Should the child I babysits parents pay for something that he broke?

No. Child proof your home.

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Why were you not watching them? Or why wasn’t these expensive items not put up?


if said kid does this on purpose alot like more than 2-3x his parents need to find other arrangements. I baby sat this kid and he would break my son’s toys on purpose if my son didn’t give them to him. So when I baby sat him, he was no longer allowed to play with my sons toys or go into his room anymore. Guess mom didn’t like it and took him somewhere else.

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No because they were in your care. You dropped the ball. Not the parents.


A kid pushed my son, causing him to break bones and need surgery, should the parents be responsible somehow?

Wow alot of ppl replying are jerks!!! Just because something got broke doesn’t mean u weren’t watching the kid :woman_facepalming: I would talk to the parents. Maybe they will offer to pay for it

If you’re being paid to watch people’s kids in your home you are agreeing that the home is safe for a child. That means anything expensive gets put away. I couldn’t charge my employer for breaking something expensive I brought into work.

Sure, but then you should return their money since you weren’t watching them.

No. You chose to have them in your home.

Why not put the expensive stuff up especially when you’re watching 5 kids at once. You can’t keep your eyes on all children at once. No the parents shouldn’t pay for it because it’s your responsibility as an in home daycare not to have things around that can be broken so this one is on you.

No you should have insurance tbh

No way, it’s not their fault! It’s on your watch not theirs. Your place should be child proof :pleading_face:

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Expensive items should be put up. If it was put up and the child SPECIFICALLY was seeking it out to break it that is different. But you assume all liability for your own personal items when you choose to invite kids into your home under your care. When watching kids it is best to “baby-proof” to keep your items safe.

Well he was under your care. They are paying you to watch the child so how did it get broken? If it’s something very expensive it shouldn’t be around the children or they should be watched carefully while around the expensive item.

No. You’re responsible for making your house child friendly.

Why would u have it out when babysitting kids. I would think thats on you

Number one how old is the child?
Number two circumstances surrounding the broken item?
Number three pure curiosity what was this broken item?

No. As an in home daycare it is your responsibility to ensure there is nothing accessible to the children that is breakable or can hurt them.


You’re the person supervising the kid lol that’s your problem not the parents

No. File with your insurance if it’s expensive.

It depends. If it was an expensive nick nack you had in sight & reach of a small child id say no. It’s your negligence. If it was a toy of your child’s that they play with & it was broken out of spite/anger yeah the parent is responsible. If it was something like a desktop computer that you told them repeatedly to leave alone but they wouldn’t parents are responsible for that. It’s their responsibility to teach their children to respect others belongings. It’s yours not to put temptation in front of a child.

Nope, make that kid get a job and pay for it! :smirk::smirk::smirk:

By law no…You will be told if you took it to small claims that you were not supervising the child you’re being paid to watch, therefore you are responsible for anything that’s damaged.

You are responsible for him. Why would you leave expensive stuff around a group of mini tornadoes.

No. You should have insurance for that and or not have expensive items where you are watching kids.


Why was something expensive or breakable in the area the kids are allowed? How old are the kids and what’s the item? Is it an item like a learning device the parents knew and approved of? I have to sign stuff for my kids to use computers at school/bring chromebooks home cus if they break it I’m responsible and they give me the option to buy insurnace so if they break it I don’t have to pay.

No, should of been watching them…
Child proof the home.

No you shouldn’t leave expensive items where your babysitting and getting paid

Um no. You know you have 5 kids in your home…its on you to keep expensive stuff put up. I cant believe this is even a question.


What if item broke had injured child…would you pay the bill?

nope child is in your care YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for child and everything in your home

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you’re the one watching the kids so no. should of kept a better eye on the child.

No. You are responsible for the kid in your care.

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No because you should have been watching the children it should be your responsibility to keep expensive things out of reach or put away

No, it was your responsibility to watch them. It broke on your watch

No. You run a business and should cover expenses related to that business.

If you drop your dog off to me at a grooming shop and it breaks some of my equipment do you want to pay for it?
I’ve had a dog break $200 clippers $250 scissors and a $1000 table. It was years ago and recent price increases would make all this equipment way more expensive.
I would never ask a client to pay for these items.
I’ve also seen dogs rip clothing and break jewelry.

Never asking the clients to pay for the items. It’s a work hazard.

Don’t want expensive things broken, put them away when the children you watch are over or don’t watch children in your home. Also you should have insurance that covers damages to property and the child. File a claim with your insurance


You should claim on your own insurance. If you look after children, especially if you are being paid, you need to have a child proof’ environment, and supervise them properly.

If the kids are under your care it’s your responsibility to make sure that doesn’t happen

No. All responsibility for the item broken falls on you. It’s the risk you take for keeping said items around small children.


That’s technically a business so you should have insurance its also your fault for not putting the item away

No because he was in your care when it happened. Lol should have put it up or watched him better.

Shouldn’t have those kinds of things around a bunch of small children
Just my opinion tho

Nothing like telling a parent you weren’t watching their kid.

Shouldn’t have things like that in a child care environment. That’s your fault. As a parent, I wouldn’t pay u a dime

You’re gonna have to take this one to the chin. The child was under YOUR care when the item was broken so that’s on you. :woman_shrugging:t4:

No you knew you was watching that many kids that’s why you do it at there home or you make your home more appropriate for the children we know you can’t be everywhere at once are they paying you ??? For watching their kids

If you have invited the children into your home, you are responsible for the items in your home. 

No thats the cost of babysitting in your own home. Kids are kids and will break things.

No, when you take children into your home and accept payment for their direct supervision and caregiving you assume the risk that goes with it.

Keep the VERY expensive breakable stuff away from grubby fingers. :woman_shrugging:t2: learn for next time.

No , it aas your fault for having so many kids to watch . Your fault for not child proofing

No lol you shouldn’t have “expensive” stuff within reach of small children.

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Nope it’s your fault f9r not putting them away

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Why would you have anything very expensive around a bunch of kids?

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You’re babysitting children, parents expect you to have anything valueable and breakable out of their reach… Its common sense. :woman_shrugging: Your insurance should cover the costs.

No you took the risk watching kids in your home. Take it as a lessened learned.

No. I watch a toddler that has broken quite a few things… because that what toddlers do and it was done under MY WATCH. I would never expect the parent to pay for something broken under my watch. That’s just silly.


No. In fact it’s irresponsible on your part. It’s kind of a no brainer that if you’re going to be taking care of that many children at once, you would have taken the proper precautions to make sure something special or high in value doesn’t get broke or misplaced.

How old was the child?
Was the expensive thing put away, out of reach of curious children?
Was it an accident or is the child a jerk who did it on purpose? :thinking:

Depends on the age and intent. Also the child was on your watch and you chose to keep that expensive item at arms reach of children you babysit. If the kid was a bit older and was malicious about it sure but if not that’s on you

With this limited amount of details my opinion would be to start off as splitting the cost was this item in child’s reach that’s your responsibility however kids need to learn to keep hands off shit that’s not theirs

Nope because the child is in your care while the item was broken.

No. As a paid child care provider your home should be child proofed. By holding the children’s parents responsible for damaged items you open up all kinds of possibilities for fraud and scams.

So you were watching the kids if you were watching the kids, it probably would not have gotten broken. That’s my only response to that I mean in all fairness, you could’ve watched the children at their house and it probably wouldn’t have ended in nothing getting broken of yours that’s just a simple smart solution you knew bringing children into your home could result in something getting broken. Put those items away next time. 


Lmao YOU chose to babysit. Dummy! Just shows YOU were being negligent and not watching the child.

Umm… You ma’am we’re babysitting so if something got broken then you obviously weren’t watching them very well and whatever was broken, is on you not their parents! Tf kind of world do we live in where YOU were responsible for watching those kids, they broke something on YOUR watch but it’s the parents fault and they should pay?? Hell no! I’d tell you to KMA and you wouldn’t be “watching” my kids anymore. Period. :roll_eyes::joy: smdh

Sounds like you don’t actually “watch” the children and leave them to their own devices. No sympathy. Do your job and shit like this wouldn’t happen :woman_shrugging:t3:

No put things up away from children

No, you watch kids in your home you should pick up the “expensive items” so they don’t get broke

NO! You can’t since your not licensed! Obviously your home is NOT a safe environment for 5 children…:thinking:

No. Isn’t your home child proof?

Why did you put something that expensive there around kids?

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Why would you keep an expensive item in kids reach? Sounds like your problem

No, why weren’t you doing your job and watching them?

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If your babysitting out of your home and left something very expensive within reach that’s on you sorry

It depends on the situation. I used to watch kids and had one that didn’t listen at all. He purposely would break toys. Throw toys. If something hit my tv and broke it. The parents should help pay for it.

I would not ask. I guess this might be a hard lesson learned to put expensive things up. If a child is too rowdy for your home, you may have to let him go. :heart:

Honestly , if you’re watching children in your home it should be kid proof and safe for children. All the nice stuff should not be in reach . Me myself I would offer to atleast pay half because my kid broke it but also your fault for having it out knowing you’re watching children.

If your babysitting you take on the responsibility of what they are into when it got broken. You can’t charge a parent because you failed to watch him

Should have put it away before the kids come over

I run an in home daycare. Nothing of major value is where kids are. It is the carers job to put things away and out of reach.

No! If it was that important to you, you should have made sure it was put up and not in their reach.

They were under YOUR supervision at the time……

No you were responsible for watching the child make sure they weren’t in harms way or to break things. Watch em and it wouldn’t happen.

no, it was under your roof and your responsibility

No. The item should have been put away or in an area the kids don’t go in. That was your responsibility. Furthermore, it happened in your home on your watch.

Tbh if you have small children in your house then put away ANYTHING expensive.
You can’t ask the parents to pay for something you own and left out

Honey, why would you leave an expensive object in a area where the children could reach it. I think this is your fault not the child’s.

Do you not child proof the area that they inhabit?
Sorry, I don’t think you should hold the parents responsible when they pay you to watch the child.