I think thats way too young for the cry it out method. Your baby needs love and affection and to feel safe. And even though they are changed and fed, doesnt mean your baby doesnt look for you for security. And im not bashing the cry it out method. I did it with my daughter. But she was 8 months.
It"s supposed to help their lungs. Only 1 minute doesn’t seem very long
Only a minute and falls asleep. Don’t let anyone put you down for that. Some people act like a baby should not be allowed to even whimper without you picking them up right away. A minute is like you going into go potty and having to let them fuss to do so.
You shouldn’t try to begin CIO until at least 4 months old
I’m against it. I suggest finding way to soothe him more effectively while not teaching him to depend on you to sleep as he gets older. Right now he needs that contact and affection and security so young.
If he only cry’s for a minute or 2 and he falls asleep then he’s perfectly fine… wouldn’t let him go much longer till he’s a little older tho
I’m all for cry it out, but not that young! Snuggle that baby momma! there is plenty of time to sleep train
If it’s only a minute maybe even two then so be it. You’re momma you know what you need to do, you already said you don’t let him go longer than that so you’re doing fine.
Newborn? That’s neglect.
One month is too young.
Hold him, love him, give him kisses, rock him to sleep, sing to him, wrap him up and snuggle and caress him as long and as often as you can. Don’t let go of those perfect little fingers. Hold on! Our oldest will be 39 this year and our twins will be 36. They live 2 to 14 hours away from us. Who cares what the stupid doctors or studies say. Those change every week.
Enjoy every second you have. I miss our babies and our 6 grandbabies.
Too young. Way too young.
My doctor used to tell me the baby can cry for 20 minutes before it’s obvious the baby doesn’t need to sleep. Granted he was older than a month. But at that stage he was waking every 30min every night. At that age 1min is fine. Babies are supposed to cry.
It’s fine both of mine went to sleep that way. Of u run and pick them up everytime they whine or cry they’ll get use to it and wont be able to go to sleep on their own
I would start that maybe around 7 or 8 months. I know 1 or 2
Minutes isn’t long but if it’s more tHan that, please pick
Up your baby and comfort and rock them to sleep. They just want to be with you and feel you and cuddle with you. Once asleep, put them down and let them sleep. I know you’re getting tired and need rest but it gets better you just have to keep going. It’s just too early.
I feel like the cry it out method doesn’t work until they are 6 months or older. And for my son, I would let him cry a little longer the older he is. So if I only let him cry 2-3 minutes at 1 month, I might let him cry 3-4 minutes by 3 months or so. But 1 month is too young to cry it out. 1 minute (or even a few minutes) won’t hurt your baby. The older they are, the longer they have had to build their trust in you.
My oldest now 14 was in her own room at 1mn old. I would feed her, change her, put on her night light that played lullaby. I let her whine even cry as long as it wasn’t a pain or hungry cry. She put herself to sleep/ naps& stayed in her bed (unless she was sick or bad dream).
My middle child now 5.5, was in our room til 9mn old (she shared a room with big sister). I let her cry during the day but not at night because big sister needed sleep, was in school & daddy needed his sleep worked 80hr weeks. It’s still a fight to get her to bed. She is in our bed 4/5 morning.
My youngest now 2.5, was in our room/ bed til he was 1.5 (2 bedroom house). No crying for him. He’ll go to bed in his bed but almost every morning he is in our bed.
Different circumstances cause me to try 3 different way of bed time routines. I much prefer the 1st of bed time routines. All the kids still snuggle in our bed & when dad is gone they all sleep in our bed (I’m usually on the couch lol).
Do you! As long as you aren’t neglecting (starving, dirty diapers, ect) or hurting your kids you do what is best for your family!
I feel that’s just showing the baby when they cry for survival that no one is coming so no point in crying! the child may grow up to have attachment issues … and that’s just the start. Could also set off emotionally unstable border line personality disorder. A 1 month old babies brain is not developed. When they cry, they cry to live xx
If only for a minute, at that age cuddle, after a year start sleep training.
At one month? Not a good idea.
At one month you are showing that child development wise that he cannot count on you. That he is alone.
It’s one thing if the kid is a year and doing that.
But at one month? It’s completely normal for baby to need you constantly. They are newborns. The fourth trimester.
Look that up.
I get if you need to walk away for a moment to reset yourself. The first three months are brutal.
But don’t leave that newborn crying like that. It will bite you in the rear later on.
1 month old??? Omg. YES. This will harm him psychologically.
It’s good tho let them cry out out out won’t hurt them out strengthens their lungs and teaches them self comfort did our with all my kids and they turned out just fine
No, that is too young.
Why have babies if you dont want to deal with them. I just cant with this post! Would you like it if someone close to you left you alone and not comfort you when crying?? He is one month old. One month!
A minute isn’t crying it out.
I once talking in detail to a woman who works with babies who have trouble sleeping and she said cry it out was not a good way for many reasons. When the baby is crying it out alone in its mind its parents are dead and it will cry from sheer stress until it eventually passes out from that emotion. It is best to follow your instincts with babies as we have them for a reason. Stay with your baby as it is falling asleep and be there so it can see you. It is okay if it crys as long as the baby can see you and know you are there. As adults even we cannot fall asleep on command and it takes winding down. Lullabies, lights off and a calm environment will help your baby start to wind down. As long as it knows you are there and will stay until it is asleep, the baby will feel safer and secure and will be able to drift off. So basically cry it out method is not a good way and is not training your baby to self sooth at all, infact it puts undue stress on the baby every night or sleep time until the stress causes baby to pass out.
Sarah smh dude really a month old…
The baby isnt old enough for that. They dont even realize til about 6 weeks old . thats when you start teaching them.
Pick that baby up rock and sing him to sleep,kiss his little head,rub his back,he go out lay him down then
Sleep train from 6 months. And even then look for a better method, cuddle your baby. You will miss this cute age later
Talk to your pediatrician