Should my husband help with weaning our toddler?

Your toddler should be sleeping in he or she’s own bed first off


Your husband is a selfish jerk. “Wean” him out of that bed ASAP.


You know the answer to this question.

Yes. Everything. A kids is made by two people so suck it up sunshine your sperm is in that kids DNA so youre bound to HELP … FOR ALL ETERNITY…


Jamie Morgwn *edit unfortunately I just read through this thread and the advice is not as helpful as I thought it might be.

First, the child should be in his own bed. Second, dad is right. You shouldn’t be putting on a stimulating show with tv. What makes you think that is a good way to put your kid to sleep. Start being a parent and stop trying to be your kids friend or afraid to upset them. Set a schedule and boundaries. Your husband has every right to be upset. And you should be more considerate


Babies/ toddlers should NEVER Co sleep with anyone it is not safe. Toddlers should never need to nurse in the night, it’s just a bad habit/ excuse now and not a necessity. Child needs to learn to self soothe in own bed on their own. Sippy cup or bottle of water at night if necessary. The parent that drives and works outside the home needs their sleep, if that parent doesn’t work next day, it can be their turn to help with children. Make the changes for everyone’s sake. This is not doing your child or your family any good.


I completely understand where you are coming from. I have had 4 children and they all have slept with me until they were two. I use to have a small bed attached for their safety but we still co slept. And the first 3 were off the breast by 1 year old but the last one was breast feeding til 18 months! Dang Covid hit and I was working from home and I needed to soothe her during a meeting so it was just super convenient. So all these perfect parents. Bravo for them. But you weren’t looking for parenting advance. Your question was should he help
Wean baby off. Be careful asking your questions on social media because people will give you their rude responses and forget that we are all moms and just trying to survive. Instead I have found great parenting articles about that subject. Many say dads should help distract from baby wanting to feed . It will be hard on all Of you for awhile but it will be worth it!


first of get the toddler into own bed should not be co sleeping with you and your husband.and i would be weaning the toddler off breast milk . i understand your husband does need his sleep also cause he goes to his job and provides for his family should not be co sleeping with either parent . he should be in a bed by himself or he will never leave your bed .


Wow, where are the moms and support at? Does it sound like it is time to work on sleep training and let toddler be in his own room, yes. Does she stay home, therefore might be able to rest during the day, sure. Is it 1950 where she is responsible for 100% of all child rearing… Definitely not. Why should his sleep always be prioritized when her work NEVER ends?!! Let me also state that I have worked full time plus, part time, and have stayed at home, and which one is the hardest you ask (or not…) Staying at home!!! Him working does not mean that he doesn’t need to help so he can “get his rest.”. Where do you think PPD comes from?? Where does social isolation come from?? For the love, why is this woman EXPECTED to do it all?? That being said, is turning on the TV the best choice, no, is she burned out, seems like it. Can you blame her when she is doing all nights solo, no! Would you say half of these answers to her face?? Absolutely not. While her husband is “supporting the family” she is raising it, and that is equally important. By all means, continue bashing, but take a hard look in the mirror and try to see how this would feel on the other side.


Not Co-Sleeping will help weaning.

Ummm… staying in bed and turning on the tv while he’s sleeping is/was rude.
I see nothing wrong with asking you to go elsewhere if you insist on co-sleeping.
Sorry chick, but your behavior is rude. Also sounds a bit lazy. Sleeping with the child, breastfeeding in bed so you can stay sleeping. Get it but your hubby matters too.


How come some men think they don’t have to change their routine when they have a baby? He’s a big boy, he can learn to do with a little less sleep. He can take a power nap on his lunch hour. Moms of toddlers often end up in the doctors office because they are simply exhausted. Being a stay at home parent is a 24/7 JOB. It is mentally, emotionally, and physically draining. Daddy needs to help. It may be time for little one to have a separate bed, however. One that is next to yours, perhaps, so you can pat him when he stirs. Good luck. It does get easier.


How about this I know from experience that having your child sleeping in the bed with you is a no no. It is a very hard habit to break with lots of crying and whining. I would let my husband get as much sleep as possible. Toddler is way to old to breastfeed, give him a sippy cup.


Maybe I am just old school but I think children should be able to go to sleep without the aid of a television set. I raised 3 breastfed daughters and were rocked to sleep. When it was time to wean I would wake up and rock them back to sleep. I have to say I was lucky that my daughters pretty much slept through the night. Good luck!


My husband always took middle of the night feedings and “get them back to sleep” and he worked 10-16 hours a day. It was HIS time with the baby and he claimed it with great pride. I had to express breast milk so he could have his time.


Child needs it’s own bed and room. If no extra bedrooms atleast create a bedtime area for the child. My husband wakes at 2:15 AM for work our youngest is still a baby. If baby wakes to eat before his alarm it’s my responsibility. If baby stays up late he is my responsibility. My husbands days off he get up at night. If baby is having fussy nights and I cant calm him my husband will wake up to help. Try talking to your husband brainstorm ideas together.


Oof, y’all are too much. Yes dad needs sleep to work, but you need sleep too. You both made the child, not just you. I see no issue with dad stepping in on the weekends during the night to help, and giving you a break. I do agree your child needs their own space, you and your husband need your bed to be yours. This will help with weaning. I do agree turning the TV on in the middle of the night though was a bit rude. I don’t know why everyone hopped on here like you’re not allowed to ask for help during the night because you stay at home, yikes. :grimacing:


If you want to continue to co sleep , then continue to co-sleep. When he wakes up, suck it up and go to the living room. Unfortunately you gotta do it. Don’t let people tell you not to co-sleep. But you do have to be mindful of hubby’s sleep if he’s the sole breadwinner. I feel like you are whiny on that part. I co-slept with my first born until HE was ready to sleep in his own bed. I breastfeed as well. Co-sleeping has been done for ages. And for those who say co-sleeping puts a damper on your marriage, that’s only true if you let it.


So I’m going put a unpopular opinion out there. Yes dad needs sleep for work, but you need sleep to take care of a high energy toddler and other household things during the day. Because if you fall asleep while watching your child, he could get seriously hurt by doing god knows what. Anytime my dad fell asleep watching me and my sister it spelled trouble. You both need sleep, so it’d be fair to trade off every other day with you taking 4 days and him taking 3. Yes he helps you on weekends and after work but that’s not special it’s the job of a parent. While he’s working a full time job outside the home you’re working a full time job inside the home


My mom was a stay at home and my dad helped at night, when we had nightmares or anything. My dad was always the one to help wake me out of night terrors. He worked too, but he loves us and he wanted to take care of us too. He didn’t want the burden all on my mom. He also knew that if he wasn’t there to provide that comfort, mom would be the person we trust and go to and dad wouldn’t have the same bond with us. You make sacrifices for your children, and hour of sleep? So he gets 7 instead of 8? Boo hoo. There are single parents working two jobs and raising kids on no sleep.


You made your child together, you raise your child together, and your husband needs to understand that while he is working eight hours a day, you are working 24/7.

If he was able to put the work in to make the child, he can put in some odd hours to raise the child as well. You need to be supported as well, and the idea that you’re solely responsible for child at night is completely inequitable. You Matter! :blue_heart:


The child should be sleeping through the night. perhaps you should be giving the child cereal mixed in your pumped milk in a bottle for the last feeding


First and foremost. Your husband is going to work to support the family. Let him sleep. Take the baby in a different room. And no don’t turn on lights and tv. This only wakes up the baby. I know stay at home mom jobs. I did it. But your hubby needs to be ready to work the next day. Js.


Dude I’m so sorry for some of the hateful comments you have gotten. Mother of a 15 month old here YEP I COSLEEP, YEP I STILL NURSE , and GUESS WHAT… my child wakes up crying sometimes waking up my husband who is the sole breadwinner. It’s called life, it’s called parenthood, it’s called keep your hateful ass judgemental comments to yourself if you are not a perfect person. I do try to take him out if he gets too fussy. I am struggling with weaning but I am not apologetic for cosleeping…my husband is okay with it and so am I and I will continue to do so until I feel my son is ready don’t really gaf About the opinions of others. My son is happy and healthy. Anyways I would say while I absolutely understand the frustration of being the one to do everything for your child at night and most of the time during the day, I would try to let him sleep as much as possible but you know what sometimes you do need help and that’s what being a parent & couple is about…He is just as much of a parent as you and it’s just as much his child. A good father is not going to judge you for needing help with things sometimes. Try to have an honest talk during the day when y’all are rested and figure out a game plan! My other piece of advice is never ask these boards… you have too many perfect parents out there that will shame you for asking a question. Hope y’all find a good solution and know you are not alone!!! :blue_heart::heartpulse: Also breastfeed and cosleep as long as you and your husband want and don’t let anyone steer your motherly instincts.


#1 That child should be in his own room. #2 If he is a toddler he needs to go on the bottle. #3 Your husband is right- he needs his sleep. #4 Closeness between a husband and wife can’t very well be carried out with a toddler in attendance!


Since “your job” as you said, is to take care of all this stuff, why don’t you take care of your husband since he has to get up and go to work? This child should be in his own bed. If he wakes up, give him a bottle with water, and leave him in bed! He’s no longer an infant and does not need to nurse in the middle of the night - Nor does he need to get up and watch TV.


That is something each one of you have to learn to do and adapt to the baby’s needs my mom had 9 of us and I never heard her complain about any thing!


I worked 12 hour days 6 days a week and more than once i went to work on an hour sleep to give my wife a break when are 3 girls were little so no excuse tell him to man up


My baby slept in her own room from day 1. I found it easier on me and was able to get on a sold baby schedule quickly, my baby was off the breast and bottle by age 1. I had to return to work at 4 weeks. I believe it’s to each his own but your husband as the provider should be respected. You will appreciate a schedule even as a stay at home mom.


I’d be mad if I got woken up to all that too. Maybe get the kids room ready and start there. Your child doesn’t need food in the middle of the night like that. Just start a new routine that doesn’t involve your breast. 2 weeks consistency tops. Kids love the structure. It’s tough at first, but in the end you’ll love having more time alone at night.


The majority of childrearing does fall on the mom. You should go to the living room, however I absolutely understand how you feel. However, this may get a lot of feedback. I’d say during the weekdays, you make the sacrifice and have him do it on the weekends. I’d of been mad as hell if I was woken up from the tv, and nothing about the whole situation is ever going to be completely fair. You seem kind of passive aggressive by having turned the tv on. Let the baby cry it out in another room for a few days… :woman_shrugging:t2:


OMG…I am appalled.

He is the bread winner so don’t disturb him. REALLY?!?!!?


I agree it is time to start getting the kid to sleep in his own bed. I set up a mattress on the floor so they could come into the bedroom if they wanted.

As far as do not wake dad…I didn’t realize you got pregnant by yourself. I didn’t realize his sleep was more important than yours. I didn’t realize your job was less important.

I am all for sharing the responsibility. Both of you should be sleep deprived. On his days off you could go nap to catch up and he can do dad. If he gets up with kid the next day he will probably need to go to bed as soon as he gets home. Fine, as you will do the same the next day.

It is all about being equally dragged out of your comfort zone. It makes for those memories you will share going forward.


Toddler should be in hus own room and no night time feeding. Never good for child to sleep with Parents. If they fall asleep in your room. Pick them up and back in there room. No Father earning money. Be GRATEFUL HE WORKS.! Stop the whinnying and get that kid a room.


A toddler should be sleeping in their own bedroom. I personally never understood why parents put their kids in bed with them. My kids went from a crib to a toddler bed at 2 years old. It wasn’t easy but they got used to it


If you are breastfeeding a toddler, you are the problem.


Keep your child in their own room and teach them to play quietly if they wake up and you’re still sleeping. It takes a few weeks but it works if you are consistent. I breastfed my kids, but never got past the 6 month mark and their dad would bottle feed them until they had the dexterity to use a cup. So if your husband thinks being a stay at home parent isn’t a full time job, let him try it for awhile. You need your sleep too.


Toddler in own room/ no tv when it’s ‘sleep time’ and adults ( mum n dad) need their sleep too!!!


Child needs to be in his own room.


This cannot be a real question! A real man would automatically help with the raising of his children!


I’m sorry,but Toddler and night time breastfeeding do not compute for me.


I’d just take the child to the living room. I’m not sure why that would be inconvenient to do so your husband can sleep


There’s always divorce… man needs rest… take child to another room and stay there


Infants should NEVER sleep in the bed with you. It’s a serious safety issue. I understand, as I used to be in this same situation. It will take a week or so of hard work, but the baby should be sleeping in a crib or toddler bed. Can you set up a cot or blow up air matress in the child’s room so that you can rest in there with them? Just a thought. Best wishes :heart:


It’s a pretty easy fix. Don’t wake up your husband if he has to work in the morning. Period.


Toddlers should be in thier own beds. Sleep separately from your husband until youre finished weaning. He gets sleep. You get sleep. Your toddler gains independence.


I agree no more co-slepping and take that baby out of the room. Your husband can’t help if that baby wants you. Try pumping for him or her and put it in a sippy cup at night if need be. Let that daddy sleep.


I have four children. ALL of them co-slept with us. And still do on occasion. I have been a stay at home mom for 24 years. If my husband had a problem with lights or tv on then he should go find somewhere else to sleep. And he did. My sleep is just as important.


First thing is the child should not be sleeping with parents at this age!


I mostly agree with your husband on this issue. First of all, you should not have your toddler sleeping in bed with you. He needs to be in his own bed. If he wakes up you deal with him in another room—his own or another room in the house—but not your bedroom. That’s just my opinion.


So, you are trying to wean your toddler from breast feeding to drinking out of a cup? I recommend that you start by giving him a bottle, especially in the middle of the night. And why is he sleeping in your bed? If he is waking at night, he may be thirsty or hungry…or just needing cuddling, which he gets when you breast feed him. You should start by getting him to sleep in his own bed, and if he wakes, you should take care of him, let your husband get the rest he needs to go to work on time and be able to perform his duties there. If he has days off, maybe he can relieve you those times. Just saying, as a mother of 5, grandmother and great grandmother…use common sense about this.


I agree it is time for little one to learn to sleep in their own bed in their own room.


My husband worked all day and then went to college at night. I was a stay at home mom and would never wake him to get up with the baby. On weekends he would go to the college library to study. It was tough but kids get older this goes away. Buck up sweetheart and have some cheese with that whine!


Babies should always have their own bed and room. If you are a stay at home mom then you job is to take child of the child. If your husband loses his job from lack of sleep where is the money coming from to care for the child. I had to go back to work at 6 weeks and still take care of my child you are lucky to have a husband that provides you the luxury of staying at home. Suck it up take you child to another room and tend to him.


First off this sounds more like my husband won’t help with out toddler at night than a weaning problem. Secondly, a toddler should have his own bed, in his own room. Thirdly, I would be more worried about why my toddler isn’t sleeping through the night. If you want your husband to help at night with your child than get a job also. Two incomes are better than one and then you both can do things 50/50.


I would be mad too if I have to work in the morning and you turning on the TV to entertain a toddler :neutral_face: even with the volume down the light from the TV is disturbing. You can’t expect him to be up all hours of the night and then go have a full work day. Also maybe incorporate a nap into your daily routine so you and toddler can have a break. Its not impossible. I had 3 under 3 at one point and would get them all down for a nap from 1pm-3pm daily. Not impossible but will take some diligence on your part.


Should have broke that toddler from breastfeeding long before toddler age and that child needs his own bed. Yes a father should help with feeding and changes when they are babies toddlers should not be getting up in the middle of the night to be fed. The father needs his sleep let him get his sleep so he can provide for you and that child. Go in the other room and sooth that child. Be considerate if your husbands needs not just your own. I’m a stay at home mom myself I make sure my husband gets his sleep while I tend to the kids.

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Toddler needs his own bed in his own room. When do you and your husband have “grown-up” time? We had 5 kids and the only ones to sleep in our room were the twins, in their own crib at the foot of our bed, till they were on the same sleep schedule and slept at least 5 or 6 hours at night. Then they went in the room with their toddler brother.
You and your husband need to reclaim your bedroom and your marriage NOW

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Oh sweetie, it might be better to just wean him into his own bed, rather than trying to co sleep with him. Give him a safe space and cup of water in his own room. That way you and hubby both get sleep. It is not cruel, and sets good sleeping habits by setting a beside routine. When he wakes in the middle of the night, soothe him back to sleep with books and a song cup of water. But in his own room, it may be hard at first but eventually he will sleep through the night and be weened


I was a nursing mom of six and my # 1 rule is you go to sleep in your own bed, whether it’s in a room that you share with a sibling or by yourself. If you wake up in the night and can crawl in bed with me without waking me up you can stay . . . But if you wake me up you will be taken back to your bed. Toddlers are not waking up because they are hungry so turning on TV or feeding them is teaching them terrible habits! You quietly put them back in their beds leaving the lights off with as little time as possible. You can soothe a bad dream by your presence and quiet voice. Lay them down and pat their back, tell them to go back to sleep. You teach children to be good sleepers by your actions. This should only take about 10-15 minutes and no you should not wake up the person who has to work the next day but it’s their turn on non-working days and if you both work then alternate. So fun to cuddle littles but not fun to still be dealing with sleeping issues through grade school.

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I’m sorry but if your husband has to work then he deserves a good night sleep, I understand your a stay at home mom but you get to nap during the day when your child naps your husband doesn’t!!so be a little more considerate of him and put your child in his own bed in his own room, im sorry but you having your child co sleeping with you has nothing to do with the child’s needs its about you not being able to sleep without him/her if your not breastfeeding anymore because of the bitting then your child really doesn’t need to be in your bed!!parents should never sleep with there infants or toddlers it’s not safe!!!


Make youns a bedroom of your own so that you won’t wake him up with the baby’s needs and when he gets all antsy and wants a piece of ass later just say sorry no can do you need your rest and my ass might keep you up too late.


Dad needs his sleep!! Baby should not be in your room and needs to learn to self sooth himself. Just give water at night in bottle when he realizes that water is boring and that’s all he gets he will sleep through the night. Weaning is hard I never went cold turkey I would elemenate one time a week keeping the one right before bed as last to leave. Seemed to work on my 4 babies. As far as husbands help at night. He has blessed you with the ability to be able to stay home with your baby. Most moms are not. I would cut him a break let him sleep.


The baby absolutely needs his/her own bed. Turning the TV on is an absolute NO-NO. You’re starting something the baby will want to continue. There should be no playing, no lights, no talking. The baby needs to understand that it’s sleep time. You and your husband definitely need to have a conversation.


As a stay at home mom, myself, and with a hard working husband — I completely agree with your husband.


Follow your heart as a mother. Everybody loves to give their advice and they also like to shame mothers who parent differently than them. Each child is different and each family is different and you have to do what works best for you.

If do you want to co-sleep with your child, that is between you and your husband - not the rest of the world. Co-sleeping is very common all over the world & It does not harm the child or make them more dependent upon you, in fact, it makes them a little more independent, because they know they are safe & loved, which gives them courage & confidence.

I raised four children and they all turned out pretty gosh darn well. Co-sleeping did not damage them, or cause them to be snowflakes or whatever else. Time with your children goes by incredibly fast… They’re a toddler today and tomorrow they are off to grad school, so snuggle with them & hold them close while you can and as often as you can.

In regard to your husband, You both need your sleep you are doing one of the most important jobs ever - You are raising a human being. You need to have your faculties about you, need to be well rested to be at your best - obviously the first few years are crazy and you’re going to be sleep deprived, but you both will survive it. Figure out what’s going to work best for your family. My husband and I took turns and sometimes we got up together and handled it together. He worked a full-time job during the day but so did I.

This is what parenting is all about. Listen to your gut & it will work out.


Put child in his/her own bed and room if possible,depending on the age pump some breast milk and put it in a bottle for the baby to have during the night, then slowly reduce the breast milk in the bottle and start on a sippy cup.


When our daughter was born she never latched on. My husband would get up and bottle feed her my breast milk while I would pump. We both worked full time. We each play to our strengths. Iam not a morning person to this day he makes sure she is dressed and ready to go every morning so I can concentrate on getting my self up. We take everything on as a team.


You wouldn’t be in this situation if you had put your child in its own bed and in its own room from the very beginning. It is so dangerous to have a baby or small child sleeping in your bed. Do you realize how many small children die each year from parents rolling on themmand suffocating them? A death that could have been easily avoided.

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Your toddler should have been off breast months ago!
Plus he should be sleeping in his own bed to begin with! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I breast fed 5. A toddler old enough for a sippy cup should have been weaned a long time ago. SIDS is real! Co sleeping is dangerous and only benefits the parent. And… you sound like a pampered princess. He has to go to work and by your own admission you state is very helpful. Let him sleep and nap when your child naps. TV sounds like it is for your convenience. Your child shouldn’t still be waking in the middle of the night. You alone have created the situation you are in. Put that kid in their own room, suck it up and get up to put the child back to their own bed for a couple nights, and let the poor guy sleep. If you think it’s so easy to go without sleep and go to work then it sounds like it’s time for you to get a job


I raised 5 children and I was a stay at home mom and a working mom at different times. I can certainly tell you, going to work was a hell of a lot easier! You go, clock in and out and you have no distractions throughout the day. At home you are caring for your home, bills, home, child/children. You wear many different hats, chef, maid, nurse, friend, wife, mother, negotiator, rule maker, rule enforcer, taxi driver, errand girl Dry cleaner, teacher, tutor, gardener and the list keeps going. I would invite him to stay at home for 1 week while you go on your unpaid vacation and see how he likes doing all of those things and stick to it like you do. My husband worked as a logger, 14 hour days in the heat and still came home and helped with the kids, house cleaning and cooking because he is not a chauvinistic ass, he is the “step” parent also! (Even though, you could never say those words to him! He treated our kids from day 1 as they were ours! Still does and he still worked and did his share even after being diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer! So, sorry ! I don’t think your husband had a leg to stand in here! All men are not created equal


My son was tricky to wean. We started to have dad do last bottle with breast milk before bed. It wasn’t the food he needed in the night, it was the physical comfort. Dad started to do bedtime routine and it got better. Expect tears. But it will get better. Plus dad really enjoyed that quiet time together. If he woke up dad went in. It only took a week or two but he slept fine. Hubby needs to helps. My husband is a roofer that gets up at 5AM. Sorry guy but baby needs you.

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In my opinion…

  1. That little one should be sleeping in his own bed.
  2. Just because he wakes up on the night he does not need TV.
  3. He should be taught to self soothe.
  4. No matter what parenting is a full time job all on its own. Only difference is you don’t get paid for it. Parenting is the responsibility for both parents not just one. My boyfriend is a semi driver. I work my own job as well. I am home with my kids by myself all but maybe 3-4 days out of the month. My kids (1 & 7) when they have nightmares or are having a rough night yes I will let them sleep by me but for the most part they sleep in their own beds. Just because one parent works full time and the other one doesn’t does not give one parent the right to push all parenting responsibilities onto the other parent.

For those laying into this lady about her choices live in her shoes. I have learned since my oldest who will be 18 in July was born if only one parent does everything then the other parent likely will not step up to the parenting responsibility. The young age is when you have a chance to grow a strong and healthy bond with your child. If you or the other parent chooses to not be active in the ugly and hard moments then tell me this. How does one expect that child to know they can count on them no matter what? How will that strong bond grow? Parenting is not a convenience. It is a job with huge responsibilities and even harder moments than a hard day at work. Both parents deserve rest. If you don’t rest how do you actually take proper care of the children?

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Why do you want to wake him while youre feeding? He doesnt have the means to breastfeed the child. Too much for you, put him on a bottle. No sympathy here.


The child needs to be in his own bed or when it’s 10 will still want to sleep with you, the worst thing parents do is let the child sleep in there bed, and your husband has to work, so yes he needs his sleep, he can help out on the weekends, during the week you should take care of the child in the night


I only breastfed my child for a few months, however, my child never slept with me, on a regular basis. He went from the bassinet to a crib to his own room. It seams that he is far too old to be waking in the middle of the night to nurse. Let me guess, you have never let him cry for 2 seconds, before running to his aid, when he wakes at night. Children need to learn how to self sooth, to a certain extent. He needs to have his own bed and if possible his own room.


He shouldn’t be sleeping in your bed period. That’s a super hard habit to break and while you are weaning him everyone’s sleep will be disturbed if he continues to be in your bed


A toddler should be sleeping through the night and not needing feedings. :woman_shrugging: My kids slept in their own cribs from day one. I also weaned mine off all bottles or breastfeeding by shortly after their first birthday.


No wonder some men think they are superior with the way some of you are talking. It takes 2 to make the baby both should contribute. Being a stay at home mom is just as hard. You don’t always get to rest during the day and having a toddler requires a lot of energy. He should want to help you. Giving up an hour or so every once in a while won’t hurt him. The moms sleep is just as important as the dads.

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Baby/child needs their own bed… Dad needs a good nights sleep to work. He can help on weekends .

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A toddler should be sleeping through the night the majority of time in their own bed/bedroom. Turning on the TV in middle of the night while your husband is sleeping is just rude. He’s working outside the home, and it affords you to stay home with your child. Maybe he could take the nights he doesn’t work the next day, and let you sleep. If the child is biting, it’s time to wean.

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While you can’t “sleep whenever you want”, you have the option to put your son down for a nap and get some rest yourself. If you’re exhausted you can slack off on the housework for the afternoon. Your husband, on the other hand, cannot. He is the breadwinner and is expected to be able to do his job no matter what. You should remove yourself and your son to another room so we won’t be disturbed. After all, he has to be up and out of the house, well rested, in order to do his job. You and your son can sleep in.


I’m sorry but I felt the same when I was in the navy and got up at 4 in the am. BUT I missed out on a lot of things that happened with the kids. I’m saying step up and give this mama some time you could probably stand to lose an hour or two of sleep from time to time. Help with th kids. Or dump him


He needs to understand full time mums is hard than anything. The little chance we get when the kids are asleep , we have to make sure food is on the table and other house chores

Child needs to be in his own bed, mother being stay at home should let her husband sleep and she should take care of child. Breast fed at night and start weaning during the day.

I agree with child sleeping in own room. I also suggest that child doesn’t watch T.V. during the night. It’s time for you and Dad to get more rest at night. The child will also begin to get better rest. My oldest liked to sleep with us. I got more rest when she started sleeping in her own room. I was lucky with my son he loved bedtime and sleeping in his own bed very early.

You sleep is just important as your husband’s…sleep in anothor bedroom for awhile and put the Children in their own beds not with you and your husband…they will get use to sleeping in their own beds and in anothor room…put a monitor in there so you can see them…after they are weaned away from the breast and your bed everyone will sleep better…it will be hard at first but be consistent and it will work…Blessings to all

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I had 4 boys and everyone of them slept in their own bed in their own room as soon as they were home!!! They can be heard easily and will sleep better and so will you!!!


If you have a toddler maybe you could concentrate on getting him or her to just sleep all night. Like sleep in a dark room away from a parent with a baby monitor of course. If your child is bitting that is when moms start weaning. I can understand baby’s dad wanting to get enough sleep so he is not tired at work.

Baby doesn’t need to be co-sleeping. He needs his own room. Co sleeping is not only unsafe, but emotionally unhealthy for the child. Our child hasn’t ever co-slept. I would get up to tend to her needs whenever she would wake during the night.

I’m really sorry you are going through this. It’s so hard. I’ve been through similar. My advice might not help but could you make a special ‘new’ toddler bed room/area with a big boy/girl bed etc.
I just snapped off my son from night feeding (he’s 10 months) he was upset for 1 night and now sleeps through in his own cot. All babies/mothers are different. Trust your gut. Try to get hubby to help if he’s willing. Both decide on a plan. You’ve got this xxx

How about all the perfect parents stop telling this lady how to raise HER child…she didn’t ask for your opinions on anything other than her husband being involved in weaning said child…keep the judgements in your own home!

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My baby coslept with us until 2 months then we put him in his crib just because he really needed that comfort and bonding those first couple months. A toddler should be taught to sleep on their own.

Unfortunately you need to put that child in his own room and own bed. That was a problem you created by co-sleeping.

I nursed all 5 of my children but they never slept in my bed regularly.

And no TV at all. You are going to have break in a new routine. Bedtime bath, read a story, play relaxing music in his room. But for gods sake please get that baby out of your bed.

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Plan a long weekend away. Leave the Dad w the baby. That will solve plenty of your problems


Your little one should be in its own bed. And if you are trying to wean the little one off your breast. Then at night time give him a. Sippy cup. And in the day time cut your breast feeding down. To twice a day. Other wise give him a cup. And your husband is the one that is the bread making he should get at less 8 hours of sleep. Some times a nice warm bath will help the child sleep longer. So you can rest at the same time most baby’s sleep longer then one hour. And they sleep better and longer. in there own bed.

Your child should not be sleeping with you period. You and your husband need some time for adult time. Your child should put to bed early and sleep through the night. Sounds like it’s a mom problem.


I take care of the baby when they wake up since my husband works. We too were cosleepers. If they are too fussy we do leave the room. Sometimes my husband would get up and help me and sometimes he would get upset. It’s hard on mom’s but we have our children as our jobs and can rest if need be during the day. He’s also okay with doing what I didn’t get done because of a fussy child or I was too tired. It’s a team effort.

My wife and my toddler and baby sleep in one room and I sleep in another room. I still don’t get enough sleep but since my job pays the mortgage, car and utilities I must work and I can’t work if I can’t sleep. My work can also afford to pay someone to help my wife at home during the day.

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If the baby had his own room and bed, that would solve the problem. They can learn to self soothe . Believe it or not it takes every little time to help them learn .