Should I let my son wear this Halloween costume?

“For those wondering if my son is wearing a my little pony costume, well done! Yes he is and no I don’t care!”

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Absolutely let him and posting that picture will weed out the haters and those that think they have a say in how you parent.

Those people who choose to judge are not worth the effort they’re level of understanding leaves much to be desired so grow and prosper and ignore the negative energy

I have a zero tolerance policy. You either keep your mouth shut, be supportive and kind or you’ll never see another thing from me. And God help the person who says something directly to one of my kids.


Let him live his pony dream! Whoever has a problem is just jealous he has a better costume than them!:tipping_hand_woman:t3:

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Let him be whoever and whatever he wants to be, and remove anyone that shames a child from your list.


You buy him a beautiful costume and ignore them or tell them to fuck off.

Support your son fully. Tell anyone that does not love and support him to go “F” themselves. Without hesitation. No toxic people allowed!


You delete their comments and block them.
You protect their sweet soul from the world, because today this world isn’t as understanding or caring as it should be, and also have an extreme lack of empathy.
It’s Halloween, let them be a kid, and screw the adults who do not understand that concept.


You let him wear his costume and the wig! And don’t even worry about “judgy” people!

I can tell by your post that you are an awesome mama and that makes my heart happy that you are letting your son be who he wants! And like I said as far as anyone who wants to judge, first of all F them and secondly, i wouldn’t even have ppl like that on my fb and like I said F*** them and don’t worry! You’re doing an amazing job!

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Who cares what other people think! If your son is happy then that’s all that matters! People will always judge or have something to say no matter what, so let the haters hate.

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It’s Halloween! If he wants to be my little pony cool! Shit my daughter wants to me a zombie and she is 4. She also wanted to be spider man.

This is a costume. Let the boy live out his dream

Tell them to kiss your butt your son is your son he is who he is you love him if they don’t stay away

The kind response is to try and educate them, but in reality? Their opinions mean NOTHING. Your son’s knowledge that you love and accept him no matter what are all that matters. Coming from the mom of a beautiful FTM transgender son, you tell them your son is beautiful and comfortable in his skin and perfect the way he is, and if they can’t accept that? They can go f*ck themselves and you block them and walk away. They. Do. Not. Matter.

“This year my son went as Pinky Pie for Halloween. I’m so proud of him for not allowing society to dictate his likes, or stifle his creativity and imagination. If you disagree, feel free to keep scrolling. Hope you had an awesome Halloween!”


Tell them to f off and mind their judgemental business. Your son can be anything he wants to be, and if that’s a character from My Little Pony then so be it.
People are so horrible and nasty these days that they forget what truly matters…our kids happiness xxx

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Unfriend anyone who wants to judge. From FB and real life. Y’all don’t need that kind of negativity in your life!!


First- I love how you ended it with ‘I’ll do what makes him happy” that’s all that matters. Anyone judging him shouldn’t really be on your social media and there’s a fix for that. I hope he has a fantastic Halloween!!

  1. Well done mum
  2. If your baby is happy don’t worry about the haters
  3. He’s going to look awesome, you keep your chin up sweetie and be proud of who you are

You handle judgy people by sticking up for your child. You PROUDLY post those pictures and if anyone wants to judge, you delete and block. Anyone who’s worth your time and your childs time, will want them to be happy, period.


You let him wear it and post it here so we can all tell him how awesome he looks! Well done mom! :orange_heart:


Tell the judgy people to Fkkk off.

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You know there is a group of full grown men that love My little Pony, they are called Bronies? I think you’re amazing for supporting your child. I love ya. For anyone who has anything negative to say :fu::fu::fu::fu:


You tell them to go F themselves!


Who cares about the Karens online. Let him live his best life! If my little pony makes him happy, it’s just a Halloween costume.

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If my baby wanted to wear wigs and the whole lot. I’d support him. Telling him no because it’s not for boys is just going to teach him to be uncomfortable with himself because he doesn’t like boy things.

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My son is 5 and dressing as Elsa, wig and all :grin: let them be who they are


Tell them to kick rocks. Let them know without any doubt you support and love your child unconditionally and don’t give two fucks what they say. As a mom to two LGBTQ teens their happiness and knowing I support them and love them without conditions is the most important thing.

Ignore and block them that’s how you handle them

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Screw what other people have to say!! He’s happy, healthy, and loved!! That’s all that matters!!


He’s 10, it’s halloween. Let him wear the costume he wants. Anyone who judges a child for his costume isn’t worth your time or energy whatsoever. Just let him be who he is. Having ‘feminine’ interests doesn’t really mean anything about his gender identity and enforcing strict gender norms on him will only make him unhappy and resentful.


You sound like a wonderful, loving mom.


Im not sure how to do it myself but you could turn of the comments on the posts then no one can say shit

Why would you pay attention to judgy people? They are of no importance to you or your son. They are ignorant people who like to stick their noses into other people’s business where they have no right to be. Your son and his happiness and who he wants or needs to be is your priority. Come right out and tell them to MYOB!!!


It is Halloween time to dress up any way you want. I dressed as a man when i was a teenager.


Let him wear the costume. Block the assholes.

It can be hard to deal with them but be a bitch about it and let them know if they can’t support him then they can’t be apart of y’all’s life

I didn’t read all of this but…love that’s your kid u know what’s best 4 them…U do what makes them happy n u… e very1 everywhere will always have n opinion…N not e very1 will understand…not matter what u decide s ome1 somewhere will s will want to have there say…

I thought you can dress up as aannyythiiinng you want for Halloween without being judged…if I dress as a witch, does it mean I am a witch? He should be looking forward, enjoy the holiday!

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You don’t handle judgmental people. If they don’t like it they can keep scrolling. My 9 year old son wants to be a kitty this year. Lol. You can bet your bottom I’m getting him the ears, the tail, anything he needs to have fun on Halloween. Oh and my 5 year old daughter wants to be a ninja. At some point in life you just have to pick your battles, and succumbing to judgmental people at the expense of a child’s happiness should not be one of them. Have a safe and Happy Halloween, and may the odds be ever in your favor. :grin:

If people r rude delete them cause it’s your life not theirs

Tell them F off! I know many men too that love cos play and dressing up etc. and love dressing as the woman’s rolls…ain’t nothing wrong with it. It’s kinda hobby and what they enjoy. Life’s short. Got to be happy during that short time we have in life! :heart:

Halloween is meant for people to dress up so tell other people if they have opinions to keep them to themselves

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Let him be who he wants to. It’s up to us as parents to accept and support our children no matter their preferences.
If we give Them that understanding and support I believe it will give them some strength to get through when times become tough, to many narrow, closed minded people in the world as it is.
If we help them accept and come to terms with them selves it gives them a chance at a good life.
To many lives been lost because they don’t get this support sadly.
Since they could understand I’ve told my children no matter what, I will love u and support you. Never be afraid to come to me I will never judge or turn away from them.

And any way it’s Halloween when we can dress up as who ever we chose.
I hope he has a fab night
Plus it’s my little pony so come on :heart_eyes:


Tell those assholes your kid is growing up loved and supported and won’t ever be scared to turn to you when they need it because of that. That’s what a parents job is. It’s nobody else’s business. Just keep loving your baby. He will spend his whole life thankful for your love.

I am a Proud mom of a Gay son… you just let him do what he does. Support and love him!!! And do what I do I tell people if they don’t like what I post or say there is a delete button and an unfriendly button that they are more than welcome to use…. That is your child and your first priority is to make sure they are happy and safe!!!


Tell the judgy ones to,eff off.Thank you for supporting him.If it were me,I’d go get his costume,and let him wear it.Wig and all.I understand how judgy people can be.Both of my daughters(18&15)are both bi.Well,my 15 yo,is pan.My 13 yo son,we think he is gay and just isnt saying anything yet for the fear of being judged.


How to handle judgy people:
Them: what is going on at your house?
You: you know, us just living our best lives


Block them! It’s that simple. My son doesn’t like feminine stuff, but he loves going to get pedicures with us and he asks to get one of his toenails painted a “boy” color to finish his pedi off. Let someone say something to make him feel bad about it🤬

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Fuck it, let him! Let people judge, at the end of the day-hes YOUR son. Not theirs. Let him be that cute my little pony character. Let him get that wig and do his makeup-that cutie mark is a MUST. Life’s too short to not enjoy it. His happiness is more important than the unsolicited opinions of others.

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You handle this by getting them the costume and wig they want. You help any way you can and you go no contact with those who may judge or bully them.


I’d find a Facebook Brony group and add some of them as friends so THEY can help shut down any haters

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You tell him to smile big and then you post the picture… If someone dares to comment anything negative you proceed to delete that comment and person from your friends list and eliminate from your life as well… Because nobody needs that kind of people anyway…


Tell those people who judge to kick rocks. You are letting your kid be who they are.


How to deal with judgey people is simple tell the to F**k off then remove & block them. Hope your wee boy has the best day ever xx


Don’t post pictures on social media. Keep them solely for you and your family to enjoy.

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You tell those people to f off and that HIS happiness is your priority. Stick up for him to people so he can stand up for himself to people :heart::heart:.

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Ignore the people pass judgment because they are nothing to you or your child. If your kid wants to be a my little pony character, let him be a my little pony character. I feel like you’re already leaning towards that, but you are worried about backlash. A strangers opinion means nothing

I’d ask my so what color glitter he wants to go with his pony outfit. I would PROUDLY post his pictures online and would kindly educate anyone that has a problem with it.


If you child is happy wearing wigs, and being a female character for Halloween, let him. As far as negative comments on social media, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Let your son know that some people may accept him, but some won’t. He should know the truth about how negative people can be. When it comes to how you handle “judgy” people… you’ll encounter them everywhere go, unfortunately, there’s no way of avoiding them. Just be honest and let them know that you support your son and his happiness is what matters.


If anyone says anything, tell them to go f themselves, then block them. Let it be known that you won’t tolerate judgement or disrespect of your children, at all. Shut it down.


Tell the judgy people to go fuck themselves!

It’s simple really… any person that judges him for his own personal choices, well you just tell them to fuck right off. If it’s someone from your ‘friends’ list you simply block them.

Yes! Let him wear what he wants.

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Honestly, work on building your sons confidence and giving him ammunition for his own arsenal- start talking to him about how he might encounter people that don’t understand him, and ways to respond to them.


Block any hate :woman_shrugging: seriously if they hate on a kid in a costume. Then they obviously won’t support your child through any other life decisions

You just don’t respond. Comment under every single one that says something nice and ignore the ignorant statements. Just like in real life if I hear something I don’t like I don’t respond, simply say nothing at all.


State in the post, my kids, my choice, if you have anything nasty or negative to say I’ll block you on Sm and in real life. I don’t ignore bad behavior or bulling statments, I call them Out in front of everybody! I have since I was a kid and teach my kids the same.

Delete and block. My two favorite buttons.


Ignore the judgment from the creatures they’re nothing and if they can sit here and say anything negative about a child then they all are lowlifes. As long as your kid is happy that’s all that matters. You seem like a great momma! He’s gonna have a great Halloween

I would ask him before posting pictures, and go from there.

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Just let him. Who cares?? But if it helps you to cope, there’s an entire category known as “Bro-nies” who are guys that like My Little Ponies. I have a very big, buff, and very straight male friend who utterly loves watching MLP with his nieces and self categorizes himself as a Bro-nie.

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Let him be who he is. If you try to change it, it will make him ashamed of how he feels or who he is. Let him make the decision, just be there for him. :heart::heart::heart:

Tell them mind your own business and if they are friends you will know not such good friends

My brother and cousin has dressed up as a girl and a female cheerleader. Its Halloween its the 1 day of the year it doesn’t matter how you dress. If anyone tells you anything negative tell them to f off

With a middle finger held high and a smile to match momma… thats how you show him how to deal with judgmental people… be happy an yourself ALWAYS the right people will love you back!!!


Screw judgy people, be who you want to be kid!

You tell judgy people to eff off! Unless they are raising your child, their opinion is worthless. If I’ve learned anything in recent years, it’s that everyone is gonna have their opinion. That doesn’t mean that I have to care or even acknowledge their opinion. Especially when it comes to my children. Besides, you get these drunk college guys dressing up like nuns and cheerleaders like it’s a joke. Let your little boy do what makes him happy and anyone who has a problem with it, you can salute them with your middle finger held high!

My 14 year old special needs Son went as Harley Quinn last year. Skirt. Tube top. Wig. Make up. Cute little flats. All of it. I posted pics and didn’t gaf what people thought. Nobody said anything out of the way, but if they had, I would have had no problem putting them in their place.


Delete/block them. You dont need people who wont accept him around him.

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Do what makes him happy.

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Just be careful about who you share stuff with over social media. People have stolen children’s photos to create negativity on the internet. I’m very private about posting pics online. I still love old school photo albums and physical pictures


Just support your baby, and tell the nosey judgmental people to go to hell. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I’d let him. I wouldn’t even care what others think as long as he’s happy right. :slightly_smiling_face:

Seems like a very easy way to rid your life of awful people. Let your kid be a kid and have fun! We don’t do gender specific in my house. I have 3 boys and 3 girls and they all play and like whatever they want. One of my sons is OBSESSED with the new My Little Pony movie so I imagine he will be getting some of their toy line for Christmas. Your duty is to your child. Not to society.


It’s his costume tell them to piss off. I’m 26 and like MLP

I think he should be what he wants :slight_smile: as for the haters that may have an opinion you dont owe them an explanation on the choices you make for your son or what choices you make because at the end of the day no ones opinion will matter because your son is his own person.
People need to stop labeling things and judging things when they may not even be a type of way they see it. At the end of the day he has his mom and family to support him and really that’s all he will ever need …

Let him and fuck them judgers

You tell those judgy people to shove it up their asses. If they say they’re your friends, they won’t judge. If they judge, you don’t need them. Do what makes your boy happy. Wish I had that kind of support when I was kid.

You tell them if they have an issue to talk to you! Then you throat punch them and call them a see you next Tuesday!

Raise your baby how you see fit.

Do what makes him happy if they judge block them

Tell the judgy people to f**k off. They have the option to unfriend
You if they are THAT offended by a child.

People shouldn’t judge in the first place, let him know that there are people out there that are not as open minded as some and there may be some rude comments but as long as he knows you all love him and he loves himself don’t let the rude comments get to him. And tell the haters to not comment if they can’t say anything nice.

The people who judge are the people who don’t matter and no longer need to be in your life or on your timeline. :raised_hands:

As soon as you stop caring about what other people think, you will finally learn what it’s like to enjoy happiness. People will judge everything you do, there is no getting away from that. That’s why yours is the only opinion that should truly affect your choices.


It’s Halloween, anything goes as long as it’s not racially insensitive.


You tell them to fuck off and delete them.

Delete the judgmental people, then aren’t positive role models to have around your family. Let him be him, especially in Halloween

don’t keep people who judge your son for being happy

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