Should I worry that my daughter cries when her dad leaves?

My two year old cried when grandparents left, also when Auntie left & when daddy went to work, I think normal for a two year old. No problems later in life.

Maybe also, plan a play date just for him & her. Maybe park or something fun. As long as he is active in her life, she will be ok.

It totally normal I’m sure she cry if you where leaving

She loves her dad and wants to see him. Denying her of that will do more psychological damage than crying


It’s very normal especially at that age. My daughter cries when pretty much anyone leaves the house but it’s always a little worse when dad leaves.

Um…that’s her father…why can’t it be normal that she cry when he leaves? :thinking:


Over time that’s going to become separation anxiety if the visits are sporadic or not a normal schedule. It’s normal for her to miss her daddy and not want him to leave. Soon she will be older and be able to understand and I hope you guys can get on better terms for the sake of co parenting.

My 2 year old cries anytime anyone he cares about leaves. If he’s awake when his dad leaves for work, he’s hysterical. When Grammy and Papa visit and leave, he cries for them. When he has to say goodbye to his cousins and aunt and uncle, he cries and begs to see them. If I leave to go run errands or help out at my mom’s shop, he throws a fit. It’s a normal stage that toddlers go through. It will be easier if you develop a schedule.

She misses her parent that she isn’t seeing often, it’s normal

My kids would cry when their dad went to the store at that age. She will be ok.

My toddler daughter cries when her dad leaves for work or to go to the store. It’s normal behavior. She will get used to it.

Completely normal for that age, I live in Cornwall, England, UK and my girls dad decided to move back to Wales, UK a week before her first birthday and when she hit about 2 when she saw him on FaceTime or in real life (like twice) she’d cry after, he’s now hardly been in her life for a year and she turned 4 in February and isn’t fussed at all if you’re worried about this kind of stuff in the future. It’s definitely just normal 2 year old behaviour xx

My son cries when I leave for work. It’s normal for kids.

Wannisa Aho I visit my Grandboys a couple times a week and when we leave, the youngest one,who’s almost 4,always breaks his heart when we leave……like u said, it’s a phase that they go through…….his brother always did the same,but now that he’s almost7 we haven’t heard him cry for us fo a couple of years now!:blush:

I’d be more concerned if she didn’t. That’s her other parent walking away, and she doesn’t have the security of knowing when she will see him. It’s hard when things aren’t good between you, but the best think for your child is to do your best co-parenting, abs letting that child know you both love her abs it’s ok for her to love you both.

No she misses him. H ya are good they have a bond- don’t get in the way of that

I think its pretty normal. She will adjust over time as it becomes more and more routine. I grew up seeing my dad on the weekends and used to cry when i had to leave. Eventually i wouldnt cry anymore because i knew i was coming back soon. I think you should only worry if he ever becomes absent and not return. My son cries when my husband leaves to take out trash lol. Im like its ok. He will be back.

My grandson does the same with each parent but there’s days he won’t… all normal part of growing up

No kids do it to lots of people, honestly maybe have him say bye and hang out for a little more and sneak out might be easier,

yea my daughter cries when dad leaves, when we leave grandparents and all that is normal! they just enjoy having more people around for company and to play with is all!

Your worried your daughter loves her dad more than you… more than 75% of kids love their moms more that their dads you should be happy your baby finds her dad so securing

All kids cry when one of the parents leave. Just what kids do.

My son did as well. But he didn’t get to see his dad that often and they had a really close bond. Now that he gets him regularly he’s fine when he leaves.

It’s called a secure attachment, and it is normal for a child to cry when a parent/parental figure leaves.

He should be dropping her off after spending his time instead of coming and going.

Well of course there is always a chance there will be a psychological effect. Kids want both parents in their life and it hurts them a lot when this doesn’t happen. I was on a similar situation but mine was straight up abuse. I wouldn’t cry but I’d tell my dad all the time I didn’t want to go back to my mom’s because she hits me all the time. But he never made an attempt to rescue me from it, and I have many psychological issues from it. The best thing you can do for her is explain to her why daddy can’t stay but she will see him again. When she gets older she will understand

My daughter cries everytime her dad leaves eye sight :rofl::rofl: actually all my kids did haha

Its pretty normal for her age group but if your really concerned maybe consider getting a child therapist opinion

Just keep in mind, you two broke up. Your little one didn’t. So him being sad when his dad leaves is normal. Especially if that’s what he is used to. Since your ex is coming over to your parents, hopefully you can have peace of mind that there would be a good visit so I would let it happen as often as it could. It sounds like your little one needs it. I know this may not be what you want to hear because breakups happen for a reason! I’m sorry girl!!

She needs more time with dad u guys being on bad terms isn’t her issue

Maybe she wants to spend alone time with her dad . Let her go over to his house .

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She just loves her daddy… its totally normal

Yes I was a daddy’s girl, every time my daddy left I’d get sick

Awww she loves her daddy! She doesn’t understand why her daddy has to leave. Try to comfort her :heart:

I’d be worried if she cried when she would see him coming

My grandson cry’s when I leave his house bless him

Sounds like he needs a lot more time with her.

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She loves her daddy. Its totally normal and you need to make sure you allow them to have a relationship for her sake.

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It’s normal for the age. But let her call him. I would say you two need to set aside your differences and coparent. I let my boy see his dad as often as he wanted and his dad would come get him almost every time…it didn’t matter what I thought of him. it’s definitely best for the child. Otherwise let her call him often.

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My daughter cries every morning when her dad leaves for work and she’s 16 months. It’s heartbreaking but once I distract her she’s fine. Just try to distract her or make sure she’s distracted when he leaves

Yes and you’ll need to teach her how to deal with it

He hast to visit at your house I am sure that is uncomfortable for him, he probably only stays around an hour and then he leaves. He needs to see her more often or at least video chat on the phone a couple days a week never ever talk about each other in a bad way to that child, she will figure it all out as she gets older

It’s normal. The kids gonna miss dad. :woman_shrugging:t3:

You should be worried if she’s not crying… he must be a damn good daddy :tipping_hand_woman:

Um it’s an appropriate response. Would be far more damaging for you to use it to keep him from her. Which kinda sounds like what you’re wanting permission to do.


My child cries when my fiancé goes to work every day in general because she misses him. It’s normal even with two parents living together. Let her feel the emotions and assure her he will be back. Even if you’re not on good terms doesn’t mean you should keep her from seeing him. He should have his own custody. The only psychological damage would come from you keeping her from him.

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Let her spend as much time as possible with him. It’s hard for kids. When my sons father walked out on me my child was a mess for a while. 3 years later he still asks for his dad and it kills me that I can’t make him be a father. Please don’t deny him or your child time together.

Its usual for kids at that age to cry any time mommy or daddy leave! My son is 19 months and he cries when I go to work and I work from home!

Every young child I know has gone through a phase of crying when their parent leaves. Just keep showing her love and making sure she gets quality time with both parents.

My girls cry when their dad leaves and he lives here with us. My girls love playing with me but there is just something about dads. He probably doesn’t discipline like you do, ya know. Maybe it’s that simple. Hopefully he sees her often though

Kids cry when parents leave. Unless shes it is visible that she’s in distress beyond a normal amount of being upset there is no need to worry. Its sad and I know it hurts your heart but she will get use to the dynamic and be fine. :heart:

I’d let her have more time with him if he’s a good father and there’s no risk to the child!

Just means that she loves her dad and i sad that he is leaving this is normal. I cried when I left my mom and cried when i left my dad and I have no psychological damage from that.

Very normal, same for some kids when grandparents leave

Why is your parents involved? Why are they co parenting with your ex? WHY ARE YOU NOT CO PARENTING?
Your child misses her father. That is all.

My kids mum ran out and my daughter cries for her sometimes, getting less frequent now. She’s gone 4 years.

Y’all this child is 2. This mom has seen this child cry when someone leaves before. This whole thing is centered on how she can keep dad away. And it sounds like she’s the only one who thinks that would even be a good idea.

That’s pretty normal.

It’s fine they cry then get over it

If he’s consistent it’s totally normal.

You seriously have to ask this question… wow.

Let them see each other more

It’s normal she just loves him.

That’s normal behavior.

Its normal for there age

She doesn’t understand

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She just misses her dad.


Its completely normal and takes time to adjust


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missed mine and cried when I was little and he is gone many years and I still cry because I miss my best friend in the world . Daddy’s girl forever here

I’m grown and I cry everytime my mom leaves. It happens honey. It just means she loves him.

She misses her dad. It’s normal. Don’t do anything different, like don’t take away visits thinking it’ll help her.


I use to sob when my dad dropped me off. Yes I still think about it & kind of blame my mom. Long story but every human responds differently to situations. Just love her & she’ll know you’re a good mama

My daughter is 2 and cries every day when her dad goes to work. It’s completely normal


I cried my eyes out whenever I had to leave my dad, mainly because I hardly ever got to see him and never knew when or if I would again :crying_cat_face:


So, I will tell you my son about that age cried like I cut his foot off every day I dropped him at daycare…they go through stages sometimes!
I will tell you it’s easier to try to be civil and have more meetings with dad, but I also understand issues. Just make sure she know she will see him soon and that he misses her also! “We both love you so much and we want to cry also when we aren’t with you” it’s okay to have feelings!
Good for you for reaching out? Prayers it gets better!

as soon as my son even thinks im leaving him he cries…its normal, they just miss us

my son is 2 and his dad and i are not together. he cries sometimes when his dad leaves and sometimes when he’s with me because it’s not one of his dads days to have him, he’ll ask for his dad and want to be with him. it’s hard not to internalize that but they are just babies expressing their love for the other parent. his dad tells me that our son does the same thing with him, asking about me and being sad when i go. don’t stress!! they’ll be fine


That’s normal. It’s not normal for a mom to question if a child’s time with their father is bad…

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She just misses her dad and doesn’t want him to leave, it’s great that ur parents are supporting her in having a bond with her father :blush:

I would give the child some time to process that her dad is leaving so like 5/10 mins before say daddy needs to go back to work or to his house ect and give her time to process it and when he’s getting ready to leave remind her she will see him again soon, you could even suggest drawing a picture for her to give daddy when he comes back or do a baby jigsaw so she can show daddy how clever she is when comes back ect to distract her and also reiterate that he is coming back :heart:


You definitely want her to have her father in her life. It seems the way this question was written is to try to prove he shouldn’t be and it’s bad for her. What’s bad for her is believing a parent doesn’t care by not being in her life. Not that they have to leave at some point and return.

No that would be more determental to her health. She needs her dad. Just be supportive each time it will get easier

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Aside from the fact that it’s not you she cries for. That’s her DAD get over it

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Need to help her understand the transition better she sounds like she may not understand he will come back later

I guess how often does she see him, and if he is the parent that gets less time, either by his own choice, or yours, of course she will cry. Psychological effect as in what? You don’t let her see him so she doesn’t cry when he leaves… or what? Is it normal for children to cry for a parent they see less often, yes… even if that parent is the one casting the how seldom they are seen… kids, don’t understand that till they are older. Will she be traumatized for life, no of course not… But I will say bad terms with each other, should not tie into how often or if she sees her dad. You don’t have to like each other, as long as he is not abusive to you & her… he has every right to see her, & see her often.

It’s part of the age. My young ones cry when I leave too. I’ve been co-parenting my oldest for 9+ years now. He was that way when younger too. He has since out grown it, but he sees both of us regularly which helps.

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My daughter cries when anyone leaves lol I think it’s normal for this age

Don’t be one of those moms

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My daughter is 5 and she cries when her daddy leaves for work every day, and we all live together. I think it’s normal.


What do you think has been happening for years with children of divorced families? Its common, it’s her Daddy!

She’s 2 and he’s s her dad, when parents leave its normal for kids to cry at that age. Normal especially if parents are separated and she doesn’t see him often.


It’s a very normal thing for children too do especially when a parent leaves if they aren’t there every day, i wont call you a POS mom for it because that’s ridiculous to do, sometimes “bad terms” means more than people wanna realize. You should get your daughter on a regular schedule of seeing her father more often, and things will work themselves out

Sounds like sepration anxiety when he comes to visit just try to remind her 5 min before like hey daddy has to leave soon but youll see him again kinda thing

Maybe cuz u don’t let him see her more often and she misses him

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I think you might be stupid

Stop removing her dad from her life and being a pos mom. Unless there is abuse proven then he has every right that you do


I used to cry so much as a little girl when my dad dropped me back to mums. It was heartbreaking. :broken_heart:

She just misses her daddy wtf

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It is normal for a child to miss their parent when they’re gone. Stop trying to find a reason to alienate her dad. That’s not only selfish but disgusting. Your choices now could affect her forever.

This is really normal, I promise. If you are worried about the traumatic effect a divorce/breakup has on small children, there are a few things you can do.

You could suggest he call to talk to her once in a while
You could ask him privately to explain to her that he’s coming back. No more goodbyes, just see you next times, etc.
You can explain it yourself that he will come back to see her.
Remind him to tell her he loves her everytime he says see you next time (if he doesn’t already)

I hope you find something that works for you, mama. Personality disorders form in the first years of life and can become generational if uncontrolled. Nobody should attack you for being concerned about the future of your child’s mental health in a traumatic time for her. Try to stay strong, you got this! :purple_heart::relaxed: