opinions on what woman think of men searching models and very attractive dressed woman on social media - is it normal? over stepping boundaries? disrespectful? their overall opinions
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Thoughts on men searching women on social media?
I think its normal human behavior. As long as no lines are crossed. Looking is unavoidable.
It’s normal behavior just as they don’t cross boundaries and stray away as they say.
and then you meet the broad and she’s a dumpy sloppy mess lol
I was looking up Ke$ha from the Timber video to show my boyfriend. He didn’t think she was as hot as I do.
I’ve dated people that got jealous about everything, including any friends I had male or female. As long as they’re not intentionally trying to make me jealous, I don’t care. If they’re intentionally trying, I’m not Interested in playing those games and I’m out.
How is it over stepping boundaries no different them women searching men who cares. Better question is if he did not disclose it to you why are you invading his privacy
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The sooner you face the truth that all men thirst over other women the better off you will be within your own jealousy and insecurities
absolutely normal, we all look , nothing wrong with that unless he is sending them messages asking them to meet
Some people will say “it’s normal”, others will say that it depends what exactly he is looking at, and others will say that’s not okay.
At the end of the day, it is based on what YOUR boundaries are.
OP - if your SO is doing this and KNOWS that searching models and other attractive women on social media is a boundary or KNOWS you wouldn’t appreciate it, then he is absolutely crossing a boundary.
Are you talking about asking for friend requests in the comment section of various posts? It depends on the post. In some it’s downright irritating.
I’m going to say this. A lot of people let social media ruin their relationships. It’s models who cares he’s never going to meet them more than likely. Don’t let social media ruin a relationship
I feel my hubby can look at the menu as long as he doesn’t order anything
My husband did it and that’s why were separated. Not havin that.
My husband doesn’t actively search for other women, model or not. That’s odd.
Normal to quickly notice someone but a bit disrespectful to spend your time just seeking out other women. So I guess depends on the extent of his time spent doing this and how your relationship is etc
I can’t imagine giving a single flying fuck
I would rather them search airbrushed unattainable women then actual people they could meet up with:/
If she puts herself out there. Don’t have to search to hard. But if married. It’s still cheating
Men are very visual creatures. Not saying you should put up with it at all. Just know that a lot of men do this.
Definitely not okay with me anyways… I’d rather be single or switch lanes on what sex I date than deal with that. Lol
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To some it’s okay and to others it’s not. Myself personally, I don’t like it and made it clear it’s a boundary that I won’t tolerate and will definitely walk away. What’s okay with other relationships tho isn’t for everyone so it really depends on what you personally choose to accept as appropriate or not and discuss it from there with your partner.
Coming across then on a news feed is normal. But actually searching them is disrespectful.
Dealing with this now, but not models…girls he knows. Thoughts on that?! A little different than someone he doesnt know!
Meh, it’s normal. I don’t like it, but I don’t say anything
Me a woman doing the same thing
Depends on your relationship if you don’t like it say something, set boundaries.
Disrespectful if all the time if once in awhile fine
My first question is, have to talked with him about this already? Have you defined that boundary? If he is your partner in my opinion he may not know he crossed a boundary of yours if you haven’t brought it up. So, if it’s a hard no boundary for you and you tell him and he agrees then I would have a different answer. If it makes you uncomfortable it’s not okay, especially if you have talked with him.
I would say that for those that I have spoken with it’s normal for most people to look at others they find attractive. My partner and I both do and share them with each other at any given time.
I would speak to your partner, set and try and define boundaries that you are both comfortable with.
I don’t search for women on social media because it’s a catfish world. Nobody is really who they say they are. If we don’t know each other on mutual grounds, you’re a nobody that can’t act out in reality.
Your boundaries are your own. Every person has different things they find acceptable. If you don’t feel it’s acceptable and crossed a line, then you need to draw that line. & if someone doesn’t respect it, then they don’t really respect you.
Your boundaries are your own. Every person has different things they find acceptable. If you don’t feel it’s acceptable and crossed a line, then you need to draw that line. & if someone doesn’t respect it, then they don’t really respect you.
My husband and I both do it and show each other the pictures we like
Looking is not cheating… I don’t even think it’s disrespectful people look.
If it’s celebrities he’ll never meet I’m cool with it. If an ex or something of significance then I’ll have a problem
Communication is the most important thing in a relationship.
Men do what they want. Not sure why this is even a discussion.
Is it your man that does these searches?
I mean if he isn’t the kind of man you want to be with them don’t be with him.
You should take the time to get to know someone before even being in a relationship. Boundaries need to be clear before entering the relationship.
Don’t try to change someone. Let him know how you feel but honestly if he does things you don’t like it’s up to you to make the decision to stay and deal with it or to leave.
I dont have an issue
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If it is upsetting to you then you have a right to establish that boundary, just as he has the right to choose to stop & repesct that you feel hurt, angry or disrespected by it or to continue on.
I personally feel if a person in truly in love they don’t go searching elsewhere, just looking or not, especially when they know it is hurtful to their significant other.
Happily married been together for 20 years and neither of us have the urge to mindlessly sit around searching or looking for people we aren’t interested in.
If your married it’s called lusting which is a sin and very disrespectful same if a woman was doing it.
Going out of your way to purposefully lust after another while your with someone is disrespectful…
Hey, better he search for them on social media than in real life
Yeah definitely going out of their way to search is wrong
l get paid over $125 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18830 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
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You’re over reacting.
Depends on the situation?
If you are in a dating situation you need to set boundaries on what is and is not ok for you both and talk about why to come to some sort of agreement. It’s best done at the very beginning of the relationship because if it’s not then you have to either come to terms with it or decide to leave or work through it.
If it’s pretty much anyone else in your life you don’t really get a say in how they go about their life.
I don’t see a problem with it