What are the early signs of pregnancy?

so obviously I know to take a pregnancy test. and to see a doctor. but I’m waiting another week before I take a test. I just want to see if other people went through similar things and what their outcome was. last month (January) I had my period 3 different times so clearly my ovulating tracking and things like that were off. it’s not almost the end of February and I have yet to have a period. I don’t feel bloated but my tummy does feel different. I have felt nauseous the last few days. and slight cramping here and there. my boyfriend and I have actively been trying to get pregnant. could there be a chance I am?? has anyone went through something similar?


I think there’s a chance. My periods before I got pregnant were a little weird I had a 3 day period then the next month I was pregnant. My stomach felt different too. I just knew I was pregnant before I took the test. But I suggest to wait to get excited til you test.

Sounds like it may be a positive to me too

I got a positive dollar store test 4 days after I was supposed to start my period and it was right, I would get a handful of tests and take one now and another every few days :blush:

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I didn’t have a period for 6 months and I now have a happy healthy 5 year old miracle!

Try a dollar store test

Don’t get your hopes up. I’m having two periods a month spotting even. Period comes when it wants. Been 9 days late for the last 3 months. Did like 50 tests and all negative. Then went to the doctor those were negative too. It’s your bodies way of saying your levels arent right. Estrogen etc. I’m having other issues too but don’t get your hopes up. Do a home test and then get into your doctor and tell them your results. It could be your pregnant and early. Or your levels are off and they would put you on birth control to get them leveled out so you could have a healthy pregnancy after

Might be a chance or just pms. Its a 50/50 shot. But i did have a similiar experience when i found out i was pregnant with my son. I jad my period twice in one month which was odd I’m very regular… Come the next month no period took a test and positive. I was nauseous, heavyness in my uterus, pain in breasts, smell heightened. I just knew before i took the test. My experience with him was way different than my daughter(who was born before him) each pregnancy is different.