What age should kids stay home alone?

I was 11. And home with my 9 year old brother. Worked out pretty well.

It all depends on how comfortable you are with it and how responsible the child is. Back when I was a kid it was common for kids to be home alone with certain times in place to keep them safe sick as locked doors,a phone available and maybe a trusted neighbor just to keep an eye on things.

I’ve just started letting my daughter stay home alone if I have an errand to run, she’s going to be 13 in August. She knows not to answer the door or the phone unless it’s a family member calling. She even babysat her 6 year old brother when I ran to the store quick. I was only gone like a half hour

I’m in a state that doesn’t have a law either. My oldest are 14 and 13 and I’ve let them babysit their younger siblings (10, 8, 6, 4 and 3) for a couple years now, although we also have security cameras set up in the living room, kitchen and basement (our bedroom is locked if we aren’t home), so we can log in and see them and communicate with them through the cameras, so they have back up with their siblings. Mainly, its knowing your neighbors (if they’re the nosey, overprotective type that would call CPS or laid back and mind their own business). When we had a sitter, he would come from next door (behind his house) so no one ever saw him and one day the nosey people across the street called the cops saying the kids were alone. Sitter was here talking to hubby when they showed up!:rofl:

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In today’s world, I’m afraid to leave my 13 & 9 year old alone more than a couple hours.

I would say completely depends on their ability to look after themselves, if they have a phone to call you or emergency services if something were amiss, maturity

I feel like i was really young but i had siblings so i wasnt like alone alone. My daughter is 7 and i wont leave her alon longer than like a half an hour sometimes in the morning when my bf leaves for work and im on my way home. Id say kids are different tho. Mine freaks out when we have to do that. Which weve only done less than a handful of times in the last 6mos.


I would say like 15. I think the first time I was left home alone I was like 9 with my 3 other siblings (I’m the oldest) the youngest was 1

I would say 9 or 10 depending on if they are mature enough

13 is the legal age in NM

I was 9 I think ?
But very mature for my age

I was 10. I obviously couldn’t answer the door and if the phone rang I couldn’t answer it. I had one friend who knew to start leaving a message so I’d pick up

These people saying 7-9 are insane! And shouldn’t breed… like WTF is wrong with you. Leaving a child Alone any period is child endangerment/ neglect! Get a sitter or don’t go out simple as that! I was 11 my sister was 12 we still had a sitter on weekends during the week we was alone maybe an hour… That’s a normal age but each state has different laws. And they all do have set age limits if not they should! and none of them are freaking 7-9! Most are 12-14 Geezus y’all are so horrible.


You do all realise your commenting on a public post letting everyone know when your kids are home alone.


I was left home at around age 10 and regularly at middle school age 11. Started baby sitting for others at age 12.

In Australia you can not leave a child 12 and under without adult supervision. I wouldn’t feel comfortable doing it until the child was 12-13. My 12 year old just asked me last week when would I let her babysit her sisters 3&4 :flushed: um when you’re 18 dear…

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When you feel thier ready

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14/15 years however this is dependnt on their maturity and there abilities.

In England its 16 and over

6 months. After that that they can get a job and help out w diapers and formula,that shit is expensive. They can certainly watch themselves. Daycare aint cheap

I’m still scared mine will go outside if I shower before hubby gets here :person_facepalming: my babies are 10/7 years old…

Depends on maturity but is day as early as 10 as late as 13/14.

12 in ga.day cares only take them until 12 years.

Really depends on how responsible they are. I’d say around 10 if it’s a safe area. Shoot I was wayyyyyyyyy younger when I was left home alone haha.