Should I keep on potty training my girl?

You’ll know when she’s ready! Make a big deal, go get undies, and go for it. Accidents happen and they’re just that - accidents :purple_heart:

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I started with my son at 2.5 years and he didn’t get it til he was 3.5 years…I will say that I think we were just running around and doing too much, because once we started the covid lockdown, he had it down packed in a couple weeks!

She will tell you when she’s ready. Some kids wait until they are about 2.5 or 3 to start potty training. Forcing the issue will make her not want to do this and she will refuse any attempts you make. It also requires a lot of patience. Some kids learn really quick and some take their time and it’s ok either way. Every child has their own way of doing things especially learning new tasks.


i always took my girls to the bathroom with me put them on their pot id sit on the other. see mommy has to pee 2

Too early wait a few months

Let her go when she’s ready.

My son started showing interest a few months before he turned 2. We bought a potty and every diaper change I put him on & I’ll occasionally ask in between. But if he doesn’t want to, I don’t force it at all. He’s not ready yet and that’s fine. He’s getting used to the idea for now.

Get her excited about it by taking her shopping to pick out big girl undies! She’s gonna have accidents- just keep taking her potty for a few days. She will get it.


You just started don’t give up now. However I recommend waiting till she is ready to potty train not when you’re ready to potty train. if she hasn’t shown signs that she wants to start or is ready to start don’t push it. If she is ready the timer needs to be every 10min to start then work your way up to 15, 20, etc… she needs to be in underwear it helps, they make thick potty training undies and plastic ones. Get little prizes for poo like lollipops or tattoos.

Try a couple more times and if she resists wait. Put her potty chair in front of the tv. Let her decide when she wants to sit on it. Give her a treat when she does go in the potty.

I didn’t push it with my son…I didn’t want it to become a “thing” and him be stubborn about it…so when he actually was ready he got it with not much effort

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Get the book ‘Potty Training in 3 Days.’ Im seeing a lot of the common mistakes and myths they talk about in these comments.

If you started don’t stop they will hav accidents,use big girl UNDERWEAR


Dont stop do a reward chart

I would wait for signs telling you she is ready. If she has already done this then I would keep trying, but if she is too overwhelmed then I would say give her a break and try again another time. I would start getting underwear with all her favorite characters and colors and show her them to get her excited about big girl panties. I know it’s probably not the best method, but I used candy like m&ms to get my 1st to go and he was potty trained fairly quick for a boy. He was ready though and was showing signs, like being uncomfortable in diapers, tugging and straight up taking his diapers off.

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I wouldn’t stress about it. She will get it in her own time. Take her and let her pick out her own undies like a big girl first so she gets excited about wearing them. What I did was always to take my daughter when I went to the bathroom and would go with her even when I didn’t need to go…like the buddy system I guess. :joy: It seemed to work really well with the pee part. She had it down pretty quick but still had accidents here and there. The :poop: is what took the longest. I think she was a little over 3 before we got that one down. Good luck!! :heart:

Every hour & when you go, take her

I did “intense toilet training” with one of my students. We went every 45 minutes. It was grueling!

Was she showing signs of being ready before you started? I’d take the answer to that question as the answer to yours hun.

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My son is 2 and we let him tell us when he needs to go and offer a reward when he uses the potty. We also let him be naked for a while before bath in hopes he’ll use the potty then.

Start at 2 1/2 years.

It doesn’t seem like she’s ready🤷🏼‍♀️my 2 year old did that when she just turned 2 she’s now 2 1/2 and she’s wanting to be involved in potty training she’ll even go sit on the potty to pee without telling me she has to pee

i think it is the best time for her to learn and you have to expect many little accidents until she learns to do it herself

keep trying, if you give up she won’t learn. on a average it takes 8-10 months for them to be fully potty trained

Keep at it and be encouraging. Try setting up a reward system

It sounds like she isn’t ready.

Consistency is key! Keep at it

Keep trying she’s only two,give her a book to look at or a toy she likes Good Luck

We let our boys walk around the house with just a tshirt on. If they didn’t have a pull up or underwear on they remembered to go on their own after a few days. Then we gradually added underwear as they progressed. Of course there were still accidents, but I think them not having anything on helped them remember to go when they needed to. Of course you can’t do this 24/7 or in public, but if you’re home a lot it helped us. Also, we put the training potty in the living room on top of a garbage bag and towel where the tv was. We found they didn’t want to stop playing or watching their favorite show to go to the potty in the bathroom. Good luck! She will get the hang of it. And if she needs longer, let her do it in her own time (within reason). I’ve heard boys are different (and harder) than girls, so they were over 4 before they were COMPLETELY potty trained.

So she tried once, had one accident and that means she is not ready? Come on…….seriously give it some time and effort!

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My daughters just over 3 and self taught herself in less than 2 months.

Don’t force it :slight_smile: it comes natrually

They are ready when they are ready. You can’t force it or it will take longer… My boys decided they were ready between 3 and 4… Each kiddo is different.


When he/ she shows interest in potty training, then they are ready. ( what our pediatrician told me)


Wait until she shows you signs of readiness! I didn’t wait. I was so excited to teach my son that I didn’t even realize I was hindering the process by not waiting. He finally got it all around 5.5 years old. Pee wasn’t the problem. Pooping was. So I let him do it on his own terms with all the love and encouragement I could give. One day it was like a light went on inside his head and he just did it like he’s been doing it for years.
My advice, keep talking about it, encouraging her, showing her, but don’t force it. Never show any frustration towards her. Do not punish for accidents. It’s okay if you go through 5 pairs of underwear and pants a day. She’s learning and so are you.
Also, NIGHT TRAINING IS NOT A THING. It’s 100% developmental! Their bodies have to neurologically develop enough to send brain signals to wake them up to go potty. Also, muscular development needs to be at a certain level as well and until both of those are completely in tune and ready, IT WON’T HAPPEN. No night clocks or gadgets telling them to go at night does anything. Some kids don’t develop enough until upwards of 9 years old. So don’t be discouraged by any of this. You’re doing great mama :purple_heart:

Does she get a surprise when she does something. Not all the time.

Don’t push it. None of mine even cared til closer to 3.

Do not give up. Keep doing it. She is ready!

Every 20 minutes is too much. Just take her to the potty at key times initially: after a drink or meal, and immediately upon awakening. She’ll get the idea.