Thoughts on the baby name Ragnar?

You two picked it together, so he obviously liked it at one point. Make a deal with him. If he goes through the labor and delivery, you’ll let him change the name :person_shrugging:

I think the child will hate it and be teased terribly :pensive: :worried: :slightly_frowning_face:


I hate the whole “tHiNK oF tHe TeAsInG” argument… how about y’all don’t raise your kids to be jerks who pick on kids for their name. Ragnar is an awesome name! If YOU like the name for YOUR baby go for it.


I don’t like it but it’s not my baby.
Strange named person

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It’s not up to anyone else. If you like it then tell them to keep their rude comments to themselves.

If the baby has red hair and that name kids will call them ranga - just sayin… they’re awful creatures.

I love the history behind the name but personally don’t like it. But your kid your name nobody else should have a say un what you name your kid

Is that from the last kingdom?

I love it!
Too bad I can’t have anymore kids I would name mine Uhtred! Lol!

In the end it’s your kids to do what you want…but yeah I’m not a fan at all. 

It’s not horrible, but it’s so mainstream now. People have turned it into a trend and fashion when they actually do not care nor know anything about the beliefs that come with it. If you love it, you love it. But it’s likely he will be picked on for it, especially if he doesn’t live up to it.

I had a list of names, and when family asked what names I was thinking of I told them. Not 1 was one they liked… I ended up choosing one of my favorites anyways and am refusing to tell anyone until baby is born. My kid, my choice.

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It’s the name of one of the main characters in the show Vikings. No matter what name you choose there will be someone out there who doesn’t like it or gives a negative opinion. Who cares?! It’s your baby. Name your baby whatever name you like. No one else’s opinion matters.

It means army ruler. Very strong name piss on what your in laws think, it’s your and your hubby baby, no else get a choice or opinion on what you want to call your child

I think it’s absolutely horrible I bet people will call it rag for short, that child will be severely picked on by other kids in school but that’s my opinion, it’s your child and should name as you see fit

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I personally love it, my sons name is Odin. I am a huge fan of the viking names. Ragnar wasn’t just a character for the show, that character is based of real history. Ragnar was a fearless viking warlord and hero, a king/chieftain.


its a cool name but research the name an your understand lol

I know a kid named Ragnar. I love the name.

Your families aren’t the one who made the baby so they don’t get a say in their name.

We don’t tell names until birth because we quickly got over the comments

Ragnar is there a story or special reason I get you want a unique name but some names just sound completely weird but it’s your child so name him as you please

I like the uniqueness of it and that sounds Nordic. The only thing that turns me off is the rag part of it, it reminds me of a woman’s menstrual cycle. Sorry but I’m just being honest. But nevertheless if you and your husband like it no one else’s opinions should matter. My advice is to not ever settle until you and your husband can be in love with the name.

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I changed my child’s name because the family didn’t like it and I regretted it. Don’t do it sis! Stick with it. They will love the child regardless.

Think about him as an adult! How will that name work for him!

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My kids are named kumani alliance, story-kai sol and Luna Celeste. Lmao everyone thought I was nuts. They are the only names they could have fit. Don’t change your mind for shallow ideas.

Who cares what people think

They aren’t the ones carrying it for almost 10 months and laboring it!! You get the final choice. I think it’s unique and cute.

Noone likes the fact that if my husband and I have a boy his name will be Killian, but that’s not stopping us from using that name. Name the baby what you and your husband want everyone else can kick rocks

ragnar lothbrok is a famous viking. Go with it


you just set your kid up to be picked on in school but :woman_shrugging:t4:


It’s an ancient Scandinavian name.


Ragnar is a great name if you love it & think it will fit your kids personality. Who cares what other people think, think of how your child will feel. If you think you’ve got a little Viking baby, name him Ragnar & forget everyone else.


Your baby. End of story.

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I dont personally like it but its not my choice but also the child will be the one to bear the weight of the name

that name is a tragedeigh


A lovely nordic name

I always try to think about how they will sound as an adult. Cute baby names turn into adult names.

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Your husband will be this child’s father for the rest of the child’s life. Is a name so important as to cause a rift in your marriage ? Be thankful you arn’t alone in this. .

Awesome name, the grandparents and rest of the family shouldn’t be involved in the decision their job is to love the child.

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Skol, babe. Keep it!

Do what you want mama

I had people change my baby names bc they started calling them something I hated as a nickname before birth… Benjamin-Benjie. I still regret changing the name. Should’ve stuck with my guns.

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I was considering Ragnar for my son but my fiance says it’s too out there due to the Vikings tv show. I love the name though!

We have an Ivarr simply because we loved the name, it translates to gods greatest gift :heart: always going to have someone out there that doesn’t like the name you pick and give their opinion


Yep, Rag-Nerd is what the kids will call him… Cut the kid a break now while you still can!!


Ragnar is the name of the Minnesota Vikings mascot. I am a huge Vikings fan, but even I wouldn’t name my kid that. But you do you…

did u get it from netflix my husbands watching a show and that’s someone’s name

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That’s a horrid name tbh lmfao


It’s not my cup of tea but to each their own. Your baby, your choice. :person_shrugging:

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No…better name for a pet


Personal opinion? Yes! But not my monkeys and not my circus so do as you please.

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I like it, but I have a lot of names i like, but would never name my kids. However, not my baby, not my choice.

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You do know that it will be shortened to Rag, don’t you.

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It’s not bad but the school
Bullies would turn it into something bad

SO bad!!! :joy::joy::joy: I guess you want your poor kid to be picked on

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Who’s baby is it?? Okay. Leave the name, it’s great :smiley:

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Yes it’s bad. Do u want people to call your kid Rag? Because your kid is gonna be called Rag. I swear people do not think about what these kids are going to have to deal with once they get to school. And I know people are gonna be mad that I’m so blunt about this but it’s not an opinion, it’s a fact that kids get bullied and picked on so much. Why make it worse?


Honestly first thought is it was supposed to be Ranger and was misspelled.

Steve Houchins steve

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Use it as a middle name…that way school kids don’t really need to know

are you a viking? if yes, then it’s ok.



Personally id hate my name if it were Ragnar😂


It’s a old Norse - Viking name. I think it’s cool.

I’m not a fan of it :confused:

I don’t care for it :woman_shrugging:t2:

They can get over it! That’s the Child you two made and will raise. Name him what you want. I like it.

I don’t see anything wrong with the name🤷🏼‍♀️

My ex and his wife named their baby that…. Got it from Vikings tv show I think…
I’ve heard worse but I’ve also been told lots of details about what ppl think of this name and the possible nicknames…

It’s you and your husbands baby… you should agree on the name.

That name is a fucking :sparkles: tragedeigh :sparkles:

I don’t like it unless it’s a cultural name. Go outside and yell it a few times to see if you fully like it also

The child will be bullied

As someone else said it will be shortened to Rag. I don’t like it or Ragnar.

If your lookin for honesty, personally don’t like it. Kids can be cruel, he will be called rag head, rag doll, etc… all through school.


Just think about what it would be shortened to and what people will call your child. You may like the name, but you need to think of your child’s future mental well-being.

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it’s your baby but since you asked our opinion, I do not like it. Also if your husband hates it now for whatever reason then I think you should reconsider. Is this for a boy or a girl?

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Like Wagner but with an R? Just want to make sure im saying it correctly

It wouldn’t be my choice. There are so many pretty names to choose from. Consider how the child will feel with a very unusual name

It’s that bad. They’re doing you a favor.


Don’t care for the name

I love it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: it’s a strong name


Reminders me of the show Vikings

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Reminds me of the game Skyrim

My landlords name is Ragnar lol


Will it be a suitable name for the business world later in life?? Something that may be cute for a little kid may not be so great when they’re an adult…. But at the end of the day it’s your child and you get the final say.

1st of all is it for a girl or a boy?

It reminds me of twilight, how everyone calls renesmae anything but that sarcastically.

It’s kinda on the cailou level… Is it a boy or a girl?

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Honestly, yeah it’s a bad name. Sounds like he should be an orc from some video game lol

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Just remember… he’s going to have to introduce himself by this name for the rest of his life.


That name is awful …It even sounds depressing


It’s definitely a viking name. And I love it. But maybe y’all should have a discussion about it and decide together to keep it or to change it.

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What is the meaning of it

I’m sorry… But that’s a poor choice. Kids are mean and he’s probably going to be made fun of because of that

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In Norse paganism the name Ragnar translates to Warrior from the gods. I think it’s a awesome strong name. Fuck what anyone else thinks, if you like it then that’s all that matters.

Rag for short? Don’t do it!

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. My family had issues with almost every single one of my kids names. But they were my kids. And truthfully there’s nothing wrong with their names.

Don’t do that your chilf

I’m so sorry….please forgive me but YIKES


Change the spelling.

Sounds like a nice strong name. Name your child what you want. Who cares what some else says. No matter what you choose there will always be someone who dislikes it.

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It doesn’t matter if anyone else likes it as long as the two
Of you like it. The problem now is If he said he doesn’t like it anymore this is a decision that has to be between the two of you not just yourself. Personally I hate it but I got to name my children and you get to name yours.