove they didn’t do!! They pay for it every single day of their life!
Um yea yea you should if you don’t and that person gets arrested and someone finds out you knew you could be held responsible as well
Should not even be a question. Chances are that they know but I’d say something anyway!
If he is registered than the community should be aware already, they have to register where they live and work.
Level 3 smh means likely to reoffend. MY God people quit defending him.
Yes! What kind of question is that? Apparently anyone that has to ask that question, has never been sexually abused!!! Smh
im not sure if you can do this but request his arrest records or background. It should be a public file or do a search in the paper if he was convicted in the area. Find out the story before spreading it around. Also ask the police on bow to handle this.
I’d guess the local law enforcement is aware if it was in the paper.
I suppose if the business deals with children.
Absolutely, you should!!
You are not obligated to do anything but mind your own business. Obviously this person did their time and has been out long enough to try and get his life back on track by opening a business to support himself. Anyone on here that is ready to pull out the signs and pitchforks should be ashamed of themselves. Should you be wary? I’m wary of all people, but I’m not about to ruin a life some more by spreading around their legal history. That’s how people get hurt. They have to live and work somewhere too. You should be more afraid of the men in your own family because chances are at least one of them is a pedophile.
Yes. Yes. YES YES YES.
There is no need for background checks, all you need to do is google Megan’s law
Yes. Yes, a million a Times, yes! Everyone needs to know!
Ohh you’re for sure obligated. He’s obligated to? I have no idea how that’s getting overlooked. But yes, it’s your civic duty to warn the community.
Google your counties sex offender registry and they are on it. and no, you really need to mind your own business. Yes it might be public knowledge, but its not your place to tell everyone and ruin what a man is trying to build.
Yes they register. Every year on their birthdays. Yes they have to register their address, phone numbers, jobs and that address and number, their marital status, email addresses, social media accounts, everything. I’m pretty sure they knew who they were highlighting before they done it. Its called advertising.
And yes its up to the county to determine what level you are. One county might say youre a 3, one might say youre a 1. So those “levels” dont mean anything.
Yes you should to everyone they need to know he will probably do it again and if he dosent you still did the right thing
Be very careful that you have your facts % correct, before you inform others…
The community can search the offender registry themselves if they care to. Why do you feel obligated to be the town cryer? What are you getting from announcing this? What are your motives? It is public knowledge and
Damn look at all these people defending sex offenders…
Sadly, if he’s a business owner in a small town that’s likely to re-offend… If it is going to happen again, I don’t think you can prevent it. Even by informing the people in the town. Depending on the type of business, passerbys are likely to be the prey. Seeing as they won’t know his name or anything about him unless he gives it out. I’m sure he assumes the whole town already knows about his past.
Level 3 is the most serious. If someone else in your town knew about this and didn’t tell you, and everyone else, how would you feel? Level 3! Likely to be a repeat offender. In every state, level 3 is the worst kind of sexually offender. Tell someone.
Idk why y’all feel the need to defend a sex offender but I will NOT and find it sickening that someone would
Yes yes yes yes yes you are 110% obligated to inform your community!
Make sure you have the right information, misinformation could lead you to being sued.
100% he didn’t give a shit about that kid(s) he ruined so why should we be worried about what “he” thinks or his safety. He’s nothing but garbage and should’ve been discarded into the ocean for the sharks.
Definitely tell people , imagine keeping quiet and he ruins another child’s life . I would want to know