What can cause hair loss

So can anyone tell me why my hair falls out like a lot I lose it out though the day in the shower brushing it to??!


Do you have any other symptoms. Under active thyroid can also cause hair thinning. Hope you get to the bottom of it.

It could be your thyroid… What ever it is please talk to your doctor

My hair loss was attributed to being anemic (little known side effect). Talk to your doctor about your hair loss so they can figure out what’s going on. Many different things can cause hair loss issues.

Under normal circumstances we lose approximately 80 strands off our head a day.
If excessive, speak to a Dr

We typically lose a lot of hairs a day. If you wear your hair up often, it will seem like more. Have you had covid within the last 6 months? That too, has been known to cause hair loss. When your hair is wet, it’s more fragile so don’t brush it when it’s wet. I always brush my hair right before getting in the shower and finger comb it while rinsing conditioner.

After I give birth and my hormones go back to normal after breast feeding I lose ATON. Last time I had my thyroid checked I was right on the line of under active thyroid. I haven’t checked again BUT I am losing tons of hair due to having a baby and my hormones. Weeeeiiirrrdd

Mine was falling out due to a combination of anemia, low vitamin d, and chronic dehydration

If you have had COVID it is also a post COVID symptom too