Was I wrong to skip my sisters wedding?

No. You weren’t wrong.
Doing what’s right for you couldn’t possibly be wrong. In this circumstance anyway.
Sadly, she probably only invited you out of obligation anyway. So she didn’t look like the bad guy.
You not attending put her up on her throne and why you look like the bad guy.
So let yourself know that, you aren’t fake. You didn’t go for valid reasons.
It wasn’t spite or some malicious act. It wasn’t showing up just to please others. It was you keeping it real.
Be proud of yourself.


Family can be toxic too. If you feel you made the best decision for yourself, then no, you’re not wrong.

It was a missed opportunity to mend some fences. Should have gone

Blood doesn’t make you family . Clearly she’s pointed that out .
This may sound ruthless, but from I’m reading they are as well .
Do they fck you , finance you or feed you ? NO ?
Then their opinions DO NOT matter .
You are NOT her punching bag , nor theirs . Tell them to lace up and pound pavement & their 2 cents is worth about as much as a Blow Fart Fishes scent .
Delete those family members on Facebook, block their numbers . No reason for them to make your life miserable! Doesn’t sound like they’ve really been there for you but only to talk about you . So give them a reason to talk . You OWE NOBODY ANYTHING .

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Nope. I would have done the same

Cut the toxic people out. I am learning to do that myself. It’s not good for your mental health.

No not at all. I have lived that nightmare until the day my mother died. I am still nervous and anxious because of the bs. Live your own life and leave toxic behind if there is no other way.

You made your decision for your mental health.

They’ve made their decision concerning you for their mental health.

The family is siding with your sister. That is their right.

Why does their choice bother you?

Perhaps your sister is the toxic one.

Perhaps you are the toxic one.

Obviously, they think you are in the wrong, that you are the toxic one.

They may be right, regardless, you should be happy with your choice.

You cut your sister off and they cut you off.

It seems like everyone should be satisfied with this outcome.

I feel you I have one just like it

You do you, their problem not yours. You can choose your friends but not your family. Just be honest with how you feel. If you need to step back, so be it.

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You did what was good for you, sounds like you need to make a new family :family:

Better then not getting invited. I don’t see a problem with this just makes sense and people are always saying family is everything but sometimes they are the most toxic ones. Let them talk and you just go on with your business

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Not at all , you own nothing to someone just because you share the same blood.
Cut toxic people off from your life even if they are family and never ever feel sorry putting yourself and your mental health first

I wouldn’t have went either!

100% right! Your other family members have no idea, so they need to back off & not judge. I´m glad that you made that decision. !!!


No but she’s done it again has family taking her side so sorry.xx

If she invited you I’d say kinda but you are right about your mental health, and if they can’t keep their opinions to themselves then I wouldn’t want to be around them either , sorry you have to deal with that drama

You had every right to decide not to go. Don’t let it bother you. Avoid them all if necessary.

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No you were not wrong, you must do what is right for you!


Nope you are not in the wrong. This is why I won’t be going to my sisters wedding in like 2 weeks. She isn’t allowing my kids to tag along with me to watch her be married. Even tho there will be a few other kids there I’m not allowed to bring mine. So fuck it lol. She also is the same way, talks down about me because I had kids so young. Why would you want to be apart of something if you’d feel outcast anyways? Definitely not in the wrong

Nope !!! If you felt unwelcome or stressed… then nope !!! I would have met you for a glass of wine and toasted to her health… and the fact that you’re not there !!!

You did the RIGHT THING staying away from toxic people. Focus on yourself and your family. Teach your kids to not do the things with their siblings

Don’t feel better as long as it’s good for ur health it doesn’t have to make sense to anyone

You should have been the bigger person and gone to the wedding. One day you will wish you had


Honestly depends on if you had already said you were going or were actually part of the wedding party
If either of those applied you should’ve went and cut her out afterwards
Be the bigger person and honor your commitments

Nope, not at all. That’s a THEM problem, NOT a you problem


Cut out toxic people from your life. Period. Don’t let them into your life.

Not wrong. Sad. But not wrong.

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Well either way, you made your decision And have to live with the consequences. When you made your decision you didn’t care what anyone thought, so why do you care how everyone’s reacting now? Because they don’t agree with you?
I mean you stated the reason why you feel the way you do,  and just because everybody doesn’t agree with you doesn’t make them wrong either.
but you cannot complain when you have no family left. That’s the thing with family everybody has different personalities and everybody has different views on stuff. That’s  where Grace comes in 


Good for you. Don’t feel bad.

Nope! weren’t wrong. I have a toxic sibling who literally ruined my childhood. Everyone wants to coddle her but I see right through the bullshitter that she is. You need to do what’s best for YOU. People pleasing will get you nowhere in life when it affects your mental health.

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You didn’t go , so why go on. :roll_eyes:


Don’t worry about what they think " just enjoy your family & forget them they will get over it sometime :100:

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Quit worrying. Fuck all of them. Worry about your own life n live happy

Absolutely not wrong

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I don’t think you did anything bad. If the relationship is bad and no matter what it stays bad I wouldn’t have gone either

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Nope ur not the asshole ur family is apparently toxic stay away and raise your kids

You could’ve gone to the ceremony, just to show support. But by not going you are going to look like the “jealous sister”. Family is still family. And you missed out at giving her a real roast of a toast. Not showing up to a significant family event is only going to cause more troubled water. It is possible to kill with kindness.


Nope you were in the right. You owe her nothing


No you were not wrong

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Nope you did it for peace of mind.

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Nope. Why should you have gone? Who are they to force such a thing on you?


Not wrong. Some times we have to make hard decisions about who we allow in our lives. People will always have their opinions on your choices but it’s not them that have to walk in your shoes so ask them kindly to mind their own business if theyre going to give you a hard time, you have your reasons.


I think family is family. I would have went but that’s me because I would have stopped her snide remarks with some of my own. But I can understand where she’s coming from. If your other family members don’t understand just ignore them. Less stress.

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Trying to make u feel insecure and belittle you! You live your life the way you want! Let’s face it, you had enough of her! Sister or not!
Why would you continue to be disrespected!

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It’s absolutely ok to cut toxic people from your life. Take the high road. You don’t have to accept the drama or the meanness from these people even if they are family. Don’t be ugly, don’t fight and don’t take the bait when they try to lure you into a battle. Just quietly remove yourself from the situation. She (and your family sadly) will probably still talk about you in a negative way. The difference is YOU’LL know that you’ve behaved correctly. The problem is theirs. The ball is in their court. If they want you in their life they will treat you appropriately and with respect. If they don’t then go no contact and don’t feel an ounce of guilt. It’s difficult but your well-being is more important.

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Nope I wouldn’t have went either

No I would have done the same thing in your shoes… Sometimes we have to think of ourselves. She would have probably had something slick or sniddy to say. Your better not going…sorry you are going through this. Family can suck sometimes.

Never apologise or feel the need to explain yourself. Your mental health is more important than that.


Did you RSVP that you would attend and then not show up?
Or did you say up front that you not go?
The former is not nice.
The latter is acceptable.


Nope. It is absolutely up to you if you want to avoid toxic people. Including family

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Nah, that girl won’t be married for long. She needs to stop. I never went to my brother’s wedding to a girl who doesn’t know English.

You did the right thing for you.

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What they think

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I am right there with you. My sister and I don’t get along really. She got married and I didn’t go, neither did my children.


Absolutely not wwrong at all

Nope why go annd be uncomfortable

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No you don’t owe them anything. I wouldn’t wanna go just so she can make you feel terrible about yourself

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You have to live with your decision. Do you think you did right? If so, your not pleasing them. You did it to help yourself. They would of found fault with whatever you did.

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Let’s hope your sister gets the message, your standing your ground. Proud if you.stay strong.


I would’ve have went either.

Nope… Sometimes you just have to break away from family!


You should have put your pride in your pocket and gone.


Tell them you will go to her next one


Nah, fuck them and fuck that bitch too lol fr

I definitely wouldn’t have went

I don’t think you really want this answered you do what you need to do knowing you have to live with the consequences

No. Sounds like she’s marrying a douche bag :briefcase:?

I agree with you but maybe you should of gone to keep the peace.
You have to be happy with the decision you made

And probably most of the other relatives went to be nosy/get fed/feel like their missing out… you did what was right for you. They’ll get over it when something else makes for gossip. Don’t sweat it.

Nope! No one else is going to protect your mind and heart better than you. She should have been focused on her day and so should the family so you did what was best for your own well being. Good job!

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Personally, I usually go to a close relative’s function and just try to be kind. It simply makes ME feel better to try and rise above hurt feelings. I fought a deep depression for years because I couldn’t forget painful incidents but now I can laugh, go, and still feel OK as MY conscience is clear. I am even now getting along better with cranky people because I learned to laugh and not be so easily offended. Then again I am 90 years old so maybe that helps too! LOL

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Nope. I understand about bad sisters. Just walk away

Nope, this includes family. Your mental health is way more important!

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Sometimes you have to put you first and if that means distancing yourself from your family the so be it.

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If you don’t feel bad about missing it ten who cares.

lol fuck that bitch. she obviously needed a taste of medicine just didnt like the taste lol

No you’re not wrong. My sister is the same way and I’m on the fence if I’m inviting her to my wedding. She treats me like shit because I have severe genetic mental illnesses, talks down to me because she’s well off and my family struggles, treats me like I’m incompetent for being unable to work due to physical disabilities caused by injuries by my abusive ex. It’s fucked up. Just because they are blood doesn’t mean they are family. Family doesn’t hurt each other. She might be my sister but she’s not my family sadly…

No you are not wrong to protect your mental well-being. Your sister knows how she treats you she doesn’t need an explanation

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Sometimes the most toxic people in our lives are “family” and you have every right to cut them out

No my sister is the same way and I would like to have just 1 good visit with her but she just can’t she stresses me out so bad makes me sick. I love her but from a distance. You can love someone and not like them.

Why would you want to celebrate someone who has been cruel to you. I come from toxic. If you rise above their level… yes def ok

Sometimes family is to toxic!

Nope. You have to do what’s best for you in that situation.
We don’t choose our siblings. Sometimes, as sad as it seems, siblings are no closer than having been born to the same parents and raised under the same roof. That bond doesn’t always happen, for various reasons.

Did you let them know ahead of time? Or you just didn’t show up? No judgment!