Should I tell my daughters friends mom she has been lying?

How about talk with the teen and see why she is choosing to lie first, let your mothers tuition feel her out and go from there, but if you choose not to tell her parents I think you must involve yourself in this teens well being to make sure she is ok.


Mind your own business. If no one asks you where she is or was, you have no reason to be talking about the kid.


Talk to the child. Tell her it stops NOW or you go to her mom. You don’t need that stress and need to show your daughter honesty is the best policy


Nope I’d definitely be telling her mother. That child could be hurt or put into danger and the mother not know because she thinks she’s safe at your home. That’s not okay and as a mother I’d be the first person to tell because I’d definitely want someone telling me if my child was doing that crap.


Talk to the kid and hint/suggest they talk to their parents. Tell them not to use your house when lying about where they are


How old is this child?
And I will say Damned if ya and Damned if you don’t. But if the parents ask?? I wouldn’t lie.
I will say I lied to my mom about the exact same thing and I ended up pregnant at 15.
I was also grounded all the time for stupid stuff,and had a Single mom who I was scared to talk to about stuff

I would find out why she is lying could be something going on at home that she wants to get away from like abuse or something just talk to her and ask her . Tell she is welcome at you’re house and if it’s a problem at home or abuse call CPS and or we had to call the cops and get them involved with our cousin so we could have custody of him he’s 30 but has a 3rd grade level . Just make sure all is good at home if she says it is then tell her the lying stops now and you will be talking to her parents

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Or something happens to her wherever she’s at

I would be talking with the child first, I wouldnt assume she is doing something wrong given that you already know she is treated unfairly at home. If it turns that she IS doing something she shouldnt, then at that point I would talk to the parents

So if another parent thought you were punishing your child too much you’d be OK with that parent not telling you your child is lying to them? What if something happened at this house or something happened at home and this child needed to be there asap and here this mom pulls up at your house and this child isn’t there? What then? I’d want to know where my child is. And yes this child should be grounded for such a thing. We shouldn’t be judging these parents unless you suspect actual abuse. And if you suspect abuse please report it.


If she is saying she is at your house and she is NOT I would absolutely communicate that. Imagine her coming home high, drunk, or worse and blaming you


Yes. They need to know.

I totally agree, you don’t want to be in the middle of their mess. I appreciate what you are doing for this young lady but, remember what if it was your child.


Hey parents could be too strict. I am not saying mine were, but I would say I was staying at a certain friends but be drunk in a park instead so :person_shrugging: :sweat_smile:


l G­e­t p­a­id over $ 135 per h0ur working f­r­o­m h­o­me. l ­n­ever ­th­o­ught ­I­’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19799 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
More Inf0>>>

I would call the mom and bark like a hit dog! It is our job as mothers and women to band together. Haven’t you ever heard it takes a village? Imagine if it was your kid. Would you want the mom to call you? Also - don’t say it’ll never be my kid cause we all know how that one goes :joy: soon as you say “mine would never” well . . . Here they go :joy:

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I just want to say I love how some moms are suggesting talking to the kiddo first before the parent. I think it’s good advice and I’m taking it for myself when/if the time comes.

Honestly because you won’t ground your kids for the things she gets grounded for doesn’t make them invalid reasons we aren’t here to be friends with our kids but to teach them how to be respectful responsible and learn the way of life what’s right and what’s wrong as a parent it’s your duty 100% of the time to protect your children and if you see potential for danger for another child you protect them to so yes I’d tell her parents

I would because it’s your house she is claiming she is at

Honestly if my kid was lying to me about where they were going and I found out that other parents knew and didn’t tell me that my kid could possibly be putting themself in a dangerous situation I’d be pisssssed.

unless there is a risk of her getting hurt either mentally or physically or there is some other danger that could impact your child then go with how you feel.

l get paid over $ 175 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 17749 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

I think you should tell the parents. It’s up to them how they raise their child. She could end up in a bad situation.


I think you should talk to the girl first…hear her side of story and the politely tell her to keep you out of it because you don’t want any trouble…in this way she will arrange something else for herself without you getting involve in their personal life

If it was me as a mom I would want to know. What if something did happen. Reverse the rolls and what if it was your child would you want to know? Will she get in trouble and be grounded I’m sure but it is what it is. That parent may have different morals and standards for her kids and she may be tuff but she needs to know where her kid is

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Sounds like theirs problems at girls home

I would ask the girl why she’s lying it could be more serious than ya think


Talk to the girl and let her know you know her secret.
She really should tell her mum but you don’t know the full circumstances as to why she’s always grounded.
3 sides to every story, the mums, the daughters and the truth.
Maybe invite the mum n daughter over for a girls arvo n chat generally about behaviour, your house rules, how strict you are with your daughter…how is she with hers?


Yes, because if something happens the Mum could blame you thinking she was at yours. Also emergency reasons.

It literally sounds like they have reasons to ground her :woman_facepalming:t2:
The fact that her parents allow her to stay at your house kinda proves it’s not just an overly strict house

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Yes tell her because it takes the liability off of you and would you want them to tell you if your child did that?

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You better tell that mama!! You’d want them to tell you if it were your child.

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I would definitely tell if her parents think she is at your house and she’s not. I wouldn’t want to be involved if something were to happen and I know they think she’s at my house and she’s actually not. Maybe this is part of the reason she’s always punished and in the house. Because of her deceit.


Stay in your lane. If mom comes knocking then she can find out.


Tell the girl she has to tell her mom the truth or you will!

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Tell the friend not to involve you

Tell the girl you wont lie for her and you dont want your house used as a cover. Kids will be kids i suppose but i would hate for something to happen and them thinking she is safe at your place. Its a hard one. That’s why i am a little easier on my son so he doesn’t feel the need to lie about things like this. As long as i know where he

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I’d tell the kid that unless she’s staying at your house she cannot use staying at your house to break her parents rules. And if she does after you’ve told her this she will know that you will be telling her parents she is not staying at your house. That gives her a chance to change her behavior but also puts her on notice you won’t cover up her lies


If she did’t use your house then I’d say it’s none of your business, but since she used your home as her cover I’d definitely say something, but not before telling her that she needed to fess up before I told on her. Give her that chance to come clean!! What if something horrible happened to this child when she said she was at your home, and it comes out that you knew she was lying?? You could be held liable! And trust me, not only is the girl’s safety at risk, but your wallet! Those parents could sue you so that every dime you ever make goes in their pockets!!


l get paid over $ 175 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 21783 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

Please don’t tell the mom. If the mom’s overly strict you don’t know what kind of abuse she doesn’t talk about she could be going through. Wait until the mom comes knocking at your door. I had a abusive childhood. If someone did something like this to me when I was a kid I’d get beat. Not “whooped.” I’d just tell the kid that you can’t use my house as to go stay somewhere else. Let her know if it continues you will let her mother know.


Tell the mother, she deserves to know where her child is


Talk to the girl .
My husband caught the neighbor girl having a party when they were gone. He had to handle a potentially bad problem
He stated he would not report her behavior, but he would not lie to them either

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l get paid over $ 190 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 17897 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This.

Ask yourself the question ‘if it was the other way round, would you want toen know’

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You absolutely have to tell her, you are aware of the situation if something happen to that girl you will be responsible as well .

That is not snitch , is the responsible thing to do, put yourself in the situation, will you like to be informed about your daughter whereabouts when you think that she is somewhere else?

I understand your position on the matter, but her parents need to know about this one… not only are you liable if she’s supposedly with you and her parents find out she’s not, she would no longer even be allowed at your house, this child could potentially end up in a dangerous situation


l get paid over $ 175 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 18748 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

Ask the girl how she wants you to handle it…she will end up telling on herself.

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I would say something to the girl first. I’d let her know that I don’t think what she is doing is right and that I don’t want to be involved in the lies anymore. And I’d also inform her that in the event she involves you again you’ll have no choice but to tell her parents. :woman_shrugging:t2: Be nice but firm. You don’t need the headache if something happens to her and she’s sneaking around and lying to her parents. That’s what I would do.


I always confirm the overnight stay with the other parent. I just dont say yes she can stay.

I would not cover for her. This is a potentially dangerous situation. Instead of going straight to mom though maybe talk to her. It sounds like she’s often doing things she’s not supposed to do. Tell her you & your daughter won’t be covering for her. The next time you know she’s using your home as a cover you will tell mom the truth. Hold your daughter to consequences for lying too.


Grounded for dumb reasons ??? …. Like lying about who’s house she staying at ….now look at it this way … it’s your daughters friend … how many times has your daughter said she was staying at her house and not been there …… ?


I would say anything, but your daughter & this girl needs to be aware, you will not cover for her …end of story., But you are only hearing one side of the story about being grounded, etc & that is from this girl. So the question would be , do you really believe her? Again just tell your daughter & this girl, if she tells her mother she is sleeping over your house & she isn’t, you will not cover for her, But I wouldn’t say anything to her parents, unless they ask

l get paid over $180 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18289 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

She claims to be at your home, if at your home you’re liable for her. If something happens and you know what this kid is doing and kid gets hurt you are part of it. Spill the beans to her parents.

Tell her mother before it’s too late if something happens to her then u liable because they think she’s in ur care and I would never let a child lie with my name that is so wrong

Yeah no. I would not be covering for someone else’s child. What if that child goes missing and ends up in a ditch? Guess who’s number one suspect? You.

I don’t cover for anyone-especially if it’s a minor. Tell the daughter’s friend to find another scapegoat because you will be telling her parent if she continues to use you. End of story. Don’t be complacent, there’s no logical reason to be. If mom comes looking spill all them beans and then some.