Should I press charges?

Press charges. Call now.

Please file a report immediately

Get a restraining order ASAP!

U r as dumb as a box of rocks.

Call the police. Report him. Press charges against him.

Are you serious??? Of course he abused you!!! Call the cops on that loser or next time, you’ll be in a wooden box!! Think of your son, good grief!! :woman_facepalming:t3:

Yes and get a restraining order

Yeah, if you went on Facebook and wrote out this whole story asking if you should call the cops or not, you are in more trouble than you know… I mean seriously?? Burn’s bruises, kicks out your car window and you ask stranger’s on facebook book if you should call the cops? :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:

You already know the answer, you just need to follow thru with it

Hang in there, he’ll get better. That’s exactly what all abused spouses think. He didn’t mean it. I love him ( even though he beats the shit out of me). The real answer is get the hell out! Unless you’re part of the problem too. In that case just keep hoping the tooth fairy will have a chat with one or both of you

File charges before it’s to late.

Have his Ass Arrested!!! B. Do Not Let this go

Uh…yeah…why would you even ask that?

I can’t even respond to this :confused: I mean seriously

Put his sorry as in jail. He tackled you? Burned you? Threatened you and damaged your vehicle… broke your cell phone? RUN, DONT WALK!!!. The next time he might kill you.


Yes what are you waiting for The next time?

This can’t be a serious post :woman_facepalming:t2:

Yes he caused you harm by tackling you and bruised you also cigarette mark in your arm, you also have a case because he said he was going to punch your eyes and that would be terroristic threats….call police if you feel the need to

Come on… how fucking stupid are you :rage:

Cops restraining order

Cops n arrest his ass

These questions on this site and others like it can’t be real.

He should already be in jail.

This post screams abuse

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I press charges against my ex? - Mamas Uncut

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Oh hun… please please please get yourself and babies somewhere safe and have him charged, and possibly no contact order… that is all abuse, just because he’s not ‘punching’ you does not mean he’s not abusing you. Verbal, mental, emotional and physical are ALL abuse and punishable by law.

Big hugs and lots of positivity to you and yours :two_hearts:


PLEASE. Do NOT let him do this to you. It’s not the first time. Take steps to make sure it is the LAST time. Please do it for your family, for your safety. You deserve better.


In my state that’s 2 felonies domestic violence causing visible injury and preventing the victim to call for help. I’m going to be as gentle as possible. You have clear signs of a survivor of domestic violence. You are doubting he hurt you because it wasn’t as bad as another time, comparing. Love, you were assaulted. You are carrying trama and need specific counciling specializing with domestic violence. If you file charges, depending on your state you have to follow through. My DA has the mentality of no victim (to testify aka follow through with charges) no crime and the suspect walks. I see it all the time. Follow through if you want this, nobody can do it for you and thats why having an advocate is important if you file charges. Law enforcement should provide pamphlets of agencies within your community that can help.

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Short answer - yes press charges as this is abuse. You keep mentioning “this time” meaning it has happened previously :pleading_face:
This is a cycle and he will continue to do it as he has gotten away with it before.

Definitely press charges! Who knows when he will do this again! Your kids need you and you don’t deserve to be treated that way! You need to protect yourself and your children. Hugs!!

That was assault and battery. Go to police department and report this ASAP. They will advise you what to do. My husband was in courtroom getting divorce. Exwife was blocking aisle. He got to her placed his hands on her arm and basically lifted her up to move her over. Lawyer walked out door with him and told him that was assault in the eye of the law. If he had hit her it would have been battery.

Yes. It was abusive every time hon. Please get help from your local domestic violence center and get set up with an advocate.

My ex slammed my hand into the back of a door (between the door and and wall) one night when he was angry at me…I wasn’t strong enough to hold the door shut and there was no lock on it…I called the cops and didn’t even have to press charges-they said they had enough evidence to do it regardless…just to put it in perspective, because your situation sounds worse…no one should ever lay hands on a other person to get what they want, out of anger, or for ANY reason…im sorry you even have to question it. But I’ve been there…and I did too. You need to get a restraining order

YES YES YES!!! Press charges! Drugs or not he cannot get away with this! 9 out of 10 he’ll do it again, stop it now, PLEASE!

Yes its absuse and you know it. Trying to talk yourself out of it on technicality only allows this behavior to continue. Stand up for yourself now. Would you want to teach your children that this is ok to do to someone or take from someone. Hugs to you and I’m so very sorry you are going through this


He threatened you. Even without everything else I’d be calling the cops. What he did was not ok. Just because it wasn’t as bad as all the other times doesn’t make it ok.


It will never stop it only gets worse press charges and move stay away from him :disappointed:


Ummm he tackled you and burnt you in the process. He then took your phone (holding you hostage) yes press charges and don’t let him back around you or your child.


He intimidated you, hurt you and made you feel scared, hun, thats assault… i was in DV relationships for a very long time… just taking your phone away is violence against your safety babe. As hard as it us, for your little ones safety and most importantly YOUR safety please please go seek help! Get a protection order taken out on him for you and your baby! Next time you may not be here hun. Your bubba needs you alive safe and well. Goodluck mumma


I don’t understand why this is even a question.
Press charges.


It’s so sad that you even have to ask. 100% yes. He shouldn’t have been there at all.

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Think about it like this? Would you want your kid to see this? Or this even be your kid? The answer is No. so yes press charges AND put out an order of protection/ restraining order for both you and your child.

I’m really sorry you are going through this, and yes this is abuse. You need the help, and don’t question it, this is not okay!! Praying for you mama .


He still put his hands on you! Yes that is assault.


Go to the ER and have them take pics of the bruises and burn mark. Call the police and PRESS charges. Get a restraining order and do NOT let him come back in. Follow thru with the charges. If he has done this once he will do it again and next time you might not live to tell the story. Please get help for yourself and child. This crap can linger in child’s mind for years.


Just press charges. You and your son do not need that kind of influence in your life.

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Charges,PFA, keep him away from you and your children…alcohol or drugs isn’t an excuse…and a I’m sorry the next day doesn’t fix it!

I’m so sorry this happened to you. Don’t feel guilty for calling the cops! It sounds to me like you’ve already given him chances but the abuse has continued. It’s only going to get worse from here. Protect yourself and your kiddo! No man (or woman for that matter) EVER has a right to put their hands on you. This wasn’t an isolated incident, it’s a pattern. Recognize it and get out before anything worse happens. Thank you for sharing your question. I really needed to see all of these responses myself. :heart:

Oh honey, this is abuse, you have bruises, property damage. Press charges and run with that sweet baby while he’s detained. Protect yourself and reinforce for your son that is NOT how men treat women.


It’s truly terrifying and heartbreaking to think that this isn’t abuse. My advice - lose this boy…I don’t care who he is to your child…he is a danger…and it will only get worse unless this boy gets himself some help.
The key being…HE needs to help himself and you need a restraining order

Breaking the phone is a charge in itself. He’s got about four charges there…call the cops. He did all this I assume while your child was inside asleep, he’ll be back.

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This is 100% abuse. You need to think about your child. If you don’t put a stop to this, I guarantee he will move on from you and attack your kid(s)…

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Make a report!!! You should have done it when it happened. Abuse is abuse. Leaving marks on you is abuse. Burning you was not an accident when he grabbed you on purpose so you wouldn’t/couldn’t call for help. Stop making excuses for him and start standing up for you and your child. Neither of you deserve this.

omg yes he abused you. you need help both from the police but also emotional support. I struggle to think you don’t see his behaviour as assaultive. This guy is ought of control . I don’t care if it’s drugs alcohol or both. it’s in him to do this. Get as far away as possible.

He is your X …He needs help and he’s angry at you .you need to do what ever it takes to protect you and your son…you in my prayers baby girl…hopefully he gets pulled over for drunk driving he needs help…

Yes, that is 100% domestic assult, property damage, and potentially criminal trespassing. I would personally report it, for you and your children’s safety and so he knows you’re not going to tolerate that behavior.

Please go talk to the cops. Press charges on him for assault. The only way your going to have a real life without walking on egg shells,looking over your shoulder,nervous scared for yourself and your children you need to make that step. To leave and don’t let him intimidate you.i went through that years ago,and I was so relieved. I felt good,and free from a mean person.

Yes you definitely need to press charges and get a restraining order on him. Because by saying you should be afraid of him, means he’ll do it again and possibly worse the next time. Protect yourself and your child.

I’d make a report, get a restraining order and custody order. Don’t wait until he does something more insane before you do anything about it.

I don’t have time to scroll through all these comments so

  1. File a report with the police and get an emergency protective order
  2. File for a permanent protective order
  3. 1000% abuse physical emotional and verbal.
  4. Seek cost of property damaged. You have to get someone to assess the value of the damages and press charges for that.

I wish you luck with everything and I know you have a child with this man but I hope you remove this toxic person from your life and I pray he isn’t like this around your child and your child doesn’t see this behavior

Well, ask yourself this: next time it happens ( and I promise you there will be a next time) and it’s worse, do you want your son to witness/be involved in that kind of violence?

Are you kidding me of course he
did he is a danger to you your son and anybody else put charges on him and let them put him away or he needs to get help get away from him now

The fact you have to ask here then it is definitely the right choice to go straight to the police. It’s never ok for anyone to treat you like that. He is dangerous and should never be around you or your kid

He still assaulted you…and damaged your property. Yes you should press charges

He is a domestic violence perpetrator and he assaulted you yr son doesn’t need to grow up having a dad like that nor you do not want to be a statistic should he’s violence escalates
Good luck :crossed_fingers:t4:

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Get out of that “relationship” in whatever form. Press charges and get a restraining order. If he can do that right imagine the kids.

Have him arrested. And in his punishment (time/$) add in the cost of both of you getting counseling and treatment, and keeping you insured lifetime under his insurance. You both need help. Your post proves it. Any witnesses?

Burning you even if on accident, tackling you, interfering with a 911 call are all things that he can go to jail for. Press charges and get as far away from him as possible.

Mine did the same thing and yes press charges he might be angry but do you press charges to put a restraining order out you’ll be safe safer than dead.

It is abuse and damage you are left with bruises from him using force to attack you regardless of how he did it. One should never have bruises from any partner.

It was assault. You are bruised and he tackled you down.doesnt matter if he punched you or not. He caused you physical harm.

If anyone puts their hands on u in a violent way it is assault which charge it would come under is up to the police (ie assault & battery/gbh/abh) but he also made threats to you and ur child was in the house think of their safety not just physically but mentally, watching one parent attack another really leaves trauma scars I speak first hand at the impact it can have on children mine have been in and out of therapy for 2 yrs because of what they witnessed

Go to a safe place mama that’s full on abuse and that’s not alright

File a protection order(because a child is around the situation they will react) not a restraining order (cops don’t bat an eye most of the time at a restraining order)

This is still abuse. Of course charge him. It will always happen if you let it.

RUN get a restraining order NOW, you definitely have a good cause to get it, next time you may not be do lucky

Stop protecting him. Worry about protecting you and your child. Press charges, get a restraining order, and a gun. Go to a range and learn how to use it properly. Never take chances. Always be prepared.

Yes this is still abuse. Next time you may not be as lucky or perhaps one of your kids. He definitely needs help

OMG Lady, does he have to kill you? Definitely press charges and by all means get a restraining order!

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Press charges and look into your states concealed carry laws and process to obtain protection for you and your young.

Call the cops and press charges. It appears to be and occurring thing. You and your child/children are in danger

Anyone who has been through this will tell you - Go Now! He will only become more violent. Think of your child & go. Make sure to file all charges.

100% abuse and trust me they don’t change it only gets worse!

Yes he abused you. He assaulted you. I would be calling the police. If some random person did this to you what would you do?
Teach your kids that this is not ok and that you will stand up for yourself.
Sending you all vibes that help you find the courage and strength to stand up for yourself. Its hard and scary but worth it

Just because he’s done worse to you in the past does not negate the abuse he inflicted on you during this encounter!!

Abuse takes many forms and should never be tolerated. You have to decide what you will tolerate.

Not only has he physically abused you but emotionally too

Yes he did any man does that it is abuse call the cops tell them what he did get him behind bars that is not right Do not take him back that is crazy he might not hit you but he did hurt you that is not right keep him away from you and you baby

Call the cops and press charges, take pics of all injuries and property damage and get a restraining order in place.

Yes you should be filing charges
And getting a restraining order as well…it is never ok for anyone to treat you that way ever

This time!!! One time should be enough…It’s probably too late to call now, but never hurts to call and ask…

Definitely press charges. Plus get a restraining order. He could possibly kill you.

yes press charges get a restaining order no excuses honey what once was is gone… be safe your child needs you and dont need to see this kind of abuse…

Call the police/ go to hospital so there’s documentation of cuts/bruises. Don’t let him get away with this.

Your account is very good, of a disgraceful and frightening event. Repeat all you told us, and ask your question of your legal council. That should let you know where you stand.

Its abuse run run run. It will only get worse and more abuse

Press charges, get a restraining order, and file for emergency full custody of your son. Don’t take any chances on your safety if he does it once and gets away with it he will probably do it agin.

Are you waiting for him to kill you ???!!! Take charge of your life !! Get away from him and don’t look back !

100% call police. You have 24 hours. Also restraining orders are just paper. Get a gun and protect yourself. Know from experience.

Are you seriously asking if he abused you? I’m sorry this happened and I will pray for you, but YES honey this is abuse. Get out now no matter what it cost. It could cost your life next time.