Should kids spend hours on video games?

is it just me or should kids not spend all day on video games? i went to my sisters yesterday for mothes day and her kids were on video games the entire 3 hours that i was there…they didnt even come out of their room to spend time with the family or their mom for mothers day…they are 15 and 17 and I just feel like they should be present and involved when their family is oer…


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Should kids spend hours on video games? - Mamas Uncut

I spent hours on games I don’t see no problem n not wanting to visit with family and staying playing game as long as they get there others stuff taken care of n not failing in anything there is nothing iwrong with it just mind your business they’re not your kids :woman_shrugging:t4:


Nope…I hate that…we have Xbox here that was given as a gift and a yr later I have yet to hook it up. He’s 8 but when he does play it’s a tantrum to shut it down. They get lazy, no imagination…no social skills…big no. If you do allow they should get half hour to hour a day.


I feel like when guests are over it’s rude but at the same time (I’m a gamer and my sons look to be gamers too) gaming is social, it interests us and it’s fun. For kids I understand they don’t want to have to socialise with family when they can just play games. If they were older I’d expect different. Most of my friends are online on my gaming platform :sweat_smile:

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Maybe they didn’t come out so they wouldn’t be judged :woman_shrugging:t2:


No, time should be limited


I was this kid. I played video games for over 12 hours a day sometimes. When I think of my childhood and my friends from school and the social events I went too… I honestly had more fun with my online friends playing games and I am still friends with them over 10 years later. I had more fun in virtual reality than I did in real reality, and I had a great childhood in reality. Because of my experience I will never limit my kids on video games if they’re getting done what they need to get done. Those were some of the best years of my life.


Not your kids so mind your business. Worry about parenting your own kids.


I think it doesn’t really matter what you personally feel, because they’re her kids, not yours, and she can parent them how she wishes.

You were also only there for 3hrs. They may have spent time with their mom at a different time in the day when family wasn’t there. I know I personally would prefer to spend 1 on 1 time with my daughter. When we’re around family members, that’s not quality time, because we’re having to manage everybody else and can’t actually focus on each other.

My suggestion would be to mind your business. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Maybe they don’t like being around their family, they aren’t your kids, so you don’t know the reason they chose to stay in their rooms. They’re not small children, and unless their neglecting their hygiene, or being little shits, and no, not visiting with family, doesn’t make them little shits, mind your own business. Maybe their passionate about gaming, maybe it’s what they want for their future, Maybe it’s their escape, regardless, they aren’t hurting anyone and they’re minding their business, and being kids, let them be.

You should mind your own business, they are not your kids , In my opinion is better for them to play video games , you know where they are and what they are doing.


3 hours isn’t all day, also they’re 15 and 17 I didn’t want to spend time with family at that age either lol


I think that it’s not anyones business how other people parent🤷‍♀️ I don’t agree with parents working so much that they are never home that’s neglectful🤷‍♀️ As long as the kids do good in school, they aren’t behind mentally that it’s fine🤘


What’s sad is your judgement. She may have limits set as many of us Moms do. My Kids are amazing in school, so I don’t mind them gaming. As long as the console comes down to me at the time necessary I let them do their thing. They have no limits on the weekend… Our house our rules.

You don’t know her household, mind YOUR business “sis.”

~A Gamer Mom :woman_cartwheeling:t5:


Have you thought that she was enjoying Mother’s Day with out her teens being moody and like teens? Maybe she was enjoying the peace


Shoot! How many hours do adults spend on social media or the internet in general? nobody can tell them they spend too much time on it, yet here we all are!!! JS so why we trying to limit or judge other peoples kids and what they do with their free time. SMH :woman_facepalming:t4: when I was 15 and 17, I was never interested in my parents and aunts/uncles conversations, BORING. Seriously, how is it hurting anyone.


Three hours is not all day.
They’re teens.
Not your kids, not your business.


I was a video game kid and so was my brother. I am now 31 and still a gamer when I’m not busy. My good friend in my teens now creates games and she gets paid well.
I think a lot of people who don’t understand it are so quick to judge. Gaming requires a lot of thinking, problem solving and it can be a fun activity that siblings can do together. Not everyone wants to me outside playing sports. Some kids are gamers and they’re teenagers and I can think of a lot worse they could be doing.
People ask some ridiculous questions here :joy:


We have a couple of generations that grew up before video games. I’m one of those generations. I was raised in the country and if I had been forced to be inside all the time that kids spend on video games nowadays, I’d have gone nuts! I had the woods to play in, the creek to wade in, a pony to ride, the neighbor’s horse when I outgrew the pony, the dog was there, 13 cats, and a pet mallard duck. I was a dinosaur enthusiast. There was a gravel pit for hunting fossils. An apple tree to climb with a salt shaker to eat green apples. The salt kept you from getting a stomachache. There was all sorts of stuff to do. I didn’t get along with my adoptive mother so the more time I could spend outside the better. And she wouldn’t have let me play video games anyway. She wouldn’t have tolerated the noise. But this is a new generation. They don’t get into the same stuff we did. I have to agree. If they’re playing video games, you know where they are and what they’re doing. They aren’t out with God knows who doing God knows what. Not getting in trouble. It’s a trade off.

Maybe, they made it clear to their mom that they didn’t want to be around you & their mom is understanding :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:
I didn’t like family gatherings or anything because I saw how nasty every one was outside of family gatherings :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:


My kids play video games with me and my husband. Some of our best memories was laughing and Screaming playin games together. We play with several of their friends too. I love it. There have been weekends we’ve played so long losing track of time and it’s more time than 90% of teens ever spend with their parents.
My son is 17 and daughter is 15. My son is going to college out of country but we already making plans to play games together when he can.
I also want to stress benefits of gaming. Both my kids rocked their SAT scores. Both are very adept at using many computer and electronic things that are becoming the backbone of most jobs now a days. Both kids excel at problem solving especially under the clock (nothing like trying to solve a puzzle with a horde of zombies coming and their mom screaming and running around freaking out).

I think to each their own. It’s not your vibe and that’s ok, but maybe it’s theirs.


Time should be limited, but not so harshly. Also, teens prefer to spend their time talking with friends and hanging out with them, wether virtually or in person. They typically don’t love hanging out with relatives or groups of older people. There are many benefits of video game play time, especially with peer groups and most teens now use it as an extra means of socializing with friends. So maybe research. My 13 year old done a huge project on the benefits of gaming and how what is negatively impacted by too much gaming. According to our HOURS of research. Up to 3 hours on school days and more on weekends can be more beneficial than negative and is great for socialization. Kids play together online now instead of next door, but they are still playing together. Also, gaming provides great opportunities for problem solving, quick thinking, learning to react, how to handle disagreements, team work, creativity, imagination, and so many other things.

Maybe don’t judge those children for living in the world they are growing up in. This is not the world most adults grew up in, but it is what it is and they have to make the best of what they are given.

I hate for my sons to game all day, but during Covid it was the only time they got to spend with their friends so I never limited them. Now I do a couple hours in school nights and they can be on more during the weekends. They also have to go outside and play some, and they have things they enjoy there as well. I don’t have to make them, because it’s things they genuinely enjoy, so they get off games and go play ball, then come back to games. They might do that 10 times a day on weekends. That is their free time and I want them to enjoy it. I don’t see any difference in them gaming and teenaged me tapping on the phone for hours to my friends.

They aren’t your kids so it doesn’t matter. You do what you think is right with your own children. If their mom had a problem with it she’d have taken care of it.


Absolutely not. Kids have been dumbed down by SM and video games. Make them get outside and play and be real kids.


I’m sorry if you are here talking s… I wouldn’t want to spend time with you either, maybe they know what type of person you are.


Did you ask them to come and spend time with you during your visit?
Do you attempt to be involved in their lives other than holidays?
Answer regarding three hours of gaming:
They’re old enough to make that choice for themselves…
Those are young adults who are able to express their wants and opinions to their parents.
Happy mother’s day :two_hearts:


It’s 2022… everything is technology based.
It’s nothing like what we had when we were younger. Literally everything they know now is based around electronics :woman_shrugging:t3:


Everyone has their preference. I allow mine on their pc more because it’s how they communicate with family and friends. They play games together and stay in touch that way. They are homeschool so it’s how they make friends as well. They should have at least said hi to you or acknowledged you but to be honest, sometimes I’ll be playing a game with my kids and ppl come and go without me noticing because we are so heated in the game :sob::joy:

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Not your kids not your business! I never spent much time with family as a teen


Iv taken all technologies away from my kids from Monday to Friday an man it’s been great :+1: we have dinner together they don’t they not hiding away in there rooms we all talk to each other it’s back to how it should be


They aren’t ya kids why do you care maybe they don’t like ya family wonder why


I mean it’s her kids

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Absolutely not. The kids these days don’t know how to play outside. The video games are bad for their eyes for one and they don’t help children with their social skills. Some kids don’t know how to communicate with others. I would give them 30 minutes a day and no more. That’s my opinion. I’ve seen kids that play on them all day long and again these kids don’t know how to communicate and they have no social skills. I’ve seen parents even at a restaurant give their phones to the kid so they can play at the dinner table. That is rude to the people eating dinner listening to that during dinner. I don’t care is they turn them down, it’s still not right.

MY Joy is back to me after a very long time which i and my ex separated since i was alone my life change, every thing about me change a friend of mine gave me an email address and told me that this was the email address [email protected] she contacted when she was in the same problem so i contacted the email i got a reply he ask me to send him my number so i did he was a man call Dr. Sam he is a spell caster he casted a spell for me and told me that within two day that my ex we be back for good within that two days my ex was back, and with just got married together you can also reach him on his WhatsApp +2348054458279

It’s way rude and unacceptable. Of course I am also the aunt that would walk in their room and tell them come out and have family time. :woman_shrugging:t3::joy:

My kids play video games on the weekends, Fridays and Saturdays. And before they play they have to do chores. :tipping_hand_woman:

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Who cares they are 15 and 17 even if they did come out they would be sat on their phones and just grunt when u tried to converse with them :woman_shrugging:


Maybe for Mother’s Day she wanted them to stay away. Bc ya know, teenagers :joy::woman_shrugging:


Maybe she told them to leave her alone

Things are so much different for kids now. Their entire lives are online. They socialize with friends during gaming… my child also draws, and is into geography and history which is also learned about on line… so… they may not just be playing video games…


Sometimes that is the only peace and quiet u get as a parent if they are busy on electronics. Now i could see if it was from the time they get up till they go to bed then thats a lip too much to me but a few hours a day isn’t all that bad.

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We must monitor our kids to make sure they are not communicating with strangers online or using the adult sites. But as long as we know which apps they use and monitor them I believe kids should be tech savvy. My eighteen-year-old grandson thanked me for buying him a Nintendo when he was small and told me it helped him learn to read because he had to figure out what the characters were saying in the little bubbles on the screen and he didn’t want to ask adults constantly.

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Let the kids be kids they can come out and acknowledge you for a few sure however you were there for a few hours and forgive you me but kids shouldn’t be hanging around grown people like that. They need to be worried about their own things not adult business. I try and force my younger ones to stay away when we have people over for long periods like that sure come out and hang for a few but they have no need to be all up in our business its not their concern🤷‍♀️


The kids are 15 and 17 and most likely basically raised by now and you’re just looking nosey and crazy putting a post on here. If people say yes what are you gonna do go cause a giant fight with your sister over HER kids? No. Parent your own kids.


Not your children. Mind your your business.


Yo sister allowed it so mind yo mf business :roll_eyes:

I’m not all about video games; however, 1-to each their own. 2-when I need a break I tell them to get on their tablets. Does that make me a crappy mother? No because it’s good for my mental health!


Because our childhoods outside were so wholesome? Lol and you don’t even know what they were doing. You also don’t know that they didn’t do something special for mothers day. Butt out


Stay in your own lane. Not your kids. Not your business.


I don’t allow this, but to each their own. I don’t mind my kids playing games, but there are too many things to do besides that. However, her kids, her rules.


Mind your own business. Doesn’t sound like your a parent yourself.

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My son is 8 years old with ADHD and gis video games is one of the only things that help him calm down and focus. So yeah I let him play when he wants. Kids are people too and if they want to be alone let them have some space. No one is required to spend time with family. Maybe they don’t like being around groups of people.

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They aren’t your kids so not your business…


My kids play video games, my husband and I do as well. We have games at play together. We lay lots of games. That being said, family time is family time. They get off their stuff and we socialize.

Were you invited or did you just show up? If you were invited they were rude if not your bad.

Do you have 15 and 17 year olds???
Literally one of the only things that kept my older boys sane during the lockdowns. They were able to communicate with friends on a regular basis.

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Unlimited screen time is a no-go in our home. We have set amounts scheduled each day for our son and if he happens to use his allotted time for the day he has to send a request to get more time and if we say no it’s no.
We did try the unlimited access a few times and it always resulted the same way so we just stick to what works for us in our home. That being said, I don’t think it’s your place to say what someone else’s child should or shouldn’t be doing and you should definitely mind your business. Our job as parents is to worry about our own kids.


Mama to 4 and my kids get video game time. They also have chores and school responsibilities. In my home I try to balance it all.


They are home and they are safe, there are far worst things that teens could be doing. Just because they were playing while you were there, doesn’t mean that how it is every day.


Welcome to the world of teenagers
My 14, 12 and 10 yr olds are glued to a screen of some sort


Certain family members of mine are definitely toxic. My boys stay in their rooms when my side of the family comes over. Their 2nd oldest brother is probably the closest to them and they’ll chat a bit but they stay away from the drama of the rest of our family. I can’t say as I blame them. So sis I’m sorry but you should mind your own business and stay in your own lane. You were only there 3 hours & don’t know what she did with her kids before or after your family left :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Sure it’s totally fine…if u want them to become lazy anti social couch potatoes that will never move out of your house or even grow up for that matter. Sorry not sorry

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Mind your business… I’m so sick of questions asking if what other ppls kids do is ok or not. Jesus Christ…


For all you know it was the set time they were allowed their games and you came over during it. They are teenagers. Most teenagers want to be in their room doing anything but spending time with family. I know I spent most of my time in my room. Some days video games and trying to beat an entire game and other days reading or listening to music. My sister and I had things we had to do around the house and once those things were done we went back to our “cave”. It’s honestly not your business anyway bc they aren’t your kids. Would you appreciate someone coming to your house and then going to social media to complain about how you run things?


I mean. I have 5 teenage boys. They get their down time at home on video games. I want them to leave me alone for Mother’s Day anyway :joy::joy:


Nope, go outside!!!

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I would probably just worry about how you parent your kids and leave your sister to worry about hers…everyone’s parental style is different


With my boys they play enough but when we have company over i tell them to get off for a bit it’s not a fight tho most times they usually do it them self


When the Xbox came out we set limits with my son he could only be on for 1 hour. If we were playing as a that’s different. Otherwise he played outside.

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For all you know, they could’ve done extra chores. Or maybe mom wanted time with the family and already spent time with her kids. Sheesh. Why do you women feel the need to parent other people’s kids? I could never be friends with y’all.


I think you should mind your own damn business about your sisters kids.

How do you know they didn’t spend time with her before or after you were there? Maybe since it’s a weekend they get extra time to play on their systems. Maybe your sister told them “I just want time to myself today” My kids get an hour and a half on their tablets or PlayStation to play Minecraft during the weekdays. Weekends they get 2 hours on their tablets and one hour on the PlayStation combined. If I just want a breather while my husband is at work or I need to get things done around the house without them being up my butt the whole time I toss out game time like it’s dollars at a strip club :woman_shrugging:t2: My kids also get out of the house and do activities, arts and crafts, read books or color and we play board games together as a family before bedtime. It’s called balance and maybe your sister already has a system in place and you’re not aware of it, nor is it any of your business to be aware of it.

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We took away our PS4 from our boys because video games totally wired my boys brains not for the good. However, it’s not my business on how other parents allow their children to play their video games. Best to just keep your mouth shut.

There have been numerous studies proving your concerns. However many on this feed are saying it’s not your business, ergo this is the problem. No one wants step up and nudge the issues. Electronics are the cause of lack of neuro growth, lack of social skills as well as loss of integrity. You have predators stalking on many social media sites, you have pornography at these kids fingertips. But once again “it’s not your business.” :roll_eyes: So let’s go ahead and turn a blind eye to a toxic babysitter!

I hated seeing family over, really. I’d hide all I could and I still do if they show up or I leave. Not your kids, not your business. If you are not the parent then mind your own business. You don’t know what time they spent and didn’t spend or if it was another day with her. Maybe they didn’t want to spend time with you or other family.


I feel like you should let your sister be the parent. Everyone does things differently. My sister limits screen time, makes Whole Foods, and her kids have never had a coke. My kids are constantly on their phones, eat junk, and drink coke daily. And both sets of kids are super smart and fairing just fine


My daughter hides out whenever we have company. She just doesn’t like people so she goes to her room whenever they’re over. It’s just how she is.

My kids have a limit on their games. 2 hours a day.

I know what I was doing at 15 an 17 lol if the worst they are doing is playing video games that’s fantastic :woman_shrugging:t2:


Seems like pretty normal teenage behavior. I’d say they’re her kids, they’re teens and not your kids, not your business. My teens are most the time in their rooms too. When I was a teen I was usually in my room. It was the weekend. I see no issue here.

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You’ve got to mind your own business here. Raise your kids how you want. Leave others alone. You’ll be happier, I promise.


“I feel” well, they aren’t yours so mind your business.


Kids are part of the family snd need to interact. They need that family bonding and memories made.


Worried about you and yours


My daughter isn’t much on socializing she stays in her room a lot of times when we have family over. She will come out and say hi or whatever and go back. I don’t make her stay out there if she don’t want too. Shes 14


The real question here is why don’t you know how to mind your business? Lol it’s not that serious. You came on here to make a post for what? To shame your sister for allowing her children (who are damn near grown honestly) to play video games for a few hours? Calm down Karen.

There should be breaks.

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Electronics is the way of the future. That kid may end up working in that field. But to answer your question at those ages it’s pretty common to not want to be around adults more than u have to. Let her worry about her own children and don’t be so invested


Scientific study has proven that video games are good for kids and teenagers. Ones that play have a higher act score of 7-10 points on average.

How video games affect the brain?


To each their own, mind your business. One is practically a grown adult. Mine is allowed screen time Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays. All day if she wants.


Wow, just mind your own business

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Sounds like when you have your own kids you can pick if you buy them games or not.


Maybe they don’t like you or the other family members :man_shrugging:


Not your monkeys not your circus. Imagine going on Facebook and mom bashing your sister lol


You know the answer to this question. No they should not. It’s not even healthy. But it’s not life or death and they’re not your kids. 

no i don;t thing they should spend a lot of time on video games - there is more to life than meets the eye than those games - now u tell me what r they really learning from these games besides on how to fight !maybe what i would do is ,if you really want to play these games - this is what u have to do 1- either u earn the price of the game by doing a lot of chores or 2 get a job and buy them yourself, if too young well i guess he/she is out of luck and has to wait till older to by there own. but by that time things may change and they want nothing to do with games anymore or phone-well phone i know will always be in the picture .my kids mind u they r older when we eat they don’t take phone to table and if they do phone is turned off my way of dealing with something like this is - which is phone related is no phones r aloud at table unless they r turned off and put in bottom drawer. if they don’t do this they don’t get there supper ! plain and simple

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Just you , kids probably don’t like you or don’t like being social and there’s nothing wrong with that , I can’t blame them when I do the same and binge watch my Netflix shows all day long :woman_shrugging:t2: , if you’re going to go to your sisters house just to judge her or her kids maybe don’t go anymore


As long as homework and one daily chore is done, I don’t care how long he’s on video games. We can’t just throw our kids outside like we were raised anymore and let’s be honest, teens don’t give a crap about visiting with family no matter what generation they’re from lol


They’re 15 and 17. They’re playing video games instead of out having sex and doing drugs. Mind your business and grow up. If she’s not concerned about it, then you shouldn’t be either :roll_eyes:

Well you can raise your own children how you want and your sister can do what she wants. Mind yourself.