Weird side pain while pregnant

14 weeks pregnant… weird right sided pain? Feels a little more intense than growing pains. No cramping or bleeding, yes I’m hydrated and it does go away when I move. It’s just weird. This is not my first child. Just asking if I should be worried asap or keep an eye on it and see what happens.


Round ligament pain? Im 36 weeks pregnant and still have this pain more so in the middle of the night when I’m shifting in bed.


We. Are. Not. Drs.

Stop asking medical advice on here it’s ridiculous

Could be gallbladder pain.

People are so rude if you don’t like people’s questions then don’t look

Might be your gallbladder, so talk to your doctor.

Ligament pain. I had that with my son started around 12 weeks n went on til about 20 weeks.

Your Appendix, maybe…:thinking: