Should kids have melatonin every night?

Melatonin is not recommended for long term use. The longer you use it the more reliant your body is on the supplement. Use it to establish a routine and get off of it asap. In my experience your body builds a tolerance to melatonin, eventually like anything else and it “stops” working requiring more and more of the melatonin to be effective


Do the learning activity before the bath…do bath get dressed in dim light, story time then bed…decrease sensation as you get closer to bed placement

My little one got into a bottle of melatonin gummies and ate about 15.
Scared me to death
Er visit…and poison control said no worries.
The body absorbes what it needs…the rest comes out in the urine.
Boy was I relieved.

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Ask his pediatrician

I would try cutting out the naps

Melatonin is not suggested for children as it can cause night terrors.

My 4 yr old is WIDE OPEN ALL DAY LONG. And not like a regular 4 yr old. Lol she doesn’t take naps on weekend (her school does but she says she doesn’t sleep and will just relax) and she’ll legit stay up until 11 on her own if I let her. She sleeps fine and falling asleep is the problem for her. And when she doesn’t get enough sleep she’s so MEAN in the morning. So yea, I give her 1 mg just to help her fall asleep

I recently found out that melatonin is a hormone. I found out taking it long term means permanent sleep disruptions and my child will never sleep on his own. He’ll always have disrupted sleep patterns for the rest of his life. So, we stopped it. It’s been a rough summer, but he’s now getting on a schedule and sleeping on his own.


I would have nap from 12p till 2p. Or 11a till 1p. I’d also let him eat kiwi or grapes an hour before bed. They both have melatonin in them. They also make melatonin bubble bath and lotion


You said that you ask the doctor if he could take it…I suggest you contact the doctor and discuss whether him taking it every night is safe and ok…and not habit forming. And if he should be taking the whole as opposed to a half nightly. Doctors advice is best.

My daughter is two and she only naps in the afternoon, usually around 3pm for about an hour. And then she’s up and running around again until bedtime around 830.
If he’s sleeping from 11a-2 p? That might be too long of a nap and he simply could not tired. I’d try shortening his nap or see if he will tell you if he is tired or not before upping a melatonin dose. The problem with that is the more he gets it the more his body will build a tolerance and then it may not work as well or at all.

Hell no I’ll never understand why people are doing this. What’s next crack? Here honey heres some crack since the melatonin doesn’t work anymore The brain produces the chemical naturally eventually the body will become immune to the lil every night tablet
To me, doing this you are telling a child 1 something is wrong with them and 2 they need a pill to fix it


My husband and I give our Daughter melatonin gummies at 9:00 every night and it doesn’t take her long to settle down and go to sleep we were giving her Zarbees Chewables she wouldn’t go to bed at a decent time and when she woke up she was Zombie

Definitely not. Cut back in the nap to every few days. Push bedtime back half an hour.

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If my 2.5 yr old daughter took a two hour nap, I’d kiss my whole night of sleep goodbye. Try to shorten them until the daily long naps are obsolete, just some dark quiet time is fine for them. Doctors will say it’s okay to take melatonin everyday. If taken everyday it will need increased every so often bc the body will quit making it naturally. Lifelong sleep/health problems await anyone who takes it daily.


We have a fish tank for white noise and slight visual stim and then a nest for baby mozart… books and quiet toys on the room will also help… if you do the music just a little louder than you can hear then it’ll get them to quiet enough to listen to it. 4th kid using the music on and it works

I give my 6 year old son a melatonin gummy every night, hes very hyper. It is a 1mg, I gave him 3mg to start off and it gave him horrible nightmares so the 1mg works perfect.

My 3
Year old
Sounds the same. Read loads of books .no gummies. NO NaP!!! Bed at 7.30 wakes at 7 ish… if he had a nap we would be up until after 9 ish…

I give my twin girls melatonin because they have adhd their dr recommended it if not they wouldn’t sleep their gummy melatonin is 1 mg and it’s for kids i only give 1 gummy

My child doesn’t take naps during the day but if I didn’t give her a milligram of melatonin at night she wouldn’t go to sleep until midnight. My doctor said it was fine to give her one at night and her body would still produce melatonin on her own

Mine does or she won’t go to bed until 12am or later and gets up at 5:30 am no matter what time she goes to bed she doesn’t take naps either

No. Our body makes it naturally. Maybe shorten or remove his daytime nap.


I also thought the same thing as you, that they shouldn’t have it every night. My daughters pediatrician said it is safe and it will not hurt them. Just to wean them off of it instead of cold turkey stop it.


Try fake give him, see what he will do, like tell him it’s a new different kind. See if he will sleep without it🤷🏽‍♀️

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I don’t agree with giving children drugs to sleep. They have to learn how to go to sleep without chemicals


Cut his nap time down to 30 min or non at all.

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No giving melatonin every night can stop the body from making its own, people can spout how natural it is all they want but it is synthetically made in a lab, it is not like the kind of your own body makes.
There are a list of foods that help promote good sleep, a list of foods to avoid. There are also great herbal teas and essential oils that promote sleep, do you some research and find what works for him

My doctor stated that children produce an abundance of melatonin. As you age, it depletes. Why a lot of elderly people have bad sleeping habits. According to all that I have read, if you give a child melatonin every night. Give for 2-3 months and stop to see if it fixes the sleep habit. I read of no long term side effects.

So you arent crazy i am have been on sleeping meds for no long melation does do anything for me i had to go to the doctor and get something and now i dont go to bed with out it i will be tired but still be up for days with out it

Unless advised by a doctor I wouldn’t do every night. That will mess with the natural production of Melatonin and the child could then have trouble sleeping without the melatonin for a long time.