Honestly its the difference of its being herpes virus simplex 1 or 2… 1 is not an std and is rarely transmitted.
I’ve got them my entire life a few a year, alot as a child, and my doctor prescribed valacyclovir and it’s a game changer. I take it if I feel one and boom it never comes up.
Just tell him to Google it
Cold sores are a type of herpes
Get a prescription for Valtrex. Works wonders.
I am like you I grew up with cold sores and at age 71 will on occasion get them. It is a herpes simplex virus and not the STD kind. You don’t get a simplex cold sore from having sex like you will an STD. What brings mine on are to much citrus, sunburns, sometimes stress. If I feel one coming on I will use ice or Abreva.
2 types of Cold Sores that you get on your mouth and facial kips and the other which is genital herpes and that will be what you partner is referring to.
Take the amino acid lysine it helps prevent breakouts
Ive heard that Everyone carries the virus. Only some show outward signs. I myself get them and have since I was a kid, My husband does not. Nor do any of my kids. I used hemp based chapstick or anything organic and it helps keep them away.
I get cold sores too…I literally had one after another for 6 months after I had my little girl. I get them all the time… if im run down, stressed or have my period. I personally don’t think of them like an std. Millions of people get them it is completely normal… id tell your boyfriend to grow up!!! Dont be stressing over something so silly !! X
Go to a pharmacy and get l-lysine …when u feel one coming on, take 2 and then 1 a day until u feel its gone… works a treat !!! X
Cold sores are not stds. But they can cause herpes if you don’t wash your hands after touching them. You can infect your partner if you have oral sex while suffering with a cold sore.
I’ve suffered from them since childhood . Stress, illness, being over tired can all cause an outbreak.
Most people carry the virus but may never experience an outbreak unless their immune system is weakened .
As a rule Drs wont give treatment but you can buy otc creams to be applied as soon as you feel that tingle. Applied early enough they will stop the outbreak happening. Ice works too .
They are a virus, a herpes virus but not the one people generally associate with sex. You can get them from drinking after someone. My daughter had them when she was a child. There is medication that stops them but tgey will recur with colds, fevers, stress etc. Ask your doctor about them. They are very common and chances are he has them too. Not many people haven’t had a cold sore. Sometimes they start with a fever blister. He needs to stop with such childish behavior and man - up. You need him now to help you , rather than put you down. Don’t allow him to disrespect you in such away. Getting a cold sore is not anything bad and you shouldn’t be made to feel bad over it, just because of his ignorance on the subject. You can catch strep throat from having sex or just kissing. Lots of things you can catch doing a lot less than sex. He needs to grow up!
And the hair loss is called postpartum alopecia, as much luster shine snd growth as it had, it will shed as well. All (most) women go through this. There is a shedding point after the baby is born.
And so good you know it’s PP and not just baby blues:+1:t5:
You’re doing great.
Talk with your doctor asap they can help you with your hormones/mood/depression
It’s not an std but since it’s contagious during the outbreak, avoid sharing stuff with others including sexual stuff because they can possibly get it in other places. I get them all the time when I’m stressed out so it’s not pleasant.
I too suffer with cold sores. Valeted does do wonders and stress is a big factor in getting them. Your boyfriend should love you unconditionally.
Get ur thyroid checked. It can cause changes in ur hair n hair loss
Herpes virus 1 is cold sores around mouth
Herpes virus 2 is genital
You need to have blood work done to confirm 2 unless you know you have an outbreak but 1 can turn into 2 if not careful when you have them
Pretty sure if you just had a baby though they would of told you as they test for them once pregnant because you have to have c-section (if you are having an outbreak)
Cold sores are technically in the same category as herpes just a different strain of the virus that causes genital herpes. It is passed from person to person through kissing, sharing foor or drinks. It is also the same virus that causes chicken pox so if you have had that before then no real reason for concern. Get a medicated lip balm or cream, don’t kiss or share food especially with children/infants, and try to destress. Stress can make them way worse.
Call GP and explain they will or should give you some tablets
Cold sores can be transmitted various ways … even by touch its herpes simplex virus but once its in ur system iy always will be … their are tons of different variations of herpes simplex tho for example if you’ve ever had chicken pox that is a form of herpes simplex Cold sore outbreaks are often triggered by exposure to hot sun, cold wind, a cold or other illness, a weak immune system, changing hormone levels, or even stress.
I get them when I get sick they are not stds.
When I feel a cold sore coming on I take the otc vitamin L-Lysine. It significantly lessons how long I have it and sometimes keeps me from getting a cold sore. It sucks and what sucks worse is many people carry the virus and don’t have sores so they don’t know. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for being human. Just don’t kiss baby and wash your hands if you touch your face because it is very contagious thru contact
HSV isn’t always passed through sexual intercourse. While it’s labeled as an STD, and so many think it’s “disgusting”, more than 73% of the world has HSV unknowingly. If you have a cold sore, you more than likely have HSV. And it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.
Call a PCP and maybe do some bloodwork, or discuss your concerns.
They are a virus. I get them when I am super stressed. Get some Abreva. It is expensive but it stops them in their track.
My daughter got them when she was a baby from drinking someone else’s bottle when I turned my head for a second to attend to my other child. Happened so fast and I feel guilty. The doctor said it’s the herpes virus but not in the same way as one would have it on Gentiles. It can be contagious the first 3 days. She also gets them once a year and I can sometimes catch it if she tells me when it comes up. It’s not a STD but it is a virus
Here is a little bit to read if interested:
Don’t touch your eyes or it will get in your eyes
I use abreva asoon as I feel one coming. For me stress brings one. I had to explain to my bf at the time that I couldn’t do what he wanted, because he could get my core sore down there.
I get them when my immune system is fighting off something else (cold, flu, stomach bug etc) My doctor knows about them and just prescribes me Valcyclovir when I call her. It makes the outbreak go away within like 2 or 3 days usually. Except im super unlucky and instead of getting them on my lip, they appear on my nose or under right eyelid
No cold sores are not a form STD.
You can find over the counter medication for cold sores to help lesson the symptoms.
You need to talk to your baby daddy about these things, whether or not he is immature enough to handle it because this can affect your babies health. If he isn’t mature enough to handle a conversation pertaining to your child’s health then I would seriously think about considering what kind of role he plays in your life in the future.
You can see a doctor and they can give you valtrax. Many times you can feel one coming on and take a pill before hand. The term ‘herpes’ has so much taboo around it, it maybe best to make an appointment and get you both tested and then have the doctor explain it so you don’t feel like you are the problem, because you are not!
Get yourself some L-lysine. Works wonders for cold sores.
And screw him if he doesn’t understand.
Tea tree oil and he’s rude sry
Get yourself some Zilactin! Our pediatrician recommended it for our son a couple years ago. He’s had one or two cold sores every year since he started Kindergarten. Zilactin has been our miracle gel! Ill post a picture under my comment.
Don’t kiss the baby !!
They are not a form of “stds” but it is of the herpes family if you would go down on aa girl while having a cold sore it can cause her to get a form of genital herpes it’s beyond complicated. But overall it isn’t a std because more than likely it wasn’t passed sexually my dad gets cold sores on his lip every few years usually when seasons are changing but he’s only ever been with my mom same as her only with him a doctor can explain so much better as long as their a educated one
you have the herpes simplex virus (usually HVS type 1 not to be confused with the STD u can call ur ob and they will explain
It’s a virus… Cold sore outbreaks are often triggered by exposure to hot sun, cold wind, a cold or other illness, a weak immune system, changing hormone levels, or even stress.
Hi there I’m in the dental field: cold sores are the Herpes Symplex 1- virus, although if you engage in sexual activity it could lead Herpes Symplex 2”(genital herpes) ” but normally it gets transferred from parent to child from kissing the child while a out break is starting or current. It’s easy to give to a child since the child is still developing antibodies to other virus. It can stay dormant for a lot and come out later in life. If your worried about the child refrain from kissing on like face etc… and sharing your spoons drinks straws etc… feel better more stress wakes it up .
My baby sister gets one every year , some people just get them it’s okay
They are the heroes virus. I get them too. They are in the heroes zoster family. Not the kind that you get on spring break😂
Stress, colds, etc will make them flare up.
Ugh! He’s being ignorant.
BUT for you, definitely go to the dermatologist and get Valtrex for when you feel one coming on, it will stop it!
Also, everyone has different triggers, mine is to muchnesses to Citrusy fruit (Oranges, orange juice, pineapple, etc), also wind and sunburns. I always take one before a long day in the sun, or when I was younger before going Snowboarding.
Just be careful, you can pass them on to your babies. Which is how I got it, and probably the same for you.
No…also try taking a lysine supplement at the first sign of a tingle. 500 to 1000 mgs daily. Seems to help stop them or speed healing if they do pop up. Of course do your own research, but I’ve seen this help someone personally.
I get them when I’m stress out! Hope your pp depression gets better, enjoy your baby. Tell your Dr. They will help.
It’s a form of HSV it’s very contagious. Please, Please, don’t kiss your baby you could potentially kill her/him. Their immune system is not able to handle the virus and could lead meningitis and other illness. You could have contracted it from eating, drinking, kissing someone when you were young. It can be transmitted about 2 wks before and after an outbreak.Stress and a low immune system promotes outbreaks.
Cold sores are apart of HSV but they are not only sexually transmitted. If you have had it since a child then likely you drank after someone or someone kissed you during an active time. So it’s not anything to be ashamed of. Yes it is contagious. So reframe from kissing him if one pops up but esp reframe from kissing your baby. As hard as that is! Best of luck and early application of treatment, I’ve heard helps tremendously
I’ve been getting cold sores since I’ve been about 6 years old on my lip, don’t they then often though and they definitely aren’t an STD
Cold sore outbreaks are often triggered by exposure to hot sun, cold wind, a cold or other illness, a weak immune system, changing hormone levels, or even stress. I have also had outbreaks from lip chaps/ lipstick since I stopped using them they have only been when I get sick.
I lost my daughter to this virus when she was a newborn. Hsv1 which is the ‘cold sore’ strain however if you have an active cold sore, this can be passed on to various parts of another’s body. Eyes, skin genitals etc.
I had to be tested during my second pregnancy to ensure it wasn’t me that has passed on this virus during childbirth. I don’t carry the virus at all so it came from someone else either kissing or touching my child when they had an active cold sore.
So technically he is right but if you research it, around 90% of adults actually carry the virus, it’s just whether it active in your system or not. X
No…not an std a virus…I contracted from drinking from a friend’s pop can. I get Valtrex from my dr… it is for std herpes but as soon as I feel the burn… I pop two and they don’t form!
Get to the Dr and get some valetrex and tell your boy to grow up and get educated. And don’t kiss your baby around the mouth, fingers, eyes. And don’t share your food/drink silverware with your little.
My mom gets them ALLLLL the time from stress. Has forever. So no its not an std but if you have an outbreak I wouldn’t perform any oral sex because they say it could lead to hsv 2.
Also it’s not safe to kiss your baby which I know is hard but if they catch it, it could be deadly
A some Google search will answer this question.
Your hormones could be putting you under the pressure where u feel embarrassed to tell him as like u stated at the moment u feel ugly hair falling out ect … when all woman go through some kind of change after having a baby … you maybe suffering with a little anxiety by the sounds if this post… I suffered bad with anxiety in was ashamed of these normal things that was happening … coldsores are hella normal
And your partner needs to realise people get them due to change if weather and under stress my mum gets them all over her lips and I get them if I’m near a certain flowers I got one other week but my whole mouth swelled up due to change of weather and air as I went on a seaside break x
Cold sores are a form of herpes Don’t kiss your baby & don’t give your man oral.
Please do not kiss your baby with a cold sore I get them very rarely mainly when I’m exhusted
They can be genetic I’ve been told. I get two flare ups a year, usually when the weather starts getting warmer and then again when it starts getting colder. I’ve had them since I was a kid too. Taking L-lysine and putting lemon balm on them can help reduce the size of them also rkaong l-lysine regularly can prevent them.
I used essential oils for cold sores I got from Etsy…they are amazing…I put it on as soon as I start to feel it coming and most times it just goes away and doesn’t come up at all! If it does, it’s a little dry spot like my lips are chapped for a day or 2… And no, it’s not an STD… They can be genetic. I’ve had them since I was young… My mom gets them and my grandpa did too… But, you can spread it during an outbreak just like any other virus… So you’ll just want to take precautions during those times.
Cold sore are not listed as an std but can be given through an active sore. I know someone that has hsv 1 on their private area because of a cold sore and now are positive for it. But in the genitals area. Please if you are an active stage you can pass it to your baby and it be life threatening to your baby
Have had them for years. Passed it somehow to my son. Must have kissed him as a baby…did not realize that until reading this thread. Just thought it was genetic. We take lysine and use Abreva. 2-3 days it’s gone. Use to last me several weeks before Abreva came along.
There are anti viral agents to treat cold sores with. I used to have them but took an antiviral agent and haven’t had one in years now.
Cold sores are not registered as an STD because you usually don’t get it sexually but it is herpes nonetheless ! And is always contagious through saliva but it is ok to kiss someone if you don’t have fever blisters present at the time. You can however pass it on by sharing something that mixed with your saliva like drinks, utensils, etc. Cold sores usually stay on the face and genital herpes usually stay below the waist but they can spread to other parts of the body if you touch a blister (especially an open one) and touch another part of your body if you don’t wash your hands right away. Other than that living with herpes isn’t as bad, it’s just the emotional stigma that comes with it and you feeling insecure sexually when you are diagnosed with either form of herpes. It is manageable and talking to someone or researching it helps. It is also crucial to telling someone you are sexually active with that you have herpes and let them make the decision whether or not they are comfortable going further with you and if they don’t, it’s ok, there are a lot of people that are and a lot of people that aren’t but it’s their choice and it shouldn’t affect you. It’s just important they know. But by now you’re partner definitely has hsv 1 from mixing your salivas together and knowing that, you can both take action on not passing it on to your children or other by not sharing anything that mixed with your saliva.
The sun can cause an outbreak as well, so using a chapstick with sunscreen helps. Ask your OB for valacyclovir and take them as directed immediately when you sense one coming. It helps tremendously with reducing the flare-up and healing.
I get cold sores 4 times a year. Not so much with the calendar change of seasons but with the actual temperature change of the season.
Be strong queen and do you . the cloudy days will end u will see blue skies soon. I know it. Youre baby needs u. Take care of his/her momma
Ask primary doc for Valtrex. Once daily. Been on it for years. Same issue. Used to take only at an outbreak but she changed to it to daily. Haven’t had a cold sore in 2 years. Also orajel makes a cold sore cream it’s a tiny tube. About 18 dollars. It shortens the grossness if you can’t get valtrex. Feel your pain love.
I usually get them once a year after getting sick or really stressed out. After i had my daughter i got them every couple weeks. I was always so stressed out. I didnt get any help from my partner and was depressed. Just dont kiss your baby😔
They are two major type of the herpes virus HSV 1 this strain causes cold sores. The second type of herpes is HSV 2 thus one is spread through sex not through the lips or mouth. If you you have any of these. When you you feel this coming on take 1000 milgram of Lysine, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin E this will keep it a bay. Cold sore usually only happens when your stress ir worried about coming up.
Stress can bring them on
Do NOT kiss your baby with a cold sore. It’s
so dangerous
You lack vitamin c drink some pure orange juice on a regular basis , does really help
Do not kiss your baby if you think you have a cold sore. I can be so dangerous for babies. Perhaps contact a doctor for advice x
Having a cold sore doesn’t necessarily mean you have an std, but you can still pass it along by saliva, unprotected sex (oral) or skin to skin contact. It is caused by the herpes simplex virus (hsv1) so when you do have a flare up, do NOT kiss that baby.
Don’t kiss the baby, tell that man to educate himself and get over it. It’s a cold sore… soooo many people are infected with HSV 1 or 2 and sometimes both without even knowing it. It’s unfortunate, uncomfortable but really just a part of life
I got my first cold sore when i was in 4th grade. I absolutely hated my school career because i got picked on so bad, especially all through high school. Kid’s were jerks. I started taking Valacyclovir HCL a few years ago and it has worked wonders. I haven’t had an actual outbreak since i started that medication.
i’ve had my whole life!! more around the time i had my kiddos, i’m not sure if i’ve had one in awhile! knock on wood my youngest is four. i take Valtrex the second i think i’m getting one …. 2 pills 2 a day for like 4 days than 1 2 times a day for a few days, i always keep a script on hand!! but really your man should know, tell him you have has as a child, usally they come out every now and than as an adult
It’s a virus that lays dormant stress may cause break outs and if you significant other is that cruel you might wanna rethink your situation good luck and hope things get better for you sooner than later
Same since I was like 5 yrs old it’s Not an std but I recommend refrain from any sexual activities until it’s fully healed No kissing the baby either wash your hands after you apply meds as well I was the same I didn’t want to tel my SO but he had to know including hide it I just told him I’ve had them since I was little I get them when I stress or when I get sick it’s normal some ppl just have the gene in them
Dip the end of a cotton swab in tequila and dab the cold sore for about twenty minutes (just watch a movie or something), and it should be gone in about an hour.
Not an STD. They are usually caused by stress or Trauma and once you have one it will happen again… I always get them when I get sick
I’ve had cold sores( fever blisters) on my lips since teen years.
Usually stress related, or too much sun. I use Zovirax cream but the absolute best is called Curasore, …it has ether in it. Used to get OTC but now order from Amazon. Literally had one come up one morning. Gone next morning.
I take lysine also.
Take some Lysine to prevent cold sores or at the onset of the cold sore.
Please make sure your Dr knows your ppd they can help treat it so u don’t feel so over whelmed join some mommy groups some are really good,an ur bf even though young should be understanding if he lives you and the baby that some of the things you have going on stress won’t help but if he helps support you and is a lil living you will feel better too hair loss is sometimes natural after birth your body went through alot…vitamins can help
Post partum is natural hunny and sometimes its worse for some moms than others. I would talk to your Dr about it and they can help you figure out the best options and there are a lot of fb support groups for moms that help a lot. There is a new moms groups and even a formula feeding support group for example. As for your cold sore the Lysine works great for people. I don’t personally get them but I know those that do and that is what they take.
Type 1 is very common and most people don’t know they have it and won’t show any signs and it’s even more common to have got them as a child. But yes they can be transferred to type two through sexual contact and stress will trigger an outbreak. Go ahead and get the cream they sell at the store to help and have him read up on it so he can better understand that type 1 isn’t an std but type two and how they can be transferred. It’s gonna be ok, don’t stress yourself about it and give yourself some time to rest and self care:purple_heart:
Abreva is the best to use if u have a cold sore my hubby uses it he said he starts to get like a tingle letting him know its gonna pop up do he starts putting abreva on it. Also my hubby has always had it ive been with him over 16 years and ive never got anything from him he just avoids kissing til its gone.
It’s a type of herpes virus but not necessarily sexually transmitted. Someone with an outbreak kissed you, shared a drink, chapstick or something and passed the virus to you. As long as you are very cautious when you have a breakout you can keep your partner from getting them. Always be very careful with children and babies when you have a breakout.
It’s not an STD but can be transferred. A lot of the population has them. They are pretty common. Seems like you want to rethink being with him if he’s cruel to you about this and please get the PP treated. You deserve a good quality of life for you and your baby.
First mamma take a deep breath uve just grown a human and given birth there isn’t a mam alive who doesn’t feel insecure or unsure of themselves or there body after uve just given birth its okay this feeling will pass and if it doesn’t go to the doctor and explain how u feel its not an std however it can be passed on if u get one don’t kiss babs until it is gone or any blowing out ur hubby’s candle til it is gone and rest and relax as much as u can and enjoy ur new baby don’t worry about ur other half for a bit he can take care of himself he should be focusing on taking care of u and ur new baby right now and sending u a massive hug and ask ur doctor for folic acid tablets will help with ur hair loss and that will stop too in a little bit it always happens after uve had a baby
I got my first cold sore around 4 or 5 yrs old, from a innocent kiss from a relative. Probable from my mom or grandma. Tell him to grow up.
There not actually STDs. They are part of the herpy virus family. So if you have one or feel like one is coming on don’t go donate blood as it will show a herpi virus is in your system.
They are usually triggered by stress or change in extreme weather.
YOU DO NOT have an STD, there just cold sores. You just can’t get dental work done with them. Your partner will understand, just explain to him especially if he knows you are going through postpartum depression. That due to changes in stress ect because of it that you are experiencing some cold sores and that you use to get it as a kid.
I know how embarrassing it is but he will understand.
I know what it was like when I got one being with my partner. But just be honesty and tell him that you’ve gotten them as a kid due to stress ect and your know experiencing it now with postpartum depression.
Cold sores are herpes simplex (type 1). Babies can get the virus from their mother during birth. The virus can stay dormant in your system for long periods of time; in fact, some people never even know they have it. Stress can cause outbreaks.
You do NOT need to be ashamed for having them. However, your boyfriend needs to grow up and be supportive of you.
I use lysine and it helps so quick. I also get them when I’ve been swearing alot and wiping my face and when I’m stressed
I’ve had a recurring one on the same spot on my lip since I was a kid. Got it from drinking from my mom’s tea glass when she had one. The mouth cold sores are herpes simplex 1 and the other kind is simplex 2 (sexually transmitted). I take a Valtrex
when I feel one coming on my lip and it stops it from breaking out. Read up and know your facts so you can be firm in telling him the difference !
Mine only trigger if i eat/drink anything citrus, like oranges and grapefruit.
It took me a while to figure what triggered them, but i haven’t had one in 2 years since i now stay away from anything citrus.
Well it can transfer to his genitals and lips so it’s not an std but it can be an issue for him
I get a cold sore in my nostril and it’s annoying but yes they are contagious and they are form of herps
It is a herpes virus. When they break and the fluid comes out it can spread.