Should I Leave My Husband for My Ex?


"Should I leave my husband of 6 years for my ex-husband? I started seeing my ex at the beginning of the summer. I feel awful for cheating. My job situation has allowed me to spend almost every minute with my ex.

Plot twist. I cheated on my ex-husband with my current husband. My husband now is as close to perfect as can be. Boring as hell tho. He has let himself get so old at a young age. My ex, on the other hand, is crazy fun. Both care deeply for me. I seriously love them both. I have to choose. With that being said, I’m going to destroy one of them when I stop. But who?"

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"Oh lawd! Do them a favor and leave them both. Focus on yourself. It doesn’t sound like you need to be in a relationship right now."

"I don’t get why people complicate their lives like this. Just be single if you can’t be faithful."

"I don’t think you need to be in a relationship. A lot of times with an ex, it’s not love. I feel it’s the lust or the why wasn’t he like this when we were together."

"It’s apparent you have some issues you need to work through to figure out yourself, much less a relationship. Sometimes alone and figuring out who you are and why and some deep internal dives into yourself and your self-love need to be made. You cannot properly love anyone when you don’t love yourself and anyone who loves who they are wouldn’t be so comfortable breaking people like this. I’m sure the guilt and shame eat you alive, doesn’t it? If you can be with them both like this then you love neither of them, tbh. you’re using one for a house and stability and one for fun and wild."

"Sounds like you shouldn’t be married to anyone honestly. Just have fun and date people if you can’t stay committed to anyone."

"You should leave them both alone. This is so disrespectful to both of them on so many levels. Work on yourself before getting into another relationship…"

"I read something that said if you have someone and start seeing someone else stick with the second cause if you lived the first one you wouldn’t be with the second…something along that line."

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