Should I put the child's father on the birth certificate?

Why would u not put your child’s father on the birth certificate? Do you think it’s your states systems responsibility for you having your child? Clearly u and the father should have to have responsibilities for paying for the health insurance that I’m sure ur state will put in place for that said child! (They also when u apply for tanf and ur not with the child’s father they will request the father to pay so much to cover that cost of the child getting state insurance)


So, you’re pregnant & already decided you’re going on welfare? Like, you’re not even gonna try or nothin??? Wow…sad


Do not add him. Say you dont know who he is…


They can’t force you to go for child support in PA for food stamps alone if that’s what you really mean. They can for any cash assistance

If he isn’t a good person, I would not. If they are on the birth certificate it can cause you much grief if they want equal rights. Then you have to watch your child go to be put in danger. I’m not sure as far as getting benefits, it’s different in every state. Here in Louisiana you can still receive benefits without a father listed.

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You’re really not going to put him on the birth certificate all because of benefits? :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t2:


YOU and your child’s father are responsible for your child. I think that putting him in it is a requirement (or should be) as the state doesn’t want to be responsible for paying for you/his child. Assistance is fine, but you both need to be accountable for bringing a child into the world.

I think this is one reason why the name of the father is required… smdh

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He has to sign the birth certificate it’s not up to you and if his not on it he doesn’t have to pay anything

I used to work approving people for TANF in MO. Regardless who is on birth certificate, you will be required to fill out child support papers - no matter how many different possibilities there are for the father. I now work approving people for survivor benefits. If that father dies and he wasn’t listed on the birth certificate, it is harder to collect survivor benefits and sometimes cannot happen if you cannot provide enough proof of relationship. List the father. There are children out there doing without benefits due to them just because the mom didn’t add dad to the birth certificate. Oh and listing him on the birth certificate does not automatically give him visitation rights either. That is a false statement.

So you’re going to deny the father any legal rights to his child just so you can get welfare? That’s one of the most messed up things I’ve heard in a while. SMFH


-have father get some rights to his kid and be on birth certificate


  • rig the system because its “free” shit

Sounds about right and good parenting.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should I put the child's father on the birth certificate?

Tanf is a check for single mothers.
Why would you not go to the attorney general and apply for child support?
Which makes him responsible for also insurance.
Be careful trying to do things a certain way at and not giving correct information especially to the government.
That is considered fraud.
Unless he is living with you and you’re not wanting them to know?
Which is also fraud.
I don’t know your situation but tanf is supposed to be temporary just as snap.
Not long term.
So making the father be responsible is the way to go.
He is to provide insurance and child support.
And bills are half on each part for the child.
Answer? Yes he definitely should be on the birth certificate.
Also? The child needs that for their own reasons.


Is there a reason why you wouldn’t? I understand sometimes there are reasons. But if you’re thinking of leaving his name off just to get assistance I think that would be wrong.


I didn’t put my daughter’s dad on the bc nor did I give her his last name. On the bc i am the only one listed and she has my last name and I get cs and no he doesn’t have contact with her.


Your child has the right to have both their parents on their birth certificate


If you aren’t married you cannot just put him on the BC— he needs to sign.

I would hope that regardless of him being on or off BC that the State you reside in will file the necessary paperwork to bring him into court. When he goes into court he can deny the child, but then he will be ordered to take a paternity test.

Nothing is free. One way or another someone pays.


If he’s abusive you they have a paper you fill out, so they won’t contact him, but I think you need proof. Other than that, they will go after him for child support, as they shouks.

I’d you aren’t married they won’t let you without his signature. It will not matter for food stamps medical or tanf either way

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If you had a child with him give the child the respect to name Dad!!!


In Texas if u apply for tanf you have to put baby daddy on child support.

And the state of Oregon if you’ve been married before and become pregnant and you’re not married to the man that you got pregnant with you could not put their name on the birth certificate you have to get a certified letter from From the X dating that That he is not the father of the child

You should put the child’s father’s name on the birth certificate, apply for TANF and start a child support case. Regardless of a father being on the birth certificate you could still be eligible for TANF (or another assistance program) because it’s based off of who lives in your household and your income… unless he lives with you and you’re joint income exceeds the limit. In which case you’d be ineligible for TANF.

If he’s on there you have to file child support. If he’s not on there they basically ask you to find him so they can get child support worked out for you. It’s a big mess here in Texas it’s like either way you gotta know.

Yes, put him. Makes child Support a bit easier to get. That will NOT affect you for getting benefits unless you live together.

Im my state if you have a father listed and apply for tanf, you will have to open a child support case against said father.


Why wouldn’t you🤦 I can not stand a female that thinks that she has the right to exclude a father.grow tf up!


They will make you file child support no matter what you choose on birth certificate


How would you like to have no father on your birth certificate? Also keep in mind if he dies your child would have to fight for benefits. Also the bf needs to be helping you support this child.


You can’t just put him on, he has to sign. But if you do, and apply for benefits and you tell them he’s not involved, they will go after him. If it’s just for benefits you don’t get much anyway. So you gotta figure out if it’s worth it

It doesn’t matter if u do or don’t u going have to work 49 hours a week for that lil check a month. And he going have to pay it back. And if you take child support some of that money will go to the state. At least it’s like that here in Georgia

From my understanding that shouldn’t stop you getting it but he will be stuck paying child support. That doesn’t mean you’d get all the money. They normally would just give you the child support instead of tanf. I’d leave him off if you’re not going for child support

If he’s not involved, I wouldn’t. Tanf policies are the same regardless. Putting his name gives him more leverage to try to get custody if he doesn’t want to pay support, and tanf WILL make you cooperate with child support enforcement. If things change with the father he can always be added later, but no man deserves that automatically unless they’re actually there for their kids, which doesn’t sound like it If you’re even needing to apply for that.

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If they live with you yes you will also need to add then to your case as house hold member if they live with u . If not it is up to you

In Arkansas I wasn’t able to unless we were married which ended up benefiting me when he dipped out on his child

He has to be willing to sign the birth certificate. You can not just put his name.

This group should soo be private!..

Just say you dont know who the dad is

Nicely asking how can I get financial help but exclude him at the same time. Smh if u know who the dad is then he should be on the b.c. period


In the two states I’ve been in , I wasn’t allowed to not name the father when I knew who it was.

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In my state (co) I didn’t have my sons dad on the birth certificate and had to give them my sons dads name still. They put him on the birth certificate and went after him for child support.

I didn’t put my ex on our daughters and when she found out she was livid!

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My daughters sperm donor aint on her birth certificate and I had no troubles getting onto TANF

It would complicate getting tanf of he was on the birth certificate. But also, I feel like you’d be better off not putting him on, getting food stamps, getting a job and help with childcare from dhs, and then being free from needing an asshole who can get someone pregnant but not be ready to take care of you and the baby

NoI can’t even respond. So many things to say with so little information. So sad. Shame on y’all.

I hope you block all these creepy people acting like she’s just some lazy leech. It’s fucking awful to see these uneducated idiots on my news feed. I’ll leave if I have to read shit like that.

To me it kinda sounds like she tryna fraud welfare lol I know this all too well my neighbor admited to me this what she did and I looked at her so shocked :joy: I’m thinking like why the hell would you do that knowing they would make you try go after him for child support. She said she lie and say she didn’t know who the dad was and didn’t put him on the birth certificate. The dad lived with her as they were very much together and he was working. But she wanted everything free section 8 food stamps wic ETC and got it by saying she was a single mother to 3 kids.


Put his name on it. Period! If he doesnt sign the BC papers you will have to get a DNA test. Which you can get through child support or welfare.

Once you send the application off a week later you’ll get an application for them go after the child’s father for child support. And yes that’s even if he isn’t on the birth certificate.


I think you need to maybe take a look at your thought patterns. When considering rather not to put the father’s name on the birth certificate, this shouldn’t be on the list at all.

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I had to go on tanif a short period of time when I couldn’t work. We don’t have short term disability here. With one child it’s only like 238 dollars and you can only be on it a certain amount of months. And if you don’t have a doctors excuse proving you can’t work for said amount of time they will have you do job search and training. You may want to look into something else because that won’t support you.

Should you even be having a child if this is your mindset ?


I believe in the best interest of the child it’s almost always best to have the father on the certificate.


TANF should be temporary


Girl your priorities are ass backwards.

No dont do it. I wish I hadn’t! And dont give the baby his last name, again… I wish I hadnt

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You can’t add him without him signing a paternity form in most states now unless you’re married!

If he didn’t want the child then don’t be putting his name on the certificate if he’s already stated he did not want the child. It’s unfair because he has no decision in whether or not you keep the child. If YOU and YOU alone chose to keep this child then YOU and YOU alone should be responsible for it. I dont care if you scam the government for extra income. I’d rather my taxes go towards helping people rather than feeding the rich’s ego. Better to help a mother than to pay someone who is already rich. But don’t throw a man who doesn’t want a child under the bus. Yeah, it takes 2 to make the child, but the man has no control after conception on whether or not the baby will or will not be born.


Seriously?? Sad you would ask this!


dont leave the BC open …put the father down

They will just go after the father for support

Tanf is a temp money. If you want tanf you will have to put child’s father on the birth certificate so they can get child support so they can give u tanf.

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Its fraud not to put him on just to get welfare money


Children. Are. Not. A. Source. Of. Income.


So I’d be putting that father down…

My mom didn’t cause she wanted me to herself and now 30 years later who know how many issues I’m actually having cause I’m unknown father… yet we know who my dad is.


Children are not a source of income! :roll_eyes:


Depends. Is the father going to be involved with his child? If yes then yes you should put him on the birth certificate. If no then don’t put him on it.


He will have to sign a voluntary acknowledgment of paternity to be put in the birth certificate! But to answer your question it dose not matter… In most states if he is on the bc they will go after him for child support & if he’s not then they will ask about him & have you go after child support before approving you! Children are not a source of income & you asking this just makes it look like your only after income!


Did you have a child just for government benefits?

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Theyll have u go after child support unless u state u dont know who he is

I really feel like there was more details needed for this question. You portray yourself as using the child as an income. Is the father not around, not wanting to be involved with you or the child? Because being single doesn’t clarify if he still is going to be a father…


Don’t do it. Lots moms regret it

If you go for assistance they’ll require you name a father and go for child support.

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Please do not have anymore children


If you know who the father of your children is then yes they should be on the birth certificate :roll_eyes: even if hes not going to be around he is still part of the child .


Wow. Parenting?!? Jfc.

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Every child has a right to no their dad so yes have his name on it I get centrelink and applied for our birth certificate and added dad


Put on birth certificate

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People like you are disgusting. Kids are not a source of income!


For the sake of the kid I would and I did. I didnt want her having a blank spot on her birth certificate especially considering we know who her dad is

Put him on it. 1. They will not deny you. 2. If he ever passes you will get death benefits for them. Always helps with the things they need. 3. They will order child support from him, if you are not together.

Just say you don’t know who it is🤷🏼‍♀️ honestly I wish that’s what I would have done. I’m not sure that they can deny you for assistance just because you don’t know the father. But it may depend on the state you are in. No one knows your situation with the father, so they all need to sit down.


They can’t deny you for not having the father on the birth certificate.

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If father is not there to sign birth certificate he can’t be on it


Just because you’re wanting benefits, a father shouldn’t be denied to have his name on the birth certificate!


They don’t ask for the birth certificate. And if they do they ask who is in your household and if he’s not living with you then you don’t write him down and they will go after him for child support

You don’t have to put the fathers name on the birth certificate to apply for assistance. They will ask you his name if he’s not helping so you can get child support from him while you get assistance.

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Dad will eventually be involved one way or the other. The state will open a child support case on your behalf if TANF or Medicaid is involved. The money set for child support will go back to the state to reimburse them for whatever benefits you will be receiving. Nothing is free :woman_shrugging:


Unless the father is with you you would not be able to put his name on


Am I the only confused Canadian oorr?

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It’s best to put the father on Birth Certificate, even if y’all are not together and he doesn’t sign . The baby can still carry your last name .
Yes they will eventually go after the father and they should , he helped conceive the child and he should be held responsible for his part .

You are the one that will need the help and he should have to help . Cause if you lie and file a tax return and his name is on that tax return, they will take your tax returns . So better to place his name on Birth certificate.

It’s best to get a degree, get a career, get married, buy a house and then plan a baby instead of expecting the people who actually do that to support you and your baby and your loser boyfriend. FYI, we are all sick of you.


You have to tell them who you think might be the father and they will dna test them until they find the father so he can pay back any assistance you received.


Wow April Rau Leiler did you have to go that far? Play nice.


Why would you get denied if you need help?

Some states won’t make you put him on it, others might do it automatically. The will want to know who it is and a DNA test done because requirement is they go after him for child support

Unless the father if you’re not married is present and signs paperwork stating he is the FATHER and accepts all responsibilities as said father there is no way legally the fathers name can be put on the Birth Certificate. If you want to apply for TANF you also have to disclose who the other PARENT is and open a CHILD SUPPORT case. Unless you just want to lie about not knowing who the father is just to make it easy on him…which is some BS

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Just Wow. Denying a father for welfare benefits is a new lowest.


Do you want your father on yours?

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You do not have to put his name on it. He will still be held responsible for the money you receive from TANF. And it’s only $280 a month. They will even perform DNA tests for you. And then he’ll be added to the birth certificate. So it’s just better to add him to it from the start.