What are the signs of Autism?

I can’t believe someone would say thing so ugly and rude to you. That is absolutely disgusting. I have found with my own boys are WAY more hyper and can’t focus like girls. I am not a doctor but I don’t understand how any doctor could diagnose a child so young! I am co star my redirecting my son. This is a frustrating one for them because they understand everything but can’t voice what they want. Try sign language and getting him so exhausted through out the day with different stimulating activities. Good luck mama

Start recording it when it happens.
Get a journal and write down when he starts screaming or tantruming. Keep track of what he was doing, what he ate, what he drank, time of day, clothes he was wearing, lotions, shampoos, medications etc.
you’ll start to notice patterns. It could be autism. It could be allergies. It could be a medical issue triggered by something else.
I’d also establish a concrete routine so he always knows what’s coming next. That should help a lot.
Once you’ve found some of the patterns and gotten video evidence, take it to your doctor.
Best of luck :heart:


Have you thought about food allergies? He could actually be in pain & the only way he know is to scream. How does he act angry, other than screaming?


Maybe he learned even at that young of an age that the screaming is getting attention. Whether it be positive or negative it’s still attention. It’s normal not to talk at that age. My son didn’t until almost 2 and he’s fine today at 12. My daughter screamed like that in the car. She just hated car rides that much. Or the car seat idk.

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To be completely honest if you are stressed out your child will pic up on it and act out accordingly. My child does exactly the same thing when I am stressed.
When I am not stressed my child is absolutely fine.

If you are in doubt see a paediatrician or neurologist because it could be something else.

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I would talk to your pediatrician and get your child tested. Not ask strangers in the internet

I would rule out anything physically wrong first. It could be an allergy or maybe he has severe gas. He is still a baby. Some kids are more trying than others. Give yourself grace little momma. You are not failing your son in anyway!! I agree with others on here. Start documenting behavior so your pediatrician can see. If they won’t listen get a second opinion. Praying you get some answers.


U doctor needs to run some test cause that’s not normal, do u have help

Sounds almost exactly how my daughter acted as a baby…she’s 14 now and was diagnosed with 2 types of adhd when she was small. She wouldn’t talk much, just grunt and point at things…she never crawled, went straight to walking . She didn’t watch anything on TV for more than a few minutes at a time…she was 6 or 7 before she ever watched a movie all the way through. The only way I could calm her and get her to sleep was a full body massage…I’d use lavender lotion and start at her feet and go up her legs, arms, back, head. Even her hands. She has very poor social skills now so I sometimes wonder if she’s also got a touch of autism although she’s never been diagnosed. Her doctor told me at a year old he thought she had ADHD but couldn’t legally diagnose yet at that age. Ignore everyone else and just love him. That’s all any of us can do with our kids, and it’s what they need and thrive on the most.


My son is autistic and he won’t look at u directly wasn’t verbal till almost 3 and he didn’t speak actual words. Tantrums

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My son screamed like that. Could not take him in the car as he would scream from the second you put him in till taking him out. Hated shopping too it seemed. Would scream the second I put him in the buggy till we left the store. It was so hard! My older daughter (2.5 years older) was the only one that could calm him. I felt like the worst mother ever! He also had night terrors. Oh gosh! Those were so bad! :frowning: The only time he was happy was with his older sister. BUT he grew out of all of it. He was a slow speaker as well. Dr.'s kept telling me he was perfectly normal. Turns out, they were right! He’s 17 now. The best kid ever! Has been since he was about 4. Finally grew out of the screaming fits and no car rides, even started to enjoy shopping :slight_smile: Give it time momma! I’m certain he’ll grow out of this stage. And who knows, it could very well be teething! My son started teething at 1 month old. 2 teeth at 2 months, 4 at 4 months and a full set before he was 1 year! Dr.'s assumed all that screaming must have been the teething and the growth spurts. btw, people told me the same things about my son, but he’s never tested positive for anything <3 Give it some time

See a neurologist not Facebook!!!


He will grow out of it !

Use your phone and video some of these events. Start a detailed journal with times of eating, what it was, potty and sleep and play. Eliminate sugar and gluten. You really have to document everything or the Dr and Nurse may think your exaggerating. Good luck.


Hey hes stil very young. And it can be normal behaviour. Not talking is a thing and frustration is making him scream. Hows his hearing? Is it his only form of attention. Not being rude. Is he in pain. Is it after a certain time/food tiredness?

I think the advice that Ashley Savanna Martin has given is spot on. As also others here bout keeping detailed documents. You need keep a journals.

Dont stress it mumma. Take few deep breaths. And repeate.
Dont allow another parent take away the feel good factor of being his mumma.
Enjoy the nicest bits.

Hugs sent.

Do you have boundaries with him ? If he is left to run wild he will. Take to a child psychologist and they can run sone basic tests, and give you some more options

I would start recording him when he is doing the concerning things you’re talking about and show the doctor…


I’m not much help here but I’ll definitely say some prayers. Get two, three, four doctors opinions and specialists. I’m so sorry about this.

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He’s a baby! I’m a mom of 4 & he is most likely fine! One of ours was very much that way. He is now our sweet little wild man but there was a phase that was miserable. Sounds like a normal infant approaching toddlerhood to me :slightly_smiling_face:

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Is 11 month not fairly normal for this sort of behaviour? I’d they can’t verbalise it yet, they scream and cry.

My son has always been like this he’s 3 now and I’m still trying to find answer (his doctors suspect something) but they won’t assess him until he starts school (prep) hang in there Mumma you can do this your doing the best you can I know it’s incredibly difficult but you’ll get there and find the answers. Good luck! :heart:


My son was like that from birth. We had a feeling something wasn’t right. But was told a diagnosis can’t be done till he was at least 5 years old. He was a nightmare at nursery and school. He was diagnosed eventually when he was about 7/8. Took a lot of fighting to get it though.


My daughter is 3 and currently awaiting diagnosis. I would say the only signs at 11 months was that she didn’t make eye contact and answer to her name and shes always rocked back and forth. Her meltdowns etc didn’t start til around 2 years old so it could be completely normal behaviour for an 11 month old. If in doubt I would contact your health care professional and ask what they think.

my niece is Autistic. Autistic children have many behaviors that aren’t that of a baby that doesn’t have Autism and it is very noticeable. If this child is Autistic the sooner he is diagnosed the sooner he can begin therapy, which goes a long way in making sure that he will be able to function better in school as well as everyday life. The first place you should start is by contacting your local SSI Office. You likely will have to continue to contact various organizations multiple times until you can get someone to evaluate your son. Also contact the Autism Speaks Organization and ask how you can arrange for your son to be evaluated.

My child never acted that way at the doctor’s either… They either said they were odd or they’re just super creative. Well, I won’t go into the awful details but I’m blessed to still have my child with me this morning and it became more obvious now that they’re 12. Now the doctors see it… just keep looking for answers and advocate for your child. The answers will show up eventually. Hugs mama

You. Are not. Doing anything wrong. Call his pedi and get a referral for a psych evaluation or ECI helps with kids under 3.

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Someone tag amber-leigh Marie she knows all about this😊

Take him to see a paediatrician in case he has any health issues, and it’s certainly far too young to get a diagnosis of any kind. Maybe he has some sensory issues but time will tell. Lots of love to both of you. Tell your so-called friends to either offer support or STFU… people are so rude.

Get an evaluation. Early Intervention is very important. The earlier the Intervention, the better the outcomes!


Copy this post in an email to the pediatrician and they will give you medical advice


Ask if there’s a pediatric neurodevelopmental clinic in your area if not ask for a referral! :heart:

My son was like that and now he’s seven and he’s kind of mellowed out my two-year-old daughter is like this and I’m just gonna see if when she gets older if she’ll mellow out to some kids are more hyper than other kids and people just need to mind their own business honestly it shouldn’t be like oh your kid they don’t act like that that’s not normal they just try to make you feel like a horrible person are you so people tell me that all the time Some kids are hyper than others and you know he might be autistic and he might not be

Why haven’t you taken him to a specialist???

That sounds more than adhd. I have adhd and so does my son. That sounds more along the lines of autism as those symptoms sound a lot like sensory overload kinda thing. I had a client who was severe autistic and she would be calm and a big rocking in her chair then just start screaming. Her anxiety and sensory overload was just so overwhelming for her and her being nonverbal, she could only scream

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Video his episodes and show a pediatrician the tantrums. Maybe there is a medicine that can calm your son down.

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Children feed-off their parents’ emotions and he may be reacting to your own anxiety. Having said that, early intervention is key in dealing with ASD and behavioral issues, so he needs to be evaluated ASAP. Contact his pediatrician; don’t waste anymore time.

So you’d rather ask fb than just get him assessed?

If possible record the behaviour as much as you can than seek medical help try looking at the child’s diet. Is there a daily routine. When is the child most relaxed. Do they have trouble getting to sleep. Does he sleep for a good amount of time does he like music. As this may help in relaxing him. These are only suggestions ok always seek medical advice. Get a referral to a Pedertrican first to make sure that he is ok physically than to a Behaviour specialist and see what they can pick up on.

Document what is going on right before each episode, during and after. Shoot take a video with your phone at different times of the day.
Does he ever seem like he’s in pain in any part of his body? Like he’s having shooting pains or something? I wonder if some neurological could be happening?
I’d get him checked out and ask for referrals to a neurologist and other specialist. Just to rule out things if anything.

I have 2 ASD kids and both are extremely different from each other and how they present. It’s possible your bubby is but first have you ruled out any other issues. Can he hear properly or is he getting ear infections with teething? Any other physical issues you can think off to rule out first? If you rule out anything else than maybe you will be able to get the doctors to pay attention to your concerns. It was hard for me to get anyone to listen to my concerns until my oldest was at school and his teacher saw his behaviour and wrote a letter that I took with me to the doctor. It sucks but I needed someone else in a position of authority to back me up to get listened to. Good luck

Video him throughout the day. My oldest son was like that. He was born with the cord around his neck 5 times and the last wrap had a knot in it. Today he is 50 years old and very hyper/ emotional but has no real feelings about anything. Show your doctor how he acts out and if he won’t help you go to another doctor. Gods blessing to you to get your child the help that he needs.

Record his behaviors and meet with a developmental pediatrician. Also if you are in a US state w an early intervention program, they will evaluate -not for a specific diagnosis- but for any therapy needs necessary to get him to meet his milestones and exhibit age appropriate behavior. Thats really all he needs until school age. By then he will need a proper diagnosis.

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No doctor will diagnose adhd is in a child that young. And if they do get a second opinion. 4 years old minimum for that kind of diagnosis if your lucky. Maybe he has a sensory processing disorder. See if there is birth to three program in your area. They have OT’s, Pt’s and speech therapists. They can provide more insight .

Record some video for the docs that will help in the long run

In Northern Delaware, we have a Children’s Hospital called A.I. Dupont. If you can get somewhere like that, request an evaluation.
I think that they have “Play Rooms” with a “mirror” going to the next room so they may observe situations as these among others.
I hope You get answers Sooner.
Blessed Be.

My son was the same in a lot of ways and he’s perfectly normal. I put him in Speech therapy and O.T. and it has worked WONDERS!! He’s almost 4yrs old and I had people tell me he’s “ADHD.” But MY opinion is ALL kids has a little bit of ADHD. It’s normal for them.
I’ve had to give my son more attention and it’s helped A LOT!!