What are safe stool softeners to take while pregnant?

A little TMI. I’m pregnant and 36 weeks. I’m in need of stool softeners but don’t know which ones to get. Any recommendations? My OB got me a list of the things that I’m allowed to take that are otc and one of them is stool softeners but it doesn’t say specific ones. Need them ASAP.

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Miralax. Used it and everything worked successfully in less than 10 hours. Still use it to this day since I still have bad constipation even after my son was born. Highly recommended.

Smooth Move tea- 2 cups (organic aisle) or brown sugar with flax 3-4 cookies in your grocery cookie aisle. Worked like a charm for me.

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Go to the pharmacy and ask

Restoralax for pregnant women! I am taking 17gr dissolved in a water daily as well. Just delivered a baby but was constipated entire third trimester and postpartum now.

I just went to the pharmacy and asked which ones they would recommend because I’m pregnant as well and have been having constipation issues. They picked up the generic brand and said these are ok to take.

Colace is the brand name or docusate sodium if you get a generic brand

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Taco bell? Lol, jk. I hope you find relief soon.

If I remember right I just did the store brand ones. I dont think it matters. But you can always call your ob or the nurse line if u have questions

Pretty much any stool softener. Try senocot. That’s what my doctor gave me.

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Be careful of taking too much. Because it could start labor since your already 36 weeks. Go by your OB advice

Physillim husk. It’s the main ingredient of metamusel  but without any fillers or chemicals

If you like oatmeal,that will work too eat some everyday

Senna tablets…works wonders.

I took colace after pregnancy. Ask the pharmacist

Colace is a gentle one and what the hospital gives you