What age did you stop co sleeping?

Post anonymously. What age did your children stop sleeping with you? My daughter’s five n still sleeps in bed with me. My bf is making a huge issue out of it. How do I get her into her bed? Tips or routines that work. She’s usually in bed by 8, but I fall asleep with her, n he gets mad. Help!


Whenever they wanted to stop on their own

I used to lay down with my daughter until she fell asleep deep enough to where I could leave and go to my room. But now I’m the problem and sleep in her bed :joy:


Hmmm maybe let her “design” her own bedroom. Give her an incentive to start sleeping in her own room. Lay in bed with her and let her fall asleep next to you and then leave once she’s asleep

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Nurture that! Because one day she won’t want to sleep by you anymore BUT when she’s an adult and comes home with her own family you’ll wake up every once in a blue moon and there she’ll be fast asleep by your side. Your boyfriend will live lol


I put my toddlers bed next to mine then slowly moved him to his own room


This isn’t a Parenting page ma’am… there is pages for it tho


My 14 yrs old still wants to sleep on the couch at the end of my bed or on the couch with the dog in the living room. He won’t sleep in his own room alone. He has a loft bed. Let me know when you figure out how to get them to sleep alone…

My daughter was scared to sleep by herself so I made some monster spray and we made it fun by going around the house spraying it under her bed and around the house. and she wasn’t scared to sleep in her bed anymore .


I went through the same thing with my oldest she was five and my boyfriend was not happy she had been asking us for a hamster so we told her the only way we would get her one was of she slept in her room with him and she did I didn’t think it would work but it did

But I had to put her mattress on the floor next to my bed and slowly move it to her room first every night we moved the bed farther and farther away till she was in her room then she got her hampster

My brothers are 11 and 13 and still sleep with my mom!

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Mines 3 but we brush her teeth and read a book then i sit outside her room till shes almost asleep. Just start your own routine it wont happen overnight but just stick tour routine

I told my daughter that I’d she slept in her own bed on her own for a week straight we’d take her bowling. First night was a little rough but after that it was so easy and it worked and she’s been sleeping in her own bed since January

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My children never co slept with us


my son is 9 and sleeps with me

My co slept until about 4. I started by laying with her in her bed until she fell asleep. If she woke up in the middle of the night looking for me. Id walk her back to her room and repeat. Then i started playing wave sounds on her tv on youtube and putting the timer on the tv saying prayers and walk out…let her fall asleep to the sounds. She always falls asleep within 30 minutes. I noticed it helps drown out other sounds that might distract her in the house and keep her up.

My girls are 5 and 9 and they sleep with me when dad works overnight. If he’s home they sleep in their bed. My son is 15 and climbs in every now and then. I guess it all depends on what you and dad are comfortable with.

My oldest got in her own bed while I was pregnant with my second child, at about 3. Then my second went into the crib at 8 months when I found out I was pregnant with my third. Both times they Transitioned they’re bed and crib were in my room close by now my daughter sleeps in her own room adjacent to my room by herself.

I’m confused… since when did this go from a nail page to a parenting page…


When she popped out.

My five year old had started sleeping on his own but for some reason about 3 months ago he started waking up freaking out thinking there were ghosts in his room and now he wont sleep in his room at all he wont even play in there unless someone is with him. I dont mind and neither does my husband. However if my husband did have a problem I would still let my child co sleep, my baby comes first.

look up the super nanny method. worked great on my step kids.

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Lmao my son is going on 7 and if my bf isnt here to sleep with me in my bed my son will sleep with me … He hates it when i make him sleep in his own bed ! Ive heard its normal and eventually they will want their own space . but what the hell do i know about anything :sweat_smile:

Definitely unfollowing this page at this point. Annoying.


My daughter is nearly 12 and if we go out of town and need a hotel or stay with a relative she still sleeps next to me. And will be allowed to crawl into my bed anytime she wants until the day I die.

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You haven’t posted nails in like a week lmfao

Go hard or go home as they say . Do a Nice routine and settle her in her own bed it will be hard with lots of tantrums but u need to ignore her and after 3 nights you will see she will gentle stop fighting it but dont give up … your the mum your the boss and you deserve a evening and a bed with your partner

My kids never co slept with me, but I stayed in mums bed until I was like 8… I remember her making my room and bed somewhere I really wanted to be… so maybe even a re-decoration would help :smiling_face: and a monster spray or something so she feels safe

Never put any kids in my bed. Crib beside the bed under age of two and after that they slept in their own rooms. However both my sister’s and sister in law all cosleep/slept with their children one who is 8 years old and still sleeps with the mom, however, the moms are all single so not really an issue there.
I’d say it’s up to you to choose whether YOU are ready having the child not in bed with you anymore. F*** what a man wants. Husband, boyfriend whomever. F em. It’s up to you.


My 8 yr old still sleeps with me along with my 10 month old

My oldest never co-slept. My middle child co-slept until he was ~2 years old. My youngest is still co-sleeping and she’s 4 1/2 years old. She goes to bed on her own but won’t sleep the whole night unless I’m in bed with her.
But I’m a single mom so nobody is bothered by her sleeping in bed with me.

Never. We have 2 daughters. Neither if them currently or in the past slept with us. They have since day 1 slept on their own

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Do it your own way I see nothing wrong with sleeping with your kids because my 16 year old son will still fall sleep with me if were watching a movie together as well as my six and three year old. But I did do a schedule because I work tonight for a very long time and still do I would make them brush their teeth to get ready for bed and read them a book doing that consistently helped them.

Admittedly, I am super annoyed with everything today. He can be mad all he wants! Do you even realize how short their childhood is? My daughter slept with me until she was 9 and I remarried. She’s 22 now and I’d give anything for one more night that I could rub her back, feet, stroke her hair, and snuggle with her. Men come and go. Your child is forever!

Get rid of bf…nothing wrong with ur princess sleeping with u !!!


My daughter is 3 almost 4 and we still co sleep

She’s your child, keep doing what your doing your daughter needs you and she won’t be little much longer…my grandson is 8 I still lay down with him til he falls asleep and times he gets up in the night to get in bed with me…

My son slept with me for the first 7 months of his life, then in his own bed in his own room until he was about 4, then he started sleeping with me again, he will be 6 in a week. He does occasionally sleep in his bed but mostly he sleeps with me, but it’s just me and him in our house so it’s whatever. :laughing:

My kid has slept either my bed or the same room on a bed right next to me since birth hes almost 5 now If u have no problem with it tell ur bf to eat a bag of dicks
If ur seriously trying to get her in her own bed and room for u and not him start with baby steps have her bed right next to urs. I started with both mattresses on the floor so theyre at the same level then u can slowly move it away. If she gets up move her back on her bed and keep on it. Have her pick out a room design stuff to go in her room New bedding etc with Her favorite character colors etc if u can afford all tht. Wall stickers or if u can paint the walls maybe do tht and let her help a bit let her be involved and make a space she likes. Its gonna take some time and its gonna be stressful but do not do it bc hes being a little bitch abt it thts ur baby and she will only be little for so long so if u have no issues with her being in ur bed dont move her

Each time that she gets out of bed, put her back in it, tuck her in and give her a kiss gn. Do it all night if yiu have to…trust that you will be tired in the morning. But a few days of this and yiu will have ur bed to yourself

I have 4 kids my oldest he was 1 when he slept on his own 2nd one she was 7 and still slept with me 3rd she got her own bed at 3.5 4 yrs old my baby since she was 3 months sleeps in her crib

Never started I wanted him to be independent not all parents feel as I did but it worked for me

My son still on my bed at almost 12! Not complaining tho, I know ill.miss it one day!


We never did with any of our three girls because I knew its a hard habit to break. All of them were in our room for at least the first 6 months but they were their own crib then moved into a separate room once we had the ability to. However everyones situation is different I guess the best thing I could say would be children respond better with routines, they learn it and then know what to expect and things start to go smoother over time.

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I stopped cosleeping at 3. It was so hard to get them in their own beds but the months long helping them transition was worth it. It was gentle and they could still come in my bed if they needed to. I’d say new boyfriend tho.

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Mine are 7 and 4. Both still in my bed.

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My son never co slept… my daughter is 4 goes to bed in her own bed comes in with me in the middle of the night

4 months. Every now and then I’ll pick her up out of her bassinet and lay in bed with her for a bit

Mine is 9 and still ocassionally sleeps in my bed, his dad and i got divorced when he was 4 and he always said he was my new boyfriend :smiling_face: cutest boy in the world. Plus he fell out of his own bed when we got our first place and became scared of his room for awhile as he got a major concussion n split open his head. Now its more so when he cant sleep or is sick that he is with me in my bed :person_shrugging:

Is this ever about :nail_care:?


My son slept with me for maybe a month when he was 5/6. I took him to the store and let him decorate his room any way he wanted New bedspread, sheets, lamp, pillow, etc, and he never slept in my bed again.

My husband didnt ever allow our daughter in our bed (except when she was sick) because he didn’t want her to get in the habit of sleeping with us. Lookin back on it it was smart


I used a method called “press sleep”…they have different routines for the specific ages. My baby was preemie and my first and only needless to say I sent dad to another room for baby to sleep with me lol BUT at 6 months I started looking into how to move him to his room and this was the method that really worked. He’s 15 mo and now our problem is that he wont sleep anywhere but his bed :roll_eyes::woozy_face: making vacations really difficult but is the best thing I could have done, not just for us but for him co-sleeping had to be uncomfortable for him cause he wanted all his own space. :woman_shrugging: Good luck!

Tell him she comes first…he knew you had her before he came along so he has to wait…if he cares he will stay.


1st - 2 weeks (Off to his own room)
2nd - Never really co slept except maybe to fall asleep once in a while. Slept in our room until 1 then went to his bed in his room.
3rd- Lawwwd this one almost broke me! CO slept until 1 1/2. We had a bed for him in our room but he never really made it a full night in there. Then at 1 1/2 he went to his own bed in the room with #2. He’ll be 2 on the 22nd and sleeps through the night in his crib.

It’s really none of his business hes a new boyfriend, not a step father.


You screwed up !! Kid should have been in her own bed at least 4 years ago! You are going to have major problems breaking that habit!


Watch super nanny! She tackles this at almost every house she visits.

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Put her to sleep in her own bed, then get up outta there!!

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She was 3 years old, it was a step-child, and I started about 6 months after I met her. I was tired of my bed being hijacked, and he was too lazy to care or try lol.
Her issue was waking up alone in her bed and moving to ours, because she wasn’t familiar with being by herself, not because she had bad dreams or an accident (I was simultaneously potty training, and I don’t recommend doing both; I just didn’t know any better​:rofl::rofl:).
A bedtime routine helped, but she didn’t really have a problem falling asleep so much as staying in bed through the night. And she also enjoyed that routine…so that might be key. Ours was: bath time, milk and small snack, brush the teeth, and read books or watch a video until they’re relaxed and sleepy, then turn off electronics and get outta there. They don’t have to be asleep when you leave the room, they have to be comfortable being in their bed without you.

To keep her from overnight wandering I used a baby gate on her door from bedtime til it’s morning AM routine time. It forces you to go deal with any “wake up” issues in their bed & keeps them from sneaking into bed with you. After a few meltdowns, she learned how to tell when she was supposed to get up for her day, instead of her getting up to come be with us just because she woke up during the night.

Good luck, I hope it helps! I get where your boyfriend is coming from, but it’s not an easy thing to figure out/implement. :pleading_face::crossed_fingers:t2::black_heart:

I let her fall asleep in my bed with me and transfer her into her own bed when she’s sleeping…she has been sleeping in her own bed sense she was a year old and has never slept in my bed all night with me even when she was a baby

I never had my daughter in our bed i was scared i would hurt her unknowingly. Of coarse that didn’t apply on thunderstorm nights lol.


My son is 6, and still sometimes sleeps with me. He always starts in his own bed though. Fuck the boyfriend getting mad. Your kid is your kid. Let them sleep with you if you want. If it’s not a problem with you, it’s not a problem. Period.

Mine stopped on their own at 4 &5

My kids were about 7 & 9 when they stopped.
we all slept in the same bed until we moved into our own home.
They had their own room and beds but wanted to be with us.
One day they will grow up and not think you’re cool anymore.
Let them sleep with you as long as they need :black_heart:
they usually decide they are ready on their own.


We’re still going at 9 years old. His twin bed is connected to our queen, so he sleeps in his bed, but as soon as hubby gets up for work or I get outta bed, he;s moved into the big bed to snuggle with one of us. We’ll stop when he’s ready.

Mine is 6. He will usually sleep in his room but end up in ours by morning. I just try to tell him to go back to bed

Da Hell Is Wrong With Yall???..You Need 2 Thing’s…A Foot In The Ass…and a Mental Health Professional

Get a new bf. your kids come first


My advice is dump him


What does this have to do with nails??? :woman_facepalming::roll_eyes::unamused:


My son slept with me until he was 6. I bought him a tent :tent: that goes on his bed :sleeping_bed:and since then he started sleeping on his own.

My daughter is 5months and sleeps in her own bed and in her own room. You should’ve never done this for so long :face_with_hand_over_mouth: (my opinion) It’s going to be really hard to make her sleep in her own bed all by herself.

Goodluck with that :sweat_smile:


I was about in 1st or 2nd grade. The only reason why I stopped was because someone coming to work our house at the time made a rude comment and after that my mom made me sleep in my own bed.

I wasn’t ready and had a lot of nightmares and it took awhile to adjust. My mom regretted that for awhile and said she wishes she hadn’t taken his advice because co-sleeping wasn’t harming anyone

I never had any of my kids co sleep with me. If they were sick yes but otherwise they were in their own beds. It is an easy habit to get into but a hard one to get out of. Sorry I don’t have much advise but good luck.

Now why would you want a boyfriend sleeping in same bed with you and your daughter?? Sorry I would never let any man do that. Saying this since you said bf has issues with it. Your going to have a hard time of it because she’s older. But now is better that later…


Babys 8, hes still in my bed.
Check back after graduation

if you have a toddler bed put in your room and tell her that is her bed that is where she sleeps make that bed all about her favorite animals or people she likes praise her for sleeping in it

Not to laugh, but mine are 19 and almost 22 and still sleep with me at times. Enjoy this time Mama… they grow so fast… the Man will get over it…


Mine is 14 and she still sleeps with me at times also… she is the only child and she does sleep by herself sometimes in her own room but she just doesn’t like to be alone…


My son is 11 next week he goes to sleep in his own bed but wakes up though the night and then comes in my bed and we cosleep the rest of the night .
Happens about 5 times a week .

He’s 10… about a year ago he stopped… maybe once every other month he’ll come crawl in at bedtime

Mine is 6 and all i hear when I leave her is “mommy can you sleep with me” and i do every time :rofl::hugs:. Its definitely something you have to take your time with!

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Never heard of this before mine came home and always had their own bed and used it. Tell your child how they have grown to that age where they now have to sleep in their own bed and then stick to it


Enjoy it. They grow fast and need the comfort from parents.


My hubby is in the military (often away for long periods of time) & I often find mr. 8 in my bed during the night :green_heart:

I couldn’t think of a much better way to sleep tbh.


Sex/Making love/Nookie etc does not always have to be in the bedroom & at a certain time!

Get creative people. Be spontaneous, sneaky & feel naughty :smiling_imp: :purple_heart: Spice it up!


Your BF is jealous!!! Such a precious memory to take forward… Enjoy your Mama time. I still sleep with my mom, I’m 20. We may fight but we still sleep together and she holds me so tight like if I’m still an infant. While my dad he just stare and says “LIKE MOM, LIKE DAUGHTER”

1 day. I was afraid my husband at the time would roll over on my son. His dad is a deep sleeper. Slept in our bedroom in a bassinet until 4 months. Then in his crib in his room. He’s such an amazing sleeper and he’s almost 12!

My son was 11 and one day just started to sleep in his own bed. When he is sick, he will still come into bed with me.

Wait…we get to stop co-sleeping? :woozy_face: 5 yr old n 1 yr old. King size bed.


Enjoy the snuggles and cuddles. One day you won’t be getting as many of them. That being said mine stopped around 6 ish. They’re now grown.


My son is 6. Yeah still in my bed. He’s gone to his bed a few times. So when he’s ready he’s ready. No biggie. Life’s short.

I thought it would never stop LOL but my eldest was 7 and my youngest was 5 and a half when they both just stopped. I was having really bad sleeps because they were taking so much of the bed up so I said they have to sleep in their own beds but they could jump into each others beds. So this only happened about 6 months ago and the youngest always jumps into bed with the oldest now and it works for them and me.

At about 5 months. They used to come pile in the bed Saturday mornings. It takes time, it’s a routine. make their bed something special just for them

12 and 13 ,told them the bed wasnt big enough.get out!


That’s a huge issue in so many homes! If we only knew way back in the beginning to put them in their own beds right from the start!!!:weary:


Mines almost 8 still in my bed :rofl::weary:

Is he not the biological dad?

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Ditch the boyfriend.