Should you let a baby cry it out?

Make sure all her needs are met put her in a safe space and go for it. Fuck the haters. I dragged myself into such a huge postpartum depression hole because this method was so shamed but it was literally all my son needed was just me to put him down and walk away and within 15 minutes he was asleep. :person_shrugging:

I know you probably want a break and live for nap time, but one day you’ll look back and wish you could hold her again.
Just pick her up and hold her right now.


I do NOT practice crying it out. I read an article that reported that the reason they stop crying is because they have figured out your not coming back. Um heart broken, into a million pieces. I want my baby to know I’m always coming back. Now I totally understand that sometimes you need 5 seconds to yourself or to cook or to pee, find something to entertain thats safe or 2 mins in a safe place is ok. But studies suggest babies that co slept are actually more well adjusted that babies that cried it out. Do what is right in your heart but. No crying it out here.


I did the CIO method with my now 6 year old. I would put her in her crib. Give her 10 minutes, check on her, then leave for 15 minutes. If she was still crying after that then I would try to soothe her but sometimes she’d just keep crying so I would start over with letting her cry it out. Eventually she’d go to sleep. She learned that bed time was bed time. I have a 3 month old and I do the same thing except I start with 5 minutes instead of 10 minutes cuz she’s younger. She usually puts herself to sleep after 10 minutes of CIO. Teach her that bed time is bed time and it’s not play time. Crying is healthy for babies. No one is telling you to neglect your child.


"Acting horrible " WTF :rage::rage:


She needs you. It won’t last forever.


The cry it out method for any babies under 1 is neglect amd emotional abuse. Crying is the only way that babies know how to communicate


Cry it out doesn’t work until they’re 2 or 3 and they can understand what is going on and bedtime routines. Pick your baby up. They’re only a baby for so long.


It’s just a phase, keep up with your routines and she will get back into the swing of things. Babies go through sleep regressions but it gets better :heart:

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My almost 8 month old had severe attachment issues until about 4 months old. I literally could not sit her down without her screaming so hard shed make herself physically sick or pop blood vessels in her face. It got to the point where her pediatrician told me I had to do the cry it out method because I also have a son whose 15 months older. Cant be attached at the hip with one child 100% of the time, it’s not fair to the other. You have to do what you have to do.

Seriously… she’s 6 months


This is NOT intended as a judgement/“mom-shamming” post, so I apologize if you get offended.

I can not grasp the concept of trying to “sleep train” and instill “self soothing” for your INFANT. I just do not get it!
It took you 9-10 months (which is damn near a year) to form, create, and birth this TINY HUMAN that only knows the warmth and comfort of you; but surly a few months of being alive and having to adapt to being out in the world is enough time for a BABY to understand that it’s clearly old enough to go to bed on schedule and completely alone… because that makes sense!

I fully understand that having to give yourself in every possible way to this new baby is EXHAUSTING, overwhelming, and even frustrating at times. It certainly isn’t ideal; but I mean, what exactly were you expecting when you made the decision to have a baby and become a parent?

It’s natural biology for a BABY (and even young children) to wake up MULTIPLE times throughout the night. It legitimately helps to keep them alive!
It’s also 100% natural for a BABY (and once again, children all the way up to full grown adults) to want comfort and reassurance, especially at night.

I understand that co-sleeping isn’t for everyone, but really, what is so wrong with comforting and “babying” your BABY? They’re only little and “needy” for so long. When you look at the big picture, they take up such a short chunk of your time.
So let your babies be babies, and stop expecting these tiny fully dependant human beings to grow up faster than they are biologically able to.

End of rant. Good night! :two_hearts:

Probably starting to teeth, teeth come in more at night an when babies sleepaybe check what shes doing with those symptoms,

My son had quite the same “issue”… i think is a baby thing… I used to put him to sleep in a portable crib where if he woke up he would be able to see me… at night he would sleep with me or really close to me so he wouldnt be scared that HIS world left… you have to understand that for your kid YOU are the world. He/She needs you for everything and feeling alone and not being reassured that you “got their back” and “will always be there for them” its scary.


I promised myself at 9 years old that I would never let my child cry it out. I listened to my cousin CRY it out just about EVERY night and said right then I would never do it!!!


I don’t recommend letting your baby cry it out. However, if you feel like you are totally losing your cool/patience, it is totally acceptable to walk away and go into another room until you have calmed down and are calm enough to handle the baby. Because it can be very stressful.


I use to vacuum at night gave a nice soothing effect when nothing else worked may be colic gas. They have drops ask your doctor first


Its neglectful and disgusting. My baby is up every 2 hours and wakes as soon as hes put down quite often. Get over it.


There’s no effective way. She’s a baby, welcome to Parenthood. The good, the bad AND THE CRYING!


Some of you are lazy and shouldn’t even have kids I swear


My son is 6 months old as well.and does the same exact thing… honestly I pick him up and if he wants cuddles he gets them… the only time I let him cry it out is if I truly.can not get him exp. Showering my other child, attending to my other child in restroom, taking a shower things like that but I always try to hurry so I can pick him up…he is my baby and I am his shelter and I will always make sure he knows that


The AAP aka thousands of pediatricians have found it to be safe.

My youngest (now 5) went through these phases when she was about to hit some milestone. Any other time, she slept great.

I wore my kids like all day :joy: i loved it They loved it that’s what worked for us during the days and nights they slept with me… Still do going on 2 & 4 years old and baby #3 on the way… He’ll squeeze right in bed with us too :joy:


Cry it out method is not suggested for kids under 18 months because they can actually stop breathing. My 3rd baby is now 5 months and at least 3 out of 7 nights a week he wakes up every hour on the hour to eat 2oz. If you don’t like crying don’t have sex and make babies.


Never did it and my son has been sleeping through the night since he was brought home. I was always the one who had to wake him up to eat and the pediatrician gave me the ok to let him sleep 6-8 straight hours at 1.5 months old. Same for my daughter.

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Try a warm bath right before bed. If they are cutting teeth give appropriate meds. Maybe turn a radio on in her room on low. Obviously rule out any health issues. Maybe feed right before bed but leave enough time for a diaper change. I know everyone is different for different reasons but I think 7 is too early for bed. I used to lay mine down at like 9 :woman_shrugging: so maybe shes not done enough to be tired at 7. Do lots of activities threw the day to wear her out.


Some of y’all are rude as hell. It’s disgusting to see Mom shamers like y’all.
OP it’s okay to let a baby cry :person_facepalming: I wouldn’t let it go for more than 10m, typically mine falls asleep if I let her cry for about 5m. Any longer and I know something else is up, but sometimes they just CRY. Y’all should know everything upsets a baby, sometimes there’s not a damn thing you can do. If holding, cuddling, rocking, walking, changing, feeding etc doesn’t fix the problem then let the baby cry.
If you can’t be nice then don’t open your mouth and spew shame.

I tryed it I cant stand to hear my son cry it brakes my heart and I feel it cruel

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I used the Johnson and Johnson fussy baby bath and lotion each night before bed or the lavender. We had a routine of rocking to 2 songs and a very short story before laying in the crib. I would also check her mouth to see if she has any teeth coming in because that could cause a lot of her sleep disruption, if that’s the case, a little Tylenol and baby orajel on the gums should help. I did let my kid cry it out (reasonably) to learn to self soothe. And no my child is not aggressive, she’s actually the sweetest, most kind hearted kid I’ve met.

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It’s always okay to cry out somethings and soothe herself is very important check for teething if so some Tylenol

This is what i did to train my little one to sleep. His bed was in my room but it’ll work if yours isn’t. I put him in his bed at bedtime, I sat or laid on my bed next to him (no eye contact)& let him cry. I told him every 10 minutes or so that he’s ok but didn’t make eye contact. It took less than a wk before he started falling asleep on his own. Some babies have separation problems. They need to be able to see you but need to learn to fall asleep on their own also. It’ll be a lot less stress on both of you.


My 2 year old dont sleep threw the night and even still I cant do the cry it out… Kids cry for reasons even if its just comfort might sound like it’s not thw most ideal when you need sleep and to get stuff sone but remember they are only small once

Maybe her belly hurts, is she buring after she ears, but i wouldnt let her cry thro,

Maybe after 1 years old, but me personally would never let my 6 month old cry it out. I would just sooth the baby by holding her patting her back and rocking her. Always worked for my babies when they weren’t so happy. It’s hard sometimes but it will get better mama.


Babies who cry are not being bad or horrible…


Hold her, sing to her, rock her…be a mom

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She cld have ear infection. Check.

I can’t believe you described your child as horrible. Cry it out method can be harmful. Baby wants mummy. They aren’t little for long. I know it’s hard but you chose to have this child. They won’t always be like this and one day they won’t want to be held anymore.

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Ffs, shes probably teething, plus seperation anxiety is a normal, healthy part of child development

You cant go pass 15 min with crying it has worked for me

She’s probably getting teeth hun. Check her weight and age and give some infants Tylenol, see if that helps.

I could never do the cry it out method, and you should not do it at that age anyway. 6 month olds are teething real bad and yeah they don’t sleep well, or can have an ear infection which are very common. Now I know your sleep deprived, but you shouldn’t say your child is horrible, that’s a bit excessive… you need to rock your baby, sing, put in bed with you, anything that will work. Try an amber teething necklace, or some teething gel on the gums or baby Tylenol. I would call your pediatrician and get her ears checked.


Cuddle her, rock her, she just wants to be with her mama… it’s all part of parenthood… studies show CIO is not healthy and can use issues in children later in life…


Infantile training is a godsend. You’re going to get far too many different opinions on here. Everybody thinks they know the perfect thing to help. Every baby is different. Cry it out. Don’t cry it out.
Just go through all logical reasons in your head as to why she wouldn’t. Sleep regression is normal between 6 and 10 months. Teeth. Pain. Acid reflux. Etcetera etcetera. There are several things you could try but it’s all trial and error until you find what’s best for your baby. Welcome to motherhood. Not everyone is nice.

Maybe shes actually in pain… teething, belly,pooping, coca hurts,sick and maybe she just loves her mom could also be SHES A BABY :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: she can feel ur tension and stress aswell

You can’t expect your child to stay the same all the time? Babies arent “set it and forget it”…They will have change. They go through stages and milestones that mess with their brain…comfort her.


There’s always a reason to why baby’s cry I think it’s wrong to let a baby cry it out I’ve never done it and I have 5 kids my youngest is just over 10 months and she don’t get to cry longer than 10 seconds I don’t care who think this is spoilin u can never spoil a baby for picking them up we all cry for a reason maybe ur baby just wants mommy cuz ur all baby KNOWS!


Use a sling. Baby needs to feel close to you.


It is a difficult time and stressful on u but she’s a little baby and may be in pain with teeth, my 7mo old has done the same. Hold her be close too her, sing and try too laugh with her. Distraction with a bath or a snack or a silly song. Just wondering if u are feeling ok as u described her as horrible, times can be trying but if ur not feeling quite right please go see a Dr. Pnd can come from nowhere.


Welcome to motherhood. She’s a baby comfort her…


Worked beautifully for my friend, worked horribly for us. We tried it for 4 nights and all three of us were on tears.

Too soon, there will come a time when you won’t be able to hold your baby anymore. Do it as long as you can.

I have 5 kids almost all grown up now but I never ever could let them just “cry it out”.
They are crying for a reason it’s the only way they can communicate even if it’s only a cuddle from their mummy they want :blush:


Wow some people need to stop being so damn judgy and mean

She could be teething badly or constipated or a few other things the only way a baby can tell you at the moment is by crying, i know i wish my baby could talk and tell me whats wrong like many others probably do just hang in there or as somebody else says go docs as you could have post natal depression

Your helpless baby only has 2 people to depend on for all her needs and only one way to tell you about them. CIO is cruel and does nothing except shake your baby’s confidence that she is safe and okay.


She’s probably starting to teeth and just wants to be comforted.

Maybe try nighttime gripe water and some gas drops this helped my baby fall asleep better and be able to sleep longer then 10 minutes

Is she constantly chewing on everything during the day? Does rubbing her gums with your (clean) finger calm her down? If so, she’s probably teething. When my son is teething (like right now lol) we deal with it during the day (teething rings, etc.), and I give him tylenol or motrin at bedtime. We used to use Orajel, but it didn’t work well for us. I give him a half dose of pain meds every night for a week, and then I try a night without it; if he can make it through the night without it, I don’t give it to him again.

Is she teething? That can wreck a sleep schedule. Ear pain also.

Oh, mentioning crybit out is like opening pandora’s box on this page (among other trigger things) and it brings out all of the university of google parenting experts and the perfect mommas. I would ensure baby is not in any type of pain (teething, gas, growing pains, ears etc) give some snuggles and see how it goes. Take a deep breath, you’re doing a good job. PM me anytime if you just need to vent or have someone listen. I’m there for ya. I allowed my son to cry it out at about 9 months, I would check on him and make sure his needs were met every 10 minutes, but the amount of time became shorter each day.


I couldn’t stand the cry it out! Finally discovered she had a terrible milk allergy and had a tummy ache all the time! Took time to discover and treat. But I never let her cry!

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I agree to check if she’s possibly teething or something is wrong but if not CIO really did work for us.

Our doctor recommended CIO for us we started cry it out for my oldest when he was around 7-8months I think? We did it in 5 minute intervals so after 5 minutes I’d go in and bring him out again and try again in half an hour! :slightly_smiling_face:

He’s the BEST sleeper now and even if he can’t sleep he will just lay in bed and either read or play with his cars until he can fall asleep. He’s 2.5 now :slightly_smiling_face:

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Separation anxiety, look it up

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The circumstances have to be ideal to try the CIO method, meaning she can’t be sick or teething. If she’s healthy, go for it. I did it with my first kid who would fight sleep. We did 5 minutes of crying, check on baby, 10 minutes, check, 15 minutes, check. We capped the most amount of time we would let her cry at 15 minutes. After another 15 minutes, she gave up and fell asleep. It’s hard the first night but it’s been worth it in the long run for our family. Good luck!


She’s probably teething mama. :frowning:


Babies go through a period of separation anxiety between 6-9 months. Just love her. This stage will pass just like the rest.


CIO can lead to attachment disorders such as rad. Do not do it. Do your research on rad.

CIO is horrible, don’t do it. She’s a BABY, she’s supposed to want to be comforted when she wakes up in the middle of the night. Adults like the safety and comfort of sleeping next to someone we love, I can’t understand wanting to leave your baby alone to scream herself to sleep.


My son was waking up alot at night turned out he had an ear infection and had pain every time he laid down after a course of antibiotics he slept fine


We co slept for that reason. Only way either one of is got sleep.

Your lucky you’ve had it easy so far, my little boy is nearly 2 and still doesn’t sleep through the night, babies are hard work, sounds like teething to me, I personally can’t do cry it out as I would get too stressed but you need to do what suits you x

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If she is calm when u hold her, she just wants you. She is a baby and wants her mommy. Hold her.

I used controlled crying method. It worked really well. You start by putting baby down and letting them cry for 3 minutes then holding for 1 minute. Then gradually you make the time you wait longer and longer. This, teaches the baby that even though they can’t see you are still there. All my kids were sleeping no problem by the third day. If however you try it and the crying doesn’t stop either baby isn’t ready or something else maybe going on. Good luck! If you want details check out sleep training on

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Talk to your baby Dr for suggestions

Teething? Ear infection? Gas? If she’s crying a lot their is probably a reason why

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Honestly here’s my advice write down everything you wake up for or feel uncomfortable about during the day and write down how you cope with it. Now put your child in those exact situations and realize she can’t do anything to relieve the stress. You her mother can if holding her makes her feel better what’s the harm? A child who knows mommy and daddy if he’s in the picture are very supportive they tend to grow up knowing their self worth and are typically very independent knowing if they need the help they have a mom and dad who’s always been there for them. Just like another mom said letting a baby handle their problems by crying it it actually can cause RAD which is reactive attachment disorder and I promise you you don’t want that it’s the most horrible feeling knowing that you could’ve prevented that from happening speaking from a mom who has had a child who has been diagnosed with it.

Just let her cry she will wear herself out and go to bed I have to do that with my daughter

If she’s teething don’t let her cry it out, if she’s not then let her cry it out. Had to do it with my 9 month old.