We are getting our son tested for ADHD: What should we expect?

All kids are adhd now to hear the parents and doctors because they aren’t made to mind st school or at home or any were they go you see them shoe how adhd they are one women had for kids who had it

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I have adhd and none of that worked on me, try taking away his favorite things. Everyone is different, it could just take time.

Are you sure he isn’t so smart that he is just bored?

Join support groups on facebook!

Cut red dye 40 and blue out of his diet… it triggers the ADHD… my 6 year old also has it and everything you listed his what I heard from the teacher I got him tested to but instead of meds I cut candy, red and blue dye out and he’s a completely different kid.

Do not talk on and on…
For example… give 2 choices…do you want milk or juice…
Instead of sitting at table…go run in park for couple hours…my son has ADHD…grown now…not a lot of TV.
Had a big piece of plywood outside on 2 saw horse’s .used for arts and crafts in the spring, summer…keep him active…
My son did not have a bunch of crap for food…real food…
Say things like please walk instead of don’t run…all they hear is run…
He was tested by specialist…they hooked him up with a machine that took brain waves…
He was very energetic… at Halloween he could keep going while other kids tired… bottle drives for school or boys and girls club always last to quit…they can have tons of energy…just keep busy…then before bed he had a bath…half hour TV…story in bed…then with a timer 15 minutes he could play or read in bed…when timer went off lights out…lots of consistency…

Dont let them.be so quick to medicate your child, there may be other things going on inside or at school… could have anxiety, foods our kids eat can.drink can cause excessive energy, and they don’t know how to handle it… definitely do research on other coping ideas, it will take more discipline on your part as parent,… medications may seem like a quick fix, but is it really fixing the issue at hand?

My late husbands words exactly,"There is absolutely nothing wrong with my son.He just needs patience and extra attention,that’s all!":heart:

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Sugar doesn’t help the situation at all, although most everything has sugar today,

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Punishing him, if he has adhd isn’t going to help… try giving him a structured day… that helped my brother… also get him a ball to sit on while he’s doing his work… and not a chair… it will help him focus on keeping himself balance on the ball and more focused on his work… The meds work… just like stated before try with the lowest dosage… otherwise it will take away his appetite


Punishing him for something he cannot control will do no good. My son was the same way, extreme hyperactivity. We controlled it with meds. If I could go back and do it all over again I wouldn’t have relied so heavily on meds. He needs more activity. Most boys that age do. I suggest you look into an IEP for his education. He needs extra gym time, recess, etc…stuff to burn off the extra energy. No school will do this without an IEP. It’s a shame that schools do not allow the kids to be kids anymore. They have so many requirements they cannot actually cater to children anymore.


Poor baby. Meds sure f#$%ed my nephew up. He went from a very happy hyperactive kid to a very depressed kid. Just let your baby be a happy healthy active kid. Just let him get more active activities.

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I did a tri fold board with diff charts that helps with honework. Like an addition page. Anything on his level in school. And when doing honework he cant see whats going on around him. I have 2 with adhd. They are very diff. Just be patient and see what works for him. Low dose meds at first. He wont want to eat. I let my son eat when he wants. High protein. Protein shakes are great.

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Gonna piss people off, but adhd is manageable without all the god damn medication… Do your research try different things. See what works for your child. I cant believe the amount of people on here jump straight to hey let’s just drug the child. Smdh


I have 3 boys diagnosed with ADHD. I have learned over the years yelling when they do something wrong doesnt help. If they misbehaved I had to sit them down and explain what they did wrong and the consequences. Patience while you both figure it out. He has to adjust to meds (if that’s what happens) and you have to adjust. I googled a list of foods that is best for kids with adhd. It gave me dos and don’ts and the effects. Good luck


When our oldest was diagnosed, we changed his diet to exclude preservatives, artificial colors and flavors and high fructose corn syrup. It did wonders for his health and condition.

I have a son who was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of seven years old and I agree with Chris Pickler, you need to first put him on medicine (Adderall, worked good for mine), so that he can comprehend on why he is being punished.You need to have allot of patience and understanding for him, remembering it’s not his fault that he has it.I used to tell him to work on self control and self discipline, but of course he was around 10 and up.For now put him on meds first,be very patient and when doing time outs, never do more than minute per age, other wise it is torture.

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Not sure what u would expect they probs just place him in room ask questions see how he interact , I suggest following mom group off Facebook someone probs has one up for behavior problem that has great tips also do research on the learning disabilities and see if they give u tips read books ur self too on it j hope that helps every child different so can’t say everything will work for ur child

Hi, I actually have adhd and I wouldn’t do punishments, it’s a medical problem. Also MEDICATIONS HAVE COME A LONG WAY SINCE I WAS ON THEM. They have more ways and easier ways to help children now. I would recommend speaking to the pediatrician seeing what classes you can take to learn how to handle a child with adhd and maybe enroll them in some form of therapy to help them learn about themselves here we have positive leaps and they are amazing. I would recommend meds as a last resort or start on a very very low dose to help with that little extra kick they may need. I do hope this helps. And please ignore the “ adhd drugs made my kid a druggy ppL” I took multiple medications as a child and grew up to join the Marines and learned how to handle myself. Good luck

Ie he has ADHD, you need to have a schedule, calmness in the house, no TV or electronics in the bedroom. Yelling does no good, calmness to diffuse arguments & constant reminders to focus & stay on task.

Those punishments wont work on a ADHD child. Your teacher need to write down his behaviors and stuff that she sees.when my child was meds we had to change it quite a bit rididlen made him angry. Watch out for the meda being to strong. If he is a zombie meds are to strong he should still be able to function with out alot of the behavior sand focus. Join a adhd group and read post. It’s hard enough to try and know alot about this because every child is different. You get alot of information and different views

My granddaughter was like that. Had constantly be busy. She out grew it. If she had other parent she would have been medicated. She is now 18 in college 4.3 Gpa. Physics Enginering. Her goal is aeronautics All children are different

I have adhd and the best thing I can tell you is try my dew(helps me sit still and concentrate) or root beer (makes me drowsy)
Also don’t get mad cause he fidgets or stops paying attention to you when you talk. It’s hard to concentrate when there’s a whole bunch of things going on. Even a little bug n the window catches my attention and I tune out my husband. It’s hard but you’ll get it

Many doctors will want a form filled out by his teacher and parents. Its helpful if you do that before you go to the dr. There are some things you can change in his diet to see if it helps.

Following for the comments! My 4 1/2 year old is the same way. Nothing I do works at all and his doctor won’t test him until he’s in school.

My experience is not good. At age 7 the teachers and psychologists told me my son had ADHD. They recommended medication which went on for 7 years. By high school, he gave up the ADHA medicine and self medicated with marijuana and alcohol. Later he turned to cocaine and heroin. Remember ADHD medicine is a stimulant. You get a child hooked on stimulants, they can’t function without them. It is a dangerous road.
My son almost died from an overdose of heroin laced with fentanyl. He has been in recovery for two years and may never fully recover. Don’t put your child on drugs. Learn other coping methods.


Consider a gluten free diet, is he a mouth breather? Or snores, if so check sleep apnea . Could be related to behavior issues.

And make sure medication if prescribed is the lowest dose of the prescription doctor over prescribe all the time

Maybe see about a sensory disorder as well??

Weighted lap pad with beads and things on it helps them to concentrate

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Side effects from medication can be bad or worse.

Sounds like just a young boy bored at school