Trigger warning: How to deal with and let others know about a miscarriage?

After a miscarriage did you announce it to family? How did you get through it? How did your SO handle it? When did you know it was time to try again?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Trigger warning: How to deal with and let others know about a miscarriage?

Losses are so hard. I had one and my husband knew the day it happened. I then told my mom who toom it upon herself to tell everyone else in the family. My MIL I told right away she took our daughter to allow me to grieve the right way. We waited a couple months before trying again, say took us 5 years to conceive our 2nd. Worst part was my sister was getting married and pregnant with her son, she never seemed to care I was dealing with the miscarriage because it was her her her.

I’m so sorry for your loss. Unfortunately the statistics for miscarriage are alarmingly high, I have personally not had a loss (that I am aware of) but I did grieve when I learned I wouldn’t be able to have another child.

I think it depends on the situation, how far along you were and if you had announced the pregnancy yet.

Only you and your SO will know when your hearts are healed, but I would seek medical guidance on your physical readiness.

I don’t know you but when I pray, I pray for lost and hurt children and parents. So I hope that, if you are spiritual you will take some comfort in knowing your LO is at peace.


If you announced your pregnancy then I believe you should tell immediate family members at least of your loss. Let them offer you their sympathies and help in any way they can. People can only help if they are made aware.
As for grieving… that will be different for each person. But support groups can help, allowing yourself time to grieve, therapy and taking it day by day. Once your doctor says you are medically ok to try again, when to try again will depend on how you each feel as a couple. Communicate with each other, respect each other’s feelings and when the time is right I believe you will both know.

When I miscarried my 3rd baby,we had told our whole family as we had just moved into our house and were supposed to have a house warming party. We had to cancel because I had to have surgery to remove the baby. My husband was heartbroken. Only 1 of 3 times I’ve seen him cry. Once we got the ok to try again we started trying but we didn’t get pregnant until almost a year and a half later. But then God surprised us when that Baby was 11 months old with our 5th and final baby. Their a year and a half apart

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Probably the only male that will comment but I’m unfortunately experienced in this. My ex had numerous miscarriages. Of course they all upset us. I think the way you handle it depends on how far along you are. We lost some at just a few weeks in and lost one baby girl at 24 weeks, so we experienced the whole spectrum. The babies we lost early we would tell anyone that we had told that far and just privately mourn. Our baby girl at 24 weeks was a lot harder. Of course we called our parents and other family and friends. Then had her surgery the next day. Took a little time off work to get ourselves back together and of course mourn. All were hard but later term was really bad. Still hurts to this day. Been 17 years now.

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We lost at 11 weeks. We told the family after we found out. We didn’t conceive our :rainbow: baby for 1.5 yrs afterwards. We kept it a secret until our 12 week sono as before we told people around 6 weeks.

I had an early miscarriage around 4 weeks. I didn’t know I was pregnant yet. We’d been trying for 3 years so it was a shock. I told my close family and friends and my SILs. We stopped trying after that it was just to hard and ended up falling pregnant naturally 5 months later. I think it depends on when you’re ready to try again.

We had just announced I was pregnant with my 3rd at the time when I miscarried. My SO and I were upset. My MIL told people I lied about being pregnant and did it for attention. The only reason I knew she said this was because she said something to my husband and slipped up and made a statement to me when we got pregnant again, something about this ones hopefully real.

I lost mine at 16 weeks my cousin was 6 months so but we both had our rainbow babies after and We had a memorial service at our church for a cousin and i know some say it depends but I am sorry a loss is a loss no matter how far you are, and it’s okay to grieve and let others know so maybe they can help you grieve.

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I’ve had 2 miscarriages while with my husband. (In the last year) he was with me on Feb 13th for the second one, he helped me through it. I was the only one who knew I was even pregnant, we let it pass, cuddled and moved on ( I’m still grieving)

I don’t think I even brought it up till it had happened multiple times and I kept getting asked
When I was having kids

My sister-in-law went thru my papers and told the rest.
Then she said just have another one and continued planning a party the same day/place where I was living at.
Everyone reacted like if I had lost a pencil.
I remember everyone’s cold hearted comments.
Decided not to get pregnant anymore.

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I’m so sorry for your loss. The grieving process is different for everyone. If you’ve made the news public with friends and family then of course let them know. They will support you and your SO during this difficult time. As for trying again that’s a tricky one. You can only try again when both you and your SO are ready emotionally and mentally and you of course physically. I wish you the best of luck in the future and you’re in my heart and prayers. :hugs::pray:

I’m sorry for your loss. Nothing anyone says or do will fully and permanently comfort you. Only Jesus
I had a “stillborn” at 6 months into pregnancy…we wanted the baby with us not in a cemetery so we had him cremated and have his remains in our home. It’s okay yo cry, scream, and these emotions will rise out of nowhere. Moan your loss your way.
so EVERYONE knew. I worked in a public place sooo after the loos it was too hard to return to work, customers would ask about my pregnancy. The days got harder- I ended up quitting, took a few months off and signed up for more college classes instead. I dnt know where in the would you live, but where I am from, the hospital holds annual ceremonies for loss parents with children loss.
Doctors told us 3-6months later we could try again…6 years later we had a boy. We were still scared so getting to 6minths of pregnancy was a daily struggle. Our son was born and is now in school. There’s no timeline to follow
God has a purpose for everything, he will never give u something u cannot handle. His timing is perfect.

You don’t have to tell anyone anything. That a personal choice. You will know when you are ready to try again.

I miscarried on Valentine’s Day this year. This is what we posted to let everyone know.