What are your Christmas traditions?

We do. Something you want, something you need, something you wear and something you read plus one Santa gift for each kiddo and simple stocking stuffers. Has cut back on not only the money we spend but that waste/tossed aside toys right after.

a day trip or weekend trip that will please the whole family, that includes a fun dinner out to a cool place, where they cook at the table in front of you—like a hibachi place.

One thing they want, one thing they need, a new book to read and an outfit or PJs

Ok we do a make and bake Christmas you can’t but it and my Children love it they are 33, 27, and 25 and l do get them one gift and fill there stocking we bake and play games and do crafts the whole month of December give them the true meaning of Christmas

We embraced the Christmas Eve box idea. We used to include pyjamas, a dvd and movie snacks for a movie night. Netflix is amazing so we replaced the dvd with a book and we usually add in a little treat (like a surprise egg or blind bag collectible)

We are trying to bring back older traditions we used to do with our parents on Christmas Eve. We are trying to rid the technology and phones for the day with our girls and do some old fashion drive arounds in our city to check out Christmas lights, bake cookies and play board games. We usually have always committed going from house to house with our families and it always involves us chasing around toddlers in houses and them screaming and crying because they are tired. We decided to take a break from that this year and enjoyed the day in the comfort of our own home and Jammie’s

Our elf Bernard is bringing the christmas eve boxes this year
But they have pjs, hot cocoa, a snack, and a homemade movie ticket for a family christmas movie.

Since she was 1 my dad and my oldest would sit and eat fruit cake together around Christmas time… Ever since he died she gets a fruit cake all to her self that she sits and shares with him…

My exes family celebrates on Xmas eve with dinner and presents and they get new pajama pants for it… Since we split my current tradition is I buy myself and my son a custom ornament for our tree every year so we have something special for just us… He’s only 3 now so once he’s older I will let him help decide on what our tradition together will be

We watch Christmas movies, and play board games.

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We always recieved new pjs on Xmas eve then my mom woukd make us a thermos of hot chocolate and snuggle us into the car with warm blankets and we would drive around looking at lights and listening to Xmas music. She passed away 2 years ago right before Christmas. Sure do miss her

We make Christmas cookies ,watch Christmas movies ,go look at Christmas lights

The biggest tradition we have in my family is I always make cinnamon rolls for Christmas Morning. The kids are grown now but still expect them. It’s kind of our thing.


Go look at lights. Watch Christmas movies together. Go visit Santa. Make treats and take to police and fire stations

Special Christmas Eve dinner before going to celebrate at our Christmas Eve Church service. Gifts in the morning on Christmas Day. Visiting friends on. The second day of Christmas (Boxer Day in some countries).

baking cookies & chinese food xmas eve night while watching “a christmas story” IYKYK :rofl:

matching Xmas pjs & big xmas breakfast. after gifts are opened

My husbands family isn’t really close, so we don’t see them for the holidays.

My family does a get together a few days before the holiday - but it’s just my parents, my grandmother, my brother and his family and me and my family. So we keep it low key. We order pizza , wear pjs, exchange gifts and play some games.

For my own family, Christmas Day, we open presents, we stay on our pjs all day and order Chinese and just lounge around.

We spent to many years waking up early, opening presents, getting dressed, running a dozen different places, coming home cooking and cleaning.

Now, we spend the holiday relaxing and enjoying our family time.

We always open 1 present Christmas Eve (pajamas and a book), on Christmas morning, we do Christmas stockings and then a quick, homemade breakfast, and then presents. Kiddos play while we get Christmas dinner started and then it’s family time!

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Christmas light looking
Christmas carols
Christmas morning we always always have a massive huge big fruit salad and cold Xmas ham before opening pressies
We have Xmas stockings
And since my beautiful Nan passed away I make a lil pressie called ‘Grans gift’ that goes under the tree and each year a child gets called out of a pick of a hat and gets a pressie from her and a nice card just to keep her memory alive and we keep on talking about her and
Include her in on our Christmas Day
Boxing Day we all roll up to the in-laws as it’s my hubby’s birthday.day.

Giving my son Christmas pj’s, a movie, and hot coco with a new mug the night before Christmas was always something we did when he was smaller. He’s a teen now and doesn’t enjoy that stuff as much

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We have a Christmas morning brunch and exchange gifts.

Pizza night with Santa, Christmas light night, Lego Christmas displays,
Christmas Eve dinner and Christmas pajamas and read the night before Christmas together,

Christmas Eve, arts and crafts with the kids: stringing popcorn to make necklaces, baking cookies, making reindeer food( pretzels covered in chocolate) Then, special dinner before church service.

Christmas Day, open gifts, big special breakfast which always includes homemade cinnamon rolls. Spend the remainder of the day taking pictures and soaking in memories.

Me and kids one we have and we love might sound odd but we don’t put a angle or star on our tree we got an alien head the kids named billy bob he’s from an old lamp we got from roswell lol we put lights in his brain and change the hat about every other day on him lmao :joy::joy::joy::joy: so we got billy bob the Christmas alien

When our boys were little we made gingerbread houses and would go look at the lighs.