What are the signs of Autism?

Hi , I work with children with autism. All children are unique in their own way with autism or not and we are all on the spectrum . They say with autistic children that they don’t use alot of eye contact can be unemotional but very bright and when they are learning about something they are interested in, get a little obsessed about it .
There is so much information and help out there for you and him :slightly_smiling_face:

Red flag watch for our no eye contact doesn’t do well change loud place crowds. And autism doesn’t mean dumb they are just very senstive to these things.my friend son has and does good for most part has problem in these area.the more u know better it be to help in those places they steps tool to help. Evualte first step

my son has dyspraxia he had a vocabulary of two words at age 5 which were No and MAMAMAMA.He went to a deaf school and used sign language as a form of communication.Once he learned a sign he would try and say that word.He is 24 years old now.Some words are still difficult for him and some strangers have a hard time understanding him.

My son has high functioning autism. He prefers not to interact with others sometimes and sometimes he’s happy to be around others. He’s verbal and very smart (4th grade level math in kindergarten). The things he struggles with most are usually social interaction, things that are not logical, and he is very picky about what clothes he wears. In kindergarten, he would engage in parallel play (playing beside others) more than directly playing with others. Honestly, every individual with autism can have very different traits and it’s really nothing to feel like a failure for. The way I look at it is, he may need to do things in a different way like using speech to text instead of typing or writing out words, have a specific routine, or have a special place he can go when he is feeling overwhelmed. It takes time to figure out what is best, but it’s worth it. The most important thing is to remember that different doesn’t mean less, you are doing exactly what you are supposed to do, and you will learn how to meet his needs in the best possible way.


Hi there! I work in an Autistic Support Classroom. Where I live, they don’t evaluate kiddos, until the age of three and rarely diagnosis before 5. Children all develop at their own pace. I am not qualified to make any diagnosis, but encourage you to not be afraid. There is no harm in getting a referral from his pediatrician. The earlier you start services, the better and it sounds like you’re right on track​:heart: Take a deep breath and remember that you know your son best of all. He may be introverted, like my oldest son. Does he enjoy playing with you and your family? Whatever you find out, just know that he’s perfect :slightly_smiling_face:


Don’t feel like a failure, you’re doing great! But there is no harm in getting it checked out. My 7 year old had speech delay and I was concerned with Autism as well. Come to find out he has hearing loss in his left ear. It wasn’t detected till he was 6. But after hearing aides he improved tremendously. Best of luck!!

My son has autism.
Have him tested with a developmental psychologist. They will say of more services are needed. The earlier, the better.
Speech is often the first stop long the path to getting diagnosed. If ST mentioned it. then it’s likely true and they are trying to ease you into it. I’ve recommended many a teacher and friends along the same path.


I can say that my son has autism but is also extremely intelligent and is in talented and gifted classes.
He didn’t talk until he was almost 4 and even then it was just minimal vocabulary.
He did speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and mental health therapies.
My son still doesn’t interact with others unless he’s really curious.
My son is 10 (almost 11) now.


When my niece was a toddler, my brother was concerned because she wasn’t talking. He mentioned this to my mom, who told the little girl “will you go into the bathroom and get grandma that blue washcloth from the sink?” When she came back with the washcloth, my mom handed it to my brother, smiled and said “she’s fine. You worry too much.”


Trust what is being said by a speech therapist. My son is also a very smart boy who has autism. And it manifests itself in different ways. There are several different tells for autism. However lack of speech at 3 is definitely one. My son had lack of speech until he was 5. The earlier the intervention the better the outcome. If you are wary take him to his pediatric care provider and request that he is seen by a developmental pediatrician. If he needs more testing as is usually the case in such young kids they will have him see a specialist. They look at eye contact and the ability to mimic words and vocalization. It is not lab test like blood work or anything. It can’t hurt to have him seen.


I kept telling my Pediatrician something was odd about my son. Possibly Autism. They said he had good eye contact and blew it off. Later I had him seen by a therapist. I was right. He makes perfect eye contact. Is extremely intelligent. Very verbal. Goes to PreK with an aid. Kindergarten next year. In a regular room but seeing special teacher for an hour a day in a sensory room. He’s a great, loving kid.

Talk to the therapist as to what the exact signs he is showing and make sure you share it with your regular doctor. Just because he’s showing signs doesn’t mean he’s Autistic. Have him checked out by professionals in that field, if you can, and see what you can learn to help.


Get a referral to see a neurologist. There are other disorders that cause speech delay. Therapy helps but may need medicine
IMPORTANT. MY pediatrician told me to wait. She was wrong. Do not delay.

My boy is 4 and he’s slow to talk as well. He does say words, and whispers a lot. (He was also born with CDH and spent time in the nicu.) I’m not too concerned, because he can understand everything you say to him, he follows directions, he plays with his siblings and he talks more to his sister Haylee than anyone haha. I just figure he has a bunch of big siblings to talk for him, and we’ve always kind of babied him since he wasn’t expected to survive. I think he’ll catch up eventually when he’s ready.


First off your doing a great job. The part of parenting that never goes away is the worry if your doing it right… which is different for every family…love and your time is there so your all good the rest will work it self out…

My daughter was a drug addict her son was exposed to drugs I got custody He was speech delayed started speech therapy early like 2 years old
He is not autistic but is currently in
Preschool special Ed with other autistic kids I notice they aren’t that verbal I would ask your local school district for guidance and hopefully your child can get the needed therapy

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My son has severe autism and I have high functioning autism it is nothing to be worried about even tho he may have difficulty’s as long as you love and support him he will improve my son is 5 and just started talking the last year. Sign language helps too. And some people with autism have a slow start but learn quick after a bit you will have a strong child there are some perks to having these types of differences. Just love support and nuture the child like any mother does all will be well and it will help them grow because even tho they seem different to others they will be the same to you and that normalcy helps them alot


Best advice from a 79 year old granny. When worried go straight to pediatrician for answers. And follow their advice. The earlier you identify problems, the faster and easier to correct and/or find solutions. And a second opinion doesn’t hurt in the early stages of whatever it is. God bless you.


My son went to a speech therapist too and she suspected Autism. I didn’t believe her. But he got diagnosed as having Asperger Syndrome. That was at 3 years old he is now 22.

Does he need his tongue clipped? Also, some children just don’t talk until they want to. I would be hesitant without other symptoms to label him as autistic. I would certainly seek other opinions.

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If you have a speech therapist that is picking up on signs of autism I would check it out. Autism comes in many forms and these kids are very smart. If he should check out to be on the spectrum the earlier you know the better. I have a son who is 30 and is a non verbal. The earlier the intervention the better.

I had a friend who’s son didn’t talk at three she asked me to watch after her return homy 2-3 hrs later he was sparky because they spoke they intermited his vocals ex do you want milk he shook his head yes voila why speak ! I would say milk he would shake his head I would say say milk. That was the beginning of course his parents were astonished he’d in college now older siblings will speak for younger ones no they can speak they just don’t have to Grandma advice no hurt trying and the best of luck

My son was misdiagnosed at the age of 4. Saying he was ADHD, ADD. Our family doctor told us this. When he was 10 a child neurologist diagnosed him with mild Tourette’s. Just be careful, so many are misdiagnosed


Autism is a medical diagnosis.Research indicates early intervention is the key.Get him to a pediatrician that is familiar with autism.Dont speak for him .Show him pictures, you name , he makes some attempt to name.Therw is an evaluation tool called the Conners, which you fill out and the doctor fills out. If he is in any type of preschool they would also fill it out.It is a screening tool.Just an fyi, I taught students with autism for 10 years.


It all depends on the child. If you are wanting the best advice, check with your pediatrician. I know it’s causing a black hole of concerns and what ifs. But it’s always best to check with your dr.


I wouldn’t worry when he is ready he will speak. Dose he have brothers or sisters sometimes they dominate their younger siblings. My friends daughter was the boss over he little brother when we would ask him something she would answer. P. S they also speak 2 languages in their house.

My daughter didn’t talk much. We found out she had hearing problems that we were able to treat.

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They can test for autism at age 2. Have him tested then you will know for sure. I have 2 great grandsons that are on the spectrum and are both non verbal.

I have a child with autism he is non verbal I would be happy to answer any questions you may have

Spectrum Mom here. My son is extremely intelligent, had no speech delays, whistled songs at 9 months old, the younger they get to Occupational therapy the better! The younger to a pre K/ Headstart program for social interaction the better. Seek out your pediatrician first and tell them your concerns, an occupational therapy evaluation would be best, if your speech therapist has concerns it is worth looking into.

I had issues with my son who no dr could ever tell me what was worng he would not talk at all bout a mouth ago we found out he was tounge tied and he just had surgery but started to see impovements to speech in him and the drs said the same thing he had signs of autism but they would never fully diagnoses him with it he is 7 bout to turn 8 now

My son was a late talker he didnt talk till he was about 4 and start VPK being around the other kids helped

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Autism has nothing to do with intelligence. Many smart and successful people are suspected or even confirmed to be on the autism spectrum, for example Bill Gates, Albert Einstein, and Temple Grandin. It does mean early intervention for treatment and therapy, so I would take to your son’s therapist about what they are seeing that raises red flags and how to test for it. Yes, some kids develop slower than others but if it isn’t Autism, then testing for it will only rule it out. It is not painful, you can be in the room most of the time, and it will be explained to you along the way. Best wishes.

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Talk to your pediatrician before advice on FB. You need to get your mind relieved and proper therapies besides speech if a problem. I have a grandson high functioning Aspergers and has a job, drives, buying own home and extremely intelligent. They could check his hearing as well as could be less serious like needing tubes. I am an RN so have some experience in medicine.

Speech therapy is not enough for these kids. I added Occupational Therapy along with Speech Therapy and it made a lot of difference. It reinforced and reprogrammed his brain. My son understood information but had trouble responding to the information… it was like a block that kept him from talking. The OT and Speech working together opened those blocked censors to where he began to speak and learn words. He is high functioning Aspergers. Works full time married and has a son.

Is he stimming? Moving his hands wringing them or touching the back of his head messing up his hair. That’s one sign of autism and reluctance to make eye contact and be touched. The best advice is to check with your doctor for testing.

My boys barely talked before the age of 5. Now they’re 10 and one is in advanced English classes. It could be something, could be nothing. Only time will tell. At least you’re taking the step of speech classes, either way it will be good for him.

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Most children with autism are very smart. Especially ones that are very high functioning. But I would definitely listen to what the speech therapist is saying.

Talk to your pediatrician if you are worried. I knew my youngest was more than likely to be labeled phonological dyslexic before he even started preschool, he had zero interest in stories or anything to do with learning his letters. He was tested by a well respected behavioral pediatrician and I was right.

My daughter has autism, she was speaking at 18 months. My one granddaughter was 3 1/2 before she said one word and then all of a sudden started speaking in full sentences as if she had been talking for years. (We didn’t take her to a speech therapist) we let her develop on her own. She has no signs of autism or aspergers. Of course my child with autism didn’t show signs until 6 years of age.

I have two sons with autism on different parts of the spectrum. They are both very smart. Autism isn’t a bad thing. It’s just different.

Have his hearing checked, my grandson speech was delayed , because he had hearing issues

My eldest son is also turning 3, when he was 1 year and half he stop showing developments, he already saying 3 words like mama and baba and eventually not saying them anymore until now and he start showing the symptoms of autism flapping hands, doing repeatedly movements, showing no interest to play with other kids, hitting his head and having this sensory issue specially when it comes to food. We actually have 3 languages at home since my husband is arabic. I have him checked with the child psychologist and waiting for the final diagnosis and it is taking quite long as we still need to come back for more assessments to have the final results and patiently waiting what are the next steps. I also keep reading articles before about autism and child behavior but still it is best to seek professional help. Just stay positive and we will get through this eventually.

How dose he ask for water or a toy he can’t reach or a cookie? you need to make him say the word before giving it to him.

Early Intervention is the key. Better to know for sure than to let more time go by. Good luck

Many autistic children are quite bright!! I work with a 6 year old autistic child who is surrounded by English speakers but taught himself Spanish and Arabic and sign language! So he certainly can be bright and also autistic. Do you see the red flags she mentioned?

My son has what is called verbal apraxia . He will soon be 18 . But he didn’t have a voice until the age 3. It took him till age 5 to just say mommy. From age 5-8 he could only say 1 word at a time . He still cannot go above a 3sound syllable. The biggest Sign to this was if he said a word and it was clear and I ask him to repeat the word he wouldn’t be able to . As long as the word popped out of his mouth he was good but to have think what he was saying the words could not come out of his mouth . Just something else to look into besides autism . My son has a severe case of verbal apraxia . I understand how frustrating you can feel .

Put Blippy on the TV, see if that helps or other educational shows. Our grandson was 2 last October and not talking he just started about January so there is hope and we too suspect high functioning autism is a possibility

I am saying that a person with 20 years working with children with high needs and assessing them

To be honest he could have asbergers which affects a child’s socializing and sometimes speech it’s a type of autism u should have him tested as soon as u can and he may just be late developing

First, do not feel guilty or blame yourself for anything.

Autism is sneaky…often children develop along a typical path and either slowly stop progressing or start regressing. Many are not diagnosed for the same reasons you mentioned, boys talk later, or family remember mom or dad did not talk until they were much older…socially they don’t connect like other children, again reasons of being shy or not around children their own age, or like now - COVID lockdown.

By all means, have your son tested. It is not painful at all. Should he come up with a diagnosis immediately contact a autism support group in your city. There are parent that have walked in your shoes and can save you time, anxiety and money.

They can refer you to doctors that know how to work with kids and families, agencies that will provide intervention therapies at low or no cost, and when he goes to school they will help you tremendously in being an advocate for your son.

A diagnosis of Autism does not mean you are not intelligent, it means you have a different way of processing information and expressing yourself. Some can have very successful jobs, marry have kids. Others find comfort in a rigid schedule with and routines and what we see as a horrible life in a group home of kids like them, they find comfort and security. Everyone is different and as they grow and hormones kick in, other levels may come into play.

It is really important for you to get the answers, reach out and get help and support.

There is a story out there about going on vacation to a warm beach country you pack and prepare, read up on the tours and customs, but your flight is changed and you land in a country known for the cold weather.You are not prepared for the weather, you didn’t do any research and you are scrambling with shock and anger and frustration. But as you get the right clothing, and find help for shelter and you get a map, you start looking around and finding good things about this new place.

I wish you well on this path.

Days off… you work? Full time? … who cares for him during your work Times?

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Have you had his hearing checked ?

My heart goes out you; but the good news is I too failed to talk until I was three.

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If he gets what he wants without talking he doesnt need to talk encourage him to ask. Dont give him things he wants till you know he cant say it.

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Ask a pediatrician!!! Too critical to ask the FBU graduates!!!


Also, autistic kids can be highly intelligent.

Get him tested so you can get him the help he needs.

I’m late to this conversation and have read MANY comments. I urge you to read Rachel Bruno Philip Frenkel Judy Pichowski Carol Carey. Take their comments to heart. Follow their advice. I also agree with getting your son evaluated.

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Just because he is intelligent doesnt mean he isnt ASD. My son is ASD and very intelligent even doing 6yr old puzzels at 2 1/2 yrs yr old. Its complex. I reccomend checking on autismspeaks.com

When my son was 3 we had him tested by his pediatrician. Like your son he was around two languages and the pediatrician thought my son was confused. We even taught him baby signs to compensate. He’s now 19 and you couldn’t tell at all that he spoke so late.

Have his hearing checked also

Take him to the doctor and have him tested, problem solved

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Take him to his doctor and go
from there .God Bless you all.

The interaction with kids can be a huge factor!! Remember a speech pathologist is just that. A speech pathologist to help with speech. If there’s cause for concern talk to your child’s doctor first and maybe talk with a mental health specialist that specializes in child therapy and child/adolescents behavioral health. It makes a different! Remember there is also a spectrum that autism is defined on. Your LO might not have autism specifically but Aspergers which is a form of Autism.


My roommates daughter is autistic . Here’s some signs I’ve come across . Does he do the same things over and over ? And this is gonna sound weird but does he “hump” things ? Also you’re not a failure!! Get him tested and do as much research as you can! There are different levels of autism called a spectrum. He may be anywhere on that spectrum. Good luck and sending you blessings.

Literally what I was wondering too Taylor Brandon Nathaniel Thompson

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My son didn’t really start talking until he was 4. He used to just point at objects he wanted and grunted. Maybe said mama, dada or Lola (our dog at the times name) once in a while. But then it just felt like overnight he finally decided to start saying more. We only speak one language though so I can’t really speak on that. Our daughter though was saying words by 1 1/2 or 2 years old. She’s gonna be 4 this year and she speaks in complete sentences now.

Autistic boys and girls and others can be autistic AND smart smh. Ignorant of you to say


Look at Einstein syndrome my grandson who will not speak knows numbers letters shapes ect 20 months old don’t let anyone tell you anything about your child he could be very gifted look it up Einstein did not speak till he was 5 or 6 everyone knows who he is

Some Autistic people are very smart so what exactly is your point? That sounds kind of ignorant with all due respect.

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My son was diagnosed with autism at 3.5. He is ridiculously smart. My son did speak but would echo a lot of what was said to him. Thats often how kids learn speech but his never really progressed. Having your child tested will answer your questions better than anything here. As people say, if you know one person with autism you know one person with autism. As in, its considered a spectrum for a reason. My son is quite social but he has struggles with sensory seeking and repetitive behaviors. Your best bet is to start with the M-chat test online and bring the results to your pediatrician.

My grandson just started speaking and hes 4. Doesnt stop. Each child is different. Just speak 1 language around him

Just do your research, every single person is different in terms of learning. Don’t make yourself go crazy with the thought of it. The best thing is to help support now, whatever that looks like:) Autism symptoms | Autism Speaks

My daughter thought my grandson had autism , cause he wasn’t talking. By the time he was 3 1/2, he started talking. Been talking ever since.

If he’s autistic it doesn’t mean he’s not smart

My son is autistic and is very smart. Just because a kid has autism, doesn’t mean they arent intelligent. Yes non verbal may be a red flag for autism but there are many more factors that lead to a diagnosis. I would start by getting him evaluated and go from there.

My son was in speech therapy at 4… He finally started talking and didn’t shut up till he was a teenager… lol…
You are doing nothing wrong…
He may just be speech delayed…
You can always get him evaluated so you know how and what tools to use for him…
If you were a bad mom you wouldn’t be asking questions…you got this mom

Sorry but I can’t feel empathy towards you. “I don’t think that’s the case; he’s a very smart boy.” As of to say autism makes one stupid. Educate yourself now because if your son truly does have autism you will fuck him up believing he is stupid. Seriously educate yourself. Read and don’t be so damn ignorant. :rage: sounds like you would be ashamed to have a autistic son. Well if that’s the case you should be ashamed of yourself.

You know even though I am in my 60s I understand your feelings. My youngest son had a lot of problems and I thought it was me. Please don’t do that to yourself. Whatever challenges are there, God was confident that you were the right person to be his mother. My son is an adult now and very successful. I will be praying for you.

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Everyone thought my son was autistic because he didnt talk until age 3. My son is 9 now and not autistic. Dont always believe what the professionals say.


My son is 5 and didn’t talk until 4. He is autistic. He talks so much now . He’s a very smart boy. He’s in school in kindergarten. Lives a normal life. He does have little stuff that bothers him but he’s a very healthy happy boy. My son used to not be so social and hated kids. He would cry and run from them. Now he has so many friends and doesn’t meet one stranger. Therapy was the best thing ever. Occupational and speech for my son did wonders.


Assuming you have had hearing tested and cleared as a cause, then some type of delay might be possible. Lining up toys or other objects is common with autism as is a need for consistent routine. Many kids with autism don’t tolerate a change in routine. Prefers to play alone, trouble with eye contact, may repeat words or sentences said by someone else (echolalia), hand flapping or other self stimulating behavior, rocking and head banging are all common traits.

My 4 year old is Autistic. He took a little while to speak clearly but now he speaks all the time. He also does not like having other kids around him all the time. He wants to interact with them sometimes though. Have your son tested for Autism. Either way at least you will know then. Also check with your school district. He may qualify for early intervention in an ESE pre-k class. Head start would also be a good resource to get him early intervention as well.

My daughter is 3 and is autistic and just started talking. I thought she was going to be nonverbal but she’s has ABA since she was 2 and it has helped so much. You should have him tested just to rule it out but the sooner you find out the better cause there is so much help you can get and it makes a big difference when you have the extra support and reassurance that you are doing everything you can to help your child succeed.

If you’re worried about it, get him tested. Even if he has it, he can still be extremely brilliant. It’s just something to get tested and get extra help. It is a good thing to have so many professionals fighting in your sons corner. It means you have more people in your village.

Have him evaluated. I know it’s hard to accept if something is wrong. Just remember the longer you wait the longer it will be he gets the help he needs.

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I want and am still going through a similar thing i had thoughts and was watching because there is autism in the family it was talk about with my son pediatrics and the plan was made to get him in pre-k early and get him into therapy and have him tested for that and have a IQ test done as well because I did my research and found out that a high IQ can show similar traits as autism so I would speak to your pediatrics as well as the school special education administration, and also get him tested because knowing is always better then not knowing and then you as well as him can get the support you need to get through this stage in life and just remember no matter what comes out of it you are not alone and you are your sons biggest advocate. Hope this gives you comfort and peace of mind that there is at least one person out there that understands the feeling you’re going through.

It could be a lot of things… but unfortunately there is also Autism although it is a very wide spectrum. Some of the high functioning kids don’t even seem Autistic. So just let them do all the tests they want, just so you can rule that out. I’ve known people that are in denial and have not gotten their children tested and that can hurt them because they need to start getting help the younger the better. I say this because my son has Autism he was diagnosed at 4, didn’t speak til almost 5 but immediately started getting help and went to regular public schools. After careful research found a great school district with great programs and he graduated. Now he goes to life skills classes and just turned 21. He’s doing great, has an almost normal life, communicates well and of course lives with us. Which is ok with us cuz I’ll never lose my boy to no crazy woman… lol.

One of my sons did not speak a sentence till he was three. He came down the stairs Christmas morning and said “Oh what a beautiful tree, Mommy.” He had three older siblings who talked FOR him! He was not autistic, but later had a diagnosis of dyslexia. It was missed because his vocabulary and memory skills were so far advanced for his age, and so he coped well. ALL kids are different in some way.

It’s alright to research autism to broaden your knowledge.

My nephew was a very late talker and took like a million year to finish his food. So much so I took him to a speach therapist. She said his cheek/ mouth muscles were weak and had him blowing bubbles and so on to strengthen the muscles. Eventually he talked.

My daughter is hearing impaired. When I found out when she was between 3-4yrs of age, I gave myself a time to cry from the hospital till I reached home and told myself that weeping period was over.

If anything is wrong, we need to be strong for them. Feeling sorry won’t help. Pushing forward will.

If he is autistic, be the best help you can. Enjoy each day with him. Teach him to the best of your ability and most of all, be patient coz u will need patience and understanding :blush:

I would first request a hearing test as that could be a factor

Have him tested. There should be no shame, you did nothing wrong. Autism is not environmental. You would be doing great things for your child getting a diagnosis and correct therapy for him!


I don’t think that’s the case he is a very smart boy ! That’s what his mum said ! Albert Einstein was autistic. Smart Right! apprantely a very famous film director is autistic too! Smart Right. Do the tests and you will know Mum

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Bi lingual kids take longer to start speaking coherently. My son is French and English and still struggles at 3. He also struggles with a lot of sounds and you have to kind of understand his language. My little brother sounded very similar when he was younger. And my friend actually has has advanced child that didn’t talk until 4. And when he did start talking it was suddenly nothing to full sentences.

Sometimes they cab talk they just don’t want to lol. Getting him tested isn’t a bad idea but be wary if medications.

Some children are just lazy and wait for adults to speak for them. Pre-school might help. Children feel, away from parents, that they must be more independent and develop more quickly. Too soon for you to worry.

Our son didn’t say more than mama and dada until he was three then one day he just started talking like he knew how all along.

My first son was same. He was just delayed with talking. He’s 36 now and very smart and outgoing.

He needs to be properly assessed and soon. If he is autistic the sooner he gets support the better. Yes autistic people are often smart, some of the worlds geniuses have had autism.

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