Should I take my 3-year-old to a funeral?

Yes. Just have your husband or someone you trust sit in the back so if your son starts getting restless, he can be removed without causing a disturbance.

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Yes I would take my children if he gets bored at funeral just excuse yourself and take him out …shouldn’t upset anyone in fact he could help psychologically for everyone…

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I wouldn’t take him as he is still too young to understand what is happening.

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I think 3 is a little early for the death conversation. Personally.

If your close yes. Unfortunately, my son went to his first funeral when he was just a little over a month old. It’s a part of life

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Noooooo I completely agree with your husband. This isn’t the place for a 3 year old.


If it’s your cousin I wouldn’t. If it was a very close person to the kids ( parent, siblings, grandparent) then I probably would.

If you can help it, no. I had to take my daughter (2 at the time ) to my Grandma’s funeral because childcare was an issue and we weren’t missing it ! She came but it was hard to focus for me. I was nervous she was loud and that I was being judged , everyone was nice to my face about it though and my Husband did his best to distract her but it’s much easier if you can focus on the funeral tbh.

No they wont stay quiet

I went to my grandma’s funeral last week, I brought my kids ( 8-12) and my cousin had her kids (2 1/2 and 5) just bring something for her to do/play with. People will understand, and if she asks questions answer them as best you can. The little kids were told that great grandma was now going to sleep forever, and they watched as we lowered the casket as well.

No. It’s just not a place for a 3 year old, in my opinion.

Yes I would and I have. Death is real and not something to keep from them.

Just went to one in nc… was a 3.5 hour drive with a 5 year old, almost 2 year old and a 3 month old. They did fine. & their daddy really needed their support…its up to you. But it was his grandma. So we went for support.

No to long a stress of funeral for u.if possible I wouldn’t

Definitely if you are close to this cousin. My son went to his first funeral when he was 5 months and my daughter to her first when she was 2 months. My family was happy that I brought them as it helped lighten the mood. Plus for most them was their first time meeting them. (Both the funerals I went to was both of my grandmothers).

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If ur son listens well i would take him my son was 2 at his first funeral and he actually made everyone feel better if ur baby doesn’t listen so well and cannot sit still for long I wouldn’t take him

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Do you really think he’ll understand what’s going on at 3?
He won’t even remember going, so not sure what point you’re trying to make to him at the age of 3?

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my daughter went for my great grandmothers funeral at 2… but they were close i would say it depends on the child

If you are going to teach your child about death at this time then yes. I remember as a child a particular funeral home would bring the kids together with a puppet in a shoe box to explain how the spirit leaves our loved one’s body and that is how we were prepared for seeing what we were about to see and understand why oeople were crying. It is completely up to you and how well you think your child will handle this. It may be beneficial to try to explain this a few times before bringing the child. I have a 3 year old and I would probably take her depending on the member.

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No. If you have someone to watch him leave him home!

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I wouldn’t, I can’t regardless due to my cultural beliefs I can’t take my kids to a funeral or anything until they are teens but with your situation I just would let them say goodbye to their grandma in a different way especially if it’s grandma they deserve closure but a funeral is a bit much for children and can be so confusing when all the adults are sad along with the stress of a long trip. If you do I hope all goes well :heart:


My nanny is probably going to be passing soon and my husband plans on watching our 5yo and 2yo while I go with my brother. There’s bad blood between me and that side of the family because I didn’t join in on my father’s pity party when he tried to commit suicide for the second time. I’m not bringing the kids around that, plus I believe they are too young to be at a funeral. They have problems sitting still at events, especially my 2yo.

I would say no, focus on yourself that day. Nothing wrong with introducing children to death but in my opinion that’s to young.

No I wouldn’t take the baby

I just wouldn’t because it’s a long ways to drive with a 3 yr old.

My kids were 3 1/2 and 1 1/2 when they went to their first. It was my grandmothers. she was the total matriarch and would have really wanted them there. My oldest sat with his dad pretty quietly the whole time. My youngest stood with me and made goofy faces at everyone. He lightened the room, made everyone laugh which my grandmother would have loved!!

Personally not unless its someone they were close with. If its someone they only met a few times or rarely saw no.


I wouldn’t… Not for the reason of hiding death from my child (although 3 is alittle young to try to explain death to) but I feel like I would want to greive without my child being there… As well as others might appreciate to also grieve without a child running around. cuz I’m sure the child being only 3, is going to get into everything and want to play and whatnot. But to each their own 🤷 … Sorry for your loss. :pray:

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You take them out of respect especially if it is a family member! Must be young moms?

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I took my son a 27 months to my Granddaddy’s vistation, then had a close family friend take him home for the service.

Do not take a 3-year old to the funeral. Baby should be left with someone also. The trip, alone, is too much.

No I wouldn’t. That’s a long ass drive for a 3yr old plus you got a 5mos old baby going? Plus most 3yr olds just say whatever ya kno. He wouldn’t understand so no I wouldn’t take him

Why would you want to take a kid to a funeral!!
You don’t need kids you dumbass!!

Personally, i don’t bring my children, and won’t until they are old enough to understand whats going on, and that would be like… maybe 10 or 11.

A child at that age will be to restless and upset the other traveling people the funeral will be upsetting enough

Discuss with your husband. Leave FB out.

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I would say no they are a bit young for an experience like that. My grandpa passed almost a yr ago and I didnt take my 5 and 3 yr olds (at the time). One is just super active the other has autism. You can imagine why I didnt want to take them.

No. My first funeral I was 4. It was a grandparent and it not only confused me but scared me to death.