Tips on progressing labor?

I went to labor and delivery last night when I got there I was 1cm dilated and having contractions 2-5 minutes apart and super intense. When I left I was 2cm dilated and still having contractions 2-5 minutes apart. What can I do to make these contractions get stronger. They have the right pattern but the hospital said they wasn’t progressing me enough. So they couldn’t admit me. Please help me get this baby out. All the hospital said to do was walk and take a hot bath.


Possibly *ex,and walking that worked for me

Nipple stimulation worked for me! That and squats! I went in on a Thursday for my Dr’s appt. Early am Friday started having contractions, waited as long as I could to go In and went in at 3am on Sat and was over 6cm! Was admitted right away :heavy_heart_exclamation: Goodluck mamas

Have sex. It worked for me, lolol!

If some tells u tell me a went for a scan yesterday got told to get on the bed for a sweep already cm had me show this morning and still waiting for things to kick in baby no4

Go for a walk. Put one foot up on the curb side and one on the road (if safe to do so). Then after a while turn and back track. Then come home and do the deed if you can

If you have a ball bounce on it that’s what I did as my waters had broken and they were going to induce me the next day but I went naturally due to the ball x

Do some squats you gotta get baby down there and engaged. baby’s head is probably still to far up for your contractions to be making a significant difference. Also sitting on the edge of your bed and bouncing but don’t be gentle about it remember the old wives tale of taking a bumpy back road to throw you into labor Just imagine bounces like that. The trick is getting baby head engaged.

Sex walk squat. All things I did to get my first out. Was induced with my second. They also have a pill I got over the counter called primrose oil and you do it vaginally or orally but I did mine vaginally and it softens the cervix and that is basically why I went in a day early with my son is too have something like that done too progress labor so it’s basically the same thing just all natural and over the counter. Double check with your OB first because I’m not a doctor lol!

Walk, bounce on an exercise ball and lots of warm baths/showers. Sending love

Mine did not progress, the baby was big and I had to have c section

Walk that baby out. I probably walked a good 3 miles every day the last 2 weeks. When it came time I thought I was just having braxton hicks but turned out I was in labor for 3 days and I was dilated to a 5.

A hot bath progressed me from 5cm to 9cm in thirty minutes! Luckily I was at the hospital already

My advice is take the advice of the medical professionals and not strangers on social media.
Your baby will come when it’s ready.

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