What are the signs of diabetes?

Don’t put either on the birth certificate. You haven’t been dating your current bf long enough to make that kind of commitment. He can still be around as a father to the child without it. But if you ever break up, then you will have a random guy on your child’s birth certificate.


I don’t want to sound harsh but your child’s biological father is your ex not your current boyfriend as much as you may wish the latter.
If he isn’t the biological Dad he shouldn’t have his name on the birth certificate not unless he legally adopts the child.
At the end of the day you chose to have a child with your ex, you now owe it to your child to try your best to make their relationship work.
I’m not suggesting you let your child go to family members if it is unsafe, but they are your child’s biological family and if it’s safe to do so I feel it’s only fair they know their relatives.
The biological Dad needs to be given an opportunity to step up, he may not have done so far in the last 20 weeks, and he may not ever do so but at least you can tell your child that was him who failed to step up not you who kept his/her father excluded from their life.

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If ur bday is gonna provide for the baby & u why do u need Childsupport but yes that money comes with rights why would u think it didnt

I say keep doing you - I am actually in the exact same situation… I understand what people are saying about him taking custody if you guys seperated but all you have to do is go into court and do a DNA test and Boom done- they will remove him… but if you guys are happy shoot even go notarize a statement between you two stating if you guys seperated then he can’t take the baby or do certain things… otherwise I say go on about your way- my BF- not baby’s dad- is even going in for my c-section… it’s a blessing that we find guys like this…:two_hearts:

Leave it blank and give the baby your name. Later down the line if you are still in a serious relationship he can legally adopt the baby


Sounds like you’re thinking of yourself and not your baby.


I wouldnt put your bfs name on the bc especially since he is not the real father. When baby is born get a dna test and yes go for child support, you didn’t make baby by yourself. Give him that chance to be in your child’s life and just cause there’s a court order for him to see baby don’t mean he will also no matter what you don’t have to let his family be in her life. Baby isn’t even born yet and you got a looooong way to go to figure all this out. Things might change after baby is born. I would also get on housing list if it’s available in your area just in case things don’t work out with current bf you got a back up. Some guys change when they become fathers and some guys can’t handle it unfortunately. Good luck

Your boyfriend doesn’t belong on the birth certificate, that is for biological parents. :woman_facepalming:

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If the babys dad doesn’t want anythjng to do with em than why not let the bf sign it… If you only want the dad to sign it for child support than it would make more sense to just have the bf do it unless you are counting on that money… But he will have all rights to that baby & will be granted visitation


The man that you are with us he’s willing to except his child as his own gave him his name and care for him then do not involve the biological father anymore just my honest opinion


Everything looks sweat in a relationship but u have a lot to learn about each other. So play it safe girl as it could also fail w boyfriend. Is he responsible. Or is it so called love. Wishing u the best for child sake.


Put baby in your name partner can always adopt later. X


If you put down the boyfriend, he’s got to be ok with the fact that if y’all separate down the road, he’s on the hook for CS until DNA is confirmed. So it can get messy either way. I’ve known people that have done it both ways or not put anyone down at all so I’m not judging. But give the baby your last name until you’re married and then change the baby’s if you want.


If you let him sign the bio dad can get you in some serious trouble and if ever you end up in custody battle the judge will hold it against you


You can go to JAIL for falsifying a birth certificate. It’s an A misdemeanor, right below a felony. Not worth it.


My husband signed his ex-wife child’s birthday certificate. And he was his dad even after divorced until she told the child he wasn’t his dad and caused the child self harm. Think about whatever your going to do before u do it. Something’s can’t be undone


If u get married your husband goes on it automatically


Check with your state laws. However, I just wouldn’t put anyone on the birth certificate but myself. Just remember though, if you do apply for anything through the government, they do tend to ask more questions about the bio father…


I wouldn’t put anyone on the birth certificate just yet. He can always be added later.


Put your child first . Give the child your last name . And it’s also very disgusting your sleeping with someone else why you have a other men baby inside you


Child support not worth childs upbringing. Keep it simple and safe for future drama.


Don’t put his name on the BC. Why would you. Look how he is doing you now. You put his name on that BC he has the right to see your baby and take it around anybody he wants. He isn’t going to support your child with child support you don’t even have his support now. Women who think they can change a man you are saddly mistaken. A asshole is just that. He’s not going to change. Let the man standing beside you now be a daddy to your baby. Daddy is not a given name it is earned.

The child deserves to know both halves of it’s medical history. It deserves an honest and factual birth certificate. :expressionless: Truths always surface and always hurt worse the longer the lies have been told.


You can get child support WITHOUT bio dad being on birth certificate,however,I don’t agree with letting your new boyfriend be on it either. Put babe in your name and later down the road,if yall are still together and serious,let him adopt.


Kaykay Miles She didn’t ask for input on what ya think about her sleeping with someone other than the bio…So,why shame her?:thinking:


You havent even given the bio dad a chance to be a father. Maybe he just doesnt want anything so do with you, or maybe it just doesnt feel real to him until the baby is actually born, but I suggest you give the guy a chance at least.

Just put yourself and give your child your last name. You don’t just add any damn person to a birth certificate just bc you have a boyfriend who SAYS he will be there. Having a new baby can put a serious strain on a relationship and the truth is bf is not the father so if it’s gets to be too much for him he can always leave. Don’t legally involve him in your child’s life like that. Also just bc bio dad isn’t involved, that does not mean that you need to find someone else who will be. This is your child, you need to be very picky about who you bring into baby’s life! You don’t want to just introduce your child and get them attached to someone who might not be there in a year

Following your heart you won’t be wrong carolann

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I think you should let your boyfriend sign the birth certificate and be in the baby’s life as the father.
If he’s the one willing to step up AND his own family treating you and your baby like they’re related, I’d go for that life. Why keep the negativity of any kind in your life, especially from bio father??

Or you can text the bio dad and be like “since you don’t wanna be in our baby’s life, help with half the medical bills, ignore me, not be part of the pregnancy, you’ll be getting a letter in the mail stating that you’ll be signing away your rights.” And see if he’ll even lift a finger at that. If he doesn’t respond in ANY way, that’s your answer.

But regardless, bf stepping up as the dad, I’d say go for it.
But you also need to have a long and serious talk with him and tell him straight “hey, I think it’s amazing that you’re willing to step up and be part of this baby’s life even though you’re not biologically his and I love you for that bc it shows what an amazing person you are. But I need to know just how serious you are about sticking with this. Because once you sign, it’s gonna be very difficult to undo everything and I’d rather not go through that. So I need to know how serious your commitment is.” And then once he gives his answer, you can talk about yalls future babies together and whatnot.

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Put him on and collect child support doesn’t sound like he will fight for custody

Don’t put either of their names on the birth certificate and have your boyfriend adopt the baby instead.


If you ever have to go to court over this, and you have proof of him being as they call it an ‘absent’ father you CANNOT get in trouble for listing someone else as the father. You can list whoever you want! If he isn’t wanting to cooperate and be the ‘father’ then he doesn’t deserve to be on the birth certificate. Plan and simple. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Give the baby your last name then if y’all are serious down the road let him adopt! Always think of the future.


Remember, signing a BC makes him (your bf) eligible for child support. Though itll come right back into the household.
I was sorta in the same position. Though my boyfriend loves my son, he didnt sign. Signing a BC gives them rights even if you two dont work out, legal adoption sorta. Hes literally claiming your child as his too in a legal sense. Think about that.

My bf and I have an amazing relationship buy we haven’t even been together a full year. In my eyes, he is my sons father. He was there for 6 1/2 months of my pregnancy and was in the delivery room when I had my C section. BUT I didnt put anyone on my sons BC and he took my last name. Sons bio dad denied that he was his until he was born and came out looking JUST LIKE HIM. So we opted for no DNA test and no child support. Because hating your ex and wanting money out of em when you have a provider already is a bit petty.
Being father in a legal sense is a HUGE commitment. Don’t be stupid hun.
You can still get a DNA test and they will go after biodad without signing the BC.

I was in a similar situation . My son kept MY LAST NAME and I put the biological father on his birth certificate but his dad has never been in his life and I have a fiancé now and he loves him as his own

Kaykay miles is just upset no one wants her…ignore the ignorant gnome​:zipper_mouth_face::open_mouth::joy:

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Don’t put your bf on it’s inaccurate information and if you ever have to apply for government assistance could cause a issue I speak from experience. Also if you aren’t married or were never married to bio dad he has no real rights in most states unless he has the $$ to fight for rights he’s just obligated to pay support if you apply for the support otherwise you retain 100% custody :person_tipping_hand: assuming you were NEVER married to him. Good luck.

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A check once a month from someone who really doesn’t want to be there isn’t worth it. Just kick him to the curb.

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I would not have your boyfriend sign it unless you two are married first .

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Let your new boyfriend be there for you. Your ex has clearly made up his mind. Be strong. Youre giving him a chance. Hes not responding or helping.

Leave it blank or put your name on the birth certificate. I know you say you and your boyfriend are doing really well but in my heart I really feel like it wouldn’t be a good idea to just go and put somebody you just started dating name on your child’s birth certificate. If new boyfriend is serious about everything then just take it slow things can always be changed and if you guys they together a few years maybe marriage will happen and he can adopt your child . Just don’t rush and do anything .

ButThe dad sounds like a big pos, I would not chance any damage with my child or his family. But if by some MIRACLE the biological dad actually steps up and gets his crap together and can prove it, then ok give it a chance, BUT only if you want to though and I would not Dive right in either!!! baby steps. Like monitored visit at your place and make strict restrictions. But either way it all comes down to YOUR choice and how you feel and what you think is the best remember that. Please just be careful with whatever you do!!


Glad you are with what sounds like a great guy!

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Your name. What if you break up? You wouldn’t want the baby to have his last name then


Get baby daddy to sign over his parental rights and be done with him and the unnecessities of his family.
But i don’t think bf can sign the birth certificate if hes not the biological dad?
he can however marry you and adopt the baby as his own, then you’ll both have bew bfs last name. :slight_smile:

Think about it. What would you think if u found out that the person who signed ur birth certificate wasnt really your dad??


Go with the boyfriend he’s willing to be your baby’s daddy and is willing to take on the responsibility that the bio dad doesn’t want the to hell with the bio dad don’t worry about child support if you’re boyfriend is willing to help you raise and support this child then don’t worry about child support from the real dad he’s don’t see to care now about the baby what makes you think he’s gonna care once the baby arrives trust me go with the boyfriend my kisses dad’s didn’t want anything to do with with them so my new husband stepped up and took on the responsibility and my kids love there step father


I just went through a very similar thing. My sons biological father has not been involved from the start but I gave my son his last name at birth because I thought it was the right thing to do. His father was not present to sign the birth certificate so that wasn’t a factor. However in the state of Maryland because he has a father his father still have rights. You need to consult a lawyer because what I found through my own research was NOT accurate with the laws here. If you were to have your boyfriend sign the birth certificate at birth that could very much so backfire on you because you know the biological father and it could get turned around on you that you pushed him out when he wanted to be involved (I can see he doesn’t, but he could always come back and say he does). If your boyfriend wants the baby to have his last name, you would need the biological father to waive his paternal rights and agree to a step-parent adoption. I literally just did this a couple weeks ago.


I was in this position with my oldest daughter. I didn’t let my bf sign the bc. But did give her his last name. We were together till she was 6. We had two bio children by then. He doesn’t really have anything to do with my daughter now. So I’m my opinion I wouldn’t do either. Give the baby your last name and don’t have anyone sign the bc.

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Ohhhhh and I wouldn’t do a DNA test if you don’t want him having any rights


Don’t put Sperm Donors name on BC. And I’d ask a lawyer abt any legal issues with your BF signing the BC.R If there is not and you are 100% sure you want him on it go for it.

Definitely don’t put your bf on birth certificate unless you guys get married, also like lots of these other momma’s are saying, a check once a month from someone who couldn’t care less with a lot of baggage such as an unstable toxic family too I’d imagine if it were me it would be best to not bother with him or them because you could end up regretting it and realising later that it was more trouble than it was worth. :person_shrugging::sparkling_heart: Lots of love, stay strong :kissing_heart:

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Leave it blank you can always do later i left blank never regreated it to many people involved with many opinions time will work it straight

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As the biological dad is aware your pregnant with his child your boyfriend can’t sign the birth certificate unless the biological father gives up his rights and your boyfriend adopts him otherwise if your boyfriend just signs the birth certificate it could cause legal issues for you.


You need to consult on attorney on this so that you know the state laws for whatever state you’re in. Facebook is not the best place to do it, especially not anonymous. In my personal opinion, if state law allows it, then I’d let the boyfriend sign.


Get married before baby is born and he can sign birth certificate


If you put your boyfriend on the birth certificate you might get into a lot of trouble knowing he’s not the dad. Your boyfriend has to adopt the baby first.

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Leave bio dad off the certificate. You have a real man willing to step up and a family willing to support you. Take it!


But if your boyfriend adopts the baby your ex has no legal responsibility to pay anything since he is basically taking his place.

If you are moving in with ur BF y’all should get married and make it official at which point him signing the BC may not be an issue it’s great he wants to step up


Put your boy friend on birth certificate he’s obviously the one that will love you and your baby don’t worry about child support because he’ll never pay


Put his dad on the BC, if he don’t give a shit about you guys then he won’t care about you moving or whatever, and you will still get some support and if not it will pretty much fuck up his liscence and become a burden that he will deserve.

Give the baby your last name your bf can always adopt later … If it doesn’t work out with new bf it’s gonna be a pain


I would definitely talk to a lawyer if you decide to do that to make sure it’s all legal and you’re all good…I would just leave it blank until it’s all been decided

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Give the baby your last name. If you do get married that can be changed. Put real dads name on certificate. Its you child father. The state can still make him pay you child support.

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Dont do it. Dont let anyone sign it. If you and new man don’t work out, you won’t have that extra b.s. to deal with… Just put the baby in your name. Bf wants to help let him but make sure Y’all are working out for a few years before you let him sign anything on YOUR kid


I would not live with anyone. Go home to your mother.

I guess you trust very easily…You trust him to make you a baby and now you trust another boyfriend … so fast. Please be careful. Think twice before you make such big decisions…May God Bless you .


Put your boyfriends name down! FUCK YOUR STUPID EX! Just cause he helped make the baby doesn’t mean he deserves to be called dad.i didn’t put my first Born dads name on the birth certificate left it blank best decision I ever made!

Leave the Birth certificate blank. In future have dad either sign over rights or if you want child support do, DNA and get child support and work out some kind of family plan. Long road, best of luck to y’all

I think you need to contact a lawyer who specializes in family court and explain your situation. They’ll have better answers for your questions. If it were me I wouldn’t put either name on certificate. I would wait and see what’s going to happen with bio father first after baby is born. I would get that DNA test And if he is the father I would make him own up to his part of responsibility. Maybe you’ll get lucky and he’ll sign his rights over. And I would give myself time to see how things are going to pan out with new bf after baby is born. He might change his mind after all the sleepless and stressful nights/days. But for you I hope he doesn’t and later down the road after you are married, maybe he can adopt if dad gave up rights. Even if he cant, and things work out with new bf, your baby will know who her real dad is! As far as baby being around bio dad’s family explain to lawyer the situations and ask that their visits be supervised and get it so he can’t take baby over night. I hope things work out for you. Good luck.

If he adopted your son he would be put on the birth certificate. But he’s just a boyfriend. And y’all are just moving in together. I’d leave it blank and wait til later on. And if he wants to adopt your son in a few years do it then and do it legally.

Unfortunately though,no matter how badly you want your boyfriend to be the dad. He isn’t. If you regret the bio as a potential father…its definetely understandable.

This happens. But the other guy is the father… I think you’re thinking about you too much. My father. (Always loved me… but he was human. He was an ass with a temper, rude, ignorant… even violent with my mother. But never me). Did my mom tell me at 6, 8,13, 16? No.

I just figured it out on my own.

His family… his birth. BLOOD family. Is just as important as who shows up.

Birth certificate wants to know who the biological father is… tell… the truth…

Boyfriend will stay, he will be there. He will parent & raise your child.

(But bio dad needs a chance).

There are things one can only know/ learn about themselves, by asking relatives.

What’s wrong with putting real dad on there? He might have access to see HIS child? (Your child isn’t YOURS). Not a property. It’s okay for children to have multiple people who will love them.

You can set monitored visitation, if you don’t trust the dads family. But you cannot assume.

What if God forbid current boyfriend and you break up, and now he’s on BC …and now you need to fight to change it And get another DNA for real bio dad…

Pleaaasee consider this. It costs nothing to tell the truth. If you liked him enough to have this baby. You can accept responsibility and do what’s right.

The truth is right.
The truth is rewarded. Baby daddy/ & family may come around. (My fiancee spazzed out during the birth of his kiddo (now almost 8)… and he got his shit back in check before she was 1! Doesn’t matter, 8 years later she still feels like you do. And knowing the other side… the kiddo is suffering more than us. She loves her daddy &&& her step daddy. But because of mommy she tip toes around us. I’ve been bonus mom for 7 years.

Dont do that to your kiddo.

Your last name. No one on the birth certificate but you… Obviously.

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In Calif I was married and I signed the birth certificate…even if you are single you can sign…baby daddys dont always sign.

don’t have anything to do with the creeps who fathered your baby. Move and enjoy your new life with your future husband and baby.l

I stumbled across this when trying to figure out a somewhat similar situation. My daughter’s donor refused to be on her birth certificate. When she was 18 months old I broke down and filed for child support, biggest mistake ever. He doesn’t want her, doesn’t support her, yet refuses to sign off. My fiance has supported her for almost 2 years now, but can’t adopt until he signs off, due to his rights from me having filed for child support. Do not put anyone on and do not file for support until you are very clear on what you want and don’t want for his parenting time, rights, etc.